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Monter 1.04

"its (not) time"



MONTER is a singleplayer and cooperative boss fighting map. Reminiscent to the Monster Hunter series, players combat a number of bosses with a slew of weapons at their disposal. Monter simulates combat from Monster Hunter very closely; that is, each weapon operates on two buttons and a combo system. Different moves will be executed depending on the sequence of buttons pressed. There are currently six weapon classes.

And of course, the bosses of this game are also very similar to Monster Hunter. Each and every one of your foes will be approached and fought differently. To recognize boss patterns is crucial to players in this game; knowledge of these patterns will probably make this game slightly less harder than it seems.

The six weapons in Monter possess a set of offensive and defensive skills: bread and butter combos, evasive maneuvers, etc. When, where, and how much a particular move should be used is important, however. The method which these moves are executed would be via the combo system: AKA, the order and timing of which these buttons are pressed will execute certain moves, depending on the player's weapon class. For example:

Sword: Spin Attack
C+X -> (delay) X

In other words: pressing C and X at the same time will cause the player to execute Jump Slash. Followed by Jump Slash after a short delay, X is pressed to perform Spin Attack. The five other weapons function similarly.[c]

Fite dem boss, mash buttons, win game. There is honestly not much left worth saying, this is just bare bones stuff. Just play it, pansy. And remember kids, soloing this is hard as
uck, but doable.[c][r]

Lazers - Slave
freecom - "No"
JesusHipster - Helped with model-related stuff
Free cookie if you don't pick Shotgun/Dual Blades
Also I didn't credit a shitload of people for weapon attachments because I'm lazy
Also do not ask what monter means; do not even think about it
FEARLESS EYES - Junichi Nakatsuru
THE NEW LEGEND - Junichi Nakatsuru
ARMED WITH VALOR - Keiki Kobayashi (promo music)
SC music is best music

monster, hunter, boss, fight, swords, kill shit, button mashing

Monter 1.04 (Map)

Vengeancekael - [Contact] Date: 2012/Jun/30 20:36:59 Comment: [Approved] Bah this needs some rating, there ya go 5/5, it really is neat and fun to play. Resource Moderation - Rules Vengeancekael - [Contact] Date: 2012/Jun/16 18:15:19...




Vengeancekael - [Contact]
Date: 2012/Jun/30 20:36:59

Comment: [Approved]
Bah this needs some rating, there ya go 5/5, it really is neat and fun to play.

Resource Moderation - Rules

Vengeancekael - [Contact]
Date: 2012/Jun/16 18:15:19

Comment: [Approved]
  • Add a lobby map description
  • XZC isn't a wise choice for hotkeys, since not everyone has the same keyboard layout, for me the Z button is where your Y button should be :p So maybe try QWE.
  • And show on the screen after you've picked the game mode that you need to type in -ready.

Resource Moderation - Rules
Level 12
Mar 21, 2008
life steal animations is bugged - healing animation appears on target, not on attacker.
i could do it the other way around but i don't feel like it

im asking my self how do you attached that guns on that tank
the guns are separate units themselves, and their positions are periodically updated according to the facing of the tank

normal missions still suck fix them
pls go
he speaks the truth though, i will probably revise normal missions sooner or later

Pretty fun, unique combo code, mind if I ask to see your triggering?
you honestly won't understand my clusterfuck coding, but i'll attach the map i guess
tl;dr: xbox huge trigger that runs periodically handles all the shit that is the combat system (the trigger is called spell loop)
i will explain some shit to you before you look at the map
spell_dur: this is the duration that the player cannot attack after attacking
gatling_dur: window that the player can execute the next move in a combo sequence
gatling_spc_dur: inputs like C+X actually operate like this: you press C first, then you are given a short window (around 0.2-0.3 sec) to press X and perform the move
hit_timer: time it takes for a move to land
combo_sword: a number that changes depending on what move is executed - and depending on this number you will perform certain moves
e.g. when using the sword and doing C -> C -> C -> C, combo_sword changes to 1, 2, 3, 4 respectively. also it doesn't necessarily have to go in order like that
anything that begins with "DMG_": shit for damage calculation bla bla do not pay attention to this

also some other stuff i forgot, have fun deciphering the rest of my moonrunes B)


  • Monter 1.00c.w3x
    3.5 MB · Views: 333
Level 7
Jan 9, 2010
Jump slash only works for the first time I cast it, it won't work after that.
Don't understand how to use Parry.

