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Need spell Idea! (check pls)

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Level 3
Apr 13, 2009
I am making a new hero for the expansion of my map and I need an idea for a spell.
Hero: Living Rock
Name: The Cliff
Model: Mountain Giant
1st Spell: Picks a tree and increases The Cliff's damage.
2nd Spell: Hurls a Boulder at the target, damaging and stunning it.
3rd Spell: Every XX minutes increases the mana of The Cliff
4th Spell (ultimate): PLEASE GIVE ME AN IDEA!
If someone helps me I give +rep!
Level 3
Apr 8, 2009
Body slam - jumps up and lands on target and nearby enemies, stunning, and dealing damage
Ultimate: Mumble Tumble
Description: The Cliff uses all his magical energies to unleash a howl of epic power, this howl even let the earth burst, for 4 seconds the earth around the cliff deformate constantly and deals to all enemies in that area 100 damage per second, if a unit is hit by this spell it will be slowed by 50% for 10 seconds. Area of Effect: 600. Deals 50% of the damage to buildings. While the howl takes effect the Cliff cannot move.

-good for siege
-very effective to farm small and big enemies.
-good to support CC heroes.

-makes the Cliff immobile for 4 seconds.
-drains all mana.
-works not against flying units.

Strategy: The Cliff should stun his enemy and then cast Mumble Tumble, or use it to siege a area, or another possibility would be that The Cliff and a CC-Hero combine their powers and the CC-Hero holds the target hero for the Cliff, so the Cliff can hit the enemy with the full power of his Mumble Tumble.
Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
Smashes the target unit and makes it fly away. Does damage and slows. Will deal more damage if you have tree trunk.

Earth Shaker
Jumps into the air and lands at the target point, slowing all units near the impact and damaging them. Units extrememly close will get stunned and take more damage.
Level 8
Apr 6, 2009
I will try =)

Harden: Increases armor by XX and blocks XX damage, when a enemy unit attacks the Stone Giant while Harden it will take XX damage.

Hard Skin: Reduces movement, attack, damage by XX% (Over 40%). But increases armor greatly by XX and will stun next 10 attacks for XX seconds.

Battle Boulder: Throws a massive giant stone that deals XX damage to all it hits and knockbacks every unit it hits.

Peace Call: Reduces the Stone Giants armor by XX, deals XXX damage to the Stone Giant and will heal every friendly unit on the map by XX hit points over XX seconds.
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Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
Shards of Living Stone (passive) - each time Cliff's lost health passes a *250 hp grade (250 hp lost, 500, 759, 1000, etc) he spawns a Living Shard with 250 hp, great damage absorption, high armour, auto-cast taunt and some other skills to your taste =)
Level 4
Mar 23, 2008
Hurl Great Boulder (Original :p)
Hurls a boulder at the enemy stunning him and giving him lots of damage.

Boulder Roll
The Cliff Curls himself into a ball and starts rolling towards the enemy. Knocks everything in it's way to the target back causing X damage and stunning them and causing XX (substantially more than to the others it hits) damage to the target, stunning him/her.
Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
Comet Throw:
The Cliff Hurls an enemy unit with great power, dealing damage to the unit and everything in its wake.

Whirlwind of destruction:
whirlwind attack, requires trunk, but at the end, it throws the trunk off in a random direction.
Level 6
Feb 23, 2008
Bulldozer = runs straight into a target area killing heroes with health lower than 15/20/25% of their max HP. if not, damages enemies by 300/400/500 and cripples the enemy, slowing it by 95% and gradually returning speed by 10% per second.
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