First of all, this map really reminds me on Return of the King map.
Well, Gothmog... that thing you gave him 2 passive aura(unholy aura and endurance aura) isn't fitting at all. Replace 1 aura with other ability.
The some stuffs are very reckless: trolls are imbalance too strong with hero armor and i don't know why you added to them undead classification. Rohirrim must be stronger at least bigger hp if they got light armor. And why a gondor soldier and an troll have same height? Add to every cinematics when they finish camera order to remake standard view, also there is a bad sentence by gandy: "You are fool Denethor", and not "Your fool Denethor" . Change Theoden and Eomer movement speed 320 from 270(beacuse they are riding). Delete ground texture on Trebuchet and enable only 1 attack and not 2 also at orc catapult. Mordor units have reaserch levels so give reaserech levels also to every gondor units or delete reasearch levels and set by yourself the damage numbers at every unit types. And that unlogicaly damage and armor type giving, fix it example why you gave to pikeman pierce when mordor hasnt unit which it against pikeman is useful etc...
And make to reaserached defend ability if you would added it to units.
I suggest to use Wandering Soul's cool model instead of custom skin used and warcraft looked models at Gondor army then use on them CW's LOTR skins(and for lower filesize). At mordor army use bandit models as base then use Stanakin's Mordor Orc skin plus use reign of chaos orc catapult as mordor catapults and not actually meat wagon... Same thinking about Aragorn and Gimli models , use Hueters skins and fix potrait of Legolas.
The terrain is almost nothing. Make more detailed terrain add more trees, shrubs flowers bushes etc. and minas tirith also make it detailed( its a big city) there you could add effect by triggers example mordor units reaching a region make fires in houses Pelennor Field is used in lore as agricultural area and not just an empty field like in movie. if you used cliff based terrain do not make that 2 other tiles of cliff meeting, it's kinda weird. And if you will still used cliffs , "fix ugly ramps".
Dark green player name correct as: Mordor and Harad or Mordor and Haradrims. Oh, and some waves are buggy, they go from Minas Morgul, through Osgiliath but they stopping at Gothmog and return to Minas Morgul always like a patrol.
And remember, try to make balancer the playing and some parts of should be making harder bit(aragorn's way). If you still working on it you can make a good map. And always give credit.