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imported .mdx files = .mdl in obj editor

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Level 2
Oct 24, 2007
Wondering if anybody can tell me what's going wrong. I'll import an .mdx model, set the custom path so it just shows as 'modelname.mdx' in the import manager. Make a custom item, go to apply the model to it and it shows as 'modelname.mdl'. wtf? Then the item doesn't work because it can't find the model - I figure because it doesn't exist as an .mdl - it still shows in the import mgr as an .mdx file.

What am I doing wrong?

This doesn't happen with every model I import, but it happens with a lot of them.
Level 2
Oct 24, 2007
Hmm. The ones that show up in the object editor as .mdx files work. The ones that show up as .mdl (even though I imported an .mdx file) do not. I get the green & black checkered box and the "could not load file" error message.

I probably need to clarify what is going on exactly. Here's what's happening:

When I select a newly created custom object in the object editor and change the model file to the model I imported, at that point, I see and can choose choose the .mdx model file I imported.

When that object fails to work and I go back to that object in the editor and look at the model it is using, The name of the model file has changed from 'object.mdx' (the filename I imported) to 'object.mdl'... even though it still shows as 'object.mdx' in the import manager.

This has me stumped. Even if I delete the custom object and/or the imported model file and do it all over again, the same thing happens.

btw - this is a model file that has no additional textures. It uses in-game textures. And this does not happen to every model I import.

I assumed that .mdx model suffix means the model uses expansion elements? And .mdl ones do not? At any rate, when the object editor changes the extension from .mdx to .mdl, it causes the object to break and gives me the checkered box. I didn't import 'object.mdl' ... the file i imported was 'object.mdx'... so the loader can't find 'object.mdl' - it doesn't exist. Is this correct or am I missing something?

Ok... I think I probably dummied up.
*Closes and Reopens Editor and Smacks Forehead*
D'oh. Noobs will be noobs. Sry.
Last edited:
Level 2
Oct 24, 2007
Thanks. But it works now. I'm an idiot. See the edit at the end of my post above. :/
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