Set a negative selection scale on projectiles to remove hp bars
Slightly increased the cannon collision size according to ships size
Added heal buff to drydock repairs
Empire team upgrade is performed only once first 20 mins
Removed imperial rowboat from harbors to buy
Changed the freeze chance for ice cannons from 20/35/50 to 20/30/40
Increased the frost damage of frost cannon (6000) from 200 to 250
Reduced the freezing duration of freeze water skill
Increased the cost of shell cannon from 1600 to 1850
Increased the damage of shell cannon from 390 to 450
Projectiles no longer damage other projectiles which caused leak
Improved the damage display system using variable
Fixed a bug with the naval mines which conflicted with the crew system
Fixed a cooldown bug with cannon fortress which made it fire more slower
Fixed an info bug to Hull repair skill
Reenabled the Advanced Boarding arena
Added one more boarding arena on the map
Added a new ship: Troll Destroyer (6000)
Troll Destroyer abilties: Deck Cannon, Shadow Image and Dual Barrage
Added AFK detection system
Reduced cooldown of hooks and boarding abilities from 80 to 70 sec
Readded the loading screen
Readjusted most cannon item damages, both nerfs and buffs
Buffed basic missile cannon weapons damage
Buffed all magic cannons damage a little
Changed the acid cannon armor reduction from 4 to 3
Fixed some wrong tooltip infos
Fixed a bug that interupted a players barrage if he had a cannon fort
Fixed a crew killing bug for empire cannon fortresses
Fixed a bug that allowed you to board sea behemoths
Fixed a bug which sometimes showed that you was respawned in 0 sec
Fixed a damage system bug which an explosion effect when changing ships
Fixed several bugs with advanced boarding, including pause bugs
Fixed a terrain glitch which prevented the spanish to reach the switch
Added 50 more hp bonus on stone hull
Increased the crew quarters capacity from 70 to 90
Increased the crew quarters cost from 750 to 1200
Added HandCLAW into credit list
Added -giveup command, which allows a team to giveup if everyone agrees
Changed the secondary skill hotkey from V to C
Kicking an AFK player using kickvote will now be easier
Replaced the Elven Cruiser Elven Crew with Engineer Crew
Replaced the War Galleons Engineer Crew with Hull Reinforcement
Hull Reinforcement (War Galleon) reduce the crew killer effect by 10% pr level
Dwarf Hull reinforcement does now have crew killer weapon reduction: 25%
Elven Hull reinforcement does now have crew killer weapon reduction: 25%
Increased the cost of dwarf hull reinforcement from 2100 to 2650
Increased the tower gold costs a bit, except tower kits
Made the terrain behind pirate base unbuildable by tower tactic
Veteran Cannon Crew is now targetable by cannon towers (Mechanical)
Slightly increased the cost of buyable crews
Reduced treasure map mission awards from 1200g/300xp to 900g/200xp
Increased the pig/goblin potion mission awards from 900g to 1200g
Fixed some wrong tooltips
Fixed a bug that allowed you to select collision dummy from boarding sequence
Fixed a bug that didn't remove hide buff when being directly hit by cannons
Fixed a bug that allowed you to move your ship when boarding
Hero Bounty change: 175 + 2% of value -> 250 + 1.5% of value
Kills/Deaths bounty change modifier reduced from 2% to 1%
Increased minumum bounty from 50% to 75%
Enforced kill credit on pinnace High explosives usage
Slight price changes on Pinnace and infiltrator
Slightly reduced the speed on spawn empire ships
Fixed a bug with -giveup Command not working
Fixed a bug with shortgame mode which didn't include top area
Minor changes
Readded captains hut, with 3 different upgrades to choose from
Captains hut has an ability which allows you to focus stats when leveling
Decreased the bounty by 25% when the pinnace is using high explosives
Setting High Explosives to autocast will now toggle explosion on death
Removed the restriction of buying tomes with crew
Assist bounty for single assist has been raised from 25% to 30%
Base bounty of killing heroes reduced by 25 gold
Added cannon fortress mode command (-fm) in quests
Increased the cost of acid cannon from 4000 to 5000
Increased crew protection of dwarf hull reinforcement from 25% to 35%
Increased crew protection of elven hull reinforcement from 25% to 45%
