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[Solved] Model import problem {changing MDX to MDL}

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Level 2
Jul 9, 2011
Hey everyone, my situation is this..

Im importing a model (Turbolazer.mdx) and I import it as usual by going
import manager..file.. import.. and i select Turbolazer.mdx.

Afterward, to apply it to the unit (in this case an orc watch tower) i made a new unit with the template of orc watch tower. Then i changed model
of it to import >> war3mapImported\Turbolazer.mdx .. then when i hit apply it changes the .mdx to .mdl .. when i go to place the unit in map to see how it looks, it makes the checkered box instead of the model.. ive tried choosing it again, importing it again, choosing custom and selecting war3mapImported\Turbolazer.mdx but it always swaps it to war3mapImported\Turbolazer.mdl instead.. is the mdl the thing that is causing model to not get successfully imported?

Anyone know how to fi it so it will work correctly? Help is appreciated!
Level 11
Jul 7, 2010
MDX to MDL is how warcraft stores the file it has nothing to do with the green checkered box, Only reason why that is happening is that you didn't import everything i.e Turbolazer.blp Turbolazer.mdx you have to import everything as it says where you downloaded it else it is broken try redownload it.
Level 2
Jul 9, 2011
When importing, first import stuff then save the map. Only after that, assing the models or whatever to objects. That way you avoid the green box, given that you imported everything correctly.

I import, save, then i go to unit and go model >> and select the import and it still happens..

Thanks everyone for your quick replies, I know there is nothing wrong with the model because one of the ones i use that does the same thing is Ampharos_222's engineer model:

Any help guys? Hive has some pretty awesome models i would really like to get this figured out..

EDIT: x3Glike the engineer model and the turbolazer model dont come with .mdl files but I'm pretty sure everyone else is getting them to work fine by reading the comments of the models.. idk
Level 2
Jul 9, 2011
Have you tried to re-start the editor?

yes i have..

so.. is it impossible to import models without blp files?

EDIT: suddenly out of nowhere, imports started working correctly.. weird lol.. thanks for the help anyways guys
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