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Legion Discussion

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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009

First of all remember that we're almost certainly not going to see all that is promised for instance in WoD we were promised that Neatherstorm would become a zone. Well lets just say I have my doubts that Neatherstorm is ever going to be displayed.

First things first, Alleria and Turalyon, they are back for the action!

All right so the new continent is called the Broken Isles and we have a few zones to cover.


1. Val'Sharah: Once the home of druidism and the location where Malfurion was taught the ways of the druid by Cenarius back prior to the War of the Ancients. In this zone we'll encounter Xavius who will be doing what he loves to do mess with the Emerald Dreams so he will quite obviously be serving N'Zoth and trying to break him out from the Rift of Aln. So we will finally get a look inside the Emerald Dream. It is even said that we're going to go into the Emerald Dreams and dispense some justice and while this could be a reference to Xavius I hope it's a reference to N'Zoth.

2. Stormheim: This is the home of two Titan keepers that have been fighting a war with each others for thousands of years and we will travel to their homes Valor and Hellheim. Here we will learn the origin of the Valkyr and the Kvaldir as we ride "the massive ship of souls straight into the maws of Hell". Here we will also fight the Vrykuls god-king.

3. Azsuna: It is said that nowhere is the remnants of the past better displayed then here and even though it's never said in my mind this can only be ONE place, the ruins of Zin-Azshari! Here we will also encounter a dying breed of the blue dragonflight.

4. Highmountain: Here we will encounter a faction called the Highmountain Taurens who hold the relics of Khaz'goroth the titan who shaped and forged worlds. (Seems like my theory about the tauren predating the Old Gods got an extra leg to stand on. ^^) In addition here we will find the lair of the Eart-Warder, Neltharion where we will find some answers behind the Old Gods and them corrupting him into Deathwing.

5. Suramar: The childhood home of Tyrande, Malfurion and Illidan the location where we will find a new race of elves that's made of an old race of elves. Those elves have flourished here for 10 000 years through their abuse of their immense magical power. Sadly these elves have now also joined the ranks of the Burning Legion and since they guard a relic we are desperately going to need and we're going to have to slaughter their entire city and the demon guards they keep to get it.

6. Acherus: The Death Knights are back and ready to roll bitches. ^^

We then will have a sort of semi-zone called the Tomb of Sargeras which Gul'Dan has used as a gateway to numerous other Legion worlds. He actually has summoned such a large army that it outshines that which we saw in War of the Ancients and so far all the other expansions have looked like two girls fighting over the last Justin Bieber CD in comparison to WotA. We also find out that the battle of the Tomb of Sargeras will begin prior to the expansions launch and that people who've been playing over the past 5 - 10 years will be shocked over the outcome. (I'm thinking Gates of Ahn'Qiraj remake.) It's also said that after this war we will "wake up" to a Azeroth that's ablaze.

The questline of the demonhunters will start out with you seeing the past as a demon hunter sent out on a suicide mission by Illidan to find a now shattered world. That world was a jail created by Sargeras back when he was a good Titan and that jail hosted all the demons that Sargeras had slain. Now once Sargeras turned corrupt this world was the first place to be destroyed. One thing that the developers said was that we would travel to the vault of the wardens where we would find the true meaning of sacrifice and what it meant to be a demon hunter. But the most important piece of the lore that was said was that we would have to find the pillars of creation and seek help from the Titans. And where the Titans are bound our lord and savior Alexstrasza is not far behind. The Pillars of Creations are remnants of artifacts that the Titans used to shape modern Azeroth and we're going to need them in order to stop the Burning Legion at the Tomb of Sargeras.


Now for class and spec specific story. There are three questlines for every class depending on your spec and class At the end of these class quests we will get a legendary artifact item that suits your class. Blizzard claims that there are going to be 36 different artifacts. And the entire game follows a legendary quest of you attempting to claim you legendary item. Ret paladins will retrieve the Ashbringer, Prot warriors will take up the sword and shield of a fallen Vrykul King that was forged from the scales of Neltharion. Frost death knights will seek out the shards of Frostmourne and forge two one handed swords, Icebringer and Soulreaper. (I sure hope my blood DK gets the 2-handed version.) Mistweaver monks will attempt to find the Staff of Emperor Shaohao. Felo'Melorn the one handed dagger of Keal'Thas Sunstrider goes to the fire mages. The Eagle Spear from the Highmountain Taurens go to survival hunters. Enhancement shamans will get the Doomhammer a weapon that really needs no introduction. Feral druids will get fangs of the first nightsaber which isn't really a weapon but changes your appearance in cat form.