Buffed the sinking chance for submarine torpedoes from 15% to 20%
Fixed luggers description
Removed right click attack bug
Fixed a bug that could cause double victory texts
Fixed a bug that caused items when you changed ship to never be dropable
Small changes
Added new ship: Elven Shock Cruiser (10000) at elven dock
Added a new ability on captain hut: Ship Hull Skill
Added -rclick command to enable right click attacking
Nerfed sailors fish net skill from 1/2/3/4/5 to 1/1.5/2/2.5/3
Destroyers sail ripper skill damage is reduced
Rebuild spawn harbor costs reduced from 10000 to 8000 gold
Rebuilding repair drydock reduced from 4000 to 3000 gold
Reduced the imperial rowboats hp from 150 to 140
Increased the hp of Battleship class ships by about ~20%
Crew protection percentage is now shown on dreadnoughts steel hull
Changed the costs and damage of many ordinary cannons
Fixed a bug that could cause pinnace to do double explosion damage
Fixed a bug that didn't trigger victory
Reduced the engineers teleport range from 600 to 500
The engineer should now be prevented to jump to gate switch
The pirate cruiser should no longer trigger the switch
Fixed the wrong dmg from picking starting cannon
-After almost a year pause, updates resume-
Hero ship speed will now impact on damage system
Having more than 300 ship speed will now make your ship take extra damage
The "Stats" command will now also show your damage reductions
Ram ability will now cause spell damage instead of normal damage
Rebuilding destroyed spawning harbors is decreased from 8k to 5k
Increased the Assist Timer so it should be easier to get assists
Decreased bounty received from killing pirate creeps
Fixed a bug with captains hut upgrade causing fatal error
Minor changes
Changed the speeds of projectiles
Increased the speed of slow cannons by 33% (600 -> 800)
Increased ths speed of medium cannons by 11% (900 -> 1000)
Increased the cost of shell cannon from 1850 to 2400
Gold coins now only provide 100 gold instead of 150 gold
Doubled the cooldown of caravels naval mines ability
Nerfed lightning effect damage caused by lightning weapons by 25%
Surpassing 275 speed will now gradually increase damage taken
Fixed a bug that should remove boarding freeze after boarding
Damage increase when surpassing 300 speed instead of 275 speed
Traders only take additional damage when surpassing 400 speed
Increased the base costs of critical cannons by 16%
Increased the damage of ice based weapons by 10%
Increased the damage of fire based weapons by 20%
Goblin flamethrower receives 20% more range instead of dmg change
Mortar teams should no longer be able to trigger the gate switches
Fixed a bug that allowed you to select enemy/allied towers and use sell ability
Fixed a bug with Naval Mine item, it will now create real mines
Demolisher should no longer have homing shots against hero ships
Speeded up the basic rocket cannons initial birth animations
Changed the standard cannons damage to crew a bit lower
Clearly indicated what does spell damage in cannons descriptions
Added a new stats award: Sea Warrior (includes all creep kills)
Winning in boarding combat will give additional 1+ ability points reward
Reduced the empire ship spawns bounties with about 10% overall
Siege equipment should no longer be able to shoot on gateswitches
Put a tower near the ocean treasure gate to prevent treasure theft
You should no longer be able to open gates unless taking out the pirates
Damage increase when surpassing 285 speed instead of 300 speed
Fixed a gate opening bug
Made counters to prevent naga looting
Fixed a bug that allowed attack ground to trigger gate switch
Changed the damage and armor names in the map
Also change the damage modifier values and some ships armors
Trees near the naga treasure will now regrow
Reduced the range of demolisher from 1750 to 1550
Increased the attack cooldown of mortar crew
Closing both gates will now properly cut off supplies from homelands
Deploying crew will now cost you 20 gold each
Deploying special crew will now cost you 50 gold each
Loading back crew will return you the gold
Added -la command (Load all nearby crew)
Created a hashtable based cannon creation system
Changed the damage types in the game and damage modifiers
Cannons do now consist of 7 damage types, instead of only 2
-> Crude, Normal, Arrow, Magical, Siege, Spells and Legend
