• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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[Role Playing Game] Life of a Settler

Should the map be protected or not?

  • The map should be protected (Yes)

    Votes: 7 13.5%
  • The map shouldn't be protected (No)

    Votes: 25 48.1%
  • It dosn't matter if the map is protected or not (I don't know)

    Votes: 20 38.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Not open for further replies.
Level 5
Aug 5, 2011
Little update!

I might stream tonight. (If I feel better...)

I know it's not a long comment, but I wanted you to know that I'm keeping this project updated.

See you back tonight if possible!
Level 5
Aug 5, 2011
ok, tonight I'll be streaming for sure!

I've got few things to set up first, but I should be able to.
(Got to put my whole screen to be recorded then I should be ready...)

Sorry for the mic and the cam... I'm not putting them on. Got too much noise at home to put them on. ;) (Noise and workers...)

I might play some other games in the stream! (Some games will have the possibility to play with the viewers! ;) )

I should be streaming in about 1-2 hours.

I'm making the last setup then I'm going live!

EDIT4: (Yea I know... I edit a lot...)
I finally got the mic working, it's not great, but it works.
Me and my friend will be streaming, we're speaking french during the stream... sorry.
You might hear some noise behind too. (My brother is playing with his friends :p)
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Level 5
Aug 5, 2011
The map progression will be slowed down abit.

Before you say anything negative, I'll explain why...

First of, I've started back school, which take a pretty good part of my day time (But week-ends..)
Also, I need inspiration for the map creation and right now... Well, (You probably guessed it...) I'm pretty out of inspiration.

I'm working on so much projects, that I don't have time for this one right now.
I'll still try to work on it as I can, but I can't say that the map will be released soon or later.

My map is still in my priorities. But I really need to finish some other projects first.
Those other projects may seem a bit not related to this map. But trust me. It is in a certain way.
I'm finishing my other projects to get more experience with coding and suchs. Which could provide this map a little or a big boost. I'll also have more time for this map.

I might buy a laptop, to work on the map in my school breaks also.
But first, I'd need to get more money. (mostly by selling this current computer.)
(I'd save everything on a external disk. But the windows 7 itself, of course... ;) )

I know this post may look a bit outdated right now. But it's not for me.
I've been working on this map for a long time already, and I really don't want to stop it.
(I might also provide the unprotected map here, if I ever get to stop this map completly.)

I made this little post to tell you guys that I will not be updating this map as my previous schedule...

Thanks for reading that little update tho. I'm going to post updates once I can, but for now, this is the last update I can provide.)
Level 5
Aug 5, 2011
No rush. Take your time, homie, real life takes priority.

Still waiting.

Sadly, something really bad just happened.
The map got corrupted after my pc crashed.

I need to restart it all.
(All my pc got corrupted, had to reinstall windows.)

As soon I have updates about this map, I'll post them here.

Also, I got a new computer, which isn't really better than the older one, but I will be able to carry it to school to continue working on the map as I can in breaks and suchs. (I just need to buy a little portable battery so I can use it longer ;) )

Anyway, I'm really sorry for all of you guys that have been supporting me all this time.

I'm going to start working on the map probably this week-end or so. (I might also be able to work on it in about 2-days.)

I might also change few things.
First of, I might do a little solo player RPG.
To get better at triggering and placing doodads.

Second, I'll try to stream everything I will do on the map. (But the work at school, sorry... They don't allow me to do that yet. I must ask to get the permission first.)

Last, my screen resolution changed. So I won't be able to make 1920x1080 pictures anymore.
I'll be able to make some 1366x768 picture. (But as I use 2 screen now, I might try to increase my stream quality and suchs ;) )

Thanks again for supporting me all this time and I'm really, really sorry about what happened.

I'm installing back warcraft III right now, after posting this.
Level 6
Jan 26, 2012
damn, shit happens... try using google drive for example ( or other sites) that let you back up important data. After loosing years worth of photos that's what I do now...

anyway can't wait for this! it shows promise and you seem talented at what you do!
Level 5
Aug 5, 2011
damn, shit happens... try using google drive for example ( or other sites) that let you back up important data. After loosing years worth of photos that's what I do now...

anyway can't wait for this! it shows promise and you seem talented at what you do!