Then there's artifact power that you will recieve once you've forged your item that you will get from pretty much any activity you do. This power is used to buy traits that will improve you and your weapons as well as unlock new visuals for your weapons.

Then we also have class houses, this is a home for everyone of a specific class and you will be their leader. The reason for the classes joining together is because the Alliance and the Horde can't work together so we will say fuck this I'm out of here and form our own faction. (Hells yeah, Darion Morgraine prepare to be overthrown. ^^) Each classhouse will be hosted on different parts of the map, Shamans will overlook the Maelstrom, Paladins will be in Light's Hope Chapel and Warlocks will be in a Legion dominated world. These classhouses will be the personal playgrounds for those specific classes where you will only see other players of your class and they'll work as capitals.

Another feature we'll get is champions which is what Blizzard considers an improvement upon the Garrison followers system you'll far fewer of them but they will all play a grander role. Many of these will also be already famous characters such as Lady Liadrin for Paladins. These champions are intended to not do things instead of you but rather do things besides you and help you slay greater foes.

As for dungeons we will have Valor, a zone inspired be Valhalla where we will see the origin of the Valkyr, the maidens of light and not the servants of the Lich King that we saw in WotLK. We have Black Rook Hold that anyone familiar with War of the Ancients will remember as the home of lord Kur'Talos Ravencrest who ruled over Suramar among other locations. There will be the Vault of the Wardens where you'll start your hunt for Illidan, in case you don't know this is where Maiev kept Illidan locked in for 10 000 years. Dungeons have also been promised to be more plentiful than previous expansions and carry a larger meaning and give you a reason to enter them even after you enter the raid tier.

Now raids, first we have the Emerald Nightmare, this is very important because the game developers say that here we will end the corruption of the Emerald Dream. To end the corruption we need to destroy the corruption's heart which is the Rift of Aln where N'Zoth slumbers. Although it's never specifically said that N'Zoth will be there it seems pretty safe to assume so. Second we have Suramar Palace with Gul'Dan as the final boss and after this he'll be done, a fading memory, an ex-warlock, deceased, gone, non-existent, a rotting corpse, dead.

We also have a new honor system that's less balanced around gear and more balanced around your dedication to pvp giving you permanent PvP traits that only work in places like BG's and Arenas.

All right so feel free to debate or discuss anything about the next expansion World of WarCraft Legion.

Old Post:

With Warlords of Draenor progressing the question on my mind is what will the next expansion be? Yes I'm bringing this topic back and it wount be the last time I bring it up until either I or WoW is dead. Blizzard has stated that they have the next six or so expansions lined up and here I am to tell you my personal top 5 list of what I believe to be the future expansion.

1. The Emerald Dreams. This has to be the most awaited expansion of all time and it is the place I want to visit most of all. The main reason why we should go here is obviously because of the Rift of Aln which is located where the Maelstrom is located on Azeroth and it also houses the Old God N'Zoth. N'Zoth is the last of the known Old Gods that we have yet to defeat, he was not defeated by the Titans but instead most likely went into hiding. We do know for certain that Blizzard has plans for the Emerald Dreams as the Whispering Forest was introduced in Cata and it contain a spectacular scene. In the Whispering Forest you'll find a mushroom circle and occasionally Faerie Dragons show up casting some form of magic at the location. Faerie Dragons live mainly in the Emerald Dreams and their purpose is to police the Emerald Dreams from harmful or disturbing magic. If the ritual of the Faerie Dragons were to be disturbed no one knows what exactly could have happened. This zone was discovered shortly after the story of the novel Stormrage took place so it's possible that it would somehow be connected to the rift of Aln. The main reason used not to travel to the Emerald Dreams is because all of the zone as we've seen it so far has been a green forest. But honestly in WarCraft III we had only seen Northrend as frozen tundra and Outland was all a red wasteland yet they both became very successful continents so the only limit is Blizzards imagination.

2. The Great Seas. For a long while now we've had quite a lot of reasons to go to the islands located in the Great Seas such as Kul Tiras, Zandalar and Kezan. Kul Tiras is a zone that has been teased quite a lot of times but has somehow always stayed outside the game. Zandalar has been a long time coming as the Zandalari trolls have been our opponents since patch 4.1 and they just keep coming at us but we never strike back. This would also give us the perfect opportunity to fight Azshara and N'Zoth who would probably end up being the main antagonists of the game, not to mention we would finally find out what happened to Neptulon. It would also be great to see many other places we've heard of such as Tel Abim, The Broken Isles, Plunder Isle, the Darkspear island and Kezan. This would also be a great opportunity to meet the mother of Lady Vashj.

