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LoL players, what do you think about this game?

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So, it's a 5v5 Normal Draft Pick game... This is not about my personal score (since I had 24/6/12 and got a Head of Kha'zix a couple of games before). It is about the enemy team. Just look at them:

Kassadin, one of the most banned mid champions,
Akali, on top though, being op as ever,
Amumu, one of the most op jungles, also banned very frequently,
Blitzkrank, one of top three supports in the whole game, one of the most banned champions,
and finally Caitlyn (she isn't op, but she is a good adc).

So, how do you win against them? Playing four versus five! Our Katarina was afk for more than half an hour, and when she got there she gave them 4 kills.

So come on, what do you think about the game played by Varus, Thresh (who was playing Thresh for the first time and support for the first time), Kha'zix and Rengar (me) ? :D



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Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
I won 4v5 games before.

At level 27 you probably got the smurfs on your team, and enemies who don't know how to play versus champions like Rengar, as he is not fotm. Good job anyway. Also hurra for Sejuani Camp.
first time i see someone openly admitting to playing this game

Hahaha really? Well I like LoL because I'm really good at playing it, so I get to pwn my friends whenever I play against them, and I really feel good after I win a hard game like this one. Anyway, I thing its controls are better than DotA's, since it is nor bound by the original Warcraft III.

I won 4v5 games before.

At level 27 you probably got the smurfs on your team, and enemies who don't know how to play versus champions like Rengar, as he is not fotm. Good job anyway. Also hurra for Sejuani Camp.

I'm not bragging about winning 4v5, but about winning against an op team.
But thanks anyway :D
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
At level 27 I don't think people know how to play their characters that well, they suck at team fighting, but what's more important, they rage easily and demoralize quickly.
Level 10
Jan 20, 2011
Hahaha really? Well I like LoL because I'm really good at playing it, so I get to pwn my friends whenever I play against them, and I really feel good after I win a hard game like this one. Anyway, I thing its controls are better than DotA's, since it is nor bound by the original Warcraft III.

You would like dota 2 then
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
None of those champions are OP on Summoners Rift. And Blitzcrank is far from a top 3 support.

Good game though, winning 4v5 is always satisfying.

I just recently lost a dominion game against coL Lautemortis. For those that don't know about the pro scene, he was a professional player last season. Was pretty cool.
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
None of those champions are OP on Summoners Rift. And Blitzcrank is far from a top 3 support.

Good game though, winning 4v5 is always satisfying.

I just recently lost a dominion game against coL Lautemortis. For those that don't know about the pro scene, he was a professional player last season. Was pretty cool.


My dream is to have Froggen as my enemy in ARAM and have him one shot me with his combo without me realizing what happened.
None of those champions are OP on Summoners Rift. And Blitzcrank is far from a top 3 support.

Good game though, winning 4v5 is always satisfying.

I just recently lost a dominion game against coL Lautemortis. For those that don't know about the pro scene, he was a professional player last season. Was pretty cool.

Woah wait...

Why are then Blitzkrank, Amumu and Kassadin banned so often?
And don't tell me Akali is not OP, because she is, and she needs to be nerfed.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Well she isnt since she is an assassin and they drop in team fights so just get Oracle and you can beat her since she has no constant escape
This. The problem with talking about "OP" champions is that it can change drastically between skill levels. Challenger tier players have very different bans than even platinum. Bronze and silver are vastly different than the other tiers.

Bronze and Silver: Assassins and Melee AD Carries can completely snowball games and crush the enemy. At higher levels of play, Melee AD Carries get kited too well and can't do jack all. Hence why the pro scene never has people like Yi, Tryn, Fiora, etc. Assassins can do well in the pro scene, but right now all you ever see is Zed.

Blitz is an amazing support at a lower level due to his grab, but at higher levels where people know how to position against him and use good range poke champions to destroy him, he's not all that great. In fact melee AD carries barely get played right now in my experience.
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
Thing is, Kass and Akali both need to snowball. And Blitzcrank is pretty much useless lategame. So what you need to do, is use Blitz to snowball Akali and Kass. Since they didn't do that, you owned them. GG WP.
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
I don't see what you're gloating about. Normal game, Summoner's Rift, widely varying skill levels. I could go ADC Soraka and win half the games I play on random normal games. It doesn't mean jack shit if you post an impressive win on there for display.

Rengar is shit tier. Varus eats Caitlyn alive late game. Kassadin's clearly garbage. (...Rabadons before Sorceror's Shoes..), Blitzcrank doesn't even look like he tried to build for support. No sightstone, no supportive items. I bet you his team couldn't see jack fucking shit of the map for most of the game.

