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[Campaign] Malfurion's Quest

Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
What about Hippogryph Riders? Marksmanship also affects them. Anyway this upgrade sound nice.

Hippogryph Riders will also benefit from the Lunar upgrade with the increased damage and area-of-effect attacks.

Is the Moon Arrows going to be a passive ability or autocast that requires mana??

It will be a passive ability, though the ability in itself is not too powerful for balance reasons ;)
Level 4
Feb 9, 2016
Awww I was hoping for that ability to be OP xD. Turnro just a logic question, how come none of the Night Elves notice that Malfurion was not the druid that they once knew?? Did they seriously not notice the atrocities that he did like retrieving that one druid's item from the geomancers then murdering that druid??
Level 17
Nov 12, 2016
yeah but this time blizzard isnt making the campaign so :D im sure we can find a way that he can at least Help the good furion :) ;)
or even come in the campaign as a good hero player !!!!OOOOO that wolde AAAWWWSSSOOMMMEEE :D
Level 4
Feb 9, 2016
Exactly my point. How come none of the Night Elves noticed that Malfurion had weird looking elves compared to themselves with him?? And seriously, why did that elf general obey Malfurion in that mission when it was obvious he was not himself?? This made me laugh back then when I played chapter 5 because I was expecting the Highborne to be captured.
Level 4
Feb 9, 2016
The one in chapter 5. I was actually expecting the Highborne to be caught but they did not. But the one thing that has been bugging me is that why none of the Night Elves ever notice that something was wrong with Malfurion. In that sense, Malfurion's become a King Azshara because none of the Night Elves would bother to notice if what he was doing was right or wrong.

Anyway Turnro, can you give me a spoiler and tell me if Illidan will return?? I love spoilers xD. If the others don't want to know can you just pm me?
Level 17
Nov 12, 2016
i think if this is to be true the story will have to be between well,,, the start of WC3 & this malfurions quest is something that takes place after Wc2 maybe we can say that the highborn faild Illidan thats why he Raised the Naga & IF you played the orginal Wc3 first campaign there is a place that lady vash tells maive that they were once the highborn
Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
Exactly my point. How come none of the Night Elves noticed that Malfurion had weird looking elves compared to themselves with him?? And seriously, why did that elf general obey Malfurion in that mission when it was obvious he was not himself?? This made me laugh back then when I played chapter 5 because I was expecting the Highborne to be captured.

We are not told the whole story yet (I'm referring to Chapter 6 here), so are you assuming that Velinde and her forces were oblivious to Malfurion's changes because they chose to do nothing? Perhaps the Ranger General did consider it, but thought it was not the best move at the time. After all, Malfurion is much more powerful and there were other more pressing matters to attend to first (aka the Legion).

Finally, here is your spoiler ;)

You will find out what happened to Illidan in Chapter 6.
Level 4
Feb 9, 2016
Thanks for the spoiler Turnro. To be honest when I saw the Legion in that Mount Hyjal mission I was expecting a three way battle between the Legion, the Night Elves and the Highborne or at least that Malfurion's betrayal will be revealed to all but I guess we will have to wait and see what happened to that dryad that Malfurion chased away in Chapter 3 (not sure if it was the 3rd). Btw, is Malfurion being drawn into madness by the Old Gods like the same way Neltharion was in the original lore?? And can I throw a wild guess on how the Highborne story will turn out?? Not to brag but this could be a potential spoiler so I want to know if i can guess or not.
Level 17
Nov 12, 2016
i have an opinion about this lunar upgrade i dont think that it sholde have a splash damage effect as the archer unit dosent have that much damage to be splashed:D but increasing the attack speed or if im right the attack rate by 23% or something like that sound better
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Level 3
Aug 9, 2016
Hey guys! Just a quick update to let you all know that my current map, the Cave of Shadows, is nearly done. I aim to have the initial map done within a week or so, though it will not be available to play yet.


In addition, I have replaced Jarod Shadowsong's Sword Slam ability with a new spell. This new ability is Battle Shout, which silences all nearby enemy units.