I bought an external drive to save my stuff.
It shouldn't happen again.

Thanks tho ;) I'll probably work back on it from tomorrow.
I just need to get few ideas wrote down, then I'll start back working on it.

As of the map doodads limit. I'll use the default world editor. So the map won't be as detailed as the last editor.
I prefer the default one, over the other ones. (Mostly because I want this map to be available to everyone. On the editor and in-game as well.)
Level 5
Aug 5, 2011
I'm currently live for the next hour or so.
Join and chat with me at: Avarthar - Twitch

EDIT: The live is now over. Sorry for those who missed it.
I'm going to make another one tomorrow if I can.
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Level 5
Aug 5, 2011
@leo Akastenix, did you read my last posts? I just lost my map progression because my computer crashed and the whole drive got corrupted.

I need to start the map back from the first demo.
I got a ton of work before it gets as it was before that crash.

The terrain was done on the last update I had. (Which wasn't on the forum yet. I was about to upload it when it crashed.)
I will finish the terrain back for sure. But right now I do other things because I'm not ready to do all the work yet. (All the work I had done...)

The demo is on version 0.0.5. I was at the version 1.3.3.
I had a lot of triggers done. The whole terrain fixed and a lot more.

I've been working on the map today at school. I had about 4 Hours of free time.

That's what I've done mostly:
I've fixed the first wife name. (Which needed to be added back.)
I've started the biggest script of this map. The AI! (Finally! :D)
I've added a little orc camp. South of the starting city.

What I need to do before I can release another update:
I need to fix that AI script for the current buildable spots. (Buildable spots are for AI only. The players can build everywhere they want.)
I need to balance the forces that are sent by each cities. (Currently onle the orc camp and the first city.)

(Optional/Might not be done for the next update.):
The terrain for the eastern side.
I need to find a new civilization that I'll use incase of the orcs.
(The orcs will almost replace the bandits.)

I won't be able to work on the map tomorrow but after the school. (I won't have time at school for it.)
When I can bring my computer to the school, I'll try to record my work.
I did a test today and it works. (It's not the best record, but it works.)

I'll try to keep you guys updated on the map progression.

P.S: The main thread isn't updated! (I'm listing all the informations correctly then I'll update it. *Maybe Tonight, if I feel like I want to waste back an hour...*)

EDIT: @leo, sry if I sound a bit angry... I'm really not. I didn't sleep for 2 days. (because I wanted to get back the map on the track.)
Level 5
Aug 5, 2011
Little update!

I might go live tonight!
I'll see in few minutes if I can and if my mate want to participate in or not ;)

EDIT: Going live in about 5 minutes.
My friend won't be in. Only me and the awesome community! (Yeah!)
If you guys need answers for some questions. I should be able to answer most of them.
(even questions that not directly concern the map!)

I'm just getting a little playlist for the musics and I'll stream ;)
I'll also be using my mic! For the first time in my english stream I will use it! Just for you guys.

Going live in a sec! Tweaking up the last settings and I'm going live!
Level 5
Aug 5, 2011
I'm currently live! You can come hang out for the next hour! You can even give some ideas if you want! I'll be there for the next hour or so! ;)
Level 5
Aug 5, 2011
The live is now over! Thanks to those who watched it!
I'll be streaming again tomorrow. But on another game mostly. (Known as D&D, Dungeons and Dragons.)

See you soon!

I'll try to keep the map updated after the game sessions.
Level 5
Aug 5, 2011
I'm going live again tonight (Or should be. if we are enough in the game...)! If anybody is interest in watching me and my friend's dungeon and dragons game, you're welcome!
Level 5
Aug 5, 2011
I'll work on the map tonight.
I might not stream it tho. (But if you guys really want me to ;) )
I'll be checking back the thread in one hour to see if you guys want me to stream it.

Today I'll try to add more units. (wifes and suchs)
I'll also try to add few more buildings. so the players can build more.
Level 5
Aug 5, 2011
U should do some aesthitic ckecks... like the spec effects, shadows and pathing..

I'm ok with that, I just added it to my check list.
Thanks for bringing this :wink:

I might not be able to work on the map today.
I got a friend that comes to my home and I might not be able to work on it a lot.

