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[General] Multiple Editor issues while developing new map.

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Level 4
Mar 15, 2020
Hey I've been facing some problems that are really bothering me when it comes to a new map I'm developing;

  1. I have a spell based on "Drunken Brawler" that only partially works. The critical strike portion simply does not proc no matter what I set it to, even 100% I've tried giving the unit the normal "Drunken Brawler" and it works fine so I have no clue what's going on wrong here.
  2. I have two heroes that use the Priest and Sorceress model/icon. The issue here is that when played on classic graphics their icon is just a green square which tells me it's a missing icon but that doesn't make any sense because these are the normal ones used for the unit version.

I've attached the map below, any help would be greatly appreciated and if you have thoughts regarding the rest of the map so far, please be my guest.

Just an FYI; the map was made and tested mostly in Reforged and visually I've tailored it to reforged as much as possible


  • Lordaeron.w3m
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Level 4
Mar 15, 2020
I believe this post is hidden for the time being seeing as I'm a new member or something.

Regardless I updated the attachment in this thread with a newer version of the map, still suffering from the same problems.
Level 4
Mar 15, 2020
Crit chance values are expected to go upto 100 for 100%. You used numbers with 0 to 1, therefore your crit chance is below 1% (basicly never).
While the evade field expects numbers from 0 to 1 quite confusing design from that ability.

Thanks, this managed to fix it, can't believe I didn't notice it. Still like you said it's pretty confusing since evasion uses the other kind.

As far as the 2nd issue is concerned I still can't find a way to fix it unless I'm blind and missing something, every other unit works fine. Is it possible because priests and sorcs have a frozen throne and a reign of chaos model which also on a side note, the reign of chaos model for the sorc is either the exact same or not enabled in the editor. She sticks to the frozen throne model no matter what you do :cry:

I uploaded an image to show what happens in classic graphics mode. I've also updated the map in the original post.


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