Awesome that screenshot Turnro. I can't wait for the next version.
Level 17
Nov 12, 2016
sorry but to make sure that its not left unanswered i had to post this again

i have an opinion about this lunar upgrade i dont think that it sholde have a splash damage effect as the archer unit dosent have that much damage to be splashed:D but increasing the attack speed or if im right the attack rate by 23% or something like that sound better
Level 17
Nov 12, 2016
23% might already be too much, and again the upgrade might probably do something to the arrows of the archer to GIVE it that SPLASH damage

no its not much you can even say 25% ive edited maps but levels and abilitys much more so i know what this wolde do on the attack speed of the unit and i can say 25% is even less then the unholy frenzy of the necromancer but that takes hit points so its out of the question
Level 10
Dec 19, 2015
The Highborne put aside their night elven ways so the moon is out, and don't the highborne archers have somethin special.
And HoM, you can reply to as many posts as you want in a single post just press reply. If you want to reply to only a section of the post highlight it :)
Level 17
Nov 12, 2016
ok thanks for the tip.
now is every hero from the burning legion going to be present??? cuz i really want to kill them in anycase:p
including killjaden or if not it least all the other demon lords and dreadlords,:D seriously no one is going to stop me from unleashing my full :mad: on all of them:D:p;):)

also how is this ((Jarod Shadowsong)) and what relationship dose he have with maiev shadowsong
Level 9
Oct 1, 2015
Hey man supp?
I haven't checked this thread in a while, I loved the Lunar ability actually I was going to tell you to do something about the archers but you already figured that out.
Is there anything else new you can tell us about?

And regarding one of the hivers comment, there are no character named Vared Menethil in Warcraft and it's associated lore and there is no such thing as Elemental Mage there is only elemental shaman
Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
Hey guys! A new unit has been added to the Highborne race that will be available to play from Chapter 6:


Mana Wyrms serve as an anti-caster unit. They also deal considerable damage to air units with a separate weak attack against ground units.

The Mana Wyrm will initially have Feedback and Spell Immunity. In addition, Devour Magic can be researched to allow these anti-casters to consume magical buffs and regenerate health.

I have also received a lot of feedback about the Highborne recently, particularly with Arcane Golems and giving them a more predominant role. My current thoughts involve making them a tanking unit, which is something the Highborne lack with their already existing units. This includes giving Arcane Golems health/armor upgrades, as well as allowing them to taunt enemy units.
Level 4
Feb 9, 2016
Cool I like it. But Turnro I think the Highborne could use a melee DPS hero since Malfurion and Kathranis cant do much damage after they used their spells.
Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
Cool I like it. But Turnro I think the Highborne could use a melee DPS hero since Malfurion and Kathranis cant do much damage after they used their spells.

Perhaps not, but I feel that the damage input by all their units and spells do sort of make up for it. I haven't made all the units yet, but you can assume the Highborne will have at least one unit type offered in the full tech-tree.
Level 4
Feb 9, 2016
Well I guess it is your call anyway. Btw I like the idea of turning the Arcane Golems into a tank unit. Whenever I play the Highborne I put 2 golems in the trees and the rest is just Golems Archers to attack. But why exactly allow them to taunt since Malfurion's golem summon can taunt enemies already??
Level 4
Feb 9, 2016
Really?? You use all the golems to harvest?? Actually Malfurion's golem might not be able to handle many units at once but the golem is just a bait. The threat are if u have a lot of archers and focus all attacks on 1 target. It also allows enemies to clump up and be murdered by Kathranis and Malfurion's abilities. So having just 1 golem is not a bad idea.
Level 3
Aug 9, 2016
Hey guys! A new unit has been added to the Highborne race that will be available to play from Chapter 6:


Mana Wyrms serve as an anti-caster unit. They also deal considerable damage to air units with a separate weak attack against ground units.

The Mana Wyrm will initially have Feedback and Spell Immunity. In addition, Devour Magic can be researched to allow these anti-casters to consume magical buffs and regenerate health.

I have also received a lot of feedback about the Highborne recently, particularly with Arcane Golems and giving them a more predominant role. My current thoughts involve making them a tanking unit, which is something the Highborne lack with their already existing units. This includes giving Arcane Golems health/armor upgrades, as well as allowing them to taunt enemy units.
Nice Turnro.