[Campaign] War of the Ancients

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Level 23
Apr 5, 2012



The Highborne's reckless use of magic sent ripples of energy spiraling out from the Well of Eternity and into the Great Dark Beyond. The streaming ripples of energy were felt by terrible alien minds. Sargeras - the Great Enemy of all life, the Destroyer of Worlds - felt the potent ripples and was drawn to their distant point of origin. Spying the primordial world of Azeroth and sensing the limitless energies of the Well of Eternity, Sargeras was consumed by an insatiable hunger. The great dark god of the Nameless Void resolved to destroy the fledgling world and claim its energies as his own.

Sargeras gathered his vast Burning Legion and made his way towards the unsuspecting world of Azeroth. The Legion was comprised of a million screaming demons, all ripped from the far corners of the universe, and the demons hungered for conquest. Sargeras' lieutenants, Archimonde the Defiler and Mannoroth the Destructor, prepared their infernal minions to strike.

Queen Azshara, overwhelmed by the terrible ecstasy of her magic, fell victim to Sargeras' undeniable power and agreed to grant him entrance to her world. Even her Highborne servitors gave themselves over to magic's inevitable corruption and began to worship Sargeras as their god. To show their allegiance to the Legion, the Highborne aided their queen in opening a vast, swirling portal within the depths of the Well of Eternity...


New race tech-tree!
In War of the Ancients the player will can control a totally new tech-tree for the Highborne, and use their magical, and see their weakness against their opponent.

Two sides visions!

At the beginning you will be the Highborne loyal to Azshara and the Burning Legion, but in the next action; the history you will control the Highborne how oppose Azshara's caste.

Custom Character!

The campaign will the have major character as custom one, all the plot in be involved of Azshara's plans and Dollunar Golding and some of their weakness and betrayals!

From the progress, more will be added to this section!


Sargeras; is the creator and leader of the Burning Legion. Sargeras was once a vanir titan, a Champion of the Pantheon chosen to defend the worlds they had created. Sargeras has changed over the millennia. While he once served his race as guardian and protector, he is now the titans' worst enemy.
The elven Queen Azshara and her people, the Highborne, were wielding magic as their plaything. Sensing the great potential of the Well of Eternity, and knowing that it could satiate his hunger for magic, Sargeras called the Burning Legion to the ethereal outskirts of Azeroth, and the Enemy of All Life called to Azshara. The highborne queen was impressed and overwhelmed by Sargeras' great power. He used a subtle form of mental manipulation while speaking to her and her councilor, Xavius. They saw Sargeras as a god and worshiped him. Azshara agreed to allow him entrance to her world if only for a taste of a portion of his knowledge and energy.
Archimonde; is the left hand of the fallen titan Sargeras. Archimonde was one of the greatest and darkest of the eredar. He was send to Azeroth unders Sargeras orders to annihilate the existence of all life.
Mannoroth; is a pit lord whose ruthlessness and vile cunning made him into one of the favoured lieutenants of his masters, Archimonde and Kil'jaeden, the champions of the Burning Legion. Known as "the Destructor" and "the Flayer", Mannoroth is the barbaric leader of the pit lords when Kil'jaeden had recruited them. In war of the Ancients he will try to help Sargeras for his successes in this world.





[td] Queen Azshara; overwhelmed by the terrible ecstasy of her magic, fell victim to Sargeras' undeniable power and agreed to grant him entrance to her world. Even her Highborne servitors gave themselves over to magic's inevitable corruption and began to worship Sargeras as their god. To show their allegiance to the Legion, the Highborne aided their queen in opening a vast, swirling portal within the depths of the Well of Eternity Lady Vashj; As one of the members of the Highborne, Lady Vashj considered it her birthright to serve Queen Azshara. Vashj copied the queen's hairstyle and clothing as much as possible. When the queen made Vashj her foremost handmaiden, remaining in the queen's favor became Vashj's sole concern.
When the Highborne were contacted by the titan Sargeras, Azshara was enthralled by Sargeras' vast might. Like the queen, Vashj looked forward to his arrival on Azeroth; both women were certain that he would find Azshara irresistible.