Well, I must go for now. I'll be updating this thread as soon as I can.
Level 5
Aug 5, 2011
I updated the thread main post yesterday and I won't stream my d&d game for now.
Maybe next week-end or during the week.

That was a little update I know ;) but I have nothing else to say right now but that I still work on the map.
Level 5
Aug 5, 2011
Another Little update! :)

I will be changing name. (I will now be known as "Avarthar")

I'll try to work on the map this week-end.
I should also be releasing a new demo. (If I can get enough things done ;, which should happen in the next days.)

From now, I won't be streaming the map progression. (I got few things to fix up before I can stream back. As the overlay ;) )

That's all the updates I have for you today!
Thanks again for all the support you give me guys. (and girls obviously ;) )
Level 5
Aug 5, 2011
Little update once again...

I've already reached the doodads limit... (4650, or about...) and I've not even done the bottom of the west part...

I'll need to use jass.

Anyway, other than the editor change, I'll be posting a new demo as soon I finish adding few tree's and finishes the west city.

I've added a new trigger section that will be removed once the map is done.
(It's called Cheats.) I've added few commands already.
Note: DO NOT USE THEM IF YOU DON'T WANT TO RUIN YOUR GAME. (even if it's demo...)

Also, I'll start working on a new system. I want to add an anti-hack. (Incase ;) )
The anti-hack won't be in the demo's until the map is on recommended and stable version. (It's always stable, but I mean fully playable. ;)

Also, I'll try to be working on the cataclysm area.

I'll also try to provide new screenshots of the new triggers.

Anyway, I'll be working on the map almost all day.

I'll try to keep you updated on the progress.
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Level 5
Aug 5, 2011
Another Update!
The map progression is being slowed down by a little problem...
I can't get Jass to work. Because my computer thinks it's a virus and it deletes some important files.

I'll try to fix it and then continue adding things to the map.
Level 5
Aug 5, 2011

I've stopped adding doodads until I get a solution to fix it. (Jass editor don't want to work on windows 10...)

What I'm doing for the next hour (or so..):
¤ I'll be working on adding new buildings. (Mostly defencive ones ;) )
¤ I'll be adding new units to the barrack. (I'm removing the default Guard and I'm adding a new one.)
¤ I'm going to add an altar somewhere in the map so you guys can respawn somewhere. (Or maybe make a trigger for that.)

Thats all I should do tonight. (I got about 1-2 hours to work on the map.)

I'll keep the thread updated once I get more fixes done ;)
Level 5
Aug 5, 2011
I just did a pretty good update to the map! (Last update for tonight :( I need to go sleep for school tomorrow ;) )

First of, I've added a new respawn trigger.
Once you die, you get a new settler created to your town spawn.
Your old settler (the one that is dead and that still has an icon in the top-left of your screen) gets deleted.

So dieing get a bit fair, you don't keep what your old settler's had in his inventory.

I've added a new trigger so you guys can choose between the three cities to spawn at!
WARNING!!! DO NOT CHOOSE THE GREY ONE FOR NOW! ITS NOT DONE AND YOU WON'T HAVE YOUR SETTLER IF YOU CLICK IT!!! (I've added it for now because it will be better for me later to not have to add it back and being lazy :D )

Also, I'm working on making shops more interactive.
What I plan to do with the shops.
1 ¤*Make so when you enter a specific range of a shop/merchant he ask you if you want to buy some items.
2 ¤*Make so you must write your answer in the chat. (like: -yes, I want to buy your items // I'll make it so you can answer almost wathever you want and it will work ;), as soon it contains yes or no it will work. )
3 ¤ Make that when you accept to see his wares, you get a panel with all the items he sells. (Like the button panel when you choose the city you spawn at.)
4 ¤ Make that when you're enemy to a town, you can't buy to his shops/merchants.
5 ¤ Make that you can get your own merchant to be selling things in your faction ;) (If I get it to work in the triggers :D )
6 ¤ Make that you sell your hero items.
7 ¤*Make that when you leave the shop/merchant range, you can't sell/buy anymore.

