you are now one of of us, one of us.
I can help ya with quite a bit, i will tell you how to do these things, then you do them by your self, good way to learn i think.
1.) to make a hero have a normal unit model, go into object editor, select your hero from the side menu, then, under the unit art section of options, look for model file, i think you can figure out the rest : )
2.)to make a tower an objective, make your tower, go into trigger editor, create new trigger. Make a new event, in the drop menu, click the unit section, then specific unit event. it looke like this
-When Unit (select your tower) dies
-Make player one lose, i forgot the trigger, check under the "player" section in the actions menu.
3.) to make peopke attack the tower you can do a few things, Make a region where your units wanna respawn (you make regions with your tool pallet, just click under regions in your drop menu) then in triggers do this.
-Time elapsed:1 minute (that means that in one minute of mission start, your attacks will be spawned.
-create 5 footman (or what ever you wanna use) in region (select your region) facing degree angles aren't important.
and with that you need to setup a trigger that will make your units attack when they spawn, use this trigger.
-when unit enters region (select your region)
-Issue order to (triggering unit) to attack move to region (make a region at your tower)
if you dont completly understand how to make these triggers, well, i cant write everything down, you can figure it out. hope this has been helpful.