[Campaign] War of the Ancients

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Level 23
Apr 5, 2012
Well, i finale finished the terrain! xD
Now, i will start to make the first cine!

Level 23
Apr 5, 2012
It looks fine <3


Looks nice!

/If possible please make the techtree have fewer units (too hard to micro them all).

Thanks! And i don't know yet, but will has more or less 10-12 units the tech-tress.

OOOOO cool city its tahat Zin Azhara ot what?

BTW; I am a Highborne fan

Thanks! And it's Zin-Azhari xD

Honestly now, you are one of the best terrainers that I know :3
this is awesome! keep it up.

Wow! Thank you! :)
Level 5
Apr 27, 2014
Yea, maybe i do, or i intended already, idk, we'll see xD

Yea, nice idea, i might use this for Malfurion! :)

Action, action, action! I think it will has many and many boss in this campaign! :)

Bro.. If I you would let me, I would like to make a suggestion that IF YOU REALLY want PURE BATTLE WAR ACTION, you should really make it a little less RPG and more of, the RTS like what WarCraft is supposed to be...

What I mean is..

It's cool that we can have bosses, I may even add that you should include, the powerful doomguard captain, AZZINOTH as one of the bosses hero of legion where Illidan had got his twin swords.. With regards to that if you would include Azzinoth in your game campaign, make him like, a leader of a demon base, then Illidan gets to lead his own base and night elven army then destroyd them, and gets his WARGLAIVES... How do you like that as my suggestion? :ogre_haosis:

But going back to the pure action, make it more unit armies based (with heroes, of course), since IT is a WAR, more likely the first invasion of the Legion... Night Elves, Good Highborne, Dragons, DemiGods VS Evil Highborne, Demons, Lord of the Demons... :ogre_haosis:

P.S: A REAL WAR is about Armies VS Armies, and not 1 V 1 or 1 V Armies.. :ogre_haosis:
Level 5
Apr 27, 2014
Thanks all! I will see if i add Tichondrius or not, he was not mentioned, but in Warcraft 3, he talk like if he was there, but maybe i add, i really like him; anyway, i will see xD

btw 100 comments already lol

Well, thanks for reading and replying to my suggestion of TICHONDRIUS, and yes, the reason why I just wanted to see him in your WoA campaign is because in WarCraft 3 campaign, his comments are of first hand experience in ancient times... so yeah, it would be really good to include him in your campaign even just for a minimal role...

Now I have some more questions about some other characters..

Like in my other comment I made a suggestion also of the doomguard captain, AZZINOTH, and also the leader of the dreadlords, TICHONDRIUS...

For the good side:

Will you also include the BEAR DEMIGODS? THE PIG DEMIGOD? :ogre_haosis:

And is Rhonin, Broxigar and Krasus in here? :ogre_haosis:
If too many controllable good guys are implemented it will be overloaded in my opinion. Maybe just allied appearances for those?

However Azzinoth could be a side quest.

@Forsaken perhaps in a chapter, the player's heroes are caught in a battle? So instead of the usual melee based games, it would just be controlling the heroes.

There would be some sort of Fountain the heroes can return to, then maybe a shop for upgrades.
Level 5
Apr 27, 2014
He said no! btw you double posted. One post after another, that's a double post. Please edit it:)
He said that he'll stick with the original timeline where those 3 never were present during that time :D
I like that about him tbh.

Well.. even though my question was for Forsaken, still thanks for replying to my question, bro... I guess I missed that information of what Forsaken had told you.. :ogre_haosis:
Level 23
Apr 5, 2012
I intend to make a really battle in this campaign, and Azzinoth will be there too, most of the gameplay i've think already.

And won't has nothing, anything that's remember AOS, i hate AOS maps, and everything that looks like.

And Rhonin and the others, Heinvers has answer you. The demi-gods will be just Cenarius, Malorne and Aviana. If i add more, it's too much heroes. And i've think all the thinks for the current heroes. And as Cakemaster said, it's to many controllable heroes for the campaign

(I might add the heroes that i forgot, today yet, i don't know, we'll see.)

Thanks for the help and suggestion! I really liked to see the people help me :)
Level 5
Apr 27, 2014
I intend to make a really battle in this campaign, and Azzinoth will be there too, most of the gameplay i've think already.

And won't has nothing, anything that's remember AOS, i hate AOS maps, and everything that looks like.

And Rhonin and the others, Heinvers has answer you. The demi-gods will be just Cenarius, Malorne and Aviana. If i add more, it's too much heroes. And i've think all the thinks for the current heroes. And as Cakemaster said, it's to many controllable heroes for the campaign

(I might add the heroes that i forgot, today yet, i don't know, we'll see.)