Very nice weapon overall, i <3 it.

Flawless. Pulling off a perfect combo with this weapon is amazing.

Desert titan bugged itself at my second try on it solo - It used that NUEK PLAYER FROM ORBIT!!!1 skill, landed on top of my poor head...and burrowed into the ground. It's not moving any time soon...I've been waiting 5 minutes :p. I might mention that the slow is still placed on me whenever i go near the spot of the burrow. It's invulnerable so i cant do anything, I just -aborted in the end.

Save/load codes for your char would be convenient...but maybe too convenient? Idk if the point of the map is to start over again and again mashing bosses for hours until you win the game...if it is, disregard this suggestion.

P.S. Urgently need a fix for the desert titan bug, it keeps doing that -_-" i had to abort 3 times to get past it.
P.P.S. i got nuked by the generator when it was at 3 hp...3 freaking hp...so mad.

Overall review:
One-of-a-kind map in wc3, combat system is nicely implemented although slightly clunky. Great special effects. Learning curve is slightly hard but rewarding. For a first release, this is freaking awesome...4/5 for now, will change rating to 5/5 if that damn desert titan bug gets fixed :p
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Level 3
May 11, 2012
This map is pretty amazing, but.. Are the weapons maxed out just until tier 2? Well, i think its because of this is a new release? But you should add more weapon upgrades, or maybe with recipes, it will be more awesome :xxd: oh and i found some bug, if you use dual swords and dodge near the edge of the cliff, it will be stuck here and can't get back, i think you should fixed them, and this map is lacking of explaination too.. Well, all of them are just my opinions, but for the rate, i'll give it 4/5 and +rep :xxd: Its awesome sir :thumbs_up:

EDIT: Wait, i've changed my mind, its a pretty awesome map, so i'll give it 5/5 :xxd:
Level 4
May 26, 2010
This map is pretty amazing, but.. Are the weapons maxed out just until tier 2? Well, i think its because of this is a new release? But you should add more weapon upgrades, or maybe with recipes, it will be more awesome :xxd: oh and i found some bug, if you use dual swords and dodge near the edge of the cliff, it will be stuck here and can't get back, i think you should fixed them, and this map is lacking of explaination too.. Well, all of them are just my opinions, but for the rate, i'll give it 4/5 and +rep :xxd: Its awesome sir :thumbs_up:

EDIT: Wait, i've changed my mind, its a pretty awesome map, so i'll give it 5/5 :xxd:

We used to have tier 3 weapons but they were assimilated into tier 2 and downgraded somewhat because they made the game piss easy

EDIT: also there was a t4 hammer that was beyond rigged
Level 12
Mar 21, 2008
changed hotkeys to QWE
fixed DT burrow bug probably
yea pretty much

Jump slash only works for the first time I cast it, it won't work after that.
dunno never had this problem lol
ill check it l8r

Don't understand how to use Parry.
you press X and move somewhere immediately after

Save/load codes for your char would be convenient...but maybe too convenient? Idk if the point of the map is to start over again and again mashing bosses for hours until you win the game...if it is, disregard this suggestion.
mmmmmmmaybe when this map becomes more developed
Level 23
Jan 1, 2009
The map isn't bad, bad sadly very bugged.

  • The Scorpion King sometimes remains burrowed in the sand, if he isn't attacked after his jump-attack. You have to abort after that?!
  • Sometimes, without any feedback, I couldn't use my shotgun anymore, this only happened at the omnisorcerer, but I have no idea why.
  • The Bonus-missions from the 2 last normal missions don't get accessible. We had all Missions on A and higher, but still couldn't select them.
  • If you do -suicide while in mission-selecting, you will start out dead in the mission and the grave will at the training ground.

