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Mr_Bean's Spell Workshop

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Level 6
Mar 6, 2010
Spell name : Poisonous Net
Number of levels : 4
Mana cost and cooldown : 70 mana,20 second cooldown
Hero/unit ability : Hero Ability
Cast type (passive/active/auto-cast) : Active
Target type (unit/point/instant) : Unit
Detailed description of what the spell does, including all values such as damage amounts : Throws a net which holds enemy for 1/2/3/4 seconds.When the net disappears,it will slow the enemy by %5 / %10 / %15 / %20 for 1/2/3/4 seconds.While holding,the enemy can attack but he can't cast spells and can't move

Make it GUI please :)
Level 17
Feb 11, 2011
I found him!

Level 11
Oct 31, 2010
Spell name : Arrow Barrage
Number of levels : 10
Mana cost and cooldown : 70 mana,20 second cooldown
Hero/unit ability : Hero Ability
Cast type (passive/active/auto-cast) : Active
Target type (unit/point/instant) : Point
Detailed description of what the spell does, including all values such as damage amounts:
An archer shoots 2xlevel of ability for unit arrows up into the air and after 1sec, it falls on the targeted area. (before it lands ( there should be special effects indicating where it is landing)
does this do ?
Level 4
Aug 22, 2008
Ok... The last time I requested this spell they told me they didnt have time and that it was to much work and when I tried to create it myself the map crashed 50% of the casts. Maybe you could be the one? :)

Energy Field:
Number of Levels: 3
Manacost: 200
Cooldown: 80s
Hero Ability
Cast type: Active, no target
Description: You create a field of lightning with maybe 800 radius (feel free to edit the values to something more fitting I really suck at range values) that will stop all enemy units from leaving or entering the area. This field will follow the casting unit for 7/9/11 seconds.
(To make things clearer think of it as a ring of dummy units that will knockback all enemy units coming close to them preferably with a cool lightning effect and a little damage 50/70/90 perhaps)
Level 17
Feb 11, 2011
Ok... The last time I requested this spell they told me they didnt have time and that it was to much work and when I tried to create it myself the map crashed 50% of the casts. Maybe you could be the one? :)

Energy Field:
Number of Levels: 3
Manacost: 200
Cooldown: 80s
Hero Ability
Cast type: Active, no target
Description: You create a field of lightning with maybe 800 radius (feel free to edit the values to something more fitting I really suck at range values) that will stop all enemy units from leaving or entering the area. This field will follow the casting unit for 7/9/11 seconds.
(To make things clearer think of it as a ring of dummy units that will knockback all enemy units coming close to them preferably with a cool lightning effect and a little damage 50/70/90 perhaps)

Sounds do-able. You want it in vJASS?
Level 3
Feb 9, 2008
can i request a hero spell similar to gabranth's ex mode in dissidia and FFDD?

spell name: Ex-mode: Mist
levels: 1-3
required level: 6
spell type: morph or buff (i dont really know which one is better, its up to you i guess)

if the spell your going to create is buff then:
cast type: active
target: self

unleashes gabranth's full potential by going into ex-mode. while in ex-mode gabranth increases his movement speed, attack speed, increases his damage and armor and replaces his first 3 spells with a more powerful set of spells

level 1 - increase MS , AS , damage by 10%, increase armor by 3%
replace 1st skill with "spell x" (level of spell is level of 1st skill)
replace 2nd skill with "spell y" (level of spell is level of 2st skill)
replace 3rd skill with "spell z" (level of spell is level of 3st skill)

level 1 - increase MS , AS , damage by 20%, increase armor by 6%
replace 1st skill with "spell x" (level of spell is level of 1st skill)
replace 2nd skill with "spell y" (level of spell is level of 2st skill)
replace 3rd skill with "spell z" (level of spell is level of 3st skill)

level 1 - increase MS , AS , damage by 30%, increase armor by 9%
replace 1st skill with "spell x" (level of spell is level of 1st skill)
replace 2nd skill with "spell y" (level of spell is level of 2st skill)
replace 3rd skill with "spell z" (level of spell is level of 3st skill)

tell me if it still lacks detail

advance thanks
credit and guaranteed rep go's to you of course
Level 17
Feb 11, 2011
Just to check, how's my spellpack going? ^^
Are there any questions or didn't you start it yet?