3. The Inner Kingdom. When WotLK was under development Blizzard planned on making the Nerubian Kingdom their first sub-terrain zone. This was later scratched however and we never got to see what's inside. The only time we've ever seen the inside of the Inner Kingdoms was during WarCraft III when Arthas traveled there and found a race of Old God alligned creatures called forgotten ones. These creatures have not since been touched and what function they serve is unknown. All we know now is that we helped some of the Nerubians untouched by Arthas reclaim their kingdom. We've also seen that these Nerubians have some clear connection to Yogg-Saron as you through archeology can find both the Puzzle-Box of Yogg-Saron and the Blessing of the Old God. One possible antagonist could be the daughter of Nezar'Azret or a reincarnated Yogg-Saron. Azjol-Nerub also covered all of Northrend so it would no doubt be big enough to host an expansion.

4. Old Azeroth. In the current storyline we as players are stuck on Draenor. Opening a portal between the two worlds and time-lines took Kairozdormu an immense amount of power, time and the luck of finding the Timeless Isle. Opening a portal to future Azeroth would be a lot more difficult than opening a portal between past Draenor and past Azeroth and obtain the help of Nozdormu, Soridormi or any other bronze dragon. The reason why I don't believe we can just open a portal to Azeroth as we know it is because the only bronze dragon that is on Draenor as far as we know is Chromie. It would obviously be a huge task for Chromie to alone open a portal that could transport everyone back to our time-line. Chromie was present during the 5.4 patch however so I wouldn't deem it impossible. The other possibility is if someone opened a portal from Azeroth. What an old Azeroth expansion would be all about can't be guaranteed though it might involve destroying the Dragon Soul to be restore the powers of the aspects.

5. Argus. For a long time now people have wanted to fight Sargeras and the most popular belief is that we'll fight him on Argus. I think it would be a fun idea if Azeroth saw the inevitable threat of the Burning Legion and all the major factions (the Alliance, the Horde, The Dragonflights etc.) declared war on the Burning Legion. This war would probably be led by Velen as we know of no one else who has been on Argus.

What do you think, do you think I am have some solid ideas or that I am a madman. Please post your thoughts on what will happen in the next expansion.
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Cool ideas. I have to admit, I haven't seen too many of these ideas before. It is tough to decide between what I "think" will be the next expansion and what I "want" to be the next expansion. :D

The emerald dream expansion has the highest probability in my opinion. It probably has the most "pointers" in the past expansions, and the relevance of N'Zoth makes it even more likely (to be honest, I never even knew too much about N'Zoth until I started reading your posts). But I think the maelstrom itself (surrounding the rift) could potentially warrant an expansion of its own! Naz'jatar & the surrounding areas haven't been touched on, but since the Rift of Aln and the maelstrom's rift are thought to be connected--it could serve as a reason for adventurers to head there. Personally, I'm hoping that we would get a maelstrom expansion and THEN the emerald dream expansion. It would be a bit sad if the two got merged, since I feel that there is so much potential lore for both of them. :( I was always a bit saddened with Vash'jir itself in that its raid was canceled, and that it really wasn't relevant after the first patch. But that also gave me hope that they would touch up on it again later! It was such a great zone, for both lore & playability I'd really like to see zones like it again.

Oh, and the dragons of nightmare... I want to see them again. I still remember my first time seeing Taerar in duskwood. I was so scared out of my mind, and as he was patrolling I decided to slip past him and run through the portal. Once I found out it did nothing, I proceeded to walk up to Taerar and die. I had two sicknesses that day: rez sickness, and a sickly urge to have the portals do something. They're still there to this day, and it'd be interesting to see Blizz do something with them.

2 is cool, and could potentially tie in with the maelstrom zones imo (if blizzard wanted to). I personally would like to see Kul Tiras, it has been far too long without it being implemented.