Other Stuff:
  • The normal mission no1 is totally boring. You have to walk across a big terrain, searching for all that spiders...man
  • The obelisk defend is better, but still easy and boring, it takes kinda long but has no action
  • You have to "grind" to beat some bosses on harder settings, but if you got lvl 10 and your upgraded item + charm, there is nothing you can do/buy with your money
  • You only equip 2 items in the whole game. Where is the other stuff?
  • You can only upgrade your weapon 1 time :/
  • The sell-value of items is 10%, why? Thats pretty unfair if you bought something wrong or wanted to try a different item
  • Tho the boss battles are funny and challenging, you can't do much other than just attacking and evading. Because you only have 1 Spell/attack you just mash 1 button and move around a bit. Thats okay for 1-2 boss battles, but then it just loses interest.
  • No replay value, once you beat all bosses, and even if you didn't because the map is bugged, there is nothing to do again. The weapons don't vary that much, you have no hero/character development and you can't save/load your progress
  • The control is unresponsive and shooting shouldn't be a direct cast, but point cast. it's so annoying to position yourself right in order to hit something
  • hotkeys should be QWE

Meh, thats about it.
As I said, we had some fun, but many things just got boring/annoying.
Level 12
Mar 21, 2008
i appreciate the review frotty. but you don't have to be so nice, you can give me a 1/5 for all i care, this can't stay a 5/5 circlejerk forever

  • The Scorpion King sometimes remains burrowed in the sand, if he isn't attacked after his jump-attack. You have to abort after that?!
  • Sometimes, without any feedback, I couldn't use my shotgun anymore, this only happened at the omnisorcerer, but I have no idea why.
  • The Bonus-missions from the 2 last normal missions don't get accessible. We had all Missions on A and higher, but still couldn't select them.
  • If you do -suicide while in mission-selecting, you will start out dead in the mission and the grave will at the training ground.
ffffffffixed all this probably

  • The normal mission no1 is totally boring. You have to walk across a big terrain, searching for all that spiders...man
  • The obelisk defend is better, but still easy and boring, it takes kinda long but has no action
yeah pretty much

the normal missions haven't changed much since the very first release, aka, they're still steaming piles of shit; some day when i'm not being a lazy bastardo they will be reworked appropriately

  • You have to "grind" to beat some bosses on harder settings, but if you got lvl 10 and your upgraded item + charm, there is nothing you can do/buy with your money
what do you mean "grind?" you mean reach level 10? maxing out isn't really necessary (and stats shouldn't even exist in this game) since your weapons are already pretty goddamn OP if used at fullest potential, or even at half of that. also damage bonus from stats are pretty damn broken, especially with the shotgun

also uh... if you have that much gold you might as well try some other weapons
that isn't a shotgun
? lol

  • You only equip 2 items in the whole game. Where is the other stuff?
  • You can only upgrade your weapon 1 time :/
there used to be T3 items, but they were OP; the "inbetween" T2s were just filler for all those upgrade fetishists l o l

alos, there will probably be more item slots in the future, but you have to consider balance, too - this game is already EZZZZZZ mode with the current equips

  • The sell-value of items is 10%, why? Thats pretty unfair if you bought something wrong or wanted to try a different item
i'm a scumbag

but really i have no idea why it's like that; changed it back to 50%

  • Tho the boss battles are funny and challenging, you can't do much other than just attacking and evading. Because you only have 1 Spell/attack you just mash 1 button and move around a bit. Thats okay for 1-2 boss battles, but then it just loses interest.
  • No replay value, once you beat all bosses, and even if you didn't because the map is bugged, there is nothing to do again. The weapons don't vary that much, you have no hero/character development and you can't save/load your progress
yeah uh... it's 100% true that this map PRETTY MUCH boils down to mashing shit to win (no, this isn't sarcasm)

arguably though, the shotgun is pretty much the epitome of mashing the same button over and over
and judging by your review you probably didn't switch to another class, correct me if i'm wrong
; i still have yet to add anything significant to the shotgun, which will be coming soon™

i guess the appeal to this game is learning how to use the weapons
but nobody likes learning
, not having a shit ton of equips and maximized stats. also, the shotgun pretty much lacks a learning curve entirely, hence why it's labeled "Easy"

tl;dr go try another weapon, and if you think this game is still shit, then thats fine

