Warcraft: Apocalypse (Need ideas!)

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Level 31
Jul 7, 2008
Level 3
Aug 17, 2009
race idea

KK then. heres an idea ive had for a long time. The nertjulians! A race of demon/cavemen hybrid that came from the past. This demonic race was plagued when the multiverse was young. The story goes that they fell through a time paradox portal and scattered all over time. When they arrived they fell dorment and unchanged for thousands of years. When the clash of Ykalo occurred the core was torn asunder and the nertjulians awoke. They had woken up in a time of shiny weapons and advanced machinery. What do you think they did? They scoured the entire land pillaging all these bounties. Then a very gifted hero from one of the mysterious races found a way to banish them again. Farther then any banishment has ever gone before. Over time the hero found these skills to be quiet useful. He has sworn to himself that he will find a way to take over the multiverse with these demons at his hand. It all came to that one moment in time when all had gone awry....
~~~End of Transmission~~~
Level 3
Jul 22, 2008
Stroumgarde Remnants
Syndicate (main enemy of stroumgarde remnants)
Ogres of alterac,
Frostwolf clan,
Stormpike Dwarfs,
Fel Orc Clan that escaped outland civi war,
Forsaken u did't mention them,
Dark Iron Dwarfs,
Blackrock Orcs,
High Elves vs Bloodelves in north :thumbs_up: ,
Centaur, Razourfen, Tauren, Goblins and Worgen or gilneas not as worgen
Level 31
Jul 7, 2008
the tauren and frostwolf clan with the goblins will all be under the horde, gilneas will come when we move to eastern kingdoms, the first map takes place in the barrens. also, please be more specific and not just give names such as reasons how they would fit in, how were they affected, and basic techtree (are they spellcasters, balanced, damager dealers, or low health high regen? stuff like that)
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Level 7
Jul 29, 2009
I read you map description and you wrote that you plan on making smaller more expandable units. well, you should rethink about it becouse of the game's annoying unit selection limit. maybe you can make some kind of squad system (where every unit is actouly servel units, and you order one and the others are order too).

units ideas for the exsiting and custom races...? its pretty hard, the existing races are balanced pretty well, are you remakeing them or just adding some stuff?
Level 7
Jul 29, 2009
Not that hard? thinking of cool units that are not just "footman with diffrent skin" is not that easy either, that's why you're here in the idea factory :D

i find it hard to think about ones :p
Level 31
Jul 7, 2008
silithid is a bug-like race, the nerubians are descended from them
these are two branches that came from the silithid race, the qiraji (created by c'thun in the silithid's image) and the aqir (one of the two parts of the old silithid (nerubians and aqir which were originally just one)
and the twilights hammer is basically almost every humanoid race such as ogres, dwarves, humans, orcs, trolls, gnolls, etc.
Level 3
Jul 22, 2008
Syndicate in the event of the cataylsm had rebuild alterac (alterac city and there's a small nearby town could be a greta military base) and entrenched in hillsbras ( in hillsbrad they own southshore and hillsbrad farms also tarren mill) they should use, Dark Mages, Bandits and dark knight also great defence positions against the undead to the north and can gain control of Stroumgarde

The stroumgarde natives who refused to retreat to ironforge have grabbed the wetlands (which is now unflooded and like arathi) and made there capital Melethil city (expanded menethil harbour) they wish to gain control of stroumgarde and arathi.

Stroumgarse is in control of the ogre's who went berserk and pushed the syndicate and the stroumgarde remnants out of stroumgarde (neutral hostile)


Dark Iron Dwarfs have stormed the searing gorge and the burning steppes and are pouring into redridge and badlands there captial is searing City (in searing gorge) or in blackrock mountain.


A rebelion of high elves are trying to gain control of quel'thalas after obtaining aveena (or some other sort of power) so they can fix the sun well and stop there addiction / have great archer yet lack meelee and have average mages which are then empowered when the gain the sunwell.

Blood elves do not wish this for they use the addicton to keep there people under control and do not wish to lose the ability also the high elves want power as well not peace with the leaders of the blood elves / great mages
and reasnoble archers and melee

Centaurs went crazy and have taken control of desolace and plan to move on the taurens and gain mulgore, the barrens and thousand needles also stonetalon peak. they are numerous but very weak all round except for a few elites and good range

Level 3
Jan 7, 2008
An idea would be a night elf caster, whoms magics are stronger at night than they are at day.
As an addition you could make one of the skills for her to be able to turn it from day to night (I would suggest this to be an ulti though, since night elfs units are pretty strong at night).
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
I'd say you should include the Wyrmrest Accord. They're the Guardians of Azeroth, so I think it is fair to say that they would be heavily involved in whatever is happening.

The Wyrmrest Accord
After another victory against her maddened brother, Neltharion, Alexastrasza the Dragon Queen has worked to restore her brothers and sister to their glorious dragon state but to no avail. The Bronze Dragonflight, led by Anachranos, have been under constant siege at the hands of the Silithid. In a desperate move to preserve the flight, he disables the Caverns of Time - shaking the very essence of time itself - and flees north to Desolace where his flight have made sanctuary. The Green Dragonflight have pulled Ysera out of the Emerald Dream and into the corporeal world where the Emerald Nightmare does not have much foothold. Still crazed, Ysera unites with her sister Alexastrasza and sets her eyes upon Coldarra where the remnants of the shattered Blue Dragonflight hide. In an odd turn of events, Nozdormu and the Infinite Dragonflight arrive in Wyrmrest Temple to lend themselves to keeping Azeroth safe.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
The Forsaken aren't zombies. They're undead. <.< Zombies are mindless, like many soldiers of the Scourge.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
A zombie is a dead being that is classed as "undead". The Forsaken and the Scourge are undead, but the Forsaken are civilized and have bases and have even established their own architecture and style and culture.
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