Xavius; He is perhaps the night elf most responsible for the Burning Legion's interest in Azeroth. It was Xavius who first became convinced that Sargeras, ruler of the Burning Legion, was a god sent to deliver Azeroth. Xavius also convinced the night elven queen Azshara of the necessity of turning the will of her mages, the so-called "Highborne", towards creating a portal into the Twisting Nether through which Sargeras and the Legion could enter into the world. Xavius was successful enough in his endeavors to welcome several ranking members of the Legion into Azeroth
Varo'then; is the leader of Queen Azshara's personal guard and bore a distinctive scar. Varo'then became the right hand of the queen. Outwardly, Varo'then was immune to Azshara's charms, but in fact he was madly in love with her. Unlike Xavius, Varo'then dealt with his obsession by serving the queen's every whim.
Dollunar Golding; is a noble one, On the contrary of the others Highbornes Dollunar, like most of the night elf populace, regarded the Highborne with suspicion and dislike. He is a levelheaded man, a skilled mage, and an inspiring leader on the battlefield. But anyway, however, he is one of the most reliable servant of Azshara, after Xaius, obviously.
His praise for Elune was some of his grande aspect, but with the coming of the Legion, the legion has changed him, Azshara more then anyone...


[/td] Malfurion Stormrage; was the most dedicated of Cenarius' disciples. In the ancient world before the Great Sundering, Malfurion was a respected scholar loyal to his admired Queen Azshara. He was among the first to notice the distance Azshara and her followers were keeping from their people, and he began to suspect that the powers granted by the Well of Eternity were not as pure as all had believed. Though he could not possibly fathom what was soon to come, Malfurion knew that the Kaldorei would be forever changed.
Azshara and her Highborne were interested in the Well and ordered them to find as much as possible about the well. As time passed, the Highborne learned how to draw power from the Well and manipulate its energies. Finally, Azshara's reckless use of magic drew the attention of Sargeras.
But from the ranks of the desperate Kaldorei rose Malfurion Stormrage. Convincing his twin brother, Illidan, to forsake the use of magic, Malfurion and his love, Tyrande Whisperwind, high priestess of Elune, quickly went to seek out the demigod Cenarius in the hopes that he might have reprieve for their beleaguered people.
Tyrande Whisperwind; grew up together with the two male night elf twins, Malfurion and Illidan Stormrage, in the kaldorei city of Suramar. The three were inseparable, playing in the woods, racing, learning to hunt. Tyrande consistently bested the brothers. As they grew into adulthood together they encouraged each other to find their respective callings.
Tyrande was to find peace in the Temple of Elune in Suramar, and became a novice priestess in the order of the Sisters of Elune.
When the War of the Ancients began, Tyrande helped to convince Illidan to leave the Highborne, and when he did, she helped him to master his insatiable addiction to magic as they sought out Cenarius. When finally they found him, they gained the allies of Alexstrasza's dragons to fight at their side, and made war upon the Burning Legion and its allies Azshara and her unholy Highborne. It was during the battles against the Burning Legion that it became apparent that Tyrande was far more adept at channeling the power of Elune than any other member of her order.

Illidan Stormrage; twin brother of Malfurion, practiced Highborne magic. In his youth he attempted to master the druidic forces, as his brother had, but the sorcery called to him in a way that the magic of the land did not. Unlike his brother, Illidan was born with amber eyes, at the time a sign of a great destiny — however, this actually indicated inherent druidic potential. When Malfurion and Tyrande had found their destiny, Illidan was still searching for his.
When Archimonde's invasion of Azeroth had begun and Azshara's treachery became known, Malfurion convinced Illidan to leave his queen. Illidan followed his brother. But as Cenarius and the dragons entered the battle, Malfurion came to understand that their adversaries were too powerful to fall in combat. To end the invasion, he plotted the destruction of the Well of Eternity. The idea appalled Illidan. The Well was the source of his magic — and likely of the elves' immortality — and its loss was a price far too dear for him to pay. In addition, the night elf found that he increasingly admired the powers of the Burning Legion, seeing a magical purity that underlay their chaotic behavior. Where the night elves struggled to maintain their ground, the Burning Legion's numbers did not seem to permanently diminish.