Introduced a new armor type: Sturdy
Readjusted damage reduction of all Hulls
Added new reduction features on hull reinforcements
Nerfed armor bonuses of all Reinforced Hhull items
Submarine is slightly buffed and does now cost less 6400 -> 5000 gold
Buffed the siege weapons damage by 10%, removing splash damage
Buffed the rocket weapons damage by 5% (basic rocket 5% cheaper instead)
Repair woods do now have 50% less charges; thus halving costs
Reduced the large splash damage from Thunder Cannon, it do now cost less
Added Hookshot ability on Dreadlord Cruiser (Removed Ghost storm)
Added a custom mode: No betrayal mode (Players cannot become pirate)
Remade the seeker homing system
Changed seeker cannons damage type from spell to magic
Changed some weapons damage types settings
When pinnace is using high explosives, it will no longer nullify spree count
Remade repair items, repair bonus will instead adds to repair over time
Repair items will show total repair over time when used
Added armor type to ship descriptions
Slightly buffed glaive cannons
Increased the damage done by Harpoon, Sharp Knifes and Grapeshot
Floating damage text should no longer be visible under fog for enemies
Reduced carpentry (strength) attribute passive repair from 0.5 to 0.35
It should be easier to kick unwanted feeders now
All repair wood items do now have the correct 5 charges
Repair kits set from 10 charges to 5 charges
Added 3 new hull items, in secret shops
Empire ships bounty will now increase by 8% every 4 min, not 5% pr upgrade
Using -autofire, you can now stop firing using hold position
Fixed a bug that easily cancelled ships barrage abilities
Fixed a damage bug with heavy seeker cannon dealing to low damage
Fixed a bug that caused hulls you tried to pick up, to vanish
Fixed a bug that made AFK shared control removed
Fixed a bug with additional cannon skill not working at all
Fixed a bug with crew stats upgrades
Fixed a bug with -stats damage display
Fixed a bug that removed critical precision upgrade when changing ship
Fixed a bug when capturing ships, that made ships way to slow
Minor bugfixes
Remade the boarding system, multiple parts can join now
Each level do now increase base max hp by 2% instead if 1%
Slightly increased base hp of all hero ships
Merchantman is now restricted to 1 cannon pr slot
Decreased the traders base hp from 650 to 550
Changed damage type of super rocket from legend to normal
Buffed the repair bonus of repair woods a bit
Changed the damage types and armor types of different crew
Fixed a bug with shockwave cannons not working at all
Fixed a bug that caused the ship to not respawn
Fixed a damage bug with destroyers/Precisors ballista cannon
Minimum hero bounty is now 150 gold
Rebalanced the hp and price settings of hero ships slightly
Random kill by High Explosives no longer adds spree count to enemy
Using High Explove ability is now always visible with explosion effect
High Explosives will now only yield 50% of bounty to enemy
Fixed a bug which caused never ending spree bonus if sinking a pinnace
Fixed a severe bug which multiplied the damage done by forward cannons
Starting gold set to 1800 gold now in normal modes
Starting gold set to 8000 gold in rush mode
Max crew capacity will be increased by 2% for each level now
Reduced the max base crew on the bigger ships to compensate a bit
Overall nerf of all weapons by about 12,5% for balancing
Extended the range of starting culverine cannon
Lowered the range of starting ballista cannon
Autofire trigger should no longer interrupt movement
Corrected the damage value on cruiser cannon now
The 3 first empire incomes should now provide somewhat better income
Empire tech level is now displayed for each income
Cannon barrage abilities will now also trigger the bought cannons once as well
Empire buildings no longer have a fixed bounty
Fixed a hashtable scaling bug with big ships front cannons
Fixed a bug that allowed you to easily abort barrages
Fixed a damage bug on Lightning Cannon's chain lightning
Fixed a spree kill bug
Fixed a bug with boarding timer to blink at 0 permanently
Added a new Battleship class ship (14000) at main harbor
Added Ranged Combat skill at captains hut
Added Volley Cliff skill at captains hut
Added Faster Cannon Speed skill at captains hut
Initially, cannons do now have a 5% chance to pass cliffs
