Need race ideas

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Level 11
Feb 16, 2009
For my project Blades of Honour(C'mon I need people!) Various races will join you trough your quest. Problem is I need a lot of extra races and I can't come up with more than tauren, troll, fel orc, demon, undead. I need Good Races and Evil Races Not complete techtrees just the following:


Races must have a reason to be on the island and join a orc clan.
Also please read my main post to understand this better. It's like when the orcs gain or lose big amounts of honour, a race on the islands decides to help them in their quest. This automaticly excludes stupid and Alliance races(BEcuase they are enemies

Thanks in advance, M4stah
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Level 8
Mar 28, 2009
Hi. I try:

Name: Dwarves
Hero: Tungdil Goldhand
Units: Riflemen and Axefighter'S
Buildings: Tavern (for food supply and as shop for buying items); barracks (or tent)
Good Race

Reason why on island: A ship stranded on one of the islands and needed to make a pact with the inhabitants to survive. The pact was: They help them fight and don't get killed (so easy ^__^).
Level 8
Mar 28, 2009
Quite hard to arrange. Why could orcs work together with dwarves. There could be several reasons: Gryphons to ride on; technical advantage of the Dwarves; the units; the needed help to win the contest of getting the blade og honour before all the others and therefore needing help. (Later on they could kill the allies maybe)
I hope these possible reasons could help you. I'm always available for providing some ideas.

That's why i do following now:

Name: Razor Clan
Hero: Rufus Bloodfang
Race: Wolves
Units: Packleader, Packmembers
Buildings: None (maybe bestiary or something like that, but it wouldn't fit much to the Wolves)
Bad Race

Reason why on island: They are animals and one of their Alphawolves was tamed by an orc.
Level 8
Mar 28, 2009
Ok..............I think i'm getting annoying, but now another try.
You said: no stupid races (ok wolves can't speak. They can only bark...and some other things ofc). You also said, that some will only join, when the orcs lost or gained honour...

Race: Ogres
Name: Gash-Gash clan
Hero: Gosh-Mosh Flurr
Units: Ogrefighters, Ogremages, Ogreclubswinger's, Ogrestonethrowers
Buildings: Ogretent, Ogrehut
Join, when: Gaining honour
Bad Race
Reason why joining: They heard about the gaining popularity and skills of your main orc and so they want to fight on your side.

Reason why on island: Expedition explored things around, because they saw a light, coming up from this point. Or: They stranded, by getting to their allies on mainland.

Hope that helps ^^

Btw: Ogres aren't really stupid, just a bit of helpless in situations over their imagination.
Level 13
Oct 27, 2008
Race: Nevarks (picture them as you want) People but are along the lines of wolves; stay in packs of around 8-12 (i shouldnt have to keep explaining this if you want more info i'll edit this post)
Hero: Big Bad (LOL sorry had to i cant think of a hero name)
Units: Barbarian, Tamer(Wolves), Scout, Hunter
Buildings: Den(train units), Bone Pile(Item Shop) Once again if you want more info just ask and i'll try and add more

reason for joining; Interest in the orcs
Reason for being on the island; unknown
Level 8
Mar 28, 2009
You won't belive me, but I got an idea again :D

Race: Naga
Name: Aquari
Hero: Zan Zizzletongue
Units: Naga warrior, Naga spitthrower, Naga waterknight
Buildings: Naga fortress, Naga waterpool
Bad Race
Join when: You lost honour

Reason why joining: They want to have fun, seeing dead bodies and watching this bloody contest.
Reason why on islands: They are inhabitants of the sea... Ohh and they are totally crazy and world-domination addicted. I think that is a nice link between all.

BTW: Sorry for my additional suggestion. I think i get on your nerves or did it already. ;)
Level 1
Dec 7, 2008
Race : Draconians (Mixture of humans & Dragons)
Name of Hero: Drakthol
Units : Drago Guards(Basic guards), Spitter(Fire spitters not the usual fire breath like)
Buildings: can't seem to think of an idea now

Reason : Interested in the Blade's powers for maintaining order in their kingdom & now they got a way to get to it why give it up.
Level 8
Mar 28, 2009
Race The Forsaken (i know it's quite near the undead, but the Forsaken decided to fight the undead, although they are undead. Don't forget: Sylvanas = Forsaken = free undead)
Name: Forsaken :)O)
Hero: Arelia Firebow (transformed highelf :))
Units: Archers, shortsword fighter
Buildings: Infected Tree of Purity; Pool of infection
Good race

Join when: Gaining honour

Reason why joining: They see in your blademaster the hope of beeing saved of the curse of undeadship. They also belive, that the blade of honour would help them to get a normal skin again. (So basicly the same ^^)
Reason why on island: They flee, because the undead attacked their stronghold and found that tiny combination of islands in a distant area.

