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Settlers of Rahgaer - A Squad Based Strategy

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Well, the Undead are still being based on Egypt, as I like the Egyptian theme and the Egyptians were known for their rituals in guiding the dead to the afterlife and such.

As for what you're suggesting for a single player component, I am confused as to what you are saying lol. But one thing I do understand is that the Locust ability wouldn't solve anything in this case. The Locust ability means that a unit can't be selected by any player, nor can it be attacked by any unit. That is not what I want :p

Getting multiple unit models wouldn't help either, but thankyou for the suggestions.

Here's a couple of things I want some ideas for, though, as I am a little stuck on them atm.

1) The Demons lack any proper anti-air, especially considering I am planning on making the Succubus flying units that attack with a melee attack against ground units and that can be attacked by ground melee units in return. Should they perhaps be able to fly as well to attack air targets? Would that be enough for a proper anti-air? Or should I do that AND something else?

2) I do not have an idea for the Undead flying unit that I am content with. Some ideas I had that I wasn't satisfied with were Gargoyle Squads (which, imo, is a horrible idea :S) and Bone Dragon (I don't like that idea at all -.-). The units that I have will be listed right now.

Here is the promised list of current Undead units:

Skeleton Warrior: Basic infantry, comes in squads of 8, essential to any Undead army.

Skeleton Archer: Basic ranged unit, comes in squads of 8, essential to any Undead army.

Spectre: Fast moving cavalry substitute unit, comes in squads of either 6 or 8, they are able to dodge attacks quite frequently due to their insubstantiality, making them good for assaulting ranged units. Melee units will beat these, though.

Ghoul: Heavy infantry, comes in squads of 4, their abilities are currently undecided, but this unit is based off of Happy Cockroach's 'Anubis' Son' model. As each unit possess multiple swords, I'm considering giving them a spread melee attack so they can devastate frontlines very nicely.

Lich: Caste unit for the Undead race. They possess an aura that regenerates the unit numbers of nearby squads slowly over time, making them essential to the Undead race in order to fully grasp the power that the Undead have on the battlefield. Any other abilities have not yet been thought of.


Pharaoh's Guardians: A powerful unit squad, these units will possess an aura to inspire nearby friendly units (in a way that is yet to be decided on). They also possess superior combat abilities, allowing them to dodge attacks and cause double damage on occasion. Comes in squads of 6, and they will be limited to 2, 3 or 4 at any time.

Kauro the Lich Master: Essentially a more powerful version of the Lich with a different, or improved, set of abilities. Nothing more has been decided for this one.

Pharaoh Sefu: Bulky leader unit, this unit does.... stuff, I'm sure of it. However, I have not decided on what 'stuff' this Pharaoh shall do other than look scary and make kids wet their pants.

CLAW HAND THING: As you may have guessed from the name, I have not given this one much thought. However, I am thinking that if I were to have a fourth leader unit, it would be based on Cavman's Tomb Spider model. However, I can not think of any ideas that I am content with in terms of using that model.

...and that's it for now. I need to think more about the units, so I'll do a bit of research ;)

As for upgrades, I'm thinking that Kauro will provide a health boost to all Skeletal units, including the Pharaoh's Guards. As for Sefu, his bonus is going to require more thought :p
UPDATE: I have figured out what I will do for the Undead Siege unit and the Undead Flying unit. As both the Obsidian Statue and the Destroyer in Warcraft are Egyptian themed AND fit the description, I'm going to use them.

So, here's what the units will be:
Monolith: Undead artillery weapon, short range but shoots with a precise lightning strike to pierce through armour, can cause a lot of siege/magic damage (undecided as to whether it will still count as siege damage or will be able to be resisted via magic resisitance).

Axex: Undead flying unit, attacks with a magic attack (which may result in the Monolith using Siege damage). I am not sure what else it will do yet.
Beetles... I never thought of those, that could work quite nicely, depending on what else I add :p

Well, if I remember correctly, the only thing I have left to do with the Undead is think of a final unit and possibly another leader unit. If I don't make the Lich the Undead Special Unit, then I will require another special unit, most likely something that regenerates its health to make it unique as well as other regenerative abilities and such.

Btw, I have some awesome models of Egyptian Skeleton warriors and such which I'm using, but unfortunately they don't have death animations. Fortunately, they were on the hive but aren't any more, so I think they're allowed to be given death animations without permission from the original creator :p
not yet atm, but hopefully I'll come up with something for them soon. There's a few things that are causing me trouble atm, which are:

1) I want the Chaos Spawns to be unpredictable, but am unsure as to what to do for them. I want to stay clear of using Orb abilities because they don't work unless you actually make the attack order. I could trigger it, but the other problem with them is that I don't know what effects I actually want on them yet, so I need some inspiration please.

