Naruto Battle Royal v3.8

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Thsi is the BEST Naruto hero arena. Just that. 42 shinobis, every spell is JASS, game modes and AI! ENJOY!

Naruto, Uzumaki, is, so, gay, Shippuden, Shinobi, Ninja, Arena, Hero, JASS, Spell, Jutsu, Rifle-Man

Naruto Battle Royal v3.8 (Map)

10:14, 09:18, 9th Jun 2009 by bounty hunter2: Horrible terrain, missing icons, imbalanced, bad description, Rejected.




10:14, 09:18, 9th Jun 2009 by bounty hunter2:
Horrible terrain, missing icons, imbalanced, bad description, Rejected.
Level 1
Jul 14, 2008
I know that. But description says enough.
Thsi is the BEST Naruto hero arena. Just that. 42 shinobis, every spell is JASS, game modes and AI! ENJOY!

dont make me laugh...
i tested it and it was just crap...

-awkward terrain(even for an arena)
-all heroes start with max lvl and ridiculously unnecessary stats
-the characters are waaaaay unballanced(naruto has a whole bunch of uber skills while choji or madara have just a few mediocre skills =/)
-that bad gameplay doesnt even excuse the filesize
-this map is everything else than enjoyable

Level 4
Apr 25, 2009
Okay, i play it a little bit alone(just 3-5 Heroes)...and sry for my bad english ._.
i give it a 2/5, there are not many maps with a AI, and i think this AI is good, the Spells are good 2 but need rly balance and some Heroes must be improved(Madara has only 2 spells o_O?), im not a graphicretard but...this terrian rly need more improvement, and i dont like it that the heroes are maxlvl <.< and you should reduce the filesize for multiplaya :O~

@HFR: It's not "Narotu" its "Naruto"


Level 6
Apr 14, 2008
Soo... I played it about a hour :xxd:
Its very fun, but I have some suggestions:
• Orochimaru, Tsunade and First Hokage have imba healing. 1x1...well they pwn...
• For more balance might be better if you reduce the numbers. Starting demage 2k? LOL and Why hp and mana should be that insane? Reduce numbers...
• 90% of the import icons doesn't have DISTBN (<--I think I say it right) and somethimes they just show ''the green square of DOOM''
• Why the hell Tobi have 2 spells? If a hero is not finished then just don't put it there.
• You really should fix tooltips of some spells. One of Neji spells says ''Hinata can...'' and First Hokage's fist spell says ''Tsunade and Sakura...''
• Please make better Description of the map or the resource may be deleted

Well This is my complaints for now. I hope I helped you
Level 8
Aug 12, 2008
Thanks for advices. Now replies:
• If they have imba healing, then there are heroes that can cancel their spells. Boring.
• Starting damage, hp, and mp are like that because of extremely powerful spells, and if I would reduce their health, then I would have to reduce the spell damage, and that would be boring.
• It was kinda boring to make DISBTN.
• Tobi has 2 useless spells because he wasn't doing anything in anime except teleporting.
And making extras would be boring.
• OK, but tooltips are for saying what spell can do, not who can do. If 2 heroes would have same spells, then I would have to copy one and change the tooltip, and that would also be boring.
• Well, description says enough. It was boring to write long description.

Everything you said is boring.


Level 6
Apr 14, 2008
Omg. Its facts. Sakura and Tsundade doesn't have any differences except 1 spell and this is BORING, Tobi is Madara so add some of madara's abilities or it will be BORING. Pein doesn't shown the power of his ''Six paths of Pein'' in the anime so remove them :) sorry its your logic
Last edited:
Level 12
Jun 10, 2008
Thanks for advices. Now replies:
• If they have imba healing, then there are heroes that can cancel their spells. Boring.
• Starting damage, hp, and mp are like that because of extremely powerful spells, and if I would reduce their health, then I would have to reduce the spell damage, and that would be boring.
• It was kinda boring to make DISBTN.
• Tobi has 2 useless spells because he wasn't doing anything in anime except teleporting.
And making extras would be boring.
• OK, but tooltips are for saying what spell can do, not who can do. If 2 heroes would have same spells, then I would have to copy one and change the tooltip, and that would also be boring.
• Well, description says enough. It was boring to write long description.

Everything you said is boring.
If you think making maps is boring, then why did you make this?