Another idea made by Gaegamel ;) (love it or not). I just want to help.
Level 6
Mar 21, 2008
Race: Bandits
Name: Cold Creek Gang
Hero: Slank "The Crippler" Thomas
Units: Thug, Bandit (ranged), Assassin (melee), Criminal (kinda like the spell caster of the race), Butcher (medic), Brute (melee), and Stalker (ranged)
Buildings: Hide out (HQ), Tent (barracks),

Join when: Lose honor

Reason why join: They see your hero as a potential recruit. They see that you have tremendous power and hope to make you a great assassin. They would give items related to stealth and a those things bandits do.
Reason on island: The Cold Creek Gang set up camp when word spread of the piles of gold and treasure just sitting on the island. They also camp in hopes of doing a little bit of killing.
NAME: Zajlo
HERO: Kaz'Orath Frostblood
UNITS: Barbarians, Reavers, Assassins, Hunters
BUILDINGS: Zajlo Outpost, Campfire (where a lot of people gather, works like tavern)
They are Good.
Join when win honor

Reason to join: their Iceland capital, Furfangos, is melting and wrecking in the seas, they are in an expedition to search for a suitable land to rescue their child and women, so after they have shelter, they investigate why this started happening to their hometown.

Their model can be the magnataurs, or the huskars, or any icy creature...
Level 3
Mar 29, 2009
Sounds like a really interesting project, but i dont know enough about it. I recomend though that you go into the WoWwiki and read up on some lore for this game. You can find some random interesting/true facts about the game.
for example

NAME: Amani Crusaders
HERO: Zul'thar (son of Zul'jin)
UNITS:Amani Bear Riders(model dl on the site), Amani warrior, Amani Protector
BUILDINGS:Amani Post, Campfire with huts near it anda boat (Boat being the ship the landed with on the island working as a tavern kinda thing)
They are Good
When you have gained honor.

Reason they are there: After the High Elves of Quel' Thelas took over the the ghostlands and held siege to Zul'Aman. Zul'thar was sent out by his father to gain strength to releave the Amani Empire of its siege and to regain their lost lands. Retribution must be brought because of the Hordes betrayal to the Amani Empire.

Its kinda a good idea but i mean like this is a attachment to the origanel story line. But since this is the horde fighting its kinda hypocritical to join the horde. They could join a troll group rather then orcs.
Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
Race: Kobolds
Hero: Kol'bod the Blind (Blind Kobold, has low vision)
Units: Kobold Worker(Worker), Kobold Miner (Footman like unit that can also harvest gold, harvests more gold than Kobold Worker), Kobold Digger (can set traps that will slow and damage units that step on it.)
Buildings: Mining Camp (Lumber Mill for Harvesting Gold, Trains Kobold Miners), Tunnel (Waygate thing)
They never had honor.
The Kobolds were a forgotten race that no one ever remembered. They were always minding their own business and never fought unless provoked. They had always had a home near Durotar but the recent founding of Durotar forced them to escape from the area. Everyone but Evil detested them, no where but this island was a possible home for them.

