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Modeling Competiton #7 POLL

Who's ingeniousness has produced the best Siege Weapon?

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Level 27
Feb 22, 2006

[rainbow]Modeling Competition #7 Poll[/rainbow]

Modeling Competition #7 has come to a close, now we must vote for the best Siege Weapon!

Our fierce combatants are:

[rainbow]Let the voting begin![/rainbow]

  1. Mechanical Man: If you wish to change to your other submission, PM me.
  2. Watch for the reviews, as sometime within the next week, I will post my own judgments!
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Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
I liked the skull siege, but it had a lack of animations... its a walking giant..skull head thingy. Ok, cool. But the Dog of war which did something similar did it much better, the animations are nice and has many variations (It has a beam cannon, chomp, artillery...) The concept is cool. The grunt demolisher had buggy armpits (They are really thin) and the walk animation is weird but its death anim is win but could have been better (bloody explosion when he gets squished or something?). The flame tank i'm sorry, but its very un-original, its just a big cannon that can be said to fire flames. Its a nice model, well made, smooth animations, but lacking in originality and stuff. the peon pong tank = win, best idea ever but the death animation is really boring. and the model is good, but its a joke (in the literal sense) i mean, i cant find much use for it, except for a humor map. I cant put it in an actual war map, while the other models i can. the battle machine is a cool concept but you cant see any machinery parts, so it doesnt feel real, its a walking tree with a mace and a badly done bow (sorry) and the animations are slow and not as smooth as i would have hoped.

thats why i vote for the dog of war (sorry long post)
Level 21
Mar 18, 2007
If so, why you didnt show us profesional model with quality we should go for. Blame Blizzard for Wc3 Theme, all works fits this theme well in my opinion.

Well, you shouldn't blame Blizzard for anything. This competition wasn't WC3 themed necessarily, and at least WC3 models have good animations, unlike yours which are like all your others, a bare minimum that just stands there 3/4 of the time. If you're going to act like a baby that just further reflects upon you and your similarity to your not-even-half-baked models -_- You even voted for yourself which is above all, pathetic and bad sportsmanship
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Level 20
May 26, 2006
Well, you shouldn't blame Blizzard for anything.
I did not. Remind me if i did.

This competition wasn't WC3 themed necessarily,
It wasnt prohibited too.

and at least WC3 models have good animations, unlike yours which are like all your others, a bare minimum that just stands there 3/4 of the time.
Yes, i agree. But Im modeling for fun. As soon as i will find need for better anims i will do it. Im modeling for noone else than me.

If you're going to act like a baby that just further reflects upon you and your similarity to your not-even-half-baked models -_-
Oh come on who is acting like a baby.
You even voted for yourself which is above all, pathetic and bad sportsmanship
-Ever heard of president voting for his opponent in election?
-Show me a rule that i broke.

Firstly i didnt want to react after your ''almost all of these, really, just seem rather amateur and childish xD'' In my opinion your post was completly not neccesary, you definetly could keep it for yourself. Maybe my reply wasnt necessary too and it was a mistake, but your acting ''im champion thos are shyt to me, look im best'' annoyed me too much. Maybe you are skilled both in texturing and modeling. I Cant say anything bad about quality of your works. (Altough i see that you are stock in Purple Allien Futuristic Theme even for the contest) . But I cant stand treating others like some nameless modeling creatures.You are not uber super modeler tough. This is not Contest for Profesional 3d dudes, indeed it is Amateur Contest. Animated and skinned box could enter the contest too. Understand that its not Profesional Modeling Website.
I hate arrogant self centered behaving, thats why i had to reply.
Well, you shouldn't blame Blizzard for anything. This competition wasn't WC3 themed necessarily, and at least WC3 models have good animations, unlike yours which are like all your others, a bare minimum that just stands there 3/4 of the time. If you're going to act like a baby that just further reflects upon you and your similarity to your not-even-half-baked models -_- You even voted for yourself which is above all, pathetic and bad sportsmanship
Grow up supa
making such a big deal about perfectly fine model..

Im hesitating on who to vote, because I havnt tested ingame, but the ping-pong luancher seems best from screenshots...
Level 21
Mar 18, 2007
If so, why you didnt show us profesional model with quality we should go for. Blame Blizzard for Wc3 Theme, all works fits this theme well in my opinion.

You can't even remember what you say yourself

HeretoDLstuff, his model isn't perfectly fine. I'm getting annoyed at him as well as others refusing to learn. He's been modeling for months and still has the same basic quality of crap. I make models for fun too, and I at least try to give it somewhat a decent quality. Kofi, voting for yourself is selfish and has been represented this way in other contest as well.
You can't even remember what you say yourself
As war as I can tell, he was saying what one would do by your logic. (The fact of how cartoony they are) not that he himself blamed blizzard.

