for the altar: Supporting spells, like + to special stats (attackspeed, movespeed....), hidden with flags.
So spell 1: Flag of Infinity: +3000% hp regen over 20 secs
spell 2: Flag of destruction: +10-15 attack to all units (you can also make +30% attackdamage) over 25 secs
spell 3: Flag of wisdom: +100% mana regen for all caster units over 2 min (just to keep balance

spell 4: Flag of Haste: +20-25% attackspeed to all units over 20 secs
All spells should cost between 20-50 honour to make the game not too imba
Now blademasterskills:
Haste (5 levels)
1 level: +20% attackspeed for 5 seconds
2. level: +25% attackspeed over 6 seconds
3 level: +30% attackspeed over 7 seconds
4. level: +35% attackspeed over 8 secs
5. level: +40% attackspeed over 10 secs
second skill: Hardened Leather (4 levels)
1. level: change of armor type; +2 armor
2. level: change of armor type; +2,5 armor
3. level: change of armor type; +3 armor
4. level: change of armor type; +4 armor
(note: the change of armor type only after level 1. Change from leather into hardened leather [should be no problem to set])
Can't write more atm ^^
(i know i'm getting on your nerves