Dath'Remar Sunstrider; was born a member of the wealthy and powerful Highborne; Regardless of Dath'Remar's unusual name and appearance, he, like the rest of his caste, was fascinated by the first Well of Eternity. Over time Queen Azshara and the rest of the Highborne became obsessed with studying and harnessing the Well's magic. Dath'Remar was even offered to be turned into a satyr by Xavius but declined, becoming increasingly uneasy over the Highborne's affiliation with the Burning Legion. Word reached Dath'Remar that High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind had been captured by the Legion and taken to the palace. He was appalled to hear that the leader of the Sisters of Elune had been made a prisoner of the demons. Accordingly he learned the location of her prison cell and paid her a secret visit. She proved a sympathetic listener, and so he found himself confiding in her. Working in secret, he formed a desperate plan. He contacted all the other Highborne who had come to consider the Burning Legion the enemy. Then he went to visit Tyrande one last time. He explained that he and a group of other Highborne were leaving the palace.



Cenarius; As the son of Elune, goddess of the moon, and the demigod Malorne, Cenarius inherited a deep connection to the world of Azeroth and its creatures. Elune birthed Cenarius, but gave him up to Malorne because Cenarius was more a creature of the mortal world and could not be with her.
When the night elves first developed around the Well of Eternity, their curiosity led them to meet and befriend a number of powerful entities, including Cenarius. The demigod became fond of the night elves, and he spent a great deal of time teaching them about the natural world. Under his guidance, the night elves developed a strong empathy for the living forests of ancient Kalimdor and revelled in the harmonious balance of nature. Over time, however, the night elves were increasingly drawn to the cosmic energies of the Well.
But when the legion came, his studend, Furion Stormrage, call him to help the Kaldorei resistence, and he did...
Aviana; was a normal raven until she was chosen by Elune to deliver messages from the moon goddess to her son, the demigod Cenarius. Soon she was carrying messages among many of the powers of the ancient world; each power granted the raven new abilities required to carry out her duties until she eventually became an equal among them.
As the kaldorei gathered at the Well of Eternity, Aviana took the form of a night elf and joined their studies of magic. When Queen Azshara built her temple and gathered together her chosen servants to revel in their arcane power, Aviana realized the corrupting influence of magic and returned to Elune’s side. During the War of the Ancients, Aviana would occasionally take mortal form and guide groups away from the doomguard. However, most of the time she flew high above the land gathering information for Cenarius on the movements of the Burning Legion.

Malorne; is an enormous white stag that roamed the land as protector of nature. His power lay in nature itself and he is responsible for the creation and nurturing of nature in the world.
During the War of the Ancients, Cenarius appealed to Malorne and the other demigods of Azeroth to join the battle against the Burning Legion. After much debate, Cenarius persuaded them to unite with the Kaldorei nation.



And many others characters!


Intro - The Titan Call - 15%
Chapter One - Culling the Threat - 0%
Chapter Two - Heart of Flame - 0%
Chapter Three - The Vainglorious Act - 10%
Interlude - Elune's Tear - 0%
Chapter Four - Redemption for the Glory - 0%
Interlude - Blessing of Elune - 0%
Chapter Five - Balancing the Scales - 0%
Interlude - The Betrayer - 10%
Chapter Six - Forest's Awakening - 0%
Chapter Seven - Gates of Zin-Azshari - 0%
Chapter Eight - The Well of Eternity - 10%
Finale - >>Not named yet<< - 0%
Epilogue - Illidan's Gift - 0%



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Level 23
Apr 5, 2012
I like thé thread very mush.and thé campaigne as well

Thank you!

yet another campaign?

+1 for layout and details

this will be neat for sure.