That's what should be planned for the next shop system. ;)

I couldn't add a lot of buildings yet, but I got few new ones:
1 ¤ The Barrack: Where you can get your infantry.
2 ¤*Shacks: Where you can get food to get more units.
3 ¤*Chicken Farm: Where you can buy chickens to get a little income.
3.1 ¤ Each Chickens gives you 1 gold.
3.2 ¤ You get your income each 5 seconds.
3.2 ¤ Here's an example: You get 7 Chickens. From there, each 5 seconds you will get 7 Golds added to your current amount of Gold. (Like: I have 1 Gold. I have 7 chickens. 5 seconds after I'm at 8 Golds. 5 seconds after (again) I'm at 15 Golds. 1+7+7 = 15 *Simple maths ;) *)
4 ¤*I didn't modified the guards in the barrack yet. (I don't have time for it right now ;) )

I'll be uploading a new demo in a sec. (I'm saving and I'll upload.)
Please give a feed back if you want and can :)

If you have anything that you'd like to be fixed, removed or added, please let me know here. (I check this thread almost everyday.)
(Please make sure it's not already mentioned here before posting.)

I'll add the new demo link on this post (in a EDIT:*** format) and on the main thread.

Here's the link as said few minutes ago.
Demo #2 (253KB)
Level 5
Aug 5, 2011
I'm still alive!!!

I know it been a dam while. but I'm finally back. I finally got the courage to continue back the map. I want to finish it. I got way too much projects and I want this one to be done as quick as I can but with the best quality I can.

I know a lot of you guys have been waiting for it since the beginning. I know I've been disapointing you a lot these weeks/months and I'm really sorry for it. Right now I'll try to keep a regular update on the map. I'll try to post at least once a week.

Here what will change:
The schedule I will be posting here. (once a week as said before, because I need more content than just a single fix to post ;) )
I will be working on the map the whole weeks once I get back from school. (should be my last year hopefully.)
I will try to post completely free to use map. No protection at all. I did see the vote upthere. Since I can't remove it, I'll just make it clear here. It is unprotected for the rest of the life and I'll try to keep the download links updated as often as I can. If the link is broken. Just send me a mail here: [email protected] (Should be working for at least a month/year ;) )

Also. I will try to update the pictures posted in the main post ;).

Last bit of text, I'll try to make a little images for the sub points in the main post. I want to get back into making the map and updating the post a lot ;D

Anyway. I'm still sorry for my absence. I will try to keep this thread as updated as I can.
Level 5
Aug 5, 2011
Little Update!

Sorry for the long time not posting here.
I kinda forgot that I had a Warcraft III map in progress :grin: (Sorry...)

I'm still going to update it as I always said, but I don't really know when I will be able to send more updates.

Now for the update.

I just loaded the map and saw that few things were missing...
I'll be adding them back as soon as I can.
I'll also be updating the main thread shortly. (Just need to see which things is still there or not...)

What I'll be working on today:
- More Units (That can be trained by the tents, barracks and suchs.)
- More Buildings (Upgrades to old ones and some new ones also, if I get some ideas while creating them._
- Fixing some Triggers. (I want to finish that AI script. I really want to make it 100% playable in solo or multiplayer.)

Anyway, that's all I can thing of as an update for now. I'll try to keep you guys up-to-date as I go forward.

I might also stream the making of it. (I'm currently trying to decide wether I stream it or not... I'm kinda shy when it comes to streaming and I ain't really well stuffed for that either...)
Level 5
Aug 5, 2011
A new feature is now available on the map!
Some AI!

It's a bit basic, but the npc's now go for a BP and start building once they're arriving there.
Few tweeking is necessary, but the AI system is now working. Which is a great step for the map.

Just wanted to let you guys know, since this update is a good and a pretty big one.

Anyway, back to some map making ;)
Level 14
Jul 1, 2008
Hi there, I did not play your map yet, but about that poll:

I generally always vote for not protecting maps or at least sharing them on request, if possible, because this is so much better to share all the knowledge we have. It makes absolutely no sense not to share wc3 maps nowadays for me.

Now, I will test your map
Level 22
Dec 4, 2007
That village setting never gets old.

