My First Icon

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A) I don't care who made that avatar, it has realy bad quality.
B) I don't care how someone made that bad quality avatar.
C) Who cares? :) Not me for sure.
D) Work faster? Dude, before use tools u should know what result it will give you, and about speed - i'm far from sure about speed of that works. And pretiness. It's like use smooth or blur tools, u can always make better and faster by ur self.
C) We all can, so, that kid told me learn some tools - let he lern work without tools. :)

Best artist on hive is crazy russian, so? :) Best icon maker is CR too, best skin maker - red shift, best modeller - pyramidhead. So?

Also your agression make me laugh :) Keep ur aggro up, kid :)
B)It has achieved what he wanted to achieve.
D) You're only saying that because Paint lacks this shit and you're forced to work freehand all the time.

C) Dude, the icon is friggin pixelated because of paint. And Filters are there to avoid frustration all the time. Pros use Photoshop filters A LOT as a matter of fact.


Nuff said, get back on topic now boys girls.
Level 50
Jan 12, 2010
I paint in CS5, any more questions? I said that in paint, if ur skilled enough, you can make enough good icons.

statharas said:
D) You're only saying that because Paint lacks this shit and you're forced to work freehand all the time.

Omfg, read again please and understand one easy moment. If a person cannot draw without filters and tools some stuff that he should be able to draw as a artist - he is bad artist at all.

statharas said:
C) Dude, the icon is friggin pixelated because of paint. And Filters are there to avoid frustration all the time. Pros use Photoshop filters A LOT as a matter of fact.
I can make it in 1200*1200, and also, i worked on it around 5 minutes, and get that result, if i worked on it around 30 minutes with efford and idea, you'll be not able recognise, did it was made with paint or photoshop.
sincere apologies to indomitable1319 whose thread has obviously been completely ruined.

secondly. peekay. the old saying goes. if you dont have anything to say, dont say it at all. of course, that saying is a load of shit. i prefer, and i am sure everyone would prefer, if you dont have anything constructive to say, dont say it at all.
Lol, artist is useless when his work looks like ur avatar, rly.
that is totally uncalled for and not even needed. it comes off as being aggressive and, frankly, very very douche-y/show-off-ish. no one likes that kind of people. really. learn that and try not to attract so much flak.

thirdly. can you people take this somewhere dont know. the haxxx channel because this thread is now completely and utterly ruined.

i use 64x64 and then a slight sharpen tool for contrast. i use 64 by 64 because the final "product" is 64x64. its like how you dont design a postage stamp with high-def images, expecting it to be high-def in the final outcome. but if you must draw big, try using multiples of 64 like 128x128, 256x256, 512x512. just works better mathematically when resizing into a 64x64. think of it like a pizza. slicing a pizza into 8 and then into 12 is rather hard. but slicing into 16 is mathematically easier. same thing with pixels.

and debode. sharpen filter and sharpen tool is exactly the same shit. they are not different in any ways in terms of effect. do not try and make an argument out of stuff

a filter does not make or break an artist. that is, by far, the dumbest thing ive ever heard in a long time. filters are a luxury that you either use or not use. like a chandelier. it is a luxury. i can enhance the look of the room or it might totally screw it up, sticking out like an eyesore. and like a chandelier, you can have it or not have it. putting a chandelier in a shed does not make it look better. same way, relying on filter to make better art is stupid. you need some basis first before even considering filter. you have to make sure your drawing skills are good first.

and for that, i urge you to practice with pencil and paper, like they used to to in the olden days. dont start drawing with mouse. thats is being silly. and while drawing, you must ALWAYS criticise yourself. criticise everything yourself. be happy with what you do but dont be content. only then can you establish a good eye for art. then you can draw better in any media form.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
I love how Wherewolf directly ORDERED Peekay and Goblin to stop, yet Peekay went on and on and on...
And I'm fairly certain CRAZYRUSSIAN used at the very least the sharpen filter, and MOST DEFINITELY stock images for his professional art(e.g NOT 64x64 icons for a dying, old game).
Also, Peekay, why the hell did you ignore Pyramidhe@d's wise words completely?

By the way, you can solve this like me and JokeMaster solved our dispute in the Fall of Draenor thread - Create a challenge in the Challenges forum, choose a theme(icon, skin, concept art, whatever) and duke it out. Let the Hive's pros judge your works and you will solve all of your problems. :D (Unless Goblin wins and Peekay will be all "u only won because u used filters and tools, u noob, im the real artist here!!!!")

and debode. sharpen filter and sharpen tool is exactly the same shit. they are not different in any ways in terms of effect. do not try and make an argument out of stuff
Have you even read the thread?
If anything, he's the one who didn't understand what I said. To me it seemed like he never heard of the sharpen filter, which I personally use more than anything else in Photoshop(I do use photoshop quite a lot, just not for 'real art').
I love how Wherewolf directly ORDERED Peekay and Goblin to stop, yet Peekay went on and on and on...
And I'm fairly certain CRAZYRUSSIAN used at the very least the sharpen filter, and MOST DEFINITELY stock images for his professional art(e.g NOT 64x64 icons for a dying, old game).
Also, Peekay, why the hell did you ignore Pyramidhe@d's wise words completely?

By the way, you can solve this like me and JokeMaster solved our dispute in the Fall of Draenor thread - Create a challenge in the Challenges forum, choose a theme(icon, skin, concept art, whatever) and duke it out. Let the Hive's pros judge your works and you will solve all of your problems. :D (Unless Goblin wins and Peekay will be all "u only won because u used filters and tools, u noob, im the real artist here!!!!")

