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Legion TD War v2.3b x2 WS

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This is an optimized map, with many things imported. It's made
off the open-source, 1.5 Legion TD map off the official site,
out of which I created this project.

In this map, I fixed all the bugs you could find, and created
an atmosphere of winter, and holidays. I edited this map by
myself, but honestly don't feel like taking credit for this.
I am not trying to create a name for myself, I simply put
the map out there for those who want to see a truly strong
Legion TD with some new mods:

High Speed (-hs) -- Speeds up the game "process" a few times
over. This mode is for those who are tired of waiting for the
next round to come, for things to happen, and for the mobs
to beat themselves bloody. Specifically, increases attack
speeds, movement, building, upgrading, etc...

Short Mode (-sm) plus -- shortens the waiting period between
rounds by a factor of two. << Please note, you'll have to think
quickly of what you want to build. Especially if you're also
using the new "Swap Random" mod I'll tell you about in a sec...

Death Income (-di) -- (I'm paraphrasing this a bit.)
If you are sick and tired of winning or losing your games in
the "tween" levels due to noobs on your team, or noobs on
theirs ... If you've ever wanted the opportunity to get to the
real fighting, the fighting in levels 31 and on, IN EVERY GAME
... then this mode is for you. My -di will disable the "sending"
of units up until level 20 ... but ... you'll still get all
the income, like normal. After 20 rounds you'll see a notice
that this mode is being deactivated ... and then ... every man
you send will mercilessly hunt down his opponents.

Mirror Income (-mi)-- Test the strentgh of your defense by
sending units at your opponent ... and having their clones
attack YOU. You'll think twice about sending that dragon.
Will your forces be able to handle it? If not, you'll
send weaker monster until you either grow confident...
or risk it. (Because without risk, there's no meaning to life.)
And remember, your opponent isn't exactly sleeping, either...

Swap Random (-sr) -- If you wanted to conquer something new ...
create an army the might of which will overcome all expectations
... if you have imagination and insight ... then this mod is
for you! It randomly swaps your builder after every round of
the game. This will help you create a truly unique defense.
You'll have the opportunity to create a truly unstoppable
force ... or be forced to build crabs while waiting for the
race you actually want. (Keeping in mind that crabs sell for
90% of their cost).

Plus, this map includes a Map Hack Detection System.

The choices are clear. Now it's time to make YOURS!

war3, maps, TD, Winter,

Legion TD War v2.3b x2 WS (Map)

17:41, 27th Jan 2011 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 15
Sep 17, 2010
I am not so good in versions of warcraft 3, i just like to play and review maps. As one of the first people who played Legion TD, i really dont want to play this anymore. The game was awesome when it came out! But now its just tons of modes and many races. I dont know the balance right now. But i guess its pretty bad.
Can you explain what is different from last time ↓


Please UPDATE your maps next time instead of uploading them again, no one will play older version if you created new one!
There is no Author name and all messages and unit names are removed, if you don't know English please contact someone who know or request translation in our request forum, maybe will you find someone!

Other than that map look nice, I played normal version large number of times from start so I know how epic this can look like!

You have 1 week to fix language, removing it isn't option, after week I come and reject it again :sad: if you don't make any progress!

Have a nice day!
Level 2
Jan 4, 2011
Кроме вас тут есть люди у которых есть возможность читать и русский язык.
И почему всегда такие лоховские правила надо соблюдать.
Сказали бы мне спасибо, что я на вашем оцтойном сайте её вообще выложыл. Удачи вам в в розгребания той кучи дерьма карт что у вас оправданы по описанию но унылы по всем другим фактором, сужу как геймер.
Well buddy rules are here for a reason:
And because:
You are only allowed to use English in any publicly visible context of this site.
You must respect that one!

Using translator I needed to translate it to few languages I know to understand what you wanted to say!

As you can see I already told you that is gameplay fine, but I won't approve map without tooltips, unit and ability names/descriptions!

This is last warning, please use English or find someone who can do that for you, 1 day passed, 6 more left! I have nothing more to say!



Level 21
Apr 10, 2009
In addition to you here are people who have the ability to read the Russian language.
And why are always so lohovskie rules must be respected.
I would say thanks, I'm on your site otstoynom it all laid out. Good luck in that pile of crap rozgrebaniya cards that you are justified by the description but sad for all other factor that I judge as a gamer.
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
I bet he just wanted to say:

"Screw you all, other people here can read Russian.
You guys are way too tight with the rules
Good luck with those crappy maps you judge only by description"

(because a "map" can also be interpreted as a card, like a world map is a card, so if you ever see "card" in a translation, it probably means map - the rest speaks for itself).

My response:

Net everyone here can speak Russian, can they?
So let's say 5% of this community can speak Russian, then what can the other 95% do with this map?
Yeah, the game is good! I KNOW it is, I've played it! But it isn't English and you must come out of your narrow-minded view and accept it as it is, because English is the main language when it comes down to games (well... maybe korean, but they've always been special).
If there is one language that connects all countries, it is English, NOT Russian, nor any other language.

So yeah, your map is good. But if people aren't able to play it and actually understand what they're doing it doesn't matter how good the game is.

(Do you even understand me?)
Level 15
Sep 17, 2010
Кроме вас тут есть люди у которых есть возможность читать и русский язык.
И почему всегда такие лоховские правила надо соблюдать.
Сказали бы мне спасибо, что я на вашем оцтойном сайте её вообще выложыл. Удачи вам в в розгребания той кучи дерьма карт что у вас оправданы по описанию но унылы по всем другим фактором, сужу как геймер.

Man, as a russian person i want to say that your totally wrong!