That title screen is hard to read, you should look into that. Anyway, i'm giving it a try.

edit1: why are you using mediafire?
Level 3
Sep 28, 2014
I really like the map so far. I love playing this kind of map such like Fantasy Life, LOAP etc. I wish this game has some sort of LOAP style RPG.
Level 5
Aug 5, 2011
Hi there, I did not play your map yet, but about that poll:

I generally always vote for not protecting maps or at least sharing them on request, if possible, because this is so much better to share all the knowledge we have. It makes absolutely no sense not to share wc3 maps nowadays for me.

Now, I will test your map
Thanks for the feedback ^^, I kept the poll open because I can't close it :grin: but it also keeps the players being able to determine if they want the map protected at some point. (But for now I won't protect it at all.)

Tho. Now that I've done the AI triggering part and a bit more of Terraining, well... You will need the JASS Editor to open it ^^. (Just saying... incase you don't have it. Just because of the amount of tries and details I want to use/make I need to use JASS ^^)

That village setting never gets old.

That title screen is hard to read, you should look into that. Anyway, i'm giving it a try.

edit1: why are you using mediafire?
Yea, the title screen got removed ^^. I'll keep it simple with probably no customs at all. (But if needed at some points) Because well... I want to make this map available to everyone ^^.

@RinkaWall Thank you ^^ Since I finished that AI trigger it goes much better now :p It was so hard to make. (I don't use those custom scripts things. I use all the basic triggers that can be used on warcraft III ^^')

Anyway, uploading a new version right now!

Also, for the Mediafire download link: It is because when I send it through here. (Through attachment.) Some people wrote that they had not the permission to download it... So right now I'm uploading it through MediaFire. But the map will be available as a HiverworkShop pretty soon ^^ (I'm gonna add it as a HiveWorkShop today and we'll see... I'll get 2 version MediaFire and HiveWorkShop ^^)
Level 5
Aug 5, 2011
There is the New Version ^^.

Little something I forgot to say...
The system to get a wife only when being adult is already added.
You can disable it in the triggers (Just remove the PlayerIsAdult variable from the wife conditions ^^)


  • Life of a Settler v0.1.2.w3x
    377.4 KB · Views: 65
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Level 3
Sep 28, 2014
Can i have request Avarthar? Can you add jobs on this map? Like become a blacksmith, fisherman, hunter, or farmer? I mean its like a kind of LOAP style but i think its a good idea if this map can choose you to be an employer (villager) or a settler who will raise a town. This map is kinda big project. I prefer to make the map bigger and add more buildings and trees for the environment. I checked out the v0.1.2 the roads are already set up. It really feels like you can follow that road to the next town so great start for now. I wish there is a people who can help you to build this map. P.S - I don't know how to make maps..
Level 5
Aug 5, 2011
Can i have request Avarthar? Can you add jobs on this map? Like become a blacksmith, fisherman, hunter, or farmer? I mean its like a kind of LOAP style but i think its a good idea if this map can choose you to be an employer (villager) or a settler who will raise a town. This map is kinda big project. I prefer to make the map bigger and add more buildings and trees for the environment. I checked out the v0.1.2 the roads are already set up. It really feels like you can follow that road to the next town so great start for now. I wish there is a people who can help you to build this map. P.S - I don't know how to make maps..
Thx for the feedback ^^

Yea. I'd definetely could get some help, but It's alright ;) I can finish this map. Few features might be longer because they are harder to make with the default triggers, but it's not impossible (See the AI script ^^, which is pretty simple actually, when we get it to work.)

Anyway, for the request.
Sure ^^ I'll take a look to that probably tomorrow. I got few things to do right now, but I'll definetely add some jobs to the map.

This map is actually based on FOTN (Founders of the North) Which is a LOAP. It has jobs and suchs and I'll most certainly add some too (100% sure of that ^^).
Thanks for reminding me tho.

Also. I don't really know when this map will get done, next week I'll try to get a job to pay myself a better computer and such, but well, I'll try to keep the map updated.

I've slowed down a lot since the beginning, but I never really stopped making it and since I'm alone making it... Well. There's nobody to push me in the back and retain me from making all the great ideas I have ^^ (I got lots and lots of ideas. If you guys got somes, just post them, I'll most certainly look at them and maybe add them (Depends if it fits or not ^^'))

Anyway. Thanks for the comments Ladies and Gentlements! I really appreciate them since they are always great.