  • The control is unresponsive and shooting shouldn't be a direct cast, but point cast. it's so annoying to position yourself right in order to hit something
i GUESS sometimes it's annoying, but not really enough for me to remove it

any enemies in particular that you have trouble hitting? i think most of the bosses are very easy to hit, given their big "hitboxes". you can really just walk towards them and mash fire

also some shit to alleviate facing problems:
- locking onto a target (obviously) makes you face it, so you can just switch targets as opposed to having to walk towards the unit
- pressing "S" while locked on to a target will make you face it (this isn't listed in game, which i should probably do lool)

Imho, splash is TOO big. Seriously, it should be 3-4, may be 5 times smaller, u hitt half of a map >.<
what splash are you talking about?

is it as fun as the quest of failure ?
this game is a rotting pile of dog intestines in comparison
but really, i don't know your taste in maps at all and TQoF and monter are entirely different, so uh, i dont know lol

well... there's two videos so i don't think that's necessary

One suggestion;
For projectiles try setting their flying height constantly with their movement to Z + default flying height otherwise they look like they're floating near cliffs.
will do
some time later
i'm lazy
Level 23
Jan 1, 2009
i appreciate the review frotty. but you don't have to be so nice, you can give me a 1/5 for all i care, this can't stay a 5/5 circlejerk forever
If I am as straight and offensive as in my other reviews, users and moderators keep bitching around :D
And it's really not that bad! Especially in comparison to the other hunks of shit I reviewed...

the normal missions haven't changed much since the very first release, aka, they're still steaming piles of shit; some day when i'm not being a lazy bastardo they will be reworked appropriately
Well, the most boring part about them is probably that you don't need them. With some tactics/skill and enough players you can start off with a boss battle right away.
There are many possible solutions to this, but I'm so very sure you will find one, if you get your lazy fat ass up to work!

what do you mean "grind?" you mean reach level 10? maxing out isn't really necessary (and stats shouldn't even exist in this game) since your weapons are already pretty goddamn OP if used at fullest potential, or even at half of that. also damage bonus from stats are pretty damn broken, especially with the shotgun
Yes, it is not needed, but what are the normal missions for, other than grinding (the green one, olol)
Fix that bonus.

also uh... if you have that much gold you might as well try some other weapons
that isn't a shotgun
? lol
Why would I take a pistol, if I can have a shotgun (sarcasm)
I mean, ofc I could TRY others (if the sell gold wouldn't be 10%, you asshole) but the shotgun worked for me and we won the battles, I did more dmg than my mates with the hammer and blades.

there used to be T3 items, but they were OP; the "inbetween" T2s were just filler for all those upgrade fetishists l o l

Make stronger bosses, add armor, let bosses drop items which a special team member could use best. The weapons don't vary enough, there are no specific roles. All players could pick a ranged weapon and harass that stupid ass boss!

alos, there will probably be more item slots in the future, but you have to consider balance, too - this game is already EZZZZZZ mode with the current equips
In other words - you suck.

i'm a scumbag


yeah uh... it's 100% true that this map PRETTY MUCH boils down to mashing shit to win (no, this isn't sarcasm)

arguably though, the shotgun is pretty much the epitome of mashing the same button over and over
and judging by your review you probably didn't switch to another class, correct me if i'm wrong
; i still have yet to add anything significant to the shotgun, which will be coming soon™