Have you even read the thread?
If anything, he's the one who didn't understand what I said. To me it seemed like he never heard of the sharpen filter, which I personally use more than anything else in Photoshop(I do use photoshop quite a lot, just not for 'real art').

You're not helping Deolrin

In fact your going against that direct order by continuing the argument.

I'll wait for someone with the authority in this section to clean it up, but I'm really sorry indomitable1319 for what this flamewar has done to your thread.
Thanks to a friend who sent me a link to this section. EPIC LOLZ.

All I got to say for the most part is: I LOVE HIVE!

And now, some words of wisdom: ---

We all see and seen thousands art on line, magazines, books, museums.
And we all can see what is good and what we like and what looks bad and what we don't like.
In the end it DOESN'T MATTER how long it took to paint, what tools where used, how it was done, or by who, or what is the subject matter, or anything else!
If it looks good then is looks GOOD. Iliya Repin painted his works for 3-4 years and my friend dustsplat paints his in a day. Both I like and if I want my to look good I will do what ever I know to make it so no matter the tools or the time.

Computer, pencil, photoshop, paintbrush, paint, marker, whatever is just a tool that is used to make things. (personally I paint faster with oils then digital)

Artist can't lie in art!
Not only the art is the reflection of the creator's "soul" or insides but the viewers will SEE if the creator spent time or slacked off and took shortcuts in the creation process.

So, point being, it doesn't matter.
And when artist tell about the tools used, time spent, reference used or not used - it is all just to show off, a little ego boots, nothing more.
I do the same, because I need my own ego boots once in a while.

please continue the flaming and the trolling it is what the forums are for!

Side note - (Sharpen tool is needed when sizing UP smaller image to make it appear "not-blurry") - for example changing resolution from smaller like 100dpi to 300 dpi for printing.
CRAZYRUSSIAN, the sharpen tool is also useful for sizing down images, though. D:

I dont know anybody who is using the sharp tool when downsizing the image.
and I know alot of artists and designers.

... It is not essential tool in downsizing, a simple contrast increase does almost exactly same thing.

the image at 64x64 will not get sharper doesn't matter how many times you use the sharpen tool on it. If something is painted in a way to that looks blurry when downsized then it will stay that way.

Indomitable, you may post. Nao!


Quit bitching, bitches.

indomitable1319 - did you get GIMP yet?

In a bit, the internet's too sloawawawaw to download it.


Sowwy Indo.

But he insulted a great artist.

I understand.

You're not helping Deolrin

In fact your going against that direct order by continuing the argument.

I'll wait for someone with the authority in this section to clean it up, but I'm really sorry indomitable1319 for what this flamewar has done to your thread.

It's alright. I've learned a few things about 2D art here.

And first off, I'd like to share a little conversation Mr. Goblin and I had.

Mr. Goblin said:
Sorry for your thread mate.. :\ I had to react to that..
indomitable1319 said:
Don't worry about it.
If it's a matter that needs to be settled between you two, I don't mind.
Mr. Goblin said:
thanks for your understanding mate!
indomitable1319 said:
You're welcome. :)

Anyway, I think that is unrelated to anything else I'm about to say. :D

Second off, I'd like to greet all the other great Hivers that are way above my level, like the very famous CRAZYRUSSIAN, Deolrin, WherewolfTherewolf, Pyramidhe@d -- at this rate I may start naming every other user that posted in this thread. :xxd:
Anyway, thanks to all the posters.

Third, I'd just like to justify the war a bit.
I'm merely sharing my opinion, and I'm not trying to hurt anyone. If you are offended, then please forgive me for it was not my intention.

I may be wrong about this, but this is what I think; and I will base the next part of this post off this speculation. Deolrin's avatar was made by Mr. Goblin and was insulted by PeeKay.

PeeKay, I think that you shouldn't have said that avatar thing about Deolrin. As humans, and Hivers, we must respect each other's works and let them do it how they want it. Sure, you may boast about how you can work without tools, but we should let everyone work with whatever they're comfortable with. We shouldn't judge someone by what they use, but we should judge someone off the finished product. So we should all respect everyone and what they do to make the eye candy they present. Besides, there's no shame in getting some help, is there?

That's all. Hope I didn't offend anyone here.
Level 50
Jan 12, 2010
The only one problem was that guy, that one, who never made any concept art, giving advices. And if he even saw some speeddrawing videos, or, maybe, he painted something harder than trollfaces - his opinion, maybe, maybe a little, will sound like something argumented and rational. But he gived bad advice, realy. And untill he not a artist - he shouldn't give advices about technique of art creation. Didn't that right? And mostly he made me, when he said, quote, "Then learn sharpen tool". Did you understand that reason of my overall agression?

And also, about his avatar, let i explain my opinion. First problem of it - sharpen tool, cuz of that it look's messy and overdarkened. But that never will make me dislike something if it had good propotions. Compare please some troll arts, skulls and, mostly, chins and fangs. How they should look? Yeah, not like that. Is disproportional, and had a lot of misstakes and troubles with chin and fangs. Also hair and else moments look's realy bad, imo. And, i understand that atm goblin increased his skills, and he know how bad look's realy that troll, and i understand that now he can make better, but that work is realy bad, and i don't care, did CR or, maybe, red shift it make? Who care, it look's bad and about that i joke'd in the message, that opened that holywar. So, did you understood my position?

With no offense, PeeKay.
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