You will have to ask Radamantus. He does GUI requests.

can i request a hero spell similar to gabranth's ex mode in dissidia and FFDD?

spell name: Ex-mode: Mist
levels: 1-3
required level: 6
spell type: morph or buff (i dont really know which one is better, its up to you i guess)

if the spell your going to create is buff then:
cast type: active
target: self

unleashes gabranth's full potential by going into ex-mode. while in ex-mode gabranth increases his movement speed, attack speed, increases his damage and armor and replaces his first 3 spells with a more powerful set of spells

level 1 - increase MS , AS , damage by 10%, increase armor by 3%
replace 1st skill with "spell x" (level of spell is level of 1st skill)
replace 2nd skill with "spell y" (level of spell is level of 2st skill)
replace 3rd skill with "spell z" (level of spell is level of 3st skill)

level 1 - increase MS , AS , damage by 20%, increase armor by 6%
replace 1st skill with "spell x" (level of spell is level of 1st skill)
replace 2nd skill with "spell y" (level of spell is level of 2st skill)
replace 3rd skill with "spell z" (level of spell is level of 3st skill)

level 1 - increase MS , AS , damage by 30%, increase armor by 9%
replace 1st skill with "spell x" (level of spell is level of 1st skill)
replace 2nd skill with "spell y" (level of spell is level of 2st skill)
replace 3rd skill with "spell z" (level of spell is level of 3st skill)

tell me if it still lacks detail

advance thanks
credit and guaranteed rep go's to you of course

I think this should be possible in vJASS (not sure about GUI). Do you want it vJASS or GUI?
How long does it last?
The only immediate problem I see is increasing armour by a percent.
Is this spell only used for one hero?
Level 3
Feb 9, 2008
I think this should be possible in vJASS (not sure about GUI). Do you want it vJASS or GUI?
How long does it last?
The only immediate problem I see is increasing armour by a percent.
Is this spell only used for one hero?

1. GUI if possible (cause for some reason any spell or system in vjass does not work in my WE but i think jass work though since im using a damage detection system made in jass in my map although im not sure about the difference)
2. last for about 11 seconds on all levels, cooldown is 60 seconds on all level
3. about the armor increase can you make it this way instead?
level 1 - increase armor by 3
level 2 - increase armor by 6
level 3 - increase armor by 9
4. and i think i forgot to mention that the spells are replaced with the original set after the duration of the spell
5. yes it doesnt have to be MUI, i only plan on using it on one hero as a boss spell

thanks for replying
Level 9
Aug 7, 2009
Since i have no idea if this topic is still working or not. That's why i'm still posting and waiting for answers
Will you accept for kind of system?
for general, it should be:
System Name: Sound Attraction
Done in: GUI/vJass all acceptable, just somehow easy to edit will be fine to me
Description: Every sound should be registered with how much/how far it will attract enemies at the beginning of game. And everytime the sound is played, enemies within that area (registered from above) will force to come and attack the X unit (X unit will be who called for that sound)

System name 2: I see you... at the front
Done in: GUI/vJass all acceptable, just somehow easy to edit will be fine to me
Description: Not using acquisition range anymore but units will engage enemies they actually see (the unit they're facing at and within a limit range, maybe range of sight)

Thanks for reading, please feel free to PM or post here if you have some questions about this
And... if you find it is too hard at some part or so,.. just tell me too :p so i can edit something making it easier
Rep and Credits surely un-forgetable
Level 9
Aug 7, 2009
well, thanks for replying. May be system 1 could be activate manually about setting the unit which call for sound and run trigger ... or smthing like that would be fine?

Since those ideas are for a Zombie Simulation map :) so having both of them will be awesome
Level 5
Aug 8, 2012
That system 1 could be done with abilities, attacking, and with a passive 'sound attraction' area while your unit is moving, I guess... I myself would have no hope of actually making it, but I have a general idea of how it could work.
Level 3
Apr 29, 2012
hey bean long time no see, free to work on my new request?
Spell pack - Child of the Farm

1.Pebble Rock [Q] - active, instant cast
Level : 4
Mana cost : 90
Cooldown : 11 sec
Description : turn in to range attack with 550 range and had chance of 0.1 sec mini stun to opponent on attack. Last for 6 sec
Level 1 - 20% chance to deal 20 damage mini stun
Level 2 - 35% chance to deal 40 damage mini stun
Level 3 - 50% chance to deal 60 damage mini stun
Level 4 - 65% chance to deal 80 damage mini stun

2.Struggle [W] - active, instant cast
Level : 4
Mana cost : 110
Cooldown : 13 sec
Description : increase attack speed and had a 25% chance to deal critical damage. Last for 7 sec.
Level 1 - increase 10% attack speed, 1.5x critical.
Level 2 - increase 20% attack speed, 1.75x critical.
Level 3 - increase 30% attack speed, 2x critical.
Level 4 - increase 40% attack speed, 2.25x critical.

