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Music Contest #7 - Poll

On which of these entries will you vote?

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Level 9
Jul 15, 2011
Holy hell,that was unexpected,though im curious how you were able to find that out @deepstrasz (about PrinceYaser's entry).

I think a new rule asking for a screenshot of the DAW project/sheetmusic is definetly needed now that this all happened,though,in cases where only audacity is used,i say we ask that the person uploads the project in a zip file or something,as looking at audio waves doesnt say much.

Anyway talking about my votes:


Devine-Though it wasnt your intent,this song reminds me a lot of these drone videos,trip recordings etc but not any time i heard it i thought of a cold place such as the one you're trying to portray.The eletronic side of the song is very enjoyable as well as the piano,the main melody of the song is very catchy as well,this is something i would listen to regularly.Actually i might just do so,if i had only one vote,it would be for your entry.

The J-Very nice,sound effects really did their job on creating the image of the location,for some reason i got the strongest silent hill vibes at 0:52,maybe the melody there is just a bit similar to some silent hill song,i would have also enjoyed hearing some other instrument,but overall the harp is the one that shines here.
Level 30
Sep 2, 2007
----------------> Not cool guys.
@PrinceYaser It's not referencing if you don't actually credit the original work. Then it's called plagiarism. That's a serious word in the art world. If you keep doing this, your credibility as an artist will disappear.
@enzo2090 Thanks dude! Loved your entry as well. I don't know why I didn't vote for it, because it was easily in my top 3 (especially now that 20% has been disqualified lol)
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Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
@Forsakethis did you tell us/credit the source you've got those sounds from? I mean, the steps, swords clashing and stuff like that.
Same goes for @Brambleclaw.

Steins;gate for the voices

Some sort of news broadcast for trump

Gunshot was some free gunshot sound effects I found online. Not sure where though :/

Oh and i nearly forgot. Shia Lebouf? The JUST DO IT video, for just do it
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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
How is Deepstrasz so far ahead in the polls?
Level 4
Jan 12, 2010
People voted for deepstrasz because his composition fits his theme really well. Good stuff! By the way, the main guitar riff reminded me of one of my favorite songs (from 4:52 onwards).

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Level 4
Jan 16, 2013
Enzo, Devine and Brambleclaw.
All three works are solid and I enjoyed listening to all of them, but to my ear Enzo's one corresponds to the theme of the contest the best.
Brambleclaw's work, to my taste, is the most interesting, musicwise. It also sets an interesting kind of mood.
Devine's work, to my ear, has the best production quality. The track itself is also really, really good.

Great contest, you guys have talent and passion which is clearly audible in your music.
Thank you, personally, and everyone else who participated, for making this happen.
Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
I feel as though it's unfair for me to vote for the person who is directly behind me in third place. No one would edge down their own lead in a poll. In hindsight I would have never voted at all and perhaps that should be the rule for future contests, that the contestants themselves may not vote.
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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
I feel as though it's unfair for me to vote for the person who is directly behind me in third place. No one would edge down their own lead in a poll. In hindsight I would have never voted at all and perhaps that should be the rule for future contests, that the contestants themselves may not vote.
I disagree. We're already voters short. Imagine how the poll would've looked if 3 votes per user weren't a thing.
Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
I disagree. We're already voters short. Imagine how the poll would've looked if 3 votes per user weren't a thing.
It could hypothetically allow for scenarios where people vote against a single person as opposed to voting for their favorite piece. Or it could work to weaken the position of a contestant's own piece which is unfair to ANY contestant imo. I get that it's only 25% of the final result and it's a small competition but it seems like it's fairly unbalanced.

I don't think a margin of 1 is less valid than a margin of 10, so that number of voters in the competition is negligible imo.
Level 30
Sep 2, 2007
This is why we can't have nice things.
@RiotZ I was only joking, geez.

Edit: But to be fair, I don't think you should be able to retract your vote when it suits you. Voting for yourself is against the rules. The only reason they let it slip is because you said it happened by accident. I don't see why you're making demands while you're basically just using my name to not get in trouble and then take it all back when it suits you. All of the other contestants can't take back their votes.

Edit2: @Naze get in here before the community explodes.
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Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
I feel as though it's unfair for me to vote for the person who is directly behind me in third place. No one would edge down their own lead in a poll. In hindsight I would have never voted at all and perhaps that should be the rule for future contests, that the contestants themselves may not vote.

or you could just not be so competitive :c
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
Did you enter this contest to lose?

@Devine I was by no means suggesting I wanted to retract my vote, simply making an observation. Perhaps moderators should reassess the ability of contestants to vote for themselves/each other in future contests.

I entered this contest to have fun, and I doubt people who enter a contest for fun would be so spiteful and unsportsman like so as to vote disengeously for their own benefit. I assume we all entered this contest to enjoy ourselves and improve, otherwise what would be the point?
Level 30
Sep 2, 2007
Did you enter this contest to lose?

@Devine I was by no means suggesting I wanted to retract my vote, simply making an observation. Perhaps moderators should reassess the ability of contestants to vote for themselves/each other in future contests.

