Need new passive ability for a tower

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I've spent the past month developing a Castle + Tower Defense for myself and a friend who always wanted the perfect base setup and chokepoint. I'm currently in the process of making all the towers, and so far this is what I have:
  1. Arrow Tower
    • Level 1 - 4: Standard arrow tower and insane attack speed
    • Level 5 - 6: Attack damage increase, attack speed reduction, and Vorpal Blade passive
  2. Artillery Tower
    • Level 1 - 4: Standard Cannon Tower
    • Level 5 - 6: Burning Oil passive
  3. Ice Tower
    • Level 1 - 4: Frost Attack passive
    • Level 5 - 6: Bash passive
  4. Fire Tower
    • Level 1 - 4: Phoenix Fire passive
    • Level 5 - 6: Gains splash damage on attacks
  5. Magic Tower
    • Level 1 - 4: Barrage passive
    • Level 5 - 6: NEED IDEA
  6. Lightning Tower
    • Level 1 - 4: Incinerate Passive
    • Level 5 - 6: % chance to cast chain lightning

As you can see, I'm in need of passive ability ideas for the Magic Tower and Lightning Tower :) any help is appreicated !

EDIT: Added Chain Lightning Passive to the Lightning Tower!
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Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
Where are my automatic filters?! :ogre_rage:

The chain lightning part can be without chance... just a passive on every basic attack that it will hit a secondary target.
Ofcourse this can be done using the normal attacks and make them bounce.
Just pick a nice lightning missile and choose a high speed.

For the magic tower, you can use something like Feedback. (Burn enemy mana.)
Only if you allow mana manipulation or if the enemies do have mana in the first place.

Or you can go with one of my favorite:
Increase damage dealt with each consecutive attack.
Increase damage by 50% for each attack at the same target. Up to a maximum of 250%.
Numbers can be different.

Or you can try reducing armor of enemies hit... one of the orbs did that.

Another one that can be nice is use the mana of the tower to increase damage.
Kind of like mana shield but then mana arrows :D
Every basic attack consumes 30 mana to deal 30 bonus damage.
With a maximum of 100 mana and a nice mana regeneration this means that the first targets are pretty much dead and the turret would be less efficient until it has the time to recharge.
Mana should regenerate only when out of combat or at a rate that it regenerates 10 during each attack. (When you have an attack speed of 2 attacks per second, mana regeneration is 20 per second.)
Numbers are still a wild guess but you get the idea.

I also do not see a damage over time tower...
Ofcourse this would perfectly fit with the fire tower but whatever.

The lightning tower could also have a shock effect on its attacks.
Snaring the target for 0.1 second.
I dont really know how overpowered that is in a TD though.
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
It depends on the damage of the chain lightning.
Crowd Control effects are hard to balance on low numbers.
For example the shock cant really be lower than 0.1 but that value means a 100% lockdown if you have 10 turrets. (1 attack speed)
Bosses are really pissed off against these turrets.

Raw damage (chain lightning) is easy to balance.
Level 12
May 11, 2014
Magic tower : Timebreak (Every shot given to an enemy causes slowing the enemy units and after 10 hits it paralyse him for a certain time)
Lightning tower : Thunder Wave (It lunchs a wave of lightning at every 10 hits given )
Lightning Tower: Increasing chance to cast Chain/Forked Lightning on hit.

I'll be using this! Thank you :)

The chain lightning part can be without chance... just a passive on every basic attack that it will hit a secondary target.
Ofcourse this can be done using the normal attacks and make them bounce.
Just pick a nice lightning missile and choose a high speed.

The Lightning Tower currently uses the Lightning Attack Animation, so having a % chance to bounce is out of the question :(

For the magic tower, you can use something like Feedback. (Burn enemy mana.)
Only if you allow mana manipulation or if the enemies do have mana in the first place.

Gahh sorry for not specifying, but none of the units have mana.

Or you can go with one of my favorite:
Increase damage dealt with each consecutive attack.
Increase damage by 50% for each attack at the same target. Up to a maximum of 250%.
Numbers can be different.

The Magic Tower has the Barrage ability o.o sounds ridiculously overpowered.

Or you can try reducing armor of enemies hit... one of the orbs did that.