Does it have to be like that? if the weapons/equip would define slight roles of players so that actual tactic is involved, or the bosses would need any more actions than evading and attacking, you would have to do more than mashing.
Adding ammunition would make you not waste your bullets, involve the terrain into the battle, make small minions spawn etc.
The current bosses are mostly the same (well, the last 2 weren't playable)

i guess the appeal to this game is learning how to use the weapons
but nobody likes learning
, not having a shit ton of equips and maximized stats. also, the shotgun pretty much lacks a learning curve entirely, hence why it's labeled "Easy"

tl;dr go try another weapon, and if you think this game is still shit, then thats fine
As already mentioned, the weapon doesn't change the gameplay, only slightly how you act - alone.
Teamplay doesn't suffer nor improve on the weapon choice because the bosses only have special attacks.

any enemies in particular that you have trouble hitting? i think most of the bosses are very easy to hit, given their big "hitboxes". you can really just walk towards them and mash fire

also some shit to alleviate facing problems:
- locking onto a target (obviously) makes you face it, so you can just switch targets as opposed to having to walk towards the unit
- pressing "S" while locked on to a target will make you face it (this isn't listed in game, which i should probably do lool)
The facing takes time, I would rather have a point target for convenience.
Locking is crap

You are not allowed to be lazy.
Get to work.
Level 9
Aug 26, 2010
Yes, locking works incredibly bad. In fact it just turns you to target.
To be honest I was really disaponted when I saw 2 things:
1) OP ranged weaporns
2) OP berserk damage aura of twin blades
BUT both of them are OP only because of INCREDIBLY STUPID creeps.
Even with other weaporns you can just run around him and attack, he will strike in the air after you. You can dye only if you will just stand.

Difficulty doen't matter at all if you have a ranged weaporn cuz u get no damage if u play good enough. Well, if you play shitty you have just to play 20 more minutes to train a bit.
Level 7
Jan 9, 2010
If you don't want higher tier weapons to be OP, I recommend you use a tier system that simultaneously upgrades and downgrades. This works fine in most of the games I see it implemented in. The point of this system is to give players a wide range of choices at the start, then allow them to pick an equipment best suited to their play style.

Ranged weapon tier 1 - 100 damage, 500 range, avg accuracy

Ranged weapon tier 2
- branch one - 80 damage, 600 range, damage +/- 25% depending on distance to target [max range = max damage] slightly better accuracy
- branch two - 120 damage, 400 range, a bigger "hitbox" for the bullet, knockback that decreases in power the further you are from the target. knockback vs bosses would be imbalanced though.

Ranged weapon tier 3
- branch one - 80 damage, 700 range, damage +/- 50% etc bla bla
- branch two - 140 damage, 300 range, even bigger hotbox, bigger knockback, etc blah blah

Tier 4 and above - keep on improving the weapons, add some shiny new projectiles, add moar imba sniepz skills like faster proj/fire speed for the first branch, second branch eventually becomes a glorified hammer.

Keep in mind that range and damage aren't the only things you can mess around with...movement speed, splash damage, speed of animations, mana cost, hp bonuses etc. are all stuff that you might try.

That's just a silly format I thought of for telling you of my idea.
Level 12
Mar 21, 2008
yeah yeah frotty i get it, dayum son

i really designed this map for single play and i never really focused on the aspects of the cooperative side - aka, the game gets piss easy with 3+ players, and that's entirely my fault. though, giving each weapon a specific role on every boss is a PRETTY RADICAL change
unless you have any ideas
because i don't
edit: actually fuck that i already have some ideas in mind, but that's a secret

also, lockon only really sucks against the most mobile enemies, which accounts for like, one fucking boss, you just ain't doin it right. only the pistol is shitty at aiming, and it's decent anyway. it'd probably help if you told me which enemies are hard to hit

also frostloh, that's probably how upgrading in this game SHOULD be, currently it's pretty gay

tldr, i acknowledge that:
-there needs to be more focus on cooperation
-ranged weapons are retarded
-upgrading needs to be improved
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Level 4
May 26, 2010
yeah yeah frotty i get it, dayum son

i really designed this map for single play and i never really focused on the aspects of the cooperative side - aka, the game gets piss easy with 3+ players, and that's entirely my fault. though, giving each weapon a specific role on every boss is a PRETTY RADICAL change
unless you have any ideas
because i don't
edit: actually fuck that i already have some ideas in mind, but that's a secret

also, lockon only really sucks against the most mobile enemies, which accounts for like, one fucking boss, you just ain't doin it right. only the pistol is shitty at aiming, and it's decent anyway. it'd probably help if you told me which enemies are hard to hit

also frostloh, that's probably how upgrading in this game SHOULD be, currently it's pretty gay

tldr, i acknowledge that:
-there needs to be more focus on cooperation
-ranged weapons are retarded
-upgrading needs to be improved