2) The Demons lack any decent anti-air, as mentioned before, and I can't come up with anything atm, so I'll need to spend some more time thinking about that.

3) I am unsure as to what I will do with the Succubus yet, but I'm thinking I will keep it as a ground attack unit unless I can't come up with anything else to act as a good anti-air unit.

4) Leader units and their upgrades are a bit of a strain, but now I have someone modelling for me I'm able to do more so what I want as opposed to what I'm restricted to doing, so this shouldn't be too much of a problem once we get to them =D

And I think that's about all of the complications atm for the Demon race. The main problem I had with them is old news now, and that was getting some of their special features to work. The special features will be displayed when the race is complete, but for now I will suffice it to say that the Pit Fiends will make up the bulk of Demon armies purely because of their strength in numbers.
I already have the Undead flying unit, but thx for the suggestion ;)

Basically, the Axex is a mythical beast in Egyptian mythology that is more commonly known as a Gryphon. However, instead of the Gryphon, the Axex is more of a Falcon-lion hybrid.

But the Axex isn't going to be the final flying unit of the Undead, I only chose the name because it was the closest to describing the Destroyer model (all the others were based around sphinxes, which could work I suppose, I could just call it a sphinx but meh). However, seeing as how I now have someone doing models for me, I will probably think of something more original :3

As for the Demon flying unit ideas, don't forget I now have a modeller working for me, and he is loving Demons atm :p
So, stay open to all sorts of Demonic ideas ;)

Here's a link to the page with the list of Demon units: Click me, I'm Irish
Level 13
May 11, 2005
demons will have a mix of atlantis and old sodom et gomorra, so they will be a mix of ancient greek and ancient middle east. if you don't mind, i've come up with a little background story:
they hail from an ancient city, so corrupt and evil that even the slaves were wretched. the gods were chalenged by a priest to find three pure souls inside the city walls, yet, as they were unable to find a single heart that was not wretched, they sent unto the city rains of fiery death and sunk their city in cinders. the survivors became this race of monsters, whose inner corruption shows on the surface
The demonic armies will be mainly composed of tortured slaves, eager to cause unto others the pain they suffer themselves, and led by horned aristocrats that were the former nobility
Well, I already have my back story for the Demons sorry lol, it's about how they're from an unknown and hidden island that supports its own flora and fauna. Although they aren't actually an evil race, they view all outsiders to be evil and therefore want to destroy everyone they encounter as they believe they are fighting for their own survivability.

The hierarchy of the Demon race may be viewed as twisted, though, as there is an obvious 'pecking order' and everyone knows their place. Pit Fiends are on the bottom of the pecking order, despite being stronger than Imps (purely because Imps can avoid punishment with their magical powers), so they get punished a lot, most of the time just for the enjoyment of the punisher themself.

Also, the Demons will be susceptible to power play, similar to that which one might find in a prison. That is, some higher ranking demon will help a lower ranking Demon in a time of need, but will then expect something in return, usually their service. This is how the Demonic politics work. Basically, whoever has the most support is most likely to overthrow the current leader.

So, the Demon race themselves are not so much 'evil' so much as their society is different. While some would view their society as cruel and harsh, they don't know any differently and view the societies of outside races to be worst.
Hellfire Barrage/Flak Cannon (ripped off from Warhammer)- only attacks air units. Looks like a Infernal Machine crossed with Gatling Gun. Could shoot out missiles that do bounce damage.
Blazewing- Air sapper, phoenix-y. When killed, it explodes and deals damage to nearby air units and has Flame Tongue (or whatev) that stuns and knocks back air units. Has no hp regen.
Devourer- Has ability to Devour, highly resistant to attacks [an air tank], and when (if) killed, sucks nearby air units into the area and then deals a small amount of warp damage. Has no attack, but the digestion is extra quick.
Netherwarp Hawk- Has the Duplicate ability which creates one [up to # copies] copy with the exact same stats and can attack, but cannot cast Duplicate. However, when one dies, the rest die and [wait for it] explode to deal damage to air units nearby any one of the copies/original. All have the Aerial Binding ability that 'banishes' air units.

You can do some tweaks here n there.
Okay, I have a couple of updates to post here :3

First of all, I think I'll take GhostThruster up on one of his ideas and make the Demon siege weapon have an anti-air attack as an option away from its rapid firing ground attack (or I might even make it anti-air only, depends on what people think it should do).