Thanks, yes, another campaign, i always want to do a campaign about War of the Ancients! :)

I might add some screenshot of the first terrain today!
Level 23
Apr 5, 2012
Level 23
Apr 5, 2012
Also will there be othee demigods(goldrinn, Malorne,etc)

yes, of the demi-gods/Ancient Guardian will have Cenarius, Aviana, as mencioned in the thread, but Malorne will appear too, just this three. :)

You could make that fog more greener, it's too unnatural now. Anyway nice terrain Forsaken:)

Okay, thanks! :)

Deleted member 212788


Deleted member 212788

This looks interesting and promising, like your other campaigns ^^. Will be following this project.
Level 23
Apr 5, 2012
By Elune! wait, I'm a Horde warrior... By the Earth-Mother! Another campaign?!? Good luck with this man!

Thanks, so you may call Elune as Mu'sha, it's how the Taurens call her too xD

The main thread has been a bit updated, tomorrow i will add about the Burning Legion Heroes, Dragonflight and complete the Ancients Guardians. And a section for Features will be add too :)
Level 23
Apr 5, 2012
Good luck Forsaken, may Elune will always be with you! xD

WoW Forsaken u start a new project so fast
Looking foward at it and Good Luck with your projects

Aha, so we'll play from different perspectives at the same time. Awesome:)

Highborne and Demons!, It's going to be an awesome campaign, Good luck Forsaken.:thumbs_up:

Thank you! :)

Woot!!! I'm working on your Azshara model, is it okay to use custom texture? And really nice terrain, it's so beautiful yet still have that Blizzardy-feel :) Good luck Forsakie! And also in Tides of War, Good Luck too :)

Oh, That' good! I'm really need of a model for her! And no problem about the textures!

Thank you! :)

Main thread updated again, now, with some more characters, most of the legion, but not all the heroes are add there, it's so much heroes in the campaign lol
And more will be add in "Features" from the progress of the campaign! :)
Level 23
Apr 5, 2012
As I mentioned earlier, you better have a map where Illidan goes on a rampage with Malfurion together killing thousands of demons!.
That'd be AWESOME

Yea, maybe i do, or i intended already, idk, we'll see xD

That would add even more action xD

For Malhorne or Furion you could add an ability like summon ancients. It would summon ancient warriors with high damage. Dunno if that suits you.

Yea, nice idea, i might use this for Malfurion! :)

Action, action, action! I think it will has many and many boss in this campaign! :)
As a boss you could add Azzinoth for this kind of mission, just to integrate knight26's idea better.

Edit: Also, add Ilidan as a mage as he was before that.
Spell ideas:
Arcane bolt - it would work like the naga royal guard's frost bolt but with AoE
Lightning Strike - it would work as a forked lightning or monsoon but modified to have less damage
Mana drain aura - as a highborne, he would drain mana when he's near enemies
Eternity's Grasp - Some kind of regeneration mana and life for allies or damage per second for enemies on a medium area.
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Level 23
Apr 5, 2012
Ooh, this looks interesting, I always thought War of the Ancients was an interesting part of the lore. Good luck with it!

Thank you Tomo! :D

As a boss you could add Azzinoth for this kind of mission, just to integrate knight26's idea better.

Edit: Also, add Ilidan as a mage as he was before that.
Spell ideas:
arcane bolt - it would work like the naga royal guard's frost bolt but with AoE
Lightning Strike - it would work as a forked lightning or monsoon but modified tto have less damage
Mana drain aura - as a highborne, he would drain mana when he's near enemies
Eternity's Grasp - Some kind of regeneration mana and life for allies or damage per second for enemies on a medium area.

Yep Yep, nice idea Heinvers! Thank you! :)

And in this campaign, i won't use cliffs, at least no the natural, just the city ones(like Dalaran walls), so just a new screenshot of the terrain with no cliffs xD

Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Another plus for your campaign, Forsaken. Interesting thread layout you got there and those fancy images. The story's great as well, you used some deep words in there.

Looking forward for this and of course, some screenshots!

EDIT: Oh there is a screenshot above me! Well, I must say, great work with it. Wise placement of doodads and destructibles and nice usage of tiles.
Level 23
Apr 5, 2012
Level 3
Feb 1, 2014
Demons and kaldorei too? Awesome!!
I can't wait!

Edit: BTW,When will she finish tides of war 2.0?
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