New Map Concept, Recruiting Members!! Table Top Strategy Warcraft!!!

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Level 4
Dec 14, 2004
Hi I'm Zergleb and I've been working on developing an engine for a Table Top Strategy game for use in I'll be presenting the idea of the project first giving various details on the project. Then at the bottom of the post I will show what kinds of positions I'll be looking for. I'll be doing the JASS on the game engine and I will also be helping whoever is making spells.

Anyone who has played Warhammer the Table Top Board game will be familiar with the type of game-play this is. But I assure you this is Not a Re-Creation of Warhammer or any other table top game.

Key points-

-Table top gaming in warcraft 3.
-Redesigned existing races in warcraft 3, along with new race concepts.
-More functionality than a non-cpu based Table top game.
-Turn based gaming allows for more in-depth strategic game-play.
-Will give animation to table top gaming.
-Unit customization making the each race play differently for each player.

What is a Table Top Strategy Game? Is a form of war gaming played on a table top.(The game will use a warcraft 3 map to work like a table top) using models to represent units(a lot like war3) played in a turn based environment. One player will make all the moves for his army these moves could be movement, attacks, enabling abilities. And the next player will do the same there can be any number of players in a game(This game will most likely focus on 4 as a maximum) The use of turn based combat is aimed towards creating a more strategic environment and this game will be developed to be able to incorporate more in-depth strategies than Warcraft, and with the use of a computer will have much functionality that Warhammer could not such as arc measurements, some cool artillery spells that will work differently from Warhammer forms and also the visual effects will be superior(Knowing how real life models do not move or make effects that would be obvious).

Why Make a Table Top Strategy In Warcraft 3? if you didn't read some of my reasons above, the main for me is because it will be a fun new table top game concept. in which all team members will be invited in discussion of development of. Furthermore as stated above much more functionality will be possible in the war3 game engine than in a regular table top game.

Some Key Points of the game's current design.

-Will include redesigned existing races in warcraft 3, along with new race concepts(My favorite being a troll race)
-Unit customization along with standard unit equipment(Mainly Armor and Weapons for standard) enabling armies to form specific strategies for their army even using the same race.
-Realistic strategies taking advantage of the 3 dimensional aspects of warcraft 3 finally making the terrain height and other features feel real.
-A measuring system giving the users an easy way to develop their strategies by measuring distances across points, it will also give them data such as visibility from the 2 points at certain heights, along with path collision information for various arcs to correctly measure archer attacks.

Currently Looking for:::

Modelers- (Could be a very important part of the team)
Use for modelers will be based on their interest in the project ranging from simple unit modifications to creating new models or effects for spells. Adding animations also may increase the functionality of some units

Spell Makers-(Very important to speeding up the project) - Requires Jass
Will work with me in making spells for the game. Must learn a little bit about creating spells using the turn based system(Pretty Simple) but will require JASS.

Will create Battlefields for the game. Must have or build up an understanding of the strategies of the game and design accordingly including diversifying of strategies and beautifying of the landscapes. Ideally without using too many doodads to slow things down.

I hope that we can create this concept into a reality, thank you for all that apply!
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Level 4
Dec 14, 2004

I've already said it's not a re-creation of anything(At most it can be considered an addition to an existing genre). Everything about this game is a new concept. This genre of game I'm pretty certain has never been seen in Warcraft 3 and is nothing like the official Warcraft the board game. It would more resemble a game like Warhammer, the units can move freely about the board and there are no "Spaces" or "Hexs" along the board anywhere. Their movement per turn is measured in Warcraft 3's measurement system and movement is based on that.(They have a certain amount of move points and may move a certain distance in any number of moves that they wish)

It's suppose to mimic realistic battles, the armies will be set up in a way that would look similar to a historic battle line. There will be rows of soldiers they will be set up in a formation that would probably look similar to a real battle in the days of swords and shields(Though the user can set them up as they wish) and the battles would play out like a real battle but turn based. This is not meant to completely mimic realism though, there will be differences due to the extra units involved(Mages, Ancient protectors).

If you are still having a hard time understanding table top strategy games(table top war gaming) then I highly suggest looking up games like Warhammer to understand them.
Level 4
Dec 14, 2004
Great sounds good, I'll accept any quality work. You might wanna post about that in my official forum(It's empty, it just started). I'll respond with some tips about how my game works and how it might affect your terraining.

The projects official forum for the time being is

Anyone who doesn't feel like joining the team but would like to follow up on the project can go there and read up on developer blogs or read some discussion.
Level 6
Feb 5, 2008
I recall playing tabletop. The problem is that it always takes too long when you have a big fight going on, cause you have to individually move everything.

Would this proposed system make it take a while to finish a game?
Level 4
Dec 14, 2004
The game will move much faster on a computer, though there will be certain things that will take some time, but you can probably think about all the things that will speed up doing this with a mouse. You wont have to pull out a ruler to see how far you moved(Though there will be a ruler type thing). You won't have to pull out 20 dice to see how 20 people did against an attack and you wont have to look up in the manual what to do to check against random effect rules in the game(Warhammer had you roll a 6 sided die and it had 6 things that would happen depending on your roll)

So the game has the possibility of going pretty fast actually. But I would expect in some cases a bit of what you would expect in chess with some people taking some extra time just thinking.
Level 4
Jun 20, 2007
of coarse there will be some delays as any stratagy would have..
but oh well it appeals to specific tastes
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