Race: Sea Giants
Hero: Seaa'gar th Great
Units: Sea Giant Scout (fast movement, can move in water, low health and cheap), Tidal Behemoth (mountain giant-like unit. Can swim but moves slowly. Also has a chance to damage and stun an areaon each attack)
Buildings: Atlantis Link (trains basic units), Hydro Channeler (gives food)
They lost their honor.
Being the behemoths of the sea, the Sea Giants believed themselves to be guardians of it. However, when the Fel Orcs took their home island, they were enraged. The had failed to protect their home and they had allowed the foul Fel Orcs to befoul their ocean.
Some ideas :)
Hope it helps!
Level 8
Dec 7, 2008
NAME: Island Spirits
HERO: Malanesh, the ethreal queen
UNITS: Ghost (light ranged unit) Spirit golem (heavy melee unit) Banshee (Light ranged unit with possess)
BUILDINGS: Spirit Idol (summons ghosts)
Reason for being on island: They have been on the island since the start of time. When someone dies of unnatural causes, their spirit lives on in the island to seek revenge upon their killer - be it as evil as a murderer, or as innocent as a medic who couldnt save him.
Name: Dark Elves
Hero: S'vanash Bloodtears (Dark Ranger) or (Avatar of Vengeance)
Units: Dark Sentry (Spirit of Vengeance), Assassin (non-hero Warden), Satyr, Banshee
Buildings: Corrupted Tree of Life, Corrupted Tree of Ages, Corrupted Tree of Eternity, Corrupted Ancient of War, Corrupted Ancient Protector, Corrupted Moon Well
Good Race

Reason to be on the island: They live on the island
Reason to join an orc clan: The orc must help them first, then the Dark Elves repay their favor
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
Bad Race
Race: Mur'gul
Hero: Mmmrrrggglll
Units: Mur'gul Bloodletter, Mur'gul Flesh-Eater, Mur'gul Flayer
Buildings: Mur'gul Bloodpool, Mur'gul Slaughterhouse, Mur'gul War Hut

Why on island: these are a very bloodthirsty branch of mur'gul. they were drown to the large amount of bloodshed happening o the island

Why join orcs: mur'gul choose to side with the most dishonorable orcs, because orcs with high honor would never use their stealthy and bloodthirsty tactics

Why orcs side with them: mur'gul are strong allies (fragile, yes, but have high crit, man y stealth abilities and overall high damage). orcs that don't care for honor would only benefit from their skills
Name: Lizards
Hero: Gornak Spikeback
Units: Skink (builder), Thunder Lizard (green), Fire Lizard (red), Dark Lizard (purple)
Good Race

Reason to be on the island: The Lizards are one of the many creeps that live on the island.
Reason to join an orc clan: The orc must help them first, then the Lizards repay their favor
Name: Forgottens
Hero: Eghraz Deepterror
Units: Forgotten Berserker, Forgotten Spearthrower, Forgotten Nightcrawler. (you can get the models from Hive)
Buildings: Tentacles, The Forgotten One
Bad Race

Reason to be on the island: The Forgottens are strong mutated creeps from the woods. They live in underground tunnels on the island.
Reason to join an orc clan: The Blademaster wants the Forgottens to join his recruit but they eat the orcs. So the Blademaster have to sacrifice some orcs every day to gain their trust.
Name: Dragons
Hero: Tohrahamut and Bahamut (large dragons
Units: Whelp==>Drake==>Dragon==>Wyrm, dragon spawns
Buildings: Dragon Roost, egg (spawned by Tohrahamut), Dragonspawn breeding cage
Joins when you have gained a lot of honour, meaning A LOT
Good race

The dragon and roost color and the heroes color is based on the dragon flight (red,blue,black,green,bronze) Red has fire attack, Blue has ice, Black has corruption, Green has Poison, while bronze has lightning.
Level 4
Jul 25, 2008
Race: Knights of the Bloodysword
Heroes: Arren [Black Templar] Vi'en [Shadow dancer] Flaiq [Corrupted Mage]
Units: Bloodysword Templar [Healer/Main Infantry], Acolyte [Mage], Blade-Cult Assassin, Initiate [Ranged], Slaver [Mounted Unit]
Buildings: Desecrated Temple [primary troop production building], Bloody Armory [Contains research for all units, including magic], Black Tower [provides food and defense]
Completely and Insanely Evil

Reason to be on the island: To claim thousands of souls for the Blood God.
Reason to join an orc clan: Why fight when you can get the lowly savages to do it for you?
Join when your dishonored
Level 3
Dec 19, 2008
Race: Restless spirits ( they aren't a race itself, are a dimensional caracterizaton of thousands of tormented souls whose lost their identity) the spirits aren't capable to act for themselves but "fuse" with Orc and allied units increasing permanently the power of the incorporated units.

Heroes: ChoZen One ( the only spirit cabable of comunicate with the other races, it's an aura supporting spell caster with a series of buffs)( Chozen is the only hero that can "fuse" with Orc heros, boosting theur stats at same time that keeps it's auras active, Chozen is the only spirit that can "un-fuse" every time it want.

