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Most disgusting insect?

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Level 10
Aug 22, 2008
So, what do you think is the most disgusting insect you've seen?

Personally, I hate crane flies so f***ing much. The way they fly around just makes them so ugh.

"Unlike most flies, crane flies are weak and poor fliers with a tendency to "wobble" in unpredictable patterns during flight." - Wikipedia

I don't know if you have a lot of them around where you live, but here where I live... The summers are a hell. If I would have my window open without a net, and have my door open the whole day, I would have like 3 of them in my room, seriously. There was one on the window in the kitchen when I ate an hour ago.

I guess I have a phobia for them, and I think it has to do with that when I was a kid, I sat on the floor playing with lego, and suddenly I see this... Giant disgusting fucking mosquito (that's what I thought then, because I had never seen one before), so my mind must have just made up like: Those things are dangerous as hell, so when you see one, run!

Yeah, so, what is the most disgusting insect you can think of?
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Black flies are worse than mosquitos. They don't suck blood, they bite out a section of flesh, fly away, and eat it. When asked what animal he feared the most, survivor man said black fly swarms.

Not sure about disgusting though. Cockroaches are sick.
Level 12
Mar 26, 2005
yes, spiders are not insect.

they has 8 legs and 2part body...

But most disgusting insect is no doubt mosquito. I do not care about his vampiric manners, but its sound is very nuisance during night.
Level 10
Aug 22, 2008
Can I just ask, so many hates mosquitos, what makes them so terrifying? My sister hates them too. And yeah I used to have a lot of night moths too in my room, but not a single one this summer. So my past summers has been a hell, both crane flies and moths, and at least one every single night. Getting a net for my window was one of the best things in my life. But the crane flies still get in, I don't know how, I've had one in my room now for three nights straight, and I had three of them in my room about a week ago.

And yes, about that desert thing Gilles showed... Of course, having a thing like that in the room would be pretty disgusting, but I assume they're not really common, so you don't have to live in fear of that one can come into your room sometime. Not that I live in fear because of the crane flies, but I think you get it. I'm actually not very afraif anymore when I see one, I just get angry as hell because they never stop coming, and I kill them as fast as possible.
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
I'm in cherydon at the moment and it's crawling with grashoppers here...

to give you an idea of how much you encounter just by walking true a street with all kinds of stores and i could easily count 31 dead one's in less than half a minute...

So yeah >.<

(I said rapidcity before lol that was a major mistake)
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i absolutely goddamn scared shitless of this insect/bug-thingomobob

i can gladly play with any kinds of insect without flinching, spiders, cockroaches, flies, bees/wasps or any other bugs you can thing of.
but i rather eat a live cockroach than be in the room with that thing
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
Can I just ask, so many hates mosquitoes, what makes them so terrifying? My sister hates them too. And yeah I used to have a lot of night moths too in my room, but not a single one this summer. So my past summers has been a hell, both crane flies and moths, and at least one every single night. Getting a net for my window was one of the best things in my life. But the crane flies still get in, I don't know how, I've had one in my room now for three nights straight, and I had three of them in my room about a week ago.

They are not terrifying, they are annoying. Just try to fall asleep when a fly is buzzing through your room, sometimes land on you and make that unpleasant feeling. Mosquitoes are also just a menace, their sounds and their bites.

Simple as that.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
i absolutely goddamn scared shitless of this insect/bug-thingomobob

i can gladly play with any kinds of insect without flinching, spiders, cockroaches, flies, bees/wasps or any other bugs you can thing of.
but i rather eat a live cockroach than be in the room with that thing
How big is that thing?
Level 11
Jul 28, 2007
I do not fear insents maybe but those are some nasty...

Japanese Giant Hornet, Bullet Ant, Africanized Honey Bee (created by experiments xD),
Human Bot Fly ? :D Can eat your brain xD. But I seen worse. Some bugs that sprays you in night so if you scratch it you skin will fall down, lol . Nasty...
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havent we learned this in kindergarden guys?
@MSBB : umm from memory, like 3 cm only. i still cant stand to look at it.

Spiders are categorised under Arachnids along with scorpions, mites and lice ticks.
insects have 6 legs and 3 sub section body
it goes Animalia >>> invertebrates >>> Arachnids,insects, sponges and molluscs etc.
trust me on this. i have a 600 pg animal encyclopedia on my table.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
Well here in Finland the only things that scare me are those gigantic Mosquito looking freaks (don't know their name). They're harmless, but still very creepy. Otherwise the bugs here are so small that they don't really scare me.
Level 10
Aug 22, 2008



that direction.

I don't like bugs, and probably won't like on of these crawling on my arm =/

Personally I prefer them to be bigger, to me it's more disgusting when they're small. But yeah, they have to have "normal" proportions, and not like, a big body with thin legs. I wouldn't like a crane fly that size, lol, but those in the links are something I wouldn't freak out on if I saw them in RL.

And, yeah, I have never seen a cockroach in my whole life (real life).
i absolutely goddamn scared shitless of this insect/bug-thingomobob

i can gladly play with any kinds of insect without flinching, spiders, cockroaches, flies, bees/wasps or any other bugs you can thing of.
but i rather eat a live cockroach than be in the room with that thing
Those are Scutigera common in appartement and they're cute version of scolopendra.
They're not insect either (more than 6 legs) but arthropod.
What make them so scary is their velocity they move like ninjas on your wall :)
But they're useful since they eat your flies and mosquitoes.
Level 21
Aug 9, 2006
And they dont attack you at all, they would just crawl on your body very loudless, they even protect you from mosquito bites while they're crawling on you, because they will instantly rush to a mosquito biting you XD....

Well, as a information: WORMS ARE NO, I repeat, NO insects, same for spiders.

And you know, he is unlike the scolopendra not much toxic and not aggressive against humans (scolopendra has a very dangerous poison, this one, has no poison).
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
What Reaper here mentioned(it's called centipede, I think), only huge and red\yellow. I saw one when I picked up a pretty moderate-sized plank on some avocado plantation and there was a black scorpion, a toad and that huge yellow thing with loads of legs.

Although, when it comes to spiders, I simply can't stand them. Freaky creatures, simply disgusting and creepy, with 8 fucking eyes and legs. When I see one, there are 2 options: Kill it(somehow) or stay await from it(esp. the jumping\quick ones :O).

Btw, just google for "spider closeup" or "a giant spider" and you'll see what I mean. :O
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