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- Jan 17, 2010
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The Fortuneteller has spoken: It's
Contestants have to create a game where the main goal must focus on gathering materials, resources, items, and anything the contestant can interpret as 'Farming'.
You may include other functions such as puzzles, bandits raiding your farm*, etc.
It's all up to your creativity&imagination!
*Doesn't necessarily mean the player needs to have a farm
25 reputation for the winner & every contestant shall receive 5 reputation each!
-Kobas- |
Originality - 15/30
- Your idea is based on campaign mission.
- There wasn't a single unique system.
- All units/abilities/items are common ones.
- No custom models or edited Blizzard ones (Whitesaber only).
Gameplay - 15/30
- Single Player.
- No game modes.
- No game difficulties.
- Single hero with unlevelable abilities.
- Items won't stack so you fill up inventory fast.
- Enemy units just keep comming, no heroes no special waves.
- No bonus quests or things you can do.
- No special and unique systems that will do things such as:
-- Damage/Ability display using floating texts.
-- Bounty/Exp display using floating texts.
-- Items and item abilities that are crafted or stacked etc.
-- Triggered abilities that works in synergy.
Terrain - 5/15
- Blight in ancient night elf forest.
- Plain terrain without leveled terrain (cliffs).
- Poor usage of water and water doodads.
- Terrain is invulnerable (trees can't be destroyed etc).
- No special effect doodads (Butterflies only).
- No lightning effect doodads.
- Rocks and shrubs are overused.
- Camp could look more orchish.
- Night elf locations are bad as well.
Object Data - 5/10
- Nothing special here worth mentioning.
Presentation/Design - 5/5
- Really nice, I can't find errors here.
Triggers - 3/10
- Memory leaks.
- Map initialization is split into 5 different triggers.
- Item spawn triggers are really bad, you should code this as system.
Total - 48/100
(Maps Section: 1/5 - Unacceptable)
Originality - 15/30
- There wasn't a single unique system.
- All units/abilities/items are common ones.
- No custom models or edited Blizzard ones that looks good enough.
Gameplay - 15/30
- Single Player.
- No game modes.
- No game difficulties.
- Single hero with common abilities.
That barricade ability has "A" hotkey.
- Items (2 rings) are there just so you can sell them and build farm or whatever.
- Enemy units just keep comming, no heroes no special waves.
Also number of spawned wovles makes game imposible.
- No bonus quests or things you can do.
- No special and unique systems that will do things such as:
Damage/Ability display using floating texts.
Bounty/Exp display using floating texts.
Items and item abilities that are crafted or stacked etc.
Triggered abilities that works in synergy.
Terrain - 5/15
- Tiles are really bad, seems random.
- No special effect doodads.
- No lightning effect doodads.
- Rocks, shrubs and other environment doodads are randomly placed as well .
- Night elf dock, fountain and whole camp is somehow bad.
- Night elf locations are bad as well.
- Fog cut playable map.
Object Data - 5/10
- Nothing special here worth mentioning.
Presentation/Design - 0/5
- I expected to see more from you.
Not a single screenshot, line of text explaining resources or tip how to play map.
That's why I asked you for presentation.
Triggers - 4/10
- Map initialization is split into many different triggers.
- Floating text trigger actions are really bad, you should code this as system.
Total - 43/100
(Maps Section: 1/5 - Unacceptable)
Originality - 25/30
- You sir impressed me really, awesome idea.
Gameplay - 10/30
- You managed to ruin your perfect idea with your more or less static and bad gameplay.
- No game modes.
- No game difficulties.
- There is no core unit or something crucial about whole gameplay.
Your controlled unit is more imaginable, that's fine, but wc3 offer you more ways to handle that.
Maybe hero like building or something else.
- You excluded items from gameplay, still you could use them as resources spawned or generated by plants or animals.
- Yeap, empty forest no animals, that could eat, reproduce, defend, live with forest in synergy.
- Key locations, like places where sun generate more biomaterial or such.
Terrain - 5/15
- Empty, really bad, expected to see rocks, cliffs or such like doodads.
- No special effect doodads.
- No lightning effect doodads.
- Water is randomly placed over whole map, you could handle this better.
Object Data - 6/10
- Models and everything else looks ok.
- Maybe you could include some special effects and night elf ancients.
Presentation/Design - 2/5
- Just because we have cases with no description at all I give you 2 points here.
Triggers - 7/10
- Well could not expect more because of GUI, but huge trigger actions that run offten are really bad.
- Use single native to display msg to players, I can see you use custom script, why then you use force for such simple problem.
Total - 55/100
(Maps Section: 2/5 - Lacking)
Originality - 25/30
- You sir impressed me really, awesome idea.
Gameplay - 20/30
- Single Player.
- No game modes.
- No game difficulties.
- Single hero.
- You excluded items from gameplay, maybe add some power ups that could be permanent and/or temporarily.
- Enemy units just keep coming, no heroes no special waves, souls that give you 2 or more after kill and so on.
- No bonus quests or things you can do.
- No special and unique systems that will do things such as:
Damage/Ability display using floating texts.
Bounty/Exp display using floating texts.