Units: The spirits units do nothing by themselves they all need to meld with some corporeal unit to give bonuses, also up to three spirits of same time can meld themselves becoming a more powerfull one, but still needing fuse to have some utility and each unit can meld with only one spirit at time. *Warrior spirit ( can fuse with melee units), * ranger spirit ( can fuse with ranged units), * Wize spirit ( can fuse with any spellcaster unit). Sometimes when the unit wich they're bound dies, can occour that the spirit emerges from the corpse, ready to a new meld.

Buildings: Circular rift ( trains all the units), ethereal pillar ( have all the upgrades of this race), dimensional breach ( trains the hero and attacks enemies that come in range, with a chance of spawn a random stronger spirit)

They are good.
Join when you gains many honnor

Reason to be on the island: They simply come across this plain while wandering for the eternity, once here they simply cannot leave it anymore.

Reason to join an orc clan: Once stuck here, they found at the noble orcs a chance to found the so wanted eternal peace. As their join these green skinned corporal forms they enpower these ones as payment for the chance of resting for the very eternity.
Level 6
Feb 23, 2008
NAME: Plaguebearers
HERO: Plaguebearer(turns corpses to zombies)
UNITS: Brood Mother(summons spiderlings), Worm Queen(summons parasitic worms), Nerubian Breeder(summons beetles)
BUILDINGS: Incubator(hatches and releases Black widows that grows and strenghtens from eating corpses), Corpse retriever(releases corpses from the ground every few seconds that can be used to feed the plaguebearer or Black widows to make them grow).
Joins when you're too evil.
Reason why they're on the island: They are actually different races that joined together because they have 1 goal, to multiply and eat as many dead creatures as they can.
Reason to join the orcs: They sense that they are strong and can provide all the food that they need.

Other info:
-all major units has a "consume" skill. which means they can eat corpses and regenerate health from it.
-units only get mana from eating corpses. Mana is used so that they can summon units. Black widows don't need mana. Plaguebearer doesn't need mana, his skill only has a long cooldown(20-30 seconds?).
-zombies, parasites, beetles, and spiderlings doesn't have the consume kill.
-Brood mother, Worm Queen, and Nerubian breeder gets 1 mana per second for eating corpses. they only have 10 mana, but they can instantly make units.
-Brood mother summons spiderlings which have a very powerful slow attack. bad thing is that spiderlings has low health.
-Worm queen summons parasites which enters a units body and damages it from the inside. the more parasites inside a units body, the stronger the damage is. bad thing is they move really slow.
-Nerubian breeder summons beetles that has very high piercing damage. Bad thing is that they attack really slow.
-Plaguebearer summons zombies that has very high health. Bad thing is that it only has normal attackspeed, movespeed and damage.
-The only thing that can stop the size of your colony is the food limit.
-All summoned units costs 1 food.
-Spiderlings has 250 health.
-Parasites has 500 health.
-Beetles has 750 health.
-Zombies has 1000 health.
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
I have an idea similar to the Forgottens, but also different
NAME: Faceless ones(Dark/Corrupted Ones)
HERO: Mind Flayer/Great Corruptor
UNITS: Terror, Corruptor, Hypnotised slave(any unit, under their control), Shadowmancer, Psionist/Hypnotiser and so on
BUILDINGS: Bottomless Pit, Forgotten One, Tentacle, Darkstone
Came out of dark pit and found themselves in the middle of a battle. They tried to use the battle to get themselves slaves and sacrifices, but failed. Now they sent an orc hypnotised by them to his brethren to tell that they have peacefull allies. How long will the orcs believe that? Not long. Until the faceless ones will fiish what they are doing.
Level 7
Feb 21, 2009
NAME: The Goblins of Kah'zan
HERO: Chief Engenieer Gizmo
UNITS: Goblin Engenieer, Goblin Warrior, Goblin Witch Doctor, Goblin Mage
BUILDINGS: Goblin Post, Goblin Mine Spreader (Construcs a invisible building that spreads mine all over the place) etc.

After Deathwing scattered the isles that this goblins were setteled, the Goblins of Kha'zan fleed with there ships, in hope of finding help into the Horde.

Yeah i know sounds familier :D.
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