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new to modding

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Level 1
Jun 5, 2008
hello i am new to modding and i am working on my very first mod and was wondering how to do some stuff with world editor. first, how do i make heroes with normal unit models? ex. a hero with the dwarf rifleman model. next, i want to make the objective to protect a tower on top of a hill, how do i make objectives? also i need to make waves of enemies come at the tower so how do i make respawning occur and how do i make different units appear? its my first project so if i sound like a noob im sorry. i think this is the right place to come and any help would be absolutely wonderful!
Level 17
Apr 13, 2008
Hi, and welcome to the Wc3 modding scene :)
I would suggest you to search through the site's tutorials first. You'll find a lot of tutorials which are going to help you get started. Don't forget to read the stickies as well.
Before reading the tutorials it would be wise to spend about at least half an hour looking around the World Editor and discover its features. Tinker around in the object editor, check out the menus, the palettes and take a glimpse into the trigger editor.
You find the tutorials in the menu on the top of this page.
Level 17
May 6, 2008
Hi and welcome.

I can help you with the most basic things, don't know very much about variables, but i know pretty much about GUI triggers.

So just send me a PM if you need help.
Level 6
Dec 13, 2007
you are now one of us...one of us, one of us.

I can help ya with quite a bit, i will tell you how to do these things, then you do them by your self, good way to learn i think.

1.) to make a hero have a normal unit model, go into object editor, select your hero from the side menu, then, under the unit art section of options, look for model file, i think you can figure out the rest : )

2.)to make a tower an objective, make your tower, go into trigger editor, create new trigger. Make a new event, in the drop menu, click the unit section, then specific unit event. it looke like this

-When Unit (select your tower) dies
-Make player one lose, i forgot the trigger, check under the "player" section in the actions menu.

3.) to make peopke attack the tower you can do a few things, Make a region where your units wanna respawn (you make regions with your tool pallet, just click under regions in your drop menu) then in triggers do this.

-Time elapsed:1 minute (that means that in one minute of mission start, your attacks will be spawned.
-create 5 footman (or what ever you wanna use) in region (select your region) facing degree angles aren't important.

and with that you need to setup a trigger that will make your units attack when they spawn, use this trigger.

-when unit enters region (select your region)
-Issue order to (triggering unit) to attack move to region (make a region at your tower)

if you dont completly understand how to make these triggers, well, i cant write everything down, you can figure it out. hope this has been helpful.
Level 1
Jun 5, 2008
ok i got stuck on last 2 events. first are they under 1 trigger or 2? and when i try to order the unit to attack the region which issue order exactly do i use and how do i select the unit to use for the trigger?
Level 18
Aug 13, 2007
hammer326 said:
are they under 1 trigger or 2?

If you mean the spawning and the issued attack-move order, they can be, yes.

If you want to make a periodic spawn:

  • Periodic Spawn
    • Events
      • Time - Every (however you want) seconds of game time
    • Actions
      • Unit - Create 5 Footman (for example) at (Center of (some region))
      • Unit Group - Pick Every Unit in (the same region)
        • Loop - Actions
          • Unit - Order Picked unit to Attack-move to (Center of (another region))
Note that if there are some other units in the region, they will be forced to attack-move the other region as well.
The "Order Picked unit to Attack-move to" action can be found under Unit > Issue Order Targeting a Point.
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