Triggered abilities that works in synergy.
- Quest log is empty.
Terrain - 15/15
- Terrain is really nice, could not ask more.
Object Data - 8/10
- Add some colors and improve tooltips.
Presentation/Design - 4/5
- You could add some colors, text size etc to enchance presentation.
Triggers - 5/10
- Frames per seconds in game are around 11, this is really low, player can actually experience spikes and lag.
This is most likely due to animated terrain, reduce number of special effects.
- Use loops to reduce code size, for example in trigger Hells Stomp.
- Some trigger actions repeat almost same code in 5 or so cases, for example in trigger Next Level.
- You should merge same events into 1 trigger, instead of making few of them, for example RequiemAddXXX triggers.
Total - 77/100
(Maps Section: 4/5 - Recommended)
Originality - 25/30
- You sir impressed me, really awesome idea.
Gameplay - 20/30
- No game modes
- No game difficulties
- Hero pick is somehow empty and you have no idea what hero to pick.
- Hero unit has no abilities or active used items to do something that effect gameplay.
- Enemy units are more or less stronger than you.
- Dummy units and interface is really bad, often you see hp bars colide.
- No info or hints how to play game.
- Systems are somehow unique, but laggy and hard to use.
Terrain - 5/15
- Terrain is bad really, doodads all over place, even tiles could use some variations.
Object Data - 7/10
- Models and textures are ok, more or less (Saber Cat and Ghoul make no sense).
- Add some colors and improve tooltips.
Presentation/Design - 0/5
- Not a single screenshot, line of text explaining resources or tip how to play map.
Triggers - 5/10
- Well could not expect more because of GUI, but huge trigger actions that run often are really bad.
- Merge "Use item" or "Acquires item" events into single trigger and then just run event-less trigger or do such like actions
instead of running like 50 triggers at same time.
- Floating text actions are presented in like 20% of your triggers, you could just fire trigger with them or use jass native
to handle this as well in form of a jass function.
Total - 62/100
(Maps Section: 3/5 - Acceptable)
Originality - 5/30
- I won't comment this entry, it's unfinished.
Gameplay - 5/30
- Poor.
Terrain - 0/15
- Poor.
Object Data - 2/10
- Poor.
Presentation/Design - 0/5
- Not a single screenshot, line of text explaining resources or tip how to play map.
Triggers - 1/10
- Disable timer once you fulfill the requirements (Check Victory trigger)
- Triggers like "Shield of Deathlord Item" should fire only once.
- Instead of Unit is attacked you should use unit is damaged.
- You made group variable here to clean leaks "Graveyard Done", but never did that...
Total - 13/100
(Maps Section: 1/5 - Unacceptable)
Originality - 5/30
- We expected to see some farming, mostly resource gathering type of map, not some, RPG style look like, dungeon.
Gameplay - 15/30
- Balanced
- Single Player
- Only 1 hero to play with.
- Some basic hero abilities (some are edited).
- Basic items.
Terrain - 5/15
- Something seen over and over again.
- Tiles are somehow useless here.
- No special effect doodads.
- No lightning effect doodads.
- Somehow whole maps look empty.
Object Data - 4/10
- Models are ok, all units fit theme, more or less and that's fine, if we exclude giant flying Sapphirion.
- Abilities could use different colors and a little more polished tooltips.
Presentation/Design - 5/5
- Presentation is good enough.
- Credits are properly given.
Triggers - 5/10
- I don't like how some triggers are organized.
Cage triggers could be merged into single one with multiple events.
Difficulty pick could be in same trigger with if the else function.
Total - 39/100
(Maps Section: 1/5 - Unacceptable)
Originality - 25/30
- You sir impressed me, really awesome idea.
Gameplay - 25/30
- Single player.
- Very unique and I like it.
- Just 1 hero, maybe some different game stiles with different characters could work.
Terrain - 10/15
- Unique but a little simple.
- Somehow empty, I expected to see more boxes on board and more stuff (cargo for example).
Object Data - 8/10
- Models and textures are nice.
- Everything is fitting theme perfectly.
Presentation/Design - 5/5
- Perfect example how map presentation should look like.
- Good job sir.
Triggers - 8/10
- Some triggers are really huge and I must suggest some way around, maybe some system like coding, because right now
adding just 1 more combination require a hell of a work.
- Other than that everything is well looking.
Total - 81/100
(Maps Section: 5/5 - Highly Recommended)
(#1) Tickles | [81/100] |
(#2) DSanhueza | [77/100] |
(#3) Dat-C3 | [62/100] |
(#4) rulerofiron99 | [55/100] |
(#5) Zenonoth | [48/100] |
(#6) eubz | [43/100] |
(#7) Hell_Master | [39/100] |
(#8) Daffa the Mage | [13/100] |
Well, guess we're finally done with this contest.
I'd like to apologize for the slightly /long/ wait until the results could be posted, it was badly organized and I ended up having only one judge to review your wonderful entries. It was all badly done on my half, so I apologize.
Anywho, thank you -Kobas- for sticking around and reviewing the entries and congratulations to Tickles and everyone else.
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