I'll consider this. I want something with more pizazz though :D

Another one that can be nice is use the mana of the tower to increase damage.
Kind of like mana shield but then mana arrows :D
Every basic attack consumes 30 mana to deal 30 bonus damage.
With a maximum of 100 mana and a nice mana regeneration this means that the first targets are pretty much dead and the turret would be less efficient until it has the time to recharge.
Mana should regenerate only when out of combat or at a rate that it regenerates 10 during each attack. (When you have an attack speed of 2 attacks per second, mana regeneration is 20 per second.)
Numbers are still a wild guess but you get the idea.

I need passives :( I don't want to micro manage the towers.

I also do not see a damage over time tower...
Ofcourse this would perfectly fit with the fire tower but whatever.

Phoenix Fire is a DoT :)

The lightning tower could also have a shock effect on its attacks.
Snaring the target for 0.1 second.
I dont really know how overpowered that is in a TD though.

All thought I like the idea, having a bunch of these would be insanely overpowered.
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Maybe 'Feedback' for Magic Towers. Then you could give units with mana special effects based on the mana, as an own category.

For Lightning Towers, maybe 'Purge' ? Like the orb effect ? Would allow the purge of creeps using a lot of ( for them) positive buffs.
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
"The Lightning Tower currently uses the Lightning Attack Animation, so having a % chance to bounce is out of the question :( "
First of all, it is NOT chance, it is a 100% passive.
The lightning bounces to nearby enemies like the night elf raider basic attacks.
And lighting attack animation doesnt really make any difference.

About the mana = damage ability... it is a passive.
It is searing arrows that is always turned on but drains an enormous amount of mana.

Also, you can make more towers later on, you should just make a comment trigger and place all ideas in there for later use.
Maybe 'Feedback' for Magic Towers. Then you could give units with mana special effects based on the mana, as an own category.

Currently no units in the game that has mana, nor do I have plans to. If I do, however, end up putting in units with mana, I will add this!

For Lightning Towers, maybe 'Purge' ? Like the orb effect ? Would allow the purge of creeps using a lot of ( for them) positive buffs.

I'm currently favoring the Chain Lightning passive at the moment.

"The Lightning Tower currently uses the Lightning Attack Animation, so having a % chance to bounce is out of the question :( "
First of all, it is NOT chance, it is a 100% passive.
The lightning bounces to nearby enemies like the night elf raider basic attacks.
And lighting attack animation doesnt really make any difference.

I think you missed the point :p The Lightning Attack animation won't appear with the bounce.

About the mana = damage ability... it is a passive.
It is searing arrows that is always turned on but drains an enormous amount of mana.

Also, you can make more towers later on, you should just make a comment trigger and place all ideas in there for later use.

Ohh okay. I'll consider this :) I shall run some tests with it.
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
This is a trigger of that mana = damage ability using lfh's PDD:
  • Magic Strike
    • Events
      • Game - PDD_damageEventTrigger becomes Equal to 0.00
    • Conditions
      • (Level of Magic Strike for PDD_source) Greater than 0
      • PDD_damageType Equal to PDD_PHYSICAL
    • Actions
      • Set TempReal[0] = (Min(30.00, (Mana of PDD_source)))
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • TempReal[0] Greater than 0.00
        • Then - Actions
          • Set PDD_amount = (PDD_amount + TempReal[0])
          • Unit - Set mana of PDD_source to ((Mana of PDD_source) - TempReal[0])
        • Else - Actions
This is a trigger of that mana = damage ability using lfh's PDD:
  • Magic Strike
    • Events
      • Game - PDD_damageEventTrigger becomes Equal to 0.00
    • Conditions
      • (Level of Magic Strike for PDD_source) Greater than 0
      • PDD_damageType Equal to PDD_PHYSICAL
    • Actions
      • Set TempReal[0] = (Min(30.00, (Mana of PDD_source)))
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • TempReal[0] Greater than 0.00
        • Then - Actions
          • Set PDD_amount = (PDD_amount + TempReal[0])
          • Unit - Set mana of PDD_source to ((Mana of PDD_source) - TempReal[0])
        • Else - Actions

Thank you Wietlol :) I'm currently using Weep's Damage Detect System, so I'll incorporate it with that. +rep !

Magic tower : Timebreak (Every shot given to an enemy causes slowing the enemy units and after 10 hits it paralyse him for a certain time)
Lightning tower : Thunder Wave (It lunchs a wave of lightning at every 10 hits given )

I didn't even see your response D: I apologize! The Lightning Tower's passive is all done! I really like the passive chain lightning. However, Timebreak seems a bit overpowered :(
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