Well sonnnn you got the right idea about weapons like berserker/atom smasher/dildo lance, but the elemental weapons suckkkkkk

ranged weapons are retarded because most of the bosses are melee oriented and have 0 anti range attacks (or if they have a ranged attack pistols have an advantage in dodging them)

also cooperation = infiltration, perhaps some tweaking to defending to make it harder or more varied, since i dunno how you could add cooperation to bosses without turning them into generic tank fights
Level 3
Jun 18, 2006
Amazing map, 5/5. You've done an outstanding job to make this map enjoyable and honestly this map is not only about mashing buttons and clicking things dead, which is a pleasure seldomly granted by games overall. I do hope for updates to extend the content, we were able to finish normal difficulty with 4 players on the first go, but it wouldn't have taken much longer to take us down with one life left ;)

One more thing: at least in a team in normal mode like this the last boss was much weaker than the generator. the generator alone cost us 4 lives to beat for the first time, while we beat the last one on the first try without dying much. I guess it'd be a whole different world in hard mode with the rapid fire moves.
Level 12
Mar 21, 2008
Amazing map, 5/5. You've done an outstanding job to make this map enjoyable and honestly this map is not only about mashing buttons and clicking things dead, which is a pleasure seldomly granted by games overall. I do hope for updates to extend the content, we were able to finish normal difficulty with 4 players on the first go, but it wouldn't have taken much longer to take us down with one life left ;)

One more thing: at least in a team in normal mode like this the last boss was much weaker than the generator. the generator alone cost us 4 lives to beat for the first time, while we beat the last one on the first try without dying much. I guess it'd be a whole different world in hard mode with the rapid fire moves.

yep yep

all the bosses get easier with more players, which is something i hope to improve. the generator is the "weird exception" though, since there are more explosions n shit to dodge when there are more players

also i'm still working on this game. i'm adding a bunch of new mewchanics next update, which will put more focus on team composition - that is, shotgun run-n-gun probably won't be a viable strategy anymore

keep yo eyes peel'd son
Level 12
Mar 21, 2008
wellllllll its been finished for a couple of days i was just tweaking shit

- Added physical damage modifiers
• weapons now deal Pierce, Slash, and Impact damage
• bosses have varying resistances, and may change throughout the battle​
- Players now gain Aggro in boss battles
• aggro gained by dealing enough damage to boss
• weapons gain aggro at different rates
• having aggro causes you to be targeted more often, have -50 max hp, and be unable to revive others
• if too many people are in the aggro group, the boss may exhibit aggressive behaviors​
- Added Guardbreaking mechanic
• if enough damage per second is dealt to the boss, its physical defenses will be nullified
• having Aggro increases Guardbreak potential​
- Players are now revived with 40% health
- There is now a maximum capacity for all stackable items
- Shovel common drop rate increased
- Added Gold Coins and Smoke Bombs to the Shovel's drops

- Buff meter now has a cap of 30 seconds
- Blade Flurry cost: 1 mp -> 2 mp (again)
- Right-clicking a unit with the Evade skill no longer moves the player in the opposite direction of the intended target