And for those who wish to keep track of the project from a more visual point of view, here's a link to an album in my profile which I recently made for screenies, concept art and other various pictures that are related to the project:
Level 13
May 11, 2005

just a sneakpeak at the lizardmen's brute


  • HUGELIZ.jpg
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The colour scheme is to make the Lizardmen true to the Mezo-American theme that we want to accomplish for the race itself (Mezo-American being both the Aztecs and Mayans for those who don't know). Essentially, they have their Aztec-esque Pyramids located deep in the swamps of Rahgaer, and they're very protective of said temples. Religion plays a huge part in the Lizardmen race.
Level 1
Aug 1, 2009
An awesome job with the lizardmen keep up the good work And for a mod you could add siege where 1 is an attacker and the other the defender the defende have like 3/4 forces of the attacker but got bonus like orc attack an elf sanctuary. The elf get bonus to attack/range ect. because of the purity of the place and goes on with the other races.
@Mechanical Man: No, I don't intend to have Frogmen at all. If you look through my first post (I think it's there, I'm not too sure), I mention wanting a mezo-american theme to the Lizardmen. Whether or not the model looks a bit 'froggy', all I know is it's the exact theme I'm after :3

@diosilva16: Awesome! I look forward to seeing the Shaman, and the warrior models, too :3
UPDATE: A few more ideas for some additional gameplay modes I came up with myself:

Capture the Flag: Basically, you have to capture the flag of the other player and bring it to your own base. Sound familiar? It should. The only problem I have with doing this is the complication of capturing the flag itself. After all, how would I do it? Would it simply be an item pick up and drop? Because that would mean you have to not fully upgrade your units, and I don't like that idea. A few more ideas on how to do it have popped to mind (a dummy ability with a dummy buff, a moveable relic instead of a flag, only leader units can capture the flag), but there's only one idea that I like (moveable relic). Any other suggestions? Please?

Warfare: A gameplay mode inspired by the Unreal Tournament 3 Warfare mode. Essentially, it's the same (i.e. you have the main points in your main bases which can only be damaged by capturing the points that link to it. On top of that, both teams get a wide array of vehicles which can be used to create devastating damage). While the vehicles wouldn't really apply to SoR, I might be able to make it that there's some 'magical devices' (such as Golems) which are activated when a player captures a certain point, allowing them to be controlled by the controlling player. Sound complex? It should.

And that's all for now. Please do keep the suggestions flowing.
Well, I haven't been doing too much current work on the map as of late due to being busy myself, what with uni and training (when I say training, I mean I train at least 5 days a week :p). However, I'm waiting on some models from diosilva16 before I update any of the races themselves, and he's busy with uni as well, even more so than me :p

However, I'm thinking that if we come up with enough suggestions, I might do some more triggering in my spare time to include some extra gameplay styles, perhaps some balance changes and what not :p

So, post away! :p
Hmm... I haven't got anything new yet, but it would appear that many people find that they are unable to do any proper testing of the map. So, if I find the time, I will post some screenies of the map.

Mind you, both diosilva16 and I are busy with Uni most of the time, so we will probably get back to actual work on the mod at a later date. In the meantime, however, it will probably be temporarily postponed. I dunno, I'll see what I can do :p
Then obviously you'll need to recruit some team members. I see that you need a modeller that is working full-time. Perhaps a terrainer could help as well, seeing that you're gonna make loads of maps. Coders could always be useful. And you're gonna need brainstormers, or feedbackers.

If you need some more of my ideas, ask away!
Hmm... well, I suppose having a few brainstormers on the thread most certainly couldn't be a bad thing =D
I'll let you be the lead brainstormer, GhostThruster, if you're willing of course :p
Here's the main outline of my ideas so far:

Elves: They will follow an Irish Folklore theme, and will look slightly barbaric. Essentially, diosilva16 and I did a lot of brainstorming on this when we were able, but some extra brainstorming for this race wouldn't go amiss :3

Orcs: Barbarian theme, pretty much they're already complete

Humans: Roman theme, may just change some of the names of the units to make them seem a little more Roman-esque, but otherwise they're fine

Undead: Egyptian theme, atm I already have plenty of ideas for theme, but some extra ideas wouldn't be bad

Demons: Ancient Greek Fallen City theme (can't remember the name of the cities), already have them planned out pretty well

Dark Elves: Morrowind Dark Brotherhood Feel (not sure what civilization this really is :p), which is essentially the idea that they are a matriarchal society lead by someone similar to the Night Mother from Morrowind. Basically, the theme will include spiders (for beastly spider/dark elf crossbreeds :p), so any brainstorming on this will be welcome

Lizardmen: Mezo-American theme (Aztecs and Mayans), pretty much already been brainstormed, but I'd like to see what other ideas can be thought up ;)

So, I will brainstorm up a lot of ideas (as I know the majority of what I want, but want to have a whole pool of ideas to pick from as I am now able to get models made :3) later on, but ultimately, let it commence! :p
Hmm.... that's not a bad question...
I'm wondering whether or not I'll continue with the Demons when I start modding again, or if I'll attempt the Lizardmen (which have been planned out). If I choose the Lizardmen, I'll need more models than I already have. If I choose the Demons, they'll probably only be temporary.