Thanks for the help and suggestion! I really liked to see the people help me :)

Well, my friend.. Pretty much I agree with you and Cakemaster that it would be overloaded if there are too many controllable good heroes in the campaign..

In the same way, I dont even want to control so many powerful creatures (such as DemiGods) of WarCraft as part of the war battle... I rather control Illidan, Furion, Tyrande, Deth'ramar for it...

But what I actually meant about the Bear DemiGods and the Pig DemiGod is that.. Part of the story is that Cenarius asked them to fight against the Legion, and since they became friends to Cenarius and the Night Elves and so they did fight the demons... And they died in battle (noble sacrifice)...

So my point here is, just another suggestion to help you in the campaign.. And Interlude maybe? :ogre_haosis:

About the battle of the Bear and Pig DemiGods against the Legion showing their noble sacrifice... Just an interlude, a scene, bro... No need to control them... Just another suggestion of mine.. :ogre_haosis:

Of course I WILL RESPECT whatever your decision regarding that matter, its just another contribution of mine... :ogre_haosis:
Level 23
Apr 5, 2012
I still don't know about the demi-gods, i will think better; DemonHunter13 and Go'el xD

He could be, but he's a lazy bi*ch :vw_wtf: :goblin_yeah:

I'm not a lazy one(but in truth i'm) just don't like to modeler, but in truth i never tried lol

It's a he?!

Why everyone thought that i'm girl?!?! lol


Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
I'm not Forsaken, obviously :3 ..but Chenralstrasz told that he's working on a model for Aszhara which will give to Forsaken if I'm not mistaken.

Yeah right, nearly finished actually.

I'm "bored" with TOW, and everything this days; i didn't get any inspiration for campaigns, i'm just drawing this days...

Lawl. I'm pretty inspired to do campaigns and some other maps, while im not so inspired in drawing. I think you gave me an inspiration for my maps :)
Level 23
Apr 5, 2012
You forgot:
Dragon Aspects:
Old Gods:
and also on Burning Legion side there were Hakkar the Houndmaster and Azzinoth.

I don't forget them, just don't think necessary to place, also, Deathwing and Malygos won't appear. And the others dragons will be just minor characters, as well as Hakkar the Houndmaster and Azzinoth. The thread is big enough already to place them lol
Level 23
Apr 5, 2012
What's with Hakkar the Houndmaster here anyway? o.o It has nothing to do with the War of the Ancients :p

He has:

"One of the primary lieutenants of the Burning Legion during the time of the War of the Ancients, Hakkar the Houndmaster was the first member of the Legion to set foot upon Azeroth. He was sent through the portal created from the Well of Eternity to assist Xavius in strengthening the portal, preparing for the rest of the Burning Legion to come forth. "
Level 13
Jul 19, 2011
How dare you?!, Broxigar is the best!, he... he did strike the great Sargeras himself after killing hundreds (if not thousands) of demons!!!
Level 5
Jan 12, 2014
How dare you?!, Broxigar is the best!, he... he did strike the great Sargeras himself after killing hundreds (if not thousands) of demons!!!

Nobundo in WoD kills a lot of demons, so he's "the best"? ... even the legion was scared of malfurion power in wota.

I hate that knaak put his characters in the war of the ancients, I would preffered "the true timeline" of WoTA without Rhonin Krasus and Broxigar.
They are "a part" of the reason of the existence of the Warcraft universe until now.Whyyyy!?!?!?!?:ogre_rage:
Rhonin was the knaak mary sue (seriously read night of the dragon he's terrible character), and Broxigar don't make sense, because the night elves don't know the orcs in the third war, they called the orcs "these green-skined brutes". I'm glad that Rhonin and Broxigar are dead.

"He is Rhonin, red... I mean, Fiery Headed Archmage of Dalaran, frees Dragon-queens, weds elves, travels through time, saves the world 10,000 years past, sires two children powerful from lineage, and commands legions of raptors.

In truth, he is unknowingly the fourth Old God, Mar'Sue, and will one day herald the end of days. But undoubtedly, he will fight against his fate, and save Azeroth from its doom... "

Level 9
Feb 13, 2013
Nobundo in WoD kills a lot of demons, so he's "the best"?
I would preffered "the true timeline" of WoTA without Rhonin Krasus and Broxigar.
Broxigar don't make sense, because the night elves don't know the orcs in the third war, they called the orcs "these green-skined brutes".

Based from what I just read from your post, you almost repeatedly kept saying that the true timeline is better therefore rendering your comment that Nobundo killed a lot of demons and being "The Best" useless.
Secondly the part you wished that Krasus wasn't part of the WOTA struck me as quite ignorant considering he is Korialstrasz the red dragon
Third Wasn't "Green-skinned Brute" the title Broxigar received from the other Night elves during his stay in WOTA
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