- All bosses changed in some way to complement the Aggro system, major or minor
- Some bosses behave differently or gain different moves depending on how many people are in Aggro
- Saber Goliath bullet damage (in Normal mode): 5 -> 8
aggro is a mostly experimental mechanic at this point, dont expect this shit to be perfecto. in theory though, a party full of shotguns and dual blades (which have the highest aggro gain rate) will likely get raped - team composition and controlled aggro levels are fairly important now

but anyway

expect the following in future updates:
- Shotgun shit
- Probably a new boss
- Moar boss behaviors for the Aggro system
- Dunno other shit
Level 12
Mar 21, 2008
dear anyone who actually visits this page

if you didnt notice i rarely update this

i might as well pronounce this game dead already because i've pretty much lost any desire i've had to work on this the moment i released it (i've worked on this for a year now pretty much nonstop, fuuuck)

that's not to say you WON'T see any updates anymore
there just won't be any major ones
maybe later man

love n00b

- Changed the ordering of the missions
  • Saber Goliath and Generator switched positions
  • Added Boss Rush II
  • Removed normal missions (RIP)
- Guardbreaking is easier now
- Added item: Ammo Box
  • Replenishes charges of the targeted ammo typ
- You can press Escape to unlock the camera while spectating now

- Changed Parry input: "X -> [move]" -> "X"
- Default Boost ability removed; can only gain Boost from Parrying/Spin Attack now
- Lance aggro gain rate increased (identical to Sword rate)
- Brawler Axe changed
  • Brawler Axe is now a normal Sword upgrade
  • Brawler Axe bomb damage now takes resistances into account
  • Brawler Axe bombs now cause knockback on self
  • Reduced Brawler Axe bomb damage
- Added Shotgun: Dart Rifle
- Increased duration of Slow Ice effect
- Recover Ammo max capacity: 100 -> 60
- Missile Ammo max capacity: 30 -> 12

- Spider Broodmother can no longer be locked in place from players attacking the egg
- Fixed bug where Spider Broodmother would charge multiple times after attacking an egg (probably)
- Steel Egg now has medium slash resistance instead of high; Tough Egg now has medium impact resistance
- DPS Stunning Spider Broodmother is easier now
Level 3
Jul 1, 2012
I never seen making an RPG map look like PSP games(Monster Hunter)
Q: Is there a Tyrex? Cause it's one of the most strongest bosses in Monster Hunter Freedom.
Level 12
Mar 21, 2008
Disappointing update #1

tl;dr changelog:
-no more str/agi/int, SP is more like the standard wc3 hero ability system (except slightly different)
-shotgun actually takes skill to use now!!
-all missions unlocked + 999 continues (prolly temporary)


- Reworked SP stuff
• Weapons have a set of skills now
• SP is used to level these skills
• Unused SP also gives you bonus experience after missions​
- Added new weapon skills
• Attack Up, Elemental Power Up, Divine, Spirit​
- Gold/experience reward and personal deaths/damage taken now displayed after missions
- Increased decay rate of Smoke Bombs
- Removed items: Drainer Rounds, Fortune Charm
- Added items: Cloak Bomb, Token, Attack Potion, Flame Rounds, Freeze Rounds, Poison Rounds
- Reworked Desert arena
- All missions unlocked, no continues (probably just a temporary change until other game modes come out sry)

- Brawler Axe weapon power: 90 -> 50
- Fire Pistol cost: 0 mp -> 0.5 mp
- Reduced damage rampup on normal pistol shots
- Normal shotgun canceling removed
- Shotgun Overheat now acts as a buff
• You can shotgun cancel during Overheat, which rapid fires Blasts​
- Added "Rushing Stab" to Dual Blades moveset
- Burst no longer increases Evade distance, but the default evade distance is now what it would be if it were Burst-buffed

- Saber Goliath: fixed slow-mo homing missiles bug
- Saber Goliath's mounted guns scale properly when they rejuvenate now
- Spider Broodmother egg health: 900 -> 525 (hp scaling 75+75x)
- Desert Titan: reduced dart hit radius
- Desert Titan shoots darts from five different positions now
- Desert Titan's burrow attack is executed faster, but collides with rocks/walls now
- Fixed Desert Titan wall clipping glitch
Level 3
Jun 18, 2006
I wouldn't say it's a disappointing update considering you're still updating the map. I'll test it again one of these days with my friends and see about all the changes since the first play through :p keep up the good work ;) the changes seem very interesting.