So yeah, big whoop. Harsh words but I hope you weren't expecting praise for posting something like this to gloat when it's anything but impressive.
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
Do you guys follow LCS?

I haven't played LoL in a while now. But watching the EU LCS. Rooting for EG, hope they make it to Worlds. By extension though my heart is in poor health, but it's all worth it, for the Snoopy stare and the Anivia dance.
Level 10
Jan 20, 2011
Personally I don't watch LCS because I would rather play the game. Also I don't like tournaments cause when they do something it changes the meta. I would like to play it my way not what pros do.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
The fact the heroes are banned does not make them "win buttons". They might be commonly banned only due to peoples beliefs of them being "op", not that they are (as a balance change ages ago may have fixed it).

Also most of the OP nonsense comes generally from newbie players, looking at all the forum posts and things online for various games. In high level play OP heroes often end up mediocre or even weak (depend on early boom or bust which fails at high tier). So just because it is a win button against newbies does not make it one at higher level play.

Player skill also has a lot to do with it. You could give a newbie a hero that is physically rigged (twice as strong as normal heroes) and he could still lose to a team of decent players. Having the best heroes ever does not make up for a lack of experience. Poor item choice, accidental deaths or any manner of easy mistake can cost you the game even with strong heroes.

If you look at your team, you got 3 players with a huge number of kills. This would put you considerably further ahead than their 5 heroes with few kills each, even if they are all good heroes. Superior gear, correct gear choices and forcing enemies to play defensively (as they would not want to feed you any more) would swing the match in your favour, even if one of your allies was totally useless. In DotA Allstars it was not uncommon for one player to become a steamroller and dominate the other team (even if all his allies were to drop).

I am sure if you watch the replay you will notice many mistakes the enemy made.
Hey there :) I started playing with Brand on mid a lot lately, and won against Talon twice in a row... and people I played against were not noobs :3
Then I lost to Lux on mid :( Couldn't dodge her E for most of the time, not fast enough, and when I got boots, it was too late :/ And yeah, I trolled her later with Zhonya's Hourglass... I just let her Q me and waste her E and ulti, then Flashed next to her and E + Q + W combo right up her tight little ass :D

Just wanted to let you know :D
Level 6
Apr 23, 2011
league of legends is the worst balance game ever. I think wow is like a comunist state compare to lol.

Just compare ashe with Vayne....
Xerath vs mid t.t
And armor formula = OP TANKS party.
Level 10
Jan 20, 2011
league of legends is the worst balance game ever. I think wow is like a comunist state compare to lol.

Just compare ashe with Vayne....
Xerath vs mid t.t
And armor formula = OP TANKS party.

Thats a lie. Vayne and ashe are played differently and used as different roles within a team. While they are both an adc, ashe is a kite/counter (cannot think of proper termenology) carry where she uses slows to zone the enemy where as Vayne is a full on carry that has to get much closer than ashe meaning she is more vulnerable balancing out her damage. Also ashe counters vayne late game due to this reason, one ultimate and ashe can kill before she is out of the stun
Level 6
Apr 23, 2011
Thats a lie. Vayne and ashe are played differently and used as different roles within a team. While they are both an adc, ashe is a kite/counter (cannot think of proper termenology) carry where she uses slows to zone the enemy where as Vayne is a full on carry that has to get much closer than ashe meaning she is more vulnerable balancing out her damage. Also ashe counters vayne late game due to this reason, one ultimate and ashe can kill before she is out of the stun

Sry ashe doesnt counter vayne not in early, not in late or not in 10000 minutes game play.

Just look abilitys compare dmg.

Also you need to understand that league of legends is hungry fro money soo every champion that they create is more and more OP. They make this soo players will spend money on PI to buy them. Not they cost more than 7000...

For your information, not a single ashe-sivir has beat me with vayne or tristana ever in rankeds or normal. And i am not a pro player-silver IV-III. Is just imposible do to that.
Level 10
Jan 20, 2011
Sry ashe doesnt counter vayne not in early, not in late or not in 10000 minutes game play.

Just look abilitys compare dmg.

Also you need to understand that league of legends is hungry fro money soo every champion that they create is more and more OP. They make this soo players will spend money on PI to buy them. Not they cost more than 7000...

For your information, not a single ashe-sivir has beat me with vayne or tristana ever in rankeds or normal. And i am not a pro player-silver IV-III. Is just imposible do to that.

Well that's why you beat them it's silver. Counters don't mean anything low tier
Level 6
Apr 23, 2011
haha really??

Even paid pro players say that there are just total over power camps.

