Modding Warcraft III

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Level 8
Dec 27, 2007
Hey guys I have a problem. Well see I'm making a mod, (un-announced, don't tell anyone ;)) but the problem is I have no idea how to edit the game. What I'm talking about of course is editing units stats, Adding new units, and Adding new abilities. I don't have any experience in this area, so if you could get me started with a tutorial on how to mod the Wc3 game (not with World Editor) and some programs that would help me on the way. If there is no such tutorial, could someone give me brief description of what I need to do? Thanks in advanced, I hope to hear from you all soon.

Level 8
Dec 27, 2007
Level 13
Jun 23, 2009
No, it isn't :razz:

For units, abilities etc. even the standalone mods use the World Editor, then the object data, triggers and such are exported and put in a custom mpq in order to start with every map and replace the normal ones (the object data should be exported in .slk format, and the triggers... in .j probably, I don't know how is that done in the world editor, but I'm sure that after searching a bit, you'll find out how)

For menu stuff, it depends on what do you want to do, if the menu structure stays the same, you can simply put the custom models/textures for it in the same path as the ones the menu screen ones (always in a custom mpq), if you want to change it, it's a more difficult task, but probably notepad + common sense should work fine.

Take a look on how did they (the ones of "Project Revolution") change these things by opening their MPQ, then all will be clearer (probably)

For opening the MPQs, Magos' Model Editor should suffice, when you have to create one, use MPQ Master.
You can also use MPQDraft on your MPQ to make it an exe file (an SEMPQ) that starts Warcraft with the custom resources in it, so you won't need to replace "War3patch.mpq" with yours anymore to make the mod work.

Sorry for not being helpful, but I have only some clues about these things.
Level 2
Jul 23, 2008
I need this too...

I also would like an answer to that because you see I want to add some models on items so there would be items with models on every map in the game ( adding them on each particular Map would take too long and would also take a lot more space).
Level 12
Mar 10, 2008
I also would like an answer to that because you see I want to add some models on items so there would be items with models on every map in the game ( adding them on each particular Map would take too long and would also take a lot more space).

I was just thinking, if you were to use a customized WE with custom units that are permanently in the editor, then you release the map, if no one used your customized warcraft 3 couldn't that cause stuff to happen? Because their warcraft 3 doesn't have that unit, it would just, not appear?
Level 13
Jun 23, 2009
I also would like an answer to that because you see I want to add some models on items so there would be items with models on every map in the game ( adding them on each particular Map would take too long and would also take a lot more space).

You'd have to use an MPQ editor to pick the .w3o (Object Data) file from the map in which you did this modification and then add it to an MPQ that'll be used with MPQDraft to execute it with the game. You have to search a bit to find the Windows version, since it has been deleted here (wtf????)

I was just thinking, if you were to use a customized WE with custom units that are permanently in the editor, then you release the map, if no one used your customized warcraft 3 couldn't that cause stuff to happen? Because their warcraft 3 doesn't have that unit, it would just, not appear?

Yes, if you changed only the model of a unit to a model not existing in the MPQ. If you create a new unit... Wc3 will just crash :xxd:
Level 11
Jul 28, 2007
Its shame how there are only few wc3 mods. People call DotA a mod and its a map... I have a team that is makin a mod. I can answer you some question if you want.

To be short. If you want to change units and all info about units, game interface and such thing you need to change mpq datas, things in mpq are quite connected. You might even change some of .dll files. And if you are good programmer you can change some of game systems. you can change game functions but if you change game engine or game system that is against term of use I think. Modding wc3 game aka Total Conversation is allowed, you can see that on blizzards F.A.Q. page.

Level 2
Jul 23, 2008
I appreciate that you are trying to help. Perhaps, if I tell you ecactly what I want to do then you will be able to tell me more (or tell me it's impossible and that I am a fool). Look, I have a legit Wc3 with the expansion installed and I like to play Warcraft with me friends. That would be ok if they HAD Warcraft III. One of my friends is not a big fun of Warcraft, but he likes to play with me occasionally on Internet. Because he does not have Wc3 we play Wc3 Demo on I show that Wc3 Demo lacked a lot so I decided to make it look cooler. I am trying to make it have some more things like changing the model of the Orb of Fire from a common treasure chest to a model I found here. If I can achive that, I will be able to change all models in game. Of course my friend would have to apply my patch but I think it worths it.
Level 2
Jul 23, 2008

Thanks for answering. Look what I want is to change some models. I mean take Orb of Fire for example. When it drops I want it not showing the normal treasure box but a model I downloaded here. I want to do the same for some scrolls and other items, well you get the point.
Level 11
Jul 28, 2007
You can change this over model editor.
Or you want to change this over mpq ? If you change this over mpq changes will be permanent. You can also change this only for yourself.

So there are 3 ways.
Change this for 1 map only.
Change this for you only; only you will see changed model.
Or you can change this for everyone but then whoever wants to join you will need to download same .mpq files as you i think.

So tell me what do you need and I will point you. BTW isnt useless to change only model for no reason ?
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