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Monter 1.04

"its (not) time"



MONTER is a singleplayer and cooperative boss fighting map. Reminiscent to the Monster Hunter series, players combat a number of bosses with a slew of weapons at their disposal. Monter simulates combat from Monster Hunter very closely; that is, each weapon operates on two buttons and a combo system. Different moves will be executed depending on the sequence of buttons pressed. There are currently six weapon classes.

And of course, the bosses of this game are also very similar to Monster Hunter. Each and every one of your foes will be approached and fought differently. To recognize boss patterns is crucial to players in this game; knowledge of these patterns will probably make this game slightly less harder than it seems.

The six weapons in Monter possess a set of offensive and defensive skills: bread and butter combos, evasive maneuvers, etc. When, where, and how much a particular move should be used is important, however. The method which these moves are executed would be via the combo system: AKA, the order and timing of which these buttons are pressed will execute certain moves, depending on the player's weapon class. For example:

Sword: Spin Attack
C+X -> (delay) X

In other words: pressing C and X at the same time will cause the player to execute Jump Slash. Followed by Jump Slash after a short delay, X is pressed to perform Spin Attack. The five other weapons function similarly.[c]

Fite dem boss, mash buttons, win game. There is honestly not much left worth saying, this is just bare bones stuff. Just play it, pansy. And remember kids, soloing this is hard as
uck, but doable.[c][r]

Lazers - Slave
freecom - "No"
JesusHipster - Helped with model-related stuff
Free cookie if you don't pick Shotgun/Dual Blades
Also I didn't credit a shitload of people for weapon attachments because I'm lazy
Also do not ask what monter means; do not even think about it
FEARLESS EYES - Junichi Nakatsuru
THE NEW LEGEND - Junichi Nakatsuru
ARMED WITH VALOR - Keiki Kobayashi (promo music)
SC music is best music

monster, hunter, boss, fight, swords, kill shit, button mashing

Monter 1.04 (Map)

Vengeancekael - [Contact] Date: 2012/Jun/30 20:36:59 Comment: [Approved] Bah this needs some rating, there ya go 5/5, it really is neat and fun to play. Resource Moderation - Rules Vengeancekael - [Contact] Date: 2012/Jun/16 18:15:19...
Level 12
Mar 21, 2008
minor update.

also the promo isn't terribad now, watch it

- Made Guardbreaking easier
- Fortune Charm can be purchased again
- Fortune Charm now has the Luck skill, which is upgradeable through SP
- Vitality Charm now has the Life Up skill, which is upgradeable through SP

- Rocketeers and Ice Wisps now spawn in Free Roam
- Added Experience drop
- Added drops to Megawisp (including a unique charm)

- Added to Hammer moveset
- Advancing Swing: W -> (2 sec.) W
- Quick Charge: Advancing Swing -> W

- Fixed SP exploit involving Token
Level 12
Mar 21, 2008
ignore this post

Hello LUO2,

your account has been disabled for an investigation.

Please validate yourself to be the rightful owner of the map: Monter

Yours sincerely,
-MMH Staff, aRt)Y
Level 12
Mar 21, 2008
If there's anyone out there, I've been working on a sequel to this game since August. Mon2er (as it is unofficially called) is more of a spiritual successor than a sequel, as it'll focus more on exploration than boss fighting. It'll be very 'Dark Souls'-like in nature.

There were also a shitton of things wrong in Monter 1 which will probably be addressed this time around. Examples:
  • Crappy enemy AI
  • Crappy equipment progression
  • Bad animations
  • No playstyle flexibility
  • Complicated-as-fuck controls (see: Lance)
  • Extremely complicated/useless aggro system
This video more or less shows the current progress of the game. It's not really at a playable state, and it probably won't be for months to come because procrastination

I'll probably make a Map Development thread for when it is, though
Level 9
Aug 26, 2010
Yeah, there'll probably be a magic system in place. However, I don't want to completely rip off of Dark Souls by having the same exact magic classification scheme as it does. So to answer your question: yes and no.