I'll keep you guys updated when I get the map updated more ^^.
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Level 14
Jul 1, 2008
Hey Avarthar, I tried to play your map, but it seems to be hardly finished. I joined the city in the middle, but was not able to gain gold properly nor build a well and do all the other things, you suggested to do ... Are you sure, you uploaded the right map? Seems like a much earlier version.
For example, just very basicly, building weed costs 40 gold but you get 25 gold out of it.
Level 5
Aug 5, 2011
Hey Avarthar, I tried to play your map, but it seems to be hardly finished. I joined the city in the middle, but was not able to gain gold properly nor build a well and do all the other things, you suggested to do ... Are you sure, you uploaded the right map? Seems like a much earlier version.
For example, just very basicly, building weed costs 40 gold but you get 25 gold out of it.

Hmm.. Did you play the old version one or the latest I've uploaded?

I'll check back the values but It should all work. (It's possible that I forgot some ^^)

(I'll edit this post once I'm done checking the values.)

I just checked the values in the editor and they all seems correct.
(I'll try in-game to see if it does.)


Ohh.. I just found the mistake I made... Oops...

I kinda forgot to change the wheat drop to "Wheat" incase of Corn :grin:
*My bad...*

I'll make some update on the actual Buildings and maybe add some more AI features and I'll post the 0.1.3 here ^^'
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Level 5
Aug 5, 2011
Ok, I've got few things fixed.

There's not much more things new, but Everything that is modified and should have been available is now available and should be well implemented.

The wheat now gives wheat. (Which is worth 50 golds right now.)

For now it's not really hard to make gold and get the map done.

And little info. The map is FAR from being finished. As I wrote, I just got one of the most important feature working. (The AI... Which is FAR from being done.)

Anyway. I'll keep you guys updated on the map as it goes on. (I can't update it more today. I've got some familly members coming home this week-end and we got a lot of things to get done ^^)


  • Life of a Settler v0.1.3.w3x
    377.7 KB · Views: 52
Hey Avarthar, I tried to play your map, but it seems to be hardly finished. I joined the city in the middle, but was not able to gain gold properly nor build a well and do all the other things, you suggested to do ... Are you sure, you uploaded the right map? Seems like a much earlier version.
For example, just very basicly, building weed costs 40 gold but you get 25 gold out of it.
I think you should train chickens from your tent. It may seem they do nothing but they generate gold. If you have many chickens then you have a lot of income

@Avarthar: Another update? Thanks, I'll test it now
My thoughts after playing this version:

1) When I join Dark Green, there are no (safe) shops for me to sell my stuffs! I can't get to the Marketplace in Light Blue, or I'll be pwned. How about adding a Marketplace there? I intend to make a minor edit about that by adding a Marketplace there.

2) It's too easy to make massive amounts of money. You train lots and lots of chickens, and have all of them "patrol" to each other (or like a circle -- so they stay in one place) and you can just sit back and gain too many money.

3) After Light Blue defeated Dark Green, he still keeps spawning Guards, even when there's no more enemies. Same goes for Dark Green where Guards spawn even when there's no Castle or anything.

How about making them only spawn when there's enemy? For example, the waves sent to Dark Green should stop after their Castle is defeated. But if the players hit the Guards, then another wave will spawn until all the player's units die.

4) Naga units and even BUILDINGS count as "Animals"? And after being killed, they will always spawn everywhere after death (beyond the northeast watery areas)?
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Level 5
Aug 5, 2011
My thoughts after playing this version:

1) When I join Dark Green, there are no (safe) shops for me to sell my stuffs! I can't get to the Marketplace in Light Blue, or I'll be pwned. How about adding a Marketplace there? I intend to make a minor edit about that by adding a Marketplace there.

2) It's too easy to make massive amounts of money. You train lots and lots of chickens, and have all of them "patrol" to each other (or like a circle -- so they stay in one place) and you can just sit back and gain too many money.

3) After Light Blue defeated Dark Green, he still keeps spawning Guards, even when there's no more enemies. Same goes for Dark Green where Guards spawn even when there's no Castle or anything.

