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Legion Discussion

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Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
Ah so because dragons are overused in Game of Thrones, Bilbo and Eragon that makes the aspects overused simply by existing even though outside of the books they are mentioned very rarely? That makes no sense. :D
I admit that I'm being close minded about dragons,but I want something new and exciting.But wait,how come Ysera is a dragon again?Didn't they lose their power at the end of Cataclysm?

I live in Sweden so I can always find someone else, don't worry, and I'll make sure to hit a male one if that makes you sleep at night. ;)
That depends if you are male or female
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I admit that I'm being close minded about dragons,but I want something new and exciting.

And you think elves qualify as new and exciting? :D

But wait,how come Ysera is a dragon again?Didn't they lose their power at the end of Cataclysm?

She no longer has the powers granted to her by the titans, that does not mean that she transformed into a dwarf. :D She is still a dragon of powers beyond your, mine or Xavius' comprehension. Though a lot of her magical powers has been reduced she still masters the Emerald Dream like no one else, remember it was she who taught Cenarius all he knows. The fact still remains though that she's still a 200 meter tall dragon. Why she can't stomp the legion to death still puzzles my mind though.

And in case you think I am exaggerating her size it is said in the first book in the War of the Ancients trilogy by Korialstrasz that Alexstrasza is with ease 100 times taller than a mortal. (Assuming that mortal is me that would be 18 dm x 100 in other words 180 meters.) In addition in the second book in the War of the Ancients trilogy it is said that in the Emerald Dream Neltharion grew to twice his own size which made him shadow the entire mountain chain the dragons lived in. As far as proof goes that is darn solid.

That depends if you are male or female

Oh re-reading your comment I see I misunderstood. :D When you said her I thought you referred to Ralle but now I understand you mean Ysera.
Level 5
Oct 29, 2012
Please Blizzard, stop killing off the Dragons, just let them use their power for once to kill thousands of squishy little demons. Also half demon elves sound nice.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
No but half demon elves with badass blades and a lot of power are

By that standard that would also make primitive dragons biologically re-shaped by titans and given the duty to protect mortals and their world seems very unique. :D

Please Blizzard, stop killing off the Dragons, just let them use their power for once to kill thousands of squishy little demons.

If only, if Blizzard intends to make Itharius the leader I am going to as stated. "Punch a moose."
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
By that standard that would also make primitive dragons biologically re-shaped by titans and given the duty to protect mortals and their world seems very unique. :D
You have a point.Maybe I'm being too close minded.I just find Illidan and his story interesting.I'm not 100% sure why I like him so much.It's just something about him
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I hope you don't have to play a dk to see Bolvar. Well theres always youtube.

That is a concern I have since frost DK's get Frostmourne, Hunters gets Sylvanas' bow and shamans... well who the fuck cares about Thrall, the less I get to see of him the better. :D
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
Well, be getting Fangs of Ashamane, too sad I don't really know the lore behind that thing unlike Claws of Ursoc or the Scythe of Elune but I don't really like those specs.

On the other hand I'll get Doomhammer which is pretty cool, eh well I love Thrall 'cause why not.

Also about Bolvar, dunno but he seems to be appearing in all the DK questlines as their master somehow by calling them to Icecrown for something, but I hope he gets even more appearance than that.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
I have real struggles deciding what I am gonna play.

1. Played shaman both in MoP and WoD in PvE. Seems like they will be relatively the same, solid bet.
2. Druid, my most played PvE character in Cataclysm my best achievements in raiding was done on this toon. Reached 1800 in both 2v2 and 3v3 too. (both cata and mop)
Yet they changed resto druid quite a lot in WoD.
3. My paladin was my main PvP toon during Cata, reached 2k rating in 2v2. Over 5k arena wins in total.
4. Demon hunter, because reasons.

Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Ill probably go DH just because it's new,badass and Illidan is a demon hunter

Yeah I think everyone will try it out, but in my heart there's only room for Razosh the blood elf death knight of Stormscale EU. (Or high elf death knight if you've read my posts. :D)

Also lets not forget his name prior to the server change, Xemnes of Dunemaul. *Tries desperately to hold back tears.*
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Class halls everybody! http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/5341-Fire-Mage-Artifact-Intro-Class-Hall-Screenshots

It looks like these are the locations that will be class halls:

Death Knights: Archerus
Demon Hunters: Black Temple
Monks: Wandering Isle
Druids: That grove where Malfurion was taught druidism by Cenarius.
Hunters: There huge @$$ ravens so it is something that used to belong to lord Ravencrest but where I'm not sure.
Mages: Dalaran
Priests: Something clearly built by the draenei, not to mention there's a Naaru there.
Paladins: Light Hope's Chapel?
Rouges: Sewers of Dalaran.
Warlock: Some demon infested planet.
Warrior: Halls of Valor
shamans: Not in the build yet though there has been talk of the Maelstrom.
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013

Death Knights: Archerus(The Broken Shore)
Demon Hunters: Fel Hammer(Mardum)
Monks: Temple of the Five Dawns(The Wandering Isle)
Druids: Dreamgrove(Val'sharah)
Hunters: Highmountain Peak(Highmountain)
Mages: Dalaran(Azsuna)
Priests: Hall of Balance(Karabor, Shadowmoon Valley)
Paladins: Templar's Sanctum(Eastern Plaguelands)
Rouges: Dalaran Sewers(Azsuna)
Warlock: Dunno(Dunnoland)
Warrior: Halls of Valor(Stormheim)
Shamans: The Maelstrom(The South Seas)
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Alright we now have the story of how the Doomhammer passes on to the players.