Look pro players games and you will notice that many champions are never ever selected. GG riot ^^.
Balancing may not be perfect, but it isn't so bad either.
Every champion can be countered if you play correctly.

But in general, newest champions and most lately updated champions (currently Master Yi) are simply stronger. Only way to deny Master Yi now is to deny him blue buff in the beginning and never let him feed... He is simply too strong if built right.
Level 10
Jan 20, 2011
Thats cause certain champs are team based while others aren't. Example; I love my shaco. He is good for solo queue since the enemy doesn't have the co-ordination to shut you down meaning you can snowball, but in a team game they do. That's like zac. He is played largely in LCS due to his high team fight capabilities, but in solo queue you don't have the co-ordination with your team for an as effective fight.

While I do agree people are stronger than others it isn't by a lare scale, it depends on composition within your team and who you verse.

Also most MOBAs or any game multiplayer based usually suffers from imbalance not just LoL. I have played dota ever since the first version and there has always been imbalances worse than LoL.

Just a thought for you anyway

EDIT: master yi is like tryndamere - seems op till you exhaust or ignite at right times.
Level 6
Apr 23, 2011
Well I have played many games and never experienced at that lvl the the disproportion.... I never said dota was good xD.

But how you compare dota.... lol?

a lot of profesional game designers paid vs a small group of fans of wc3 not paid?? :)

And the worst thing is Riot is making more and more money and not changing the engine or trying to lower OP champions. They just make more and more.

Other thing i like about Lol is the AI ^^ really nice* * * * * * * * *
And that aspects cost like world of warcraft subscription.

Ok rage mode off.
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
Hey there :) I started playing with Brand on mid a lot lately, and won against Talon twice in a row... and people I played against were not noobs :3

That means Talon was bad. A good Talon will shit on your Brand, always. He hard counters you. You either got a hard crutch from your team (which is what you should do when you're countered, mind you. Ask for a crutch, punish his roaming or let him zone you near your tower.) or Talon was really bad.

But in general, newest champions and most lately updated champions (currently Master Yi) are simply stronger. Only way to deny Master Yi now is to deny him blue buff in the beginning and never let him feed... He is simply too strong if built right.

Yeah, sorry. This is all I needed to know. Master Yi is not too strong, and the fact that you think so is very indicative of the skill level you play at. Master Yi is a joke pick in higher tiers of play. Get some hard CC on your team and you just effectively made the game a 4 v 5.
Yeah, sorry. This is all I needed to know. Master Yi is not too strong, and the fact that you think so is very indicative of the skill level you play at. Master Yi is a joke pick in higher tiers of play. Get some hard CC on your team and you just effectively made the game a 4 v 5.

First, Yi will be either in jungle or on top until late-game, except for ganking, giving him enough time to get fed.
Second, in teamfights, if you do decide to disable Yi with your CC, you are in best case leaving the current teamfight on 4 v 4 instead of 5 v 5. This might be good for your team, but it might not. Eliminating Yi from a teamfight means eliminating a lot of damage, but:
-If you were Support, your Carry will get sodomized before he even gets what happened, without you to protect him.
-All your extremely needed Crowd Control will be wasted on a single champion, leaving other 4 eager to carve your team to pieces.
-Yi can be tricky if played right. He can evade lots of spells with his Q, and becomes immune to slows with his R. Not to mention healing and damage reduction from his E.

Am I wrong?
Level 10
Jan 20, 2011
First, Yi will be either in jungle or on top until late-game, except for ganking, giving him enough time to get fed.
Second, in teamfights, if you do decide to disable Yi with your CC, you are in best case leaving the current teamfight on 4 v 4 instead of 5 v 5. This might be good for your team, but it might not. Eliminating Yi from a teamfight means eliminating a lot of damage, but:
-If you were Support, your Carry will get sodomized before he even gets what happened, without you to protect him.
-All your extremely needed Crowd Control will be wasted on a single champion, leaving other 4 eager to carve your team to pieces.
-Yi can be tricky if played right. He can evade lots of spells with his Q, and becomes immune to slows with his R. Not to mention healing and damage reduction from his E.

Am I wrong?

One cc stops him since he is a glass cannon so thay duration should be enough. Anyway hes getting nerfed which I believe wasn't called for but people complain about how they cannot learn to counter
Level 10
Jan 20, 2011
Okay =P I'll play this game sometime. Is it on Steam like Dota 2?

No it is a free to play game, that you have to go through a website to download it. It has a it's own launcher. Give me a second, I will send you a link, so I can get a point to my refer a friend list :)

Download here

Edit: Unfortunately since I'm on OCE servers there is no refer a friend, so that's the normal website link, and just hit play now
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