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Different Criticals work?

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Level 6
Jun 20, 2005
I know that someone probably asked this before, but I couldn't find it using the search tool.

It is known that the having multiple critical strike bug, and is also known that the damage displayed in red is not actually the damage dealt.

I know that the perfect way to solve this problem is to make every critical spell trigger-based, but I wan't to avoid that.

So, my question is, if a unit has Drunken Brawler AND critical strike (from an item), would they have the same bug?
Level 9
Aug 21, 2008
Thats exactly the same effect and it shows proprly.
But cause the game tries to show 1 value for every crit it may look weird.if you have a 10 and a 2 with 10 dammage you may see 200 overwritten by 400 which is actually the right value. It doesnt matter where the crit came from.
Level 6
Jun 20, 2005
that's my point, it's not the right value.

criticals don't stack properly, if you have more than one critical strike ability, only the last one will properly work, and the number displayed in red doesn't follow the damage dealt.

here's the proper explanation:
This topic will never die. Let me try to explain.

One crit source should be self-explanatory, so let me skip to a sai with see the wind and 6 cleavers.

Every shot, the crit chance is calculated for *each crit source.* This means that in this example, every time our Sai fires, she has 7 chances to land a crit.

However, only the *last* crit source that scores a crit actually counts. This is why we have suggested that the troll/sai re-learn their skills after getting a cleaver.

However, Lets say our Sai did not know this, and did NOT re-learn skills, meaning see the wind is calculated first.

Therefore she has these crits sources:

See the wind: 19% chance for 21 times damage
Cleaver: 50% chance for 2 times damage (but there are 6 of them)

She fires her bow and hit. The following crit calculations take place, in this order:

See the wind. Cleaver. Cleaver. Cleaver. Cleaver. Cleaver. Cleaver.

However, only THE LAST ONE COUNTS. This means that if her See the Wind crit "lands" she would need to fail all 6 of the cleaver crit chances in order to do 21 times damage. For those who don't want to do this themselves, the chance of that is 1 in 64, or about 1.6% of the time your see the wind crits. This means that odds of any shot scoring 21 times damage is approximately 1 to 337, or a .297% chance. However, the odds of scoring a 2 times critical hit are 100 in 101, or a 98.7% chance.

However, if you were to get 6 cleavers then re-learn see the wind, you would maintain the 19% chance to do 21 times damage, while keeping the 98.7% chance of dealing double damage. And yes, the visual crit display will be freaking out at this point and will be incorrect about 95% of the time because the visual display shows every crit, and shows that later crits stack with earlier crits.

Hopefully this is sufficient explanation to allow this topic to never come up again ;D
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