He's been modeling for months and still has the same basic quality of crap. I make models for fun too, and I at least try to give it somewhat a decent quality.
Your posts made it sound like all of these models were bad. Not just kofi's. And what is wrong with his, animations? (I didnt test ingame, so if thats the problem...)
HeretoDLstuff, I said most, and most of them are
BTW, added somthing to the end of my post.

For one thing, you are way over reacting.... Second, I agree voting himself was bad, but his model looks great for wc3, and better than the other models.

Lets just drop this, only thing it will do is start a flame war and spam the thread.
Im hesitating on who to vote, because I havnt tested ingame, but the ping-pong luancher seems best from screenshots...

I knew it. It looks that many people make a fleeting only a screenshot and vote regarding a coolness of the screenshot

If you did not test the model ingame (and following eventual creator's guidelines), you have no right to vote.
Level 21
Mar 18, 2007
Mech Man, that's another reason I'm agitated as well. Democracy for a modeling poll is worth crap xD Anyway, I'm still not sure who to vote for. I'm thinking Werewulf, because I think here model is probably the best and the animations are pretty good... I just wish she used custom textures. Pyramid's would have been my second in line to vote for because the concept is neat and the model is OK. It just needs a bit more polishing on the animations to smooth them out
My review:
Concept: How good is idea, originality, how much sense it makes
Model: Technical aspects of the model
Performance: How good it performs in game
Usefulness: How much chances are to be used in maps

Concept: A foot artillery. Although while orcs are quite strong, they maybe could carry the weapon on their head, but when launching the weapon, he would probably lose balance due to recoil. It would make more sense if they lay the weapon down, like a mortar. But still seems only a grunt with planks above the head
Model: The weapon looks rather messy, but is probably supposed to be like that (orcs). The grunt is ok, so is the uwv of the whole model. Animations are decent, except death, where grunt simply disappears.
Performance: The model has everything from events and particles, animations are well set, so it performs without problems ingame.
Usefulness: Although catapults and other kind of siege weapons looks more suitable, it still can have some use and can find use also as plank carrier

Concept: A good idea, it looks like those walkers from Rise of Legends. The driver is a very nice addition, the best part is that it does not resemble any wc3 unit and it looks like a (mad) scientist. But it seems to lacks some steam exhaust or any stuff it would prove that is a machine
Model: The mesh is somewhat decent. But the texture is too monotonus, is just wood over and over again with bad uwv. And wheels are not really a good texture for the feet. Also animations are bad.
Perfomance: Because of of slow animations, lack of events, bad anims, etc, it does not really fit well the game.
Usefulness. It may find some use in many (mech) maps of steampunk styled races, but only when it will be actually finished.

Peon Pong Tank
Concept: An interesting idea, although it has some flaws. This cannot be a siege weapon as the ball could not even kill a man. In case the ball is heavy, it would break the racket. Also it creates some weird particles at the hit.
Model: The model is well made, the uwv is ok, while animations ... very basic and a sudden disappear is more like wtf for such big machine, which has almost to volatile stuff.
Performance: It performs well and stable. The ball projectile is added to fit more the model. Although sudden disappear is more like wtf for such big machine, which has almost to volatile stuff.
Usefulness: Honestly, this model has not much use, maybe in some fun maps and thats all.

Concept: Nice and original concept, well fitting with skeletal beasts and similar stuff. It maybe only lack of range animations attack or ramming.
Model: the skull is well modeled, the body too. Very good use of ingame textures. Animations maybe could be better, but they are still very good.
Performance: Due to nice animation and well done uv, it looks pleasantly in game, although it lacks events(death sound), particles, and maybe the death/decay animation could be a little faster.
Usefulness: It is (surprisingly) maybe the most useful model, it makes perfect for creepy maps and undead races.

Dog of War
Concept: A not bad concept, but now we have two "dogs" rivaling, one boney and one mechanical. Only thing that looks strange are those two wheels, where the machine looks like is floating as it cannot keep the balance with two side wheels. Nice ideas for the animations
Model: the model is kinda simple, but it may work. The uwv could be better, there are much areas to fix. Also the texture chosen is not the best, those yellow lines are annoying (psst, use blacksmith instead). The animations are decent, much better than in your wh40k models, but still needs improvements.
Performance: Its behaviour ingame is not how it could be, the main reasons are slow spell animations (unless you give a huge value of cast spell in object editor) and bad death animation, which causes a fissure way too late. But at least the sound events are there and particles are very well made.
Usefulness: It reminds me of sidereal engine, good for futuristic maps with robots and stuff.