Keep your eyes on Thrall. He's wounded. He's like to kill himself down here and I don't want to be the one to tell his wife!
Doomhammer... it was like a dead weight in my hands. The elements were silent. It has been this way since I used it to slay Garrosh.

Spirits... hear my call...
Are you the so-called "World Shaman?" Hah! You fight like a crippled pig.

Hear me, elements of Azeroth.
Once, we walked as one. I abused your powers for my own personal vendetta.
Take back the Doomhammer! Grant it to one who is worthy.
Teach me, and again I will be your servant.

And there's this.

Legion Pre-Launch Quests - Varian's Funeral Demon Attack
Legion - Durotar - Vol'jin's Funeral
Level 29
Mar 9, 2012
Rogues: Sewers of Dalaran.
Oh wait, ive just seen this.
some king maybe: "..and based on your heroic valor in combat, efforts in draenor and blahblah i hereby grant you the sewers of our fair city Dalaran as an fitting reward for your great deeds. May you be henceforth known as <playername>, Baron/ess of the Sewers of Dalaran, catcher of rats and vanquisher of oozy jellies."
rogue player: <you gotta be kidding me>
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
Oh wait, ive just seen this.
some king maybe: "..and based on your heroic valor in combat, efforts in draenor and blahblah i hereby grant you the sewers of our fair city Dalaran as an fitting reward for your great deeds. May you be henceforth known as <playername>, Baron/ess of the Sewers of Dalaran, catcher of rats and vanquisher of oozy jellies."
rogue player: <you gotta be kidding me>

Tbh it fits their theme, and comes with a nice intro. Rogues are supposed to be scoundrels, so I think it's better than the classy Ravenholdt.
Level 6
Feb 10, 2014
Legion Pre-Launch Quests - Varian's Funeral Demon Attack
Legion - Durotar - Vol'jin's Funeral

Who the hell will be the new Warchief ? Silvanas ?
If they want WoW to become a one faction game and transfer all Horde players to Alliance they should just do it.

Vol'Jin's Funeral better be a funeral without a body and turn up to be untrue.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Nightmare Eye mode, it seems they are going full on with the N'Zoth approach, fudge yea!

Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
...then he will destroy the world,Sargeras will have a heart attack,the legion will explode and Blizzard will no longer make a million dollars per second

Seriously though,that had me thinking.I wonder if we will ever have to flee Azeroth.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Is Nythola Zin Azhari?

If I am to speak only of what I know 100% for sure the answer would have to be no but Yogg-Saron gives us some clues to its location.

*At the bottom of the ocean even light must die.
*The silent, sleeping, staring houses in the backwoods always dream. It would be merciful to tear them down.
*There is a little lamb lost in dark woods.
*Do you dream while you sleep or is it an escape from the horrors of reality?
*In the land of Ny'alotha there is only sleep.
*In the sleeping city of Ny'alotha walk only mad things.
*Ny'alotha is a city of old, terrible, unnumbered crimes.
*The drowned god's heart is black ice.
*In the sunken city, he lays dreaming.
*The fish know all the secrets. They know the cold. They know the dark.
*Beneath the shadow of the darkened spire, there is no light, no mercy, only void, and the chaos within.

There are a few interesting factors to take in here, first the sea and the "dark forest" are often mentioned, this would doubtlessly refer to Nazjatar and the Rift of Aln. The Rift of Aln is the center of the Emerald Dream where the Maelstrom is today in our world, The Rift of Aln was however sealed since it had fallen victim to the Emerald Nightmare and the Old God N'Zoth is located there, hence the two locations seems obvious especially considering this line "The drowned god's heart is black ice." The only thing that could arguably cast doubt on this theory is this line "In the sunken city, he lays dreaming." this at first glance probably looks as the strongest supporter of my theory, which I think it is. The reason it casts doubt is because Yogg-Saron refers to N'Zoth as HE. This is a term which is very rarely used for an Old God as they are almost always called it, although I think this is only a slip by the developers and that they mean it when they say he.
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
So.. When will NZoth ever come!??! Me wanna fight him!
Wait.. wasnt the Well of Eternity in the centre of the world?(Or at Zin Azhari), meaning... NZoth lies in the bottom of the Well?!?!
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
So.. When will NZoth ever come!??! Me wanna fight him!

He was supposed to be a boss in the 4.1 raid but that whole idea got scratched, since we are going to enter the nightmare in legion I'm guessing this is the time.

Wait.. wasnt the Well of Eternity in the centre of the world?(Or at Zin Azhari), meaning... NZoth lies in the bottom of the Well?!?!

That is a popular theory and it seems very probable that is indeed the case.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Well damn it I'm going to buy Legion now, I mean I pretty much have to. Oh and don't think the viking aspect is lost on me, I'll love the shit out of this dungeon trust me on that one. ^^

Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
Well damn it I'm going to buy Legion now, I mean I pretty much have to. Oh and don't think the viking aspect is lost on me, I'll love the shit out of this dungeon trust me on that one. ^^

I really loved Stormheim, though I prefer Azsuna and Prince Farondis' storyline, especially when he shoots up fireballs to
an image of Azshara

There's a new Valarjar faction though, I hope they will reward Storm Drake mounts.
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