How about making them only spawn when there's enemy? For example, the waves sent to Dark Green should stop after their Castle is defeated. But if the players hit the Guards, then another wave will spawn until all the player's units die.

4) Naga units and even BUILDINGS count as "Animals"? And after being killed, they will always spawn everywhere after death (beyond the northeast watery areas)?

Yea, the Dark green isn't really done yet. I've worked on the light blue mostly for now ^^'.

For the second point, yea. It's easy to make money right now, I need to add much more items and suchs that will require lot of money and well, I think I'll try to get a limitation on the chickens we can have. (it's kinda hard to do with the basic triggers ^^)

For the third point, This is something I forgot to do ^^. I did it for the dark green against the light blue I think, but not the light blue against the dark green... ^^'

For the naga units, I think I maybe have not choosen the right one ^^'. I'll try to find a color I could use on them without taking off too much players spots. (I'll probably do the same with the orcs.)

Anyway, thanks for the feedback and info's ^^.

To all the ones that want to help, you guys are welcome to. But I ain't really used to that ^^'... I mean, I don't really know how I'll import back your progress in the map file ^^.
All the time I learned using this program, I was kinda alone so I don't really know how to do it with others. But anyway, any help is welcome ^^

This map is a Huge project on my side... I got a lot of features I want to implement. (Beside the ones already available on FOTN.) But all those features requires hard to make triggers using those basic triggers.
I try to keep this project with the simplest triggering systems as possible. So if someone want to use this map as a reference or as a base/template, they'll be able to do so.

Once again, thanks for the feedbacks and info's ^^. I just woke up, but I got a full day that I can mostly use to make the map.

I'll be starting right after doing this post. (Hopefully I won't get anything else to do while I work on the map.)

I might try to get it live or maybe recorded. (Depends how lazy I feel ^^)
Level 5
Aug 5, 2011
I really want to play this fully version. Any map developers trying to help Avarthar? I mean its unprotected.
Actually, it's up to the community if they want to help or not ^^. And well as I explained in the last post, I ain't really used to working with a group on a map. (Everything should be explained above ^^)
But well... I'm always opened to work with few people to make this map ^^.
Yea, the Dark green isn't really done yet. I've worked on the light blue mostly for now ^^'.

Uhh, I was doing my edited version of Dark Green, it's a little too big and animals spawn inside. But with the Marketplace there, it should be fine.

How about you working on Light Blue area and I work on Dark Green area?

For the second point, yea. It's easy to make money right now, I need to add much more items and suchs that will require lot of money and well, I think I'll try to get a limitation on the chickens we can have. (it's kinda hard to do with the basic triggers ^^)

How about making each chicken cost like 10 gold or something? And increase their build time? So players can't spam so many chickens and they can't be millionaires within minutes.

Limiting chickens, in my opinion, is not a good idea. When player's forces expand and wars happen, it's possible they need more $$. Making each chicken cost 10 gold and have them be trained longer is a better option.

For the third point, This is something I forgot to do ^^. I did it for the dark green against the light blue I think, but not the light blue against the dark green... ^^'

I just played the second game as Dark Green team, and the same happened. Dark Green guards keep spawning and flooding even though Light Blue's castle is in ruins.

For the naga units, I think I maybe have not chosen the right one ^^'. I'll try to find a color I could use on them without taking off too much players spots. (I'll probably do the same with the orcs.)

Make them Neutral Hostile?
And the orcs can be Neutral Hostile too at first, but change them into Neutral Extras as soon as map loads.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback and info's ^^.
You're welcome. :)

To all the ones that want to help, you guys are welcome to. But I ain't really used to that ^^'... I mean, I don't really know how I'll import back your progress in the map file ^^.

How about ONE other people AT A TIME edit and add something, then have the edited map sent back to you and you or one other people edit the map?

Guards and Guard Towers look exactly the same as respectively Swordsmen and Scout Towers??? How about making Guards use Captain/Elven Swordsman model while Guard Towers a little darker and bigger? Scout Towers using, well, Scout Tower model?

I think we can add in Walls and some other stuffs as building options for Settlers. You can get some building and unit ideas from Custom Castle Defense.
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