I hope, you also will change it seriously, cuz in DS it was not balanced at all. Well, like everything there :/ I mean magic was OP in PvE but useless in PvP (Excluding buffs).
Level 12
Mar 21, 2008
-right click instead of left click for enemy facing because left click selects the enemy and then you have to select the hero again
-the Dreadlord was the final straw; just too random and if you don't hear the trap click you don't know when you can use it


fun fact - this is the Monter 1 thread, not Monter 2

anyway, you are not using lockon correctly
to use lockon, all you have to do is click a unit once, and all of your attacks will automatically face your target. Unless for whatever reason you want to play unlocked, using right click to direct your attacks is mostly unnecessary
what i'm assuming you're doing is double clicking, which cancels lockon and clicks the unit instead

idk what to say about dreadlord, what exactly did you find too random
using the trap is also optional, but if you really want to use it i'm not sure how you can *not* hear the clicking sound


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
fun fact - this is the Monter 1 thread, not Monter 2
Huh? Had no idea there were more.
to use lockon, all you have to do is click a unit once, and all of your attacks will automatically face your target.
Left-clicking an enemy deselects the hero and I have to either select him or press a control group hotkey or F1 to access him. And sometimes selecting my hero again makes the enemy lock-on disappear.
what i'm assuming you're doing is double clicking
No. I usually drag a selection square (over one enemy), not exactly click said unit.
dk what to say about dreadlord, what exactly did you find too random
His movements. And, he regenerates a lot. Basically until the trap recharges, he has plenty of chances to hit you and regain at least half of the trap arrow's damage. Fighting him melee is not really viable as he still can hit you and regenerate.
i'm not sure how you can *not* hear the clicking sound
Listening to music and not having the sound channel volume properly raised? I happened to hear it because this time, I didn't play with music at all.
Level 12
Mar 21, 2008
Left-clicking an enemy deselects the hero and I have to either select him or press a control group hotkey or F1 to access him. And sometimes selecting my hero again makes the enemy lock-on disappear.
left-clicking a unit will immediately cause you to click your hero again, or at least it should

i've literally never seen lockon malfunction in the way you describe, or hear anyone complain about it malfunctioning until now, so i'm having hard time believing that you're not actually doing something else to make lockon somehow fuck up

send me a replay or something idk

His movements. And, he regenerates a lot. Basically until the trap recharges, he has plenty of chances to hit you and regain at least half of the trap arrow's damage. Fighting him melee is not really viable as he still can hit you and regenerate.

the impression i am getting from this is that you have given up on trying to fight him on melee entirely, and you're now completely relying on the trap to deal damage which only has the potential to do 1200 damage per 30 seconds, which is absolutely nothing in comparison to melee dps
in other words the trap is only there as optional supplementary damage

it is perfectly viable to beat this boss using only melee, you just seem to be getting hit A LOT while not dealing any damage whatsoever to offset dreadlord's lifesteal

Listening to music and not having the sound channel volume properly raised? I happened to hear it because this time, I didn't play with music at all.
then that's not really the fault of the game itself, so i don't see any reason to point it out


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
left-clicking a unit will immediately cause you to click your hero again, or at least it should
Might be a load game bug then as the health bars are also visible after that while they shouldn't normally be if I'm not mistaken.
send me a replay or something idk
I'll have to film it as saving a replay after loading a game doesn't work for some reason.
the impression i am getting from this is that you have given up on trying to fight him on melee entirely, and you're now completely relying on the trap to deal damage which only has the potential to do 1200 damage per 30 seconds, which is absolutely nothing in comparison to melee dps
I've given up because the melee strategy didn't work so, yeah, I tried using the trap instead. The guy just regenerates again and again. Well, thing is, the game mechanic isn't perfect because->Warcraft III engine/JASS. But, yeah, I'm not a hardcore player anyway.
you just seem to be getting hit A LOT while not dealing any damage whatsoever to offset dreadlord's lifesteal
Well, hitting him won't necessarily stop him hitting too from what I've seen unless he gets stunned.
then that's not really the fault of the game itself, so i don't see any reason to point it out
Well, it would be nice to have a hint at the start of the game about listening to stuff being important if you can't use animations instead.
Level 12
Mar 21, 2008
Might be a load game bug then as the health bars are also visible after that while they shouldn't normally be if I'm not mistaken.

I'll have to film it as saving a replay after loading a game doesn't work for some reason.
well, feel free to show me a video of the bug occurring whenever because i'm really curious

Well, it would be nice to have a hint at the start of the game about listening to stuff being important if you can't use animations instead.
visual/audio cues are already self-explanatory

Well, hitting him won't necessarily stop him hitting too from what I've seen unless he gets stunned.
the fundamental strategy of this game is to hit the enemy while not getting hit yourself; in other words, you need to know to recognize attack opportunities, and you need to know how to dodge. Literally every enemy has some window of vulnerability where they can be attacked safely, and literally every attack in the game can be avoided

a lot of players like to fall prey to some sort of autoattack mentality where they think bosses can be beaten simply by mashing the fuck out of E as if the game was a vanilla wc3 map. That is why Dreadlord is like the most fucking common spot for people to stop playing, because getting hit is actually punishing in comparison to the first boss

tldr dont get hit