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My Map

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Level 3
Sep 19, 2008
Descriptive Title, eh?

Well, suprise suprise, I need some help.

I've been working on this map for a couple of days and I've hit a bit of a creative roadblock. It's a map with a few systems I've made myself - in fact the only thing of anyone elses is a Konstruckt Gun Attachment (all credit to him).

So theres a system for food water and sleep. Currently you can kill enemies (a spider) the system will add it to a dialog and you'll be able to eat that meat by choosing it from the dialog after using an ability. You can also equip weapons (handled by adding guns to another dialog box and then equipping one by using an ability). There is ammo control aswell - you cant shoot without rounds but you can pick up Clips and they replenish Rounds.

Theres a system for entering houses and sleeping in beds (sleep with too little hunger percentage and you'll get a bad nights sleep)

Theres a score system which is very simple and simply gives you some when you do good things.

I'm giving it to people to have a play with - see what you think. Do you love it? hate it?

Please try to judge it more with the systems than with the game atm.

A couple of hints - the Red Rune Icon equips weapons and look inside the spellbook for more.

So what i'd reallylike is ideas for a story, quests, ideas anything at all. Even the tiniest little thing you would like - tell me.




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Level 2
Mar 2, 2009
Hi there,

You should try finishing the map before posting it on the Hive. Currently it's unplayable at best.

Level 2
Mar 2, 2009
I know that, my point is that the map has so many bugs and flaws in it that it's hardly playable. He should fix those before testing it.

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