please dont say that... there are (i like to think) alot of people such as myself that either haven't rated a 1, or have only rated a 1 after informing the poster of various fatal flaws and waiting for a responce. and as far as not leaving a post? if i vote I've always left a post (as far back as i can remember) INCLUDING what the score was from me and as to why it wasnt higher or lower. this is also the reason that the few things i HAD submitted to the site were retracted, I'm a perfectionist and as such i wont keep something submitted without knowing it is complete. and if someone downrates me WHO CARES lol, if they scored me a 1 they obviously didnt look at my work, or they would know its at least worth a 2
Well the thing is that there were people that didn't vote correctly. And even if there were people voting correctly, they just ruined the accuracy of the rating by voting.
The fact is not actually downvoting and that stuff, the thing is that the rating system WAS NOT DOING ITS JOB, there was no way to use it to RANK resources, most 5 stars resources were not the best resources in the site, and there good resources with 2.5 because of downrating and that stuff.
he voting system also encouraged to comment. The voting system was a standard, everyone could refer to. It was more precise to say something is 2/5 than to say just "it's not very good"
Nothing further to reality.
First what the hell? a guy posts 2/5 instead of "it's not very good" Is that a good thing to have grunts that just post a number/5?
They are supposed to explain why they don't like the resource, not to say if they like it or not with just a number from 1 to 5.
Let me say that skins models and icons are art, you can't judge art with just a number.
Maybe you should make it like if a user doesnt enter for 3 months then the everything bout that player is deleted.
so if a user is not active (doesnt enter more than 3 times a month) then delete any resourses by him.
in this way the site will have less things to load.
What if his resources are good?
perhaps it would be better that Darky uses money from paypal and google adds to improve the server? Also I think that the main problem is caused by bugs on the page rather than traffic stuff.
Rating with Name shown, oh yes, it would work, err no it won't, Remember that the site is full of people that caused the problem with the first rating system?
Person A gives 1 to Person B, Person B will know who gave him 1 and will try to 'Take revenge' will go an give 1 to person A , I am surprised this was Nantuko's suggestion, that's the guy that gave invX a 1 because he thought I gave 1 to his system, blerg
I am starting to like the site without any rating system, people that have opinions about a resource acutally have to comment instead of just rating, this is a good thing , and I finally came to the conclusion that such a thing like a rating system is not needed.
People will now just check the download counter and the comments , comments that are no longer going to be hypocrital stuff but will show the guy's opinion.
I think that there should be a way of looking for new comments on resources, a Sort by last comment time wold help.
AFter thinking and thinking I figured out that adding a new rating system would be lame, it wold just be a disadvage towards old resources, and the people is still the people, there will be issues with it anyways.
Let's now focus the site on sharing resources and maps rather than specting it to be a contest.
By the way, we still have Director's choice.
This may be a little too positive, Vexorian. Sometimes a resource is terrible and needs to be addressed that way. There may be another possibility:
That's the whole point of the idea.
Many people think that are resource is bad, why would they vote then?, If a resource is bad it will get deleted, if a person
thinks a resource is bad and the resource isn't deleted, then it is the person's fault, and that person's opinion does not matter.
If you read it again, it is a system for giving points to resources, it is not a system to say which resource is bad or good, (like our little binary rating system where 1 was bad and 5 was good) It is a system to give points to a resource, voting on it means you like the resource, and the value just differs on How much you like it.
The shown value wouldn't be an average of the total votes, but a point count.
This way, showing how much you gave to a resource would actually work too.
Granted at the end, users should not show post nor comment total but the total of points his/her resources got.
It will be the same as be4 people won't understand the new system... ... .. .
It would'nt because it won't just show the numbers for you to clicking:
It would say:
Give points to resource:
+1 (I like it)
+2 (I ...
+5 (Best resource ever)
IF you don't like a resource, comment, and Explain why you don't like the resource.
IF you say "It sucks (1/5)" you are a troll, I don't care who the hell you are You are a damn troll, Explain your reasons for not liking a resource, if you don't have any reason, don't make a comment at all, Also if your reasons are wrong (Like saying it is a CNP!, when the thing is not a CNP) you are a damn Troll and a stupid one too).
Anyways I am starting to think such a thing is not needed, seriously, I think the site is fine without any rating system. I am actually starting to like this
"Make it so it is the old rating system but only certain people can vote"
Oh yes , great idea, let's convert this into a stupid elitist site.