10:14, 09:18, 9th Jun 2009 by bounty hunter2:
Horrible terrain, missing icons, imbalanced, bad description, Rejected.
Horrible terrain, missing icons, imbalanced, bad description, Rejected.
(4 ratings)
i think this is too big to host on it is bigger than 4 megabytes...
I know that. But description says enough.
Thsi is the BEST Naruto hero arena. Just that. 42 shinobis, every spell is JASS, game modes and AI! ENJOY!
If you think making maps is boring, then why did you make this?Thanks for advices. Now replies:
• If they have imba healing, then there are heroes that can cancel their spells. Boring.
• Starting damage, hp, and mp are like that because of extremely powerful spells, and if I would reduce their health, then I would have to reduce the spell damage, and that would be boring.
• It was kinda boring to make DISBTN.
• Tobi has 2 useless spells because he wasn't doing anything in anime except teleporting.
And making extras would be boring.
• OK, but tooltips are for saying what spell can do, not who can do. If 2 heroes would have same spells, then I would have to copy one and change the tooltip, and that would also be boring.
• Well, description says enough. It was boring to write long description.
Everything you said is boring.