That's alright man, it's just a misunderstanding!
The poll won't make the difference. Let's reserve our anger for the judges! Hehehe
Level 28
Nov 12, 2007
perhaps that should be the rule for future contests, that the contestants themselves may not vote.
@Devine I was by no means suggesting I wanted to retract my vote, simply making an observation. Perhaps moderators should reassess the ability of contestants to vote for themselves/each other in future contests.
You can suggest this somewhere like Site Discussion but I doubt people will agree. Many contestants still like to vote even though this can be interpreted as detrimental act to their final own score.

Also, alright then, I'm glad you didn't want to retract your vote because I can't do that - if I did, I should also give the others the right to change their votes, which isn't allowed.

Edit2: @Naze get in here before the community explodes.
People tagged when you edit a post don't get the notifications. I'm glad actually, since now that I saw this it seems the misunderstanding is resolved already hahaha
Level 13
Jul 15, 2007
I'm sure some people won't even listen to a single piece. They will vote directly.

Oh, I had forgotten about the video of entries. Now, all of people will see.

Whilst i'm sure the judges will love to listen to the whole 35 mins, would it not be wise to take a 30-or-so second cut of the best bit of each entry?

I listened to each piece, and really only liked Realm of Heathens in terms of sounding good and relating to the competition theme. Others were a bit lacking, and/or i couldn't feel the theme.
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
Whilst i'm sure the judges will love to listen to the whole 35 mins, would it not be wise to take a 30-or-so second cut of the best bit of each entry?

I listened to each piece, and really only liked Realm of Heathens in terms of sounding good and relating to the competition theme. Others were a bit lacking, and/or i couldn't feel the theme.

And who decides which 30 seconds is the best? [Judging what the judge can judge?]

And surely listening to 30 seconds of a song in isolation cannot be equated to a full song since you miss out any prior created atmosphere, or change.

I'm all in favour of a time limit if things get too lengthy for entries, but really that should be said prior to the competition :/

Just my thoughts

@RiotZ by your own logic the act of voting is detrimental to ones own score since you are giving points to your competitors. Removing someones ability to self detriment doesn't seem very logical from your own perspective. If you don't want to vote, because you are just that competitive then don't vote. No reason to restrict other peoples liberties.
Level 30
Sep 2, 2007
Whilst i'm sure the judges will love to listen to the whole 35 mins, would it not be wise to take a 30-or-so second cut of the best bit of each entry?

I listened to each piece, and really only liked Realm of Heathens in terms of sounding good and relating to the competition theme. Others were a bit lacking, and/or i couldn't feel the theme.

How can you judge a composition by only listening to the "best part"? Do you think a composer makes the "best bit" or the composition?
I personally don't appreciate getting a suggestion like that, followed by a the statement that only 1/8 contestants did a good job.
I can't take it serious, and neither should the other contestants.

xxx Devine got your back buddies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (!)
Level 13
Jul 15, 2007
Well i was only echoing the concerns of the comment i quoted, that some people who vote probably don't listen to them, or all of them. If you have an extract you at least increase the chance of voters actually listening to something... it's also why when people advertise music/songs(or indeed anything in general) they do a small extract of a "good" part rather than the whole thing. I mean, this thread is essentially trying to advertise your entry so that it gets heard and voted for, so the tactics are relevant.

At the end of the day, only the judges are obligated to listen to the whole thing, not voters. But you still want to encourage voters to listen as much as possible.

I didn't mean to sound mean :(, you all made anything better than i could compose :p, i only chose the thing that deserved my vote the most. I'd give you all feedback, but i'd need to find the time for it!

Anyway its a nice competition, hope this reply didn't derail, peace out <3.
Level 9
Jul 15, 2011
I do have to agree that we may need an easier way for people to hear the entries.Downloading takes some time,and downloading 10 entries may be slow for some people's internet,not to mention its almost like downloading a model/icon/texture,many voters wont bother doing so,and will just look at screenshots and etc.

Compared to screenshots we have youtube here yes but i think it isnt working that well,maybe some platform that can attach to the post and make it easy to hear each entry.

I suggest soundcloud,so,each user will upload to their soundcloud,then anyone just makes a playlist there,then just attach the playlist to the topic.Each contestant will also be able to upload their entries with the image they want,a description etc.

Soundcloud's easy to register too,you can just use your google or facebook actually,which really,you cant not have one of them.

Though i dont know if the soundcloud attaching thing works here.

It doesnt,is it not allowed or is it not supported?

EDIT: Though i guess a link to the playlist would be enough then.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
I suggest soundcloud,so,each user will upload to their soundcloud,then anyone just makes a playlist there,then just attach the playlist to the topic.Each contestant will also be able to upload their entries with the image they want,a description etc.
Isn't it the same thing? You'd still need internet to buffer the files in the playlist to your computer.
Level 9
Jul 15, 2011
RIght right no need to murder me,i just think it could be better than that,something like a small player that exist in some forums,if i remember correctly all you had to do in them was ''[mp3]filelink[mp3]'' or ''[media]filelink[media]. and a little ''play'' button and a stop button would show up after.
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