Currently, I would vote for Werewulf, but I will wait a bit, now the creators can correct me, if I said anything wrong.
my comments will be same from the competition section.
Gruntapult--its a great concept, i love the idea.
Battle-machine--its great although i dont like the bow thingy. thats just my thought.
Flame Cannon--what can i say. its a perfectly good cannon. nothing wrong about it. the animations are perfect for its purpose and it doesnt look overdone.
Peon Pingpong--really original idea although i dont think pinpong balls hurt. and also because i hate pingpong-even tho i am asian. nothing wrong with the model. i just hate pingpong
SkullSiege--i think it looks pretty cool. good idea. the animations i like super smooth and model itself is just really good.
Mine--i dont have anything else to say. people already said what was crap about it and i agree to almost all of it. i am just proud of the spell animation and its particles. that took a lot of time to do believe it or not. also its has the least amount of polys that i have ever made. LOL. 500 polys. all of my models usually reach 2k. i am personally happy with mine even tho it is crap.
and that black smith comment, i only realised after looking at your model but i didnt want to use it cos that will be like ripping you off, mechanical man.

and to people who have come to complain what shit models we made and just insult our work, they can just piss off because we all put a lot of effort in to these models during the last month. show us some respect.

+rep to everyone for making the models(^_^)
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Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
What i hate about the Battle machine is that the animations are horrible.

Whoops, sorry. Thats a bit un-justified, but i already did justify. Poor pyramid, no one says anything good about his Dog of War. Its so neat...

What annoys me is that it seems alot of people are just judging by screenshots and not by Anim/etc. This is why sometimes, having judges is more accurate and more fair (in a way) then public polls.

Screw us we dont know what we want!
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Yeah, but since the average user doesn't care about the fineties and nuances, it doesn't really matter. Honestly, the model that the most people want to use, not the best made model, should be the winner.

This is not meant to say shit on top quality, but it's to say that if people are willing to sacrifice some quality for other things that they like, hell, that's what they want so give it to them.

The customer is always right, and if the user is the customer, no matter how retarded their opinion is, if they vote in majority, cater to it to make everyone happy.
Yeah, but since the average user doesn't care about the fineties and nuances, it doesn't really matter. Honestly, the model that the most people want to use, not the best made model, should be the winner.

brad.dude03, now here you are contradicting yourself. You choose the model with the biggest lol factor (probably you didn't even test it) and now you say the model which most people want to use (usefulness and versatily factor!) should win. You can even see that it got more votes than views. :S

Now only the coolness of screenshot counts. All things like animations, particles, ingame performance (events, polycount, etc), portraits and other things the creator still put hard work are not visible on the screenshot. You can judge this way the icons, concept arts, highpoly model renders, etc. Even skins should be tryed ingame first to judge them.use should win. You can even see that it got more votes than views. :S

Now only the coolness of screenshot counts. All things like animations, particles, ingame performance (events, polycount, etc), portraits and other things the creator still put hard work are not visible on the screenshot. You can judge this way the icons, concept arts, highpoly model renders, etc. Even skins should be tryed ingame first to judge them.
Level 21
Mar 18, 2007
Unfortunately, voting for the model you like best is the whole point of a public poll counting as shit. Judges should be appointed because they'd actually be modelers and have certain standards and take into account how the model functions, its usefulness, the work put into it, the UV, use of textures, animations, use of particles, the model itself, etc. Voters don't do this and therefore makes the whole poll null
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
I think it should be both. Have the userbase poll, but then let the judges make the final decision, taking in the way the users voted into account when they decide who the winner should be. That way you get a compromise, the users have a say in the matter, and you have professional (or at least expert) review.
Level 22
Oct 27, 2004
ok let us next time to put a small map with our submission model so voters can immediately test it in game xD and than vote :gg:

Or instead, let the contest creator make a test map with all the submissions in it, with a little animation showcase built in, so all the user has to do is click test and the cinematic starts and BAM!

If lazy people *cough cough voters cough* have to download and open each model individually, they probably won't before they vote, much less check it out ingame. This practically guarantees that everyone won't have a fair chance at a vote....
people dont look at the animations??? thats all i bloody done!!!
and theres is only like 47 votes so far.
doesnt matter. looks like its kofi, currently 22, or werewulf ,currently 14, who could possibly catch up to kofi. (this is like horse race lol)
and us guys with like 2,3 votes, well gg to us. at least it was pretty fun
(i think... well I had fun. am i like the only one who had fun? hmm... )
i am actually surprise Gruntapult got only like 3. it was a great concept.
we do lack some cannons on this website so i guess in the future, people will start using Mechanical man's cannon in their maps.
so is the battle machine. like i said before in some other post, we got shit loads of tanks but nothing much that resembles mecha so its going to be very useful.

and that idea about putting models in a map, i am not lazy to dl models but i am lazy at opening maps on wc.
so i doubt those who are too lazy to dl models will bother with maps. which in turn will decrease voter numbers and create very uneven poll.

who were the judges anyway?
Level 27
Feb 22, 2006
Hmm, It would appear that I missed yours.. I thought I got them all, however I missed yours since I only remembered seeing WIPs. Now I see it and I am very sorry for the mistake.
We have two options, let me know which you want:
I can grade your model and have the judge's grade be 100% of the points
We can allow people to post to opt to switch their vote to your cannon.
Let me know what you want ASAP.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
My vote went to Werewulf. I thought hers was the best looking, but my favorite for idea was the Battle Machine or the Pong Tank.
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