NaZi Zombies Assault v1.2

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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----------David the Great Presents Great Game----------

NaZi Zombies Assault
Created by FasterDavid

Map Info:

The NaZi Germany have created immortal zombie army and launched a massive Assault on the Soviet Union

I will put Changelog here in the next versions

  • 67chrome ico Berz Apheraz Lucent Oinkerwinkle Huinipachutli Fingolfin qassamzed cRAZYRUSSIAN storm_PCF The Panda Mc ! The Weird Human Illidan(Evil)X General Frank WILL THE ALMIGHTY Rizz_Boomer Magtheridon96 MaskedPoptart epsilon Kofi_Banan maskedpoptart Ryro Shadow Fury IcemanBo
Author's notes:

This game is meant to be played with friends, have a fun. It's not a solo map. In this game you start as one of the currently 4 classes(there will be more in the future) as a solder, the first thing you need to do is to survive the assault, there are many possible ways to survive since the Heroes are not overpowered. You can make your own strategy or combine the strenght of all.

How to Win?

Right now there are 15 Wave's total, 1 Special and 3 Bosses. Once you survive all the Wave's you will be given a mission to destroy the Laboratory which is located Bottom Left, once you complete the mission there are 2 bosses left which you must defeat to complete your final objective and that is to destroy The NaZi Headquarters.

NaZi Zombies vs Soviet Union (Zombies Assault)

NaZi Zombies Assault v1.2 (Map)

22:46, 18th Jul 2015 Shadow Fury: Map is set to needs fix.
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
I tested the map multiple times and I must say you have to work on some points.

1- Don't give heroes the same ultimate skill. Every hero should have his own ultimate based on his role so as to achieve victory. In addition, I saw you gave Grenade to more than one hero. Why? Once again, each hero should have unique skills, not repeated ones

2- Why is the map playable by only +6 players? You can easily make this playable even in single player by adjusting the number of enemies spawning and the handicap. I'd highly recommend implementing such a system that suits the difficulty of the game based on the number of players

3- Engineer builds only two defensive towers? You could certainly add more. A rocket launcher in late game is really useless, as well as the sentry gun. Stronger defensive towers are required

4- May I know why I cannot learn a skill at level 1 for Pyro and Sniper? Going for Attribute Bonus is just boring and it makes you quite useless until you reach level 2 (assuming we're playing multiplayer with many guys and EXP gain is low because it is divided equally amongst all players)

The map needs more development before being approved thus it is set to needs fix.