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Naval Battle

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Level 12
Apr 15, 2008
Naval Skirmish

Naval Skirmish
Naval Battle is a third-person "shooter" map, where players take control of ships. Although there are simillar maps already, Naval Skirmish includes some unique features:

Damage System
Naval skirmish uses unique damage system, where each hit disables certain features of your ship. While it is much more realistic than simple hit point system, it is also much more enjoyable. Controlling a damaged ship requires more skill.

Colission System
Game includes a realistic colission system, which enables pushing ships on shores, damaging them and, most of all, it looks much better than two ships going through each other.

The map is partilly done, damage and colission systems are working, however, I am now working on much more realistic, physics-based system (which will include wind, inertia, ship mass and so on) that will provide even more realistic sailing experience and will allow to include custom ship system (you will be able to construct the ship from parts like hull, sails, cannons, every of them affecting the physical parameters of he ship)


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Level 17
Nov 18, 2008
I love the sound of the damage system. Hindering your ship's performance when it receives substantial damage to a part of it.

What's even more interesting is the physics system. So if you order a unit to move to a spot, then order it to stop, it will keep on cruising at a steadily decreasing pace?

This seems very cool indeed.
Level 12
Apr 15, 2008
Thanks for support everyone.

I don't think I will ever be able to create AI for this. The special movement system makes AI very difficult for this map. I know I am saying this for every my map, but as you can see, there are all "different" in this way.

Physics system is way much more complicated then ordering unit. I am calculating power of wind, resistance of water and, most important, the powers each ship influences the others when they collide. If you noticed, the ships don't have any unit movement (=>the movement icons are missing), the entire movement is calculated and carried out by triggers.

i dont like the screenshot that much(the first one) it has blizz cliffs it could look really awesome with non blizzard island like stuff (unless it is the meaning in the map that it is that way)

I am sorry, I didn't catch this. Are you saying that I should create the islands using some new models? I am using cliffs to detect shore collisions, but that can be either replaced by detecting height, or simulated by pathing blockers.
Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
What he said is, that you should forget the blizz cliffs, and use raised terrain instead. Looks better, and if you check for floatabillity, it would work as blizzcliffs.

But one thing: In the old Naval Combat wich you made, you kept loosing health after getting hit. Remove that, it was really fustrating, as it seemed there was no way to fix it, and if you just got hit once, you were pretty much dead...

Other than that: Awesum!
Level 12
Apr 15, 2008
Nice thing someone remembers old Naval Combat (I need to rename it, there already was a Naval Combat)

The problem is that losing health should represent slowly sinking, I would consider giving ships some kind of repair skills, which could repair any hull breaches, but there needs to be something that limits the life-span of ships, so that you can't destroy enemy shipyard in a single attack. Was it really that annoying?:grin:

Ok, I get the height thing now, it can be sone easily.
Level 12
Dec 28, 2008
especially, the wind factor is exciting me. but, no AI? T_T I can't play wc on battlenet because my game is pirate, I can only play it on single player, can't you give it a little AI man? T_T even a weakest AI is enough for me T_T and lord of sausage, I know you are not interested in wc3 any more, but I am waiting for your knockback AI mode too T_T
Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
Nice thing someone remembers old Naval Combat (I need to rename it, there already was a Naval Combat)

The problem is that losing health should represent slowly sinking, I would consider giving ships some kind of repair skills, which could repair any hull breaches, but there needs to be something that limits the life-span of ships, so that you can't destroy enemy shipyard in a single attack. Was it really that annoying?:grin:

Ok, I get the height thing now, it can be sone easily.

Yes, it was really annoying and resulted in my friends leaving... Now, we also only played it 2v2, but i simply just meant, that we met on the middle, shot each other once, and we would never get to reach the other shipyard, or atleast get in range to damage it.

Mechanical man: Only one ship at a time.
Level 12
Apr 15, 2008
Ok, I will think about that..
For now, I got some performance probles with the map, there are some background calculations that keep slowing the game (unplayable after 20 sec with 10 players). I had simmilar problems when I moved units with pathing textures (pathing map needed to be recalculated every time), the background calcultions were slowing the game more and more. If anyone got any idea what that might be, please tell me
Level 12
Apr 15, 2008
I use pathing texture for shipyard, and one of the older version moved with shipyard too (since it has 0 speed it actually didn't move, it just forced a pathing map recalculation). Now the delay is for unknown reason (propably bad coding, I am optimizing the codes now)

EDIT: after several hours of optimizing, I can't find anything else what I could improve and it's still too slow (FPS is constantly dropping). If I can't find any way to further optimize script, the physics system will be useless.
The game was also renamed to "Naval Skirmish", since there already was a game named "Naval Battle" (however that's just another battleships clone)

Testing version released. Check the performance thing for yourself.
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Level 12
Apr 15, 2008
Well, there are some leaks (which surprises me, I thought I removed all leaks), but they aren't the source of the problem. As you can see, if you pause the game for a moment, the FPS goes up again. The problem are some calculations running in background.

If anyone knew about some complex physics system I could take as reference, please tell me about it (only physics system I could find was in Physics Engine Tournament map, and thats really simple one)

EDIT: the game stays at stable FPS for 5 ships (however adding 5th ship lowers that FPS) and loses FPS for 6 or more ships (for me). If anyone could test these numbers, so I could see whether it depends on computer or there is something in the code please (add ships by typing -test, each time a ship will spawn (after a 1 second delay))

EDIT2: I managed to improve the coding a bit, the player limit is however still same, but I removed critical error that threw the ships around map constantly (I had / where a * should have been :grin: )
Now there is some kind of problem with firing, which teleports players and makes them crash instantly
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