Empire Cannon fortress cannons can now pass cliffs 50% of the times
Added new item which can block freeze effect
Added a new legendary item which can increase range (30%)
2 shops outside map center will be available in short mode now
Naga shops will be available where the switch is in short mode
Dwarven Tech crew boost range by 15% (Dwarven Merhcant)
Increased the costs of permanent repair items
Merchantman will not receive shared ability points from empire
Traders ability point rewards will be given to the empire
Traders will receive 50% of their ability from trades each income
Players can also receive bonus ability points from empire now
Special bonuses is received for empire assists and building kills
Made a terrain trade shortcut passage for north trader on east
Added a afk debugger, in case the shared control is removed
Items owned by afk player should no longer be droppable
Slightly increased the pull range of Meathook
Buffed critical hit skill in captains hut from 4% to 5% pr level
Nerfed traders barrier armor bonus
Empire will now give players all the ability points for each income
Moved goblin carrack to main harbor and renamed it to hunter carrack
Reduced the speed disadvantage of having to large stack of cannons
Reduced passive heal by carpentry skill from 0.35 to 0.25
Reduced the range of sensor item and sensor skill to submarine
Suicide mission do now give empire 50% of the gold, was bugged
First Barrage wave will now always shoot at pointed location
Fixed a bug that allowed critical cannons to do more than 4x dmg
Fixed a trader bug that allowed selfkill gold for suicide mission
Fixed a projectile bug that allowed seekers to ignore cliffs
Fixed Cruiser Cannon for troll destroyer and juggernaught
Fixed a fatal error bug with seekers going off map edge
Fixed a bug with lightning cannon abilities not firing
Fixed a triggered angle bug with barrage abilities
Fixed a bug that didn't reset vertex color after respawn
Corrected a few tooltips
Added Murloc Crew at Naga Shop
Changed the Carrack Hunters Homing Rocket ability
Added a new secret item which boosts cannonball speed
Frost Nova Cannon no longer causes damage to allies
Frost Nova Cannon price slightly increased
Deck Cannon ability do now splash damage
Slightly increased the costs of crews
Nerfed destroyers sail ripper skill slow amount
Attempted to fix death when buying new ship bug
Added temporary range bonus with Cannon Fury ability
Spell based cannons should no longer be reduced by armor
Fixed a bug that drained your ability points when repair empire ships
Fixed a bug with neutral hostile boarding doing nothing
Fixed a bug with submarines starboard cannon skill
Fixed a bug that allowed you to change ship using a crew or hut
Fixed a fatal forward cannons unlimited range bug
Fixed a boarding bug which allowed you to board sea demon
Fixed some minor bugs
Added a new corvette class ship (2000) at main harbor
New Abilities: Defence Field, Structure Repair and Build Tower
Changed the building system so you can speed up with repair items
Changed primary attribute icon with a cannon
Changed all secondary abilities hotkeys from [C] to [V]
Structure Mechanic item do now benefit from your carpentry skill
Corrected some cannon abilities descriptions
Decreased Cannon Tower attack cooldown from 2.4 to 2.1
You will now start with 5 charges of weak repair wood
Buffed Ballista Front Cannon damage from 65 to 75 pr level
Moved frigates to 2nd harbor page
Remade Phantom Speed ability
Researching counts as activity for afk detection system
Removed fake ability point message for trader
Removed the trader from empire gold share equation for balancing
Added a debugger for building owner change bug
Fixed a boarding related fatal error bug
Fixed a bug that made boarding not happen
Fixed ability point bug that gave it players that left the game
Fixed a bug with ocean gates
Fixed a bug that caused torpedo to jump over cliffs
Added AI for players
Nerfed the direct impact damage of fire based cannons
Slightly decreased the cost of electic cannon weapons
Fixed a bug speed with medium speed cannons
Fixed a bug with Frost armor item not resisting freeze effect
AI will now control afk players (bugfix)
Fixed a bug that caused the AI to randomly fire to often
Fire resistance item will now also reduce fire damages
Fixed an AI waypoint bug
Smaller bug fixes