In fact, I'm even thinking that some of the units for the Human and Orc races might get changed (although I'm quite content with the Orcs atm, and not unhappy with the Humans, just wondering if the Airship would suit a Roman-esque feel for them).

There's an interesting thought, what's everyone's opinion on the Airship for the Humans? Should it stay with a Roman-esque feel, or should I replace it with something else? Perhaps something else which can provide unit transport, like a Siege Tower or something?
Level 17
Sep 24, 2009
I dont care what race you will choose, just choose race that you will finish faster!And I think you need to replace some orc units, like: goblins and trolls. I hate this in wc3, because orcs are: orcs, trolls and taurens!I hate that.I dont like some of your models, because they dont look like in wc3 style!
Dude, it's not Warcraft. It's a completely different universe. And in this universe, we refer to 'Taurens' as Minotaurs :3

And the Warcraft Trolls are horrible imo lol

And furthermore, different universe!

Have you seen or heard of Trolls from lores other than Warcraft? And Taurens don't carry Totems, they carry... anything OTHER than a Totem XD
My friend Mogul is a visual-fanatic. :)

Be glad to be the lead brainstormer.

Race Ideas:
Elves and Irishmen? Nawww. Just doesn't go well. Perhaps a more Protoss/Eldar race.
Rest are okay. Perhaps you ought to think outside of countries and cultures (as I have done).

General Unit Ideas:
Here are some stuff:

Elves: I dunno the archetype, but I'll assume it is Eldar/Protoss/Elven-ish. So, their units should be focused on speed, mobility, healing and quick, decisive strikes instead of hordes of charging infantry. Perhaps extra flying units should be added, and make them more ranged-ish(sounds night elfy, I know). For instance, replace a Spearman squad for ranged(it's a long spear!) anti-cavalry attacks, and some kinda heal buffer with other melees.

Complete opposite of the above. En masse is a nessesity. They are Zergish, as they heal and are numerous, though there are no 'healers'. I think perhaps adding a bonus unit will help, and to compensate, reduce the strength of others so the balance is 1:1 with other races.

Some specific unit suggestions:

Skeleton Warrior: Basic infantry, comes in squads of 8, essential to any Undead army. 2 words: cannon fodder.

Skeleton Archer: Basic ranged unit, comes in squads of 8, essential to any Undead army. Very strong ranged attacks, but if forces withstand it, then the archers are screwed because of their low health.

Howling Raiders: Weak cavalry, comes in squads of 8. You can request a model, which is just a skeletal version of a Skeleton mounted Felhound with a Frost Wyrm head. Not good for combat, but excellent harassers/disruptors, with large numbers and perhaps the Incessant Howling(bash ability with no damage bonus) and Shepherd(scares away[knocks back or forces to flee] infantry) abilities. As you can see, a very good rank-breaker.

Tomp Keeper: Heavy infantry, comes in squads of 4, this unit is based off of Happy Cockroach's 'Anubis' Son' model. As each unit possess multiple swords, I'm considering giving them a spread melee attack so they can devastate frontlines very nicely. Serves as anti-infantry infantry, they should have abilities that target infantry only and are AoE.

Speaker of Sin: Caster unit for the Undead race. They are human, but possess buffing abilities such as Greater Service(sacrifices itself to turn into single skeleton, but heals X% of all nearby undead allies) and Regenerating Rotting(targets a single unit which slowly loses Hp. Should it die with the buff, its whole squad will be replenished with double the unit's HP before the ability was cast).

Messiahs: Bonus unit for the Undead. Specialises in spreading the word of death upon the living, turning them into undead, has abilities demonstrating this like Soul Harbinge(targets a caster, and turns it into a Speaker of Sin so long as its mana is lower than this unit's mana), Ancient Curse(kills a target undead unit instantly, but also turns all nearby living units into undead for Neutral Passive) and Deceptive Servitude(turns an undead unit into your side).

I got more ideas. Also note that like I said, I'm absent coz of school.
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