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Problem moving a hero from a map to another

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Level 4
Jul 18, 2008
Getting heroes from a map to another

I was just wondering about something. I am currently making a campaign, and wondered how to "import" a hero from a map to another, and place him somewhere on the map. How do I do that?
Level 4
Jul 18, 2008
Probably, but about that game cache thingy:
Where will the hero be when I've used the game cache and restored it in another map?
And do I have to have the maps in a campaign to use the game cache, or is it possible to use the game cache with 2 different maps?
Level 4
Jul 18, 2008
One last question:
Is it possible to use the game cache thingy with 2 separate maps or do they have to be in a campaign?
Level 4
Jul 18, 2008
Yeah, for example.
Let's say I have a map called X, where the hero was originally created. Then I make another map called Y. Will it be possible to get the hero from map X to map Y, if they are separate maps? (they are not linked to each other via the campaign editor)

Or do I have to put the maps in the campaign editor to make it work?
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
different maps should work fine
get a mpq extractor
extract 1-2 campaign maps
examine them to learn how did they do
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
Oh right I thought it may work in MP also for a sec but now I realized other players may not have or have different one of them. I shall improve my wisidom at any time I find (lol wiseroll'd)
Level 4
Jul 18, 2008
different maps should work fine
get a mpq extractor
extract 1-2 campaign maps
examine them to learn how did they do

2 more issues:

mpq extractor? What's that? Do I need that if I move a hero from a map to another, and they are in the same campaign in the campaign editor, or does this only matter when it comes to different maps?

My last issue:

When I create quest updates (quest update, quest completed etc) the message only appears in white text. A yellow text that say for example Quest Update doesn't appear. This is in my campaign: http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/5969/questlolpf2.jpg

This is from the human campaign in RoC: http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/2060/questlol2mv3.jpg

Why? If I make a trigger that shows a hint, the word Hint will be shown in green letters. Why doesn't this happen to the quest update thingy?

I am handing out + rep by the way, thank you for all your support this far! :thumbs_up:
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
Im HALF sure that you can read same caches from different maps which AREN'T in same campaign

by MPQ extractor I ment some tool that will allow you to browse and extract files from a MPQ file which can be easly found on tools section
Also the War3 Model Editor I linked in my signature has an option to browse and extract files from MPQ

As RoC campaigns stored in war3.mpq and TFT campaigns stored in war3x.mpq you can explore them and extract campaign maps from them and examine them with world editor to get information about usage of game cache

The Hint you are talking about is a colored text
They make messages as:
"|c<color code>OPTIONAL QUEST:|r
<hint content>"
and they make the sound manaully with another action code inside trigger

War3 Model Editor also has a "Colored Text" option in its extras which will provide you to add colors to your texts for tooltips, text messages and things like that

If you dont like the Color text maker of War3 Model Editor, Im sure there are other useful tools for making colored texts in tools section
Level 4
Jul 18, 2008
Thanks, it's still a bit unclear to me though, do I need to use the mpq extractor to keep a hero from one map to another map while the maps are in the campaign editor, or does this only count for maps which are NOT in the campaign editor?

Bump? Answer my last question, and I won't be bothering you again for a while. :xxd:
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Level 4
Jul 18, 2008
My question remains though: do I need to use the mpq extractor to keep a hero from one map to another map while the maps are in the campaign editor, or does this only count for maps which are NOT in the campaign editor?
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
It has nothing to do with MPQ extractor you are not even listening -.-
And yes it works for both
Level 4
Jul 18, 2008
Hey guys, I am back to bother you some more. :wink:
This time I have a problem moving a hero from one of my maps, to another one. I looked at a guide and ended up with creating these triggers:

From map 1:

  • Cache
    • Events
      • Map initialization
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Game Cache - Create a game cache from Murloc Map 1.w3x
      • Set Cache = (Last created game cache)
  • Cache save
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit enters Region 016 <gen>
    • Conditions
      • (Triggering unit) Equal to Murloc Chieftain 0035 <gen>
      • (Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Player 1 (Red)
    • Actions
      • Game Cache - Store Murloc Chieftain 0035 <gen> as Murkhil of Murlocs in Cache
      • Game Cache - Save Cache
      • Game - Set the next level to Maps\Murloc Map 2.w3x

From map 2:

  • Cache
    • Events
      • Map initialization
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Game Cache - Create a game cache from Murloc map 1.w3x
      • Set Cache = (Last created game cache)
      • Game Cache - Restore Murkhil of Murlocs from Cache for Player 1 (Red) at (Center of Region 000 <gen>) facing 135.00
      • Game Cache - Clear Cache
      • Game Cache - Save Cache

Why won't my appear on map 2? I followed this guide: [Tutorial] Game Cache - The Helper Forums
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Level 4
Jul 18, 2008
load the demo-campaign out of the campaign path [X:\Programms\Warcraft3\Campaigns or whatever], it is unproctected and there you can see how to create game chache and so on. :fp: + rep if i helped you

Sorry, but it would be more helpful if anyone could tell em what went wrong with my triggers!
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
That tutorial tells you to "create a game cache as ANOTHER FILE with w3v format" which has nothing to do with what you have done
Level 4
Jul 18, 2008
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