3.Pocket Money [E] - active, instant cast, unit target(Missile)
Level : 4
Mana Cost : 80
Cooldown : 9 sec
Area of effect : 450 AOE
Description : deal damage to all enemy unit (any unit type), caster get money for each enemy the damage dealt to. if the unit died on the damage dealt, the caster get both the killing bounty and also the bonus money.
Level 1 - 2 gold per unit, 35 damage.
Level 1 - 4 gold per unit, 50 damage.
Level 1 - 6 gold per unit, 65 damage.
Level 1 - 8 gold per unit, 80 damage.
note : is an instant cast spell and the projectile will auto target all the nearby enemy unit within the effect area.

4.Summon Adult [R] - active, unit target
Level : 3
Mana Cost : 200/250/300
Cooldown : 45 sec
Description : summon adult villager at the position on targeted unit every 3 sec and stun the unit for 1.5 second. First adult are summoned instant on spell cast. Adult villager unit last for 15 sec.
Level 1 - 1 adult.
Level 2 - 2 adult.
Level 3 - 3 adult.

Adult Villager : 450 hp, 75 hero type attack damage, 1.15 attack cooldown, 100% of 1.5 sec stun with 50 damage on first attack, 10% of 1 sec stun with 50 damage on following attack. have the ability to slow enemy movement speed by 10% on each attack, not stackable.

Feel free to contact me if you have any problem on making the skills, and this is my email, if i do not reply you here, you might send me an email. thanks~

[email protected]
Level 6
Mar 6, 2010
Spell name : Poisonous Net
Number of levels : 4
Mana cost and cooldown : 70 mana,20 second cooldown
Hero/unit ability : Hero Ability
Cast type (passive/active/auto-cast) : Active
Target type (unit/point/instant) : Unit
Detailed description of what the spell does, including all values such as damage amounts : Throws a net which holds enemy for 1/2/3/4 seconds.When the net disappears,it will slow the enemy by %5 / %10 / %15 / %20 for 1/2/3/4 seconds.While holding,the enemy can attack but he can't cast spells and can't move

Make it GUI please :)
Can you be a little bit faster?I need it for new version of my map.
Level 9
Aug 7, 2009
Hey bean,
About this request i've made:
Description: Every sound should be registered with how much/how far it will attract enemies at the beginning of game. And everytime the sound is played, enemies within that area (registered from above) will force to come and attack the X unit (X unit will be who called for that sound)
I did it myself, thanks anyway.
So, now only one of my request is pending. But i found that i would need something like this:

System name: Reload
Done in: vJass/GUI acceptable
Description: At the map start every item type (in my map is weapons) will be registered along with a real variable. [Easy configurable part]. Every time unit cast Reload ability, the system will check for item type it's currently carrying as the main one and get its reload time. After the timer went up, the unit's mana is fully generated.

Any part of those lines of madness up here is madness (can't understand) don't be shy to ask :)
Thanks again
P/S: Please use the Floating text as a timer bar if it is not too hard
Level 12
Apr 26, 2008
Hi Mr.Bean,
I wanted to request a spell.

Spell: Hyperbeam

(Yes, it is like the one in pokemon.)

Information for SFX:
It should fire a beam from the front of the casting unit with a range of 1000,
then the beam should fade away, and when it hit's the maximum range it creates
an explosion, but it damages all units hit in it's path the same. First it should charge for 2 seconds.
Also the casting unit shouldn't be able to move nor cast any abillities
while castin the hyperbeam



Information for damage and after effects:
All units hit in the path of the beam should be damaged by, 10 X ((INT-STR-AGI) / (3)) + (3 X Level of caster), after the spell is casted the unit should have an after effect that weakens the caster, it slows the casters movements by -40 % and -40% Attack Damage for 4 seconds.

Target Type: Target Point



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