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Need custom "Plagues"

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Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
By plague I mean Disease Cloud from abominations/meat wagons. Wondering if any1 would be willing to have a go at making some custom ones.
Also if possible have it so they are all stackable, so an enemy unit can have all of the plagues on him.

- Toxic Stench - Plague that reduces armor
- Foul Presence - Plague that reduces their damage
- Clutch of Undeath - Plague that reduces movement speed/attack speed

A building with the following upgrades would be a great addition as well

- Spreading Plague - Upgrades the plagues so that they can now be transfered from enemy units to other enemy units
- Pestilence - Increases efficiency of plagues (more speed/armor/damage reduction.
- Engineered Plague - Increases area effect of plagues
- Engineered Plague - Causes all plagues to heal undead units in contact with infected units

Any volunteers>? :p
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