3 is interesting, but I feel like it wouldn't offer as diverse zones. I loved the Nerubian kingdom, but it may grow stale as far as diversity goes (even now people are frustrated with fighting orcs nonstop, and with cata it was dragons). I wanted more Nerubian areas when Wrath was released. At the moment, it feels a bit distant. Maybe it could serve as content for a patch, but I'm not quite sure where it would fit. Northrend just feels so distant now that the Lich King has been defeated, but I would certainly love to visit it again. :)

4. I like the idea, but I'm curious as to how the player-base would react to another time-related expansion. Your conflicts are good. It would probably be a huge undertaking unless they limited it to only particular areas in Azeroth. But tbh, Blizzard could get a lot of old players with something like that (assuming they made it reasonably nostalgic). If they ever do touch on time again, I would really love to see caverns of time make a comeback. :)

5. I think the Burning Legion will be an inevitable expansion for Blizz, but I'd like it to be further down. The burning legion has forever been the "ultimate" enemy in Warcraft. Although, I'd still pick this as #2 as being the most likely for the next expansion. There has certainly been a lot of burning legion related content within WoD, so it could serve as a nice followup considering players have already been introduced to them. But I personally want a maelstrom or emerald dream expansion. :3 It would make my day. Anything dealing with the old gods would be great. I could just picture them making a pre-launch event where you have to revisit AQ or Ulduar. It would be glorious.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
@PurgeandFire Thank you for your comment though I'm not entirely sure about your argument on the Inner Kingdom idea. If you go to the Upper Kingdom of Ahn'Kahet you can look down at some of the Inner Kingdom and you'll see mushroom forests, lava rivers and rocky strands. I therefor think that just as with the Emerald Dreams the only limit to the landscape is Blizzards imagination. I do however agree that we would fight mostly Nerubians and Old God minions I do think there are room for a lot more races. Not to mention that a Burning Legion expansion would have us only fighting demons so I don't really see how that's better?
Level 3
Sep 20, 2014
I really care about Naga. It can be south seas as you said here. It would br probably heavly centered about Night Elves which in my opinion is great since I really love them as well as to some point on side Blood Elves and Trolls. We would see Humans of Kul Tiras and probably more Goblins and Panderians. It could feather many islands as well as underwater zones. Emerald dream could be exelent patch, like they did Firelands or Isle of Thunder, but I doubt we would see it as expansion.

The only problem with Argus is that it will be the end of Warcraft, other then that, I think it's great idea.

As for Nerubians, I doubt we will see those in Northrend. Maybe as allies in a patch, but nothing big I think.

I would really love to see things not related to big plot expansion: Continuitation of Guillneas war (Maybe Kul Tiras turn the tides). Upgraded starting zones for Blood Elves and Dreanai. See prophet Valen forming the army of Light (he allready has Blood Elves and probably Night Elves and Humans to some point). Anduin becoming grown man amd stop being so naive. Return of Kel'thuzard (maybe nerubians can join at that point to help us). Titan glyphs.

What I DON'T WANT to see is Sylvanas or Jaina ending as boss. No new races (we have enough of playable races). No new classes (it's allready to hard to keep balance). No more time travel (please no alternate Azoroth).
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
No new races (we have enough of playable races). No new classes (it's already to hard to keep balance).

I agree, more classes and races might seem like something you want but it just removes time put in to develop the end game content.
Level 13
Jul 19, 2011
I have a small comment on number 5, in a short story, Velen had a vision about a young paladin:
Battle.net/wow said:
Instead of the prince, an armored warrior stood before him, his plate helm and breastplate shining with the essence of the Light itself. The warrior wielded a sword forged from the same material as the armor, held it aloft as he perched on an outcropping... Whether it was on another world or Azeroth, Velen couldn't quite tell. And suddenly the dark sky above erupted with the combined chivalry of Azeroth's races. The blood elves, orcs, trolls, tauren, and even the accursed undead and scheming goblins rode flying mounts of every sort and description. They were armored and armed in magical weaponry glowing with so much power it hurt Velen's eyes to look at them. Beside the legions of the Horde, the ancient night elves charged with humans, dwarves, and gnomes, whose ancestors formed the original Alliance, and the shape-changing worgen were united with them. Velen's own draenei bolstered the army, their ranks adorned in otherworldly metals and bearing crystalline maces and swords.

The Alliance and Horde were not alone.

Dragons swooped and soared in formations that made the sky resemble a giant multicolored, reptilian wing. They blanketed the horizon with their physical size and numbers, and when they roared a challenge, it shook not just the earth Velen stood on, but the universe as well.

And yet, for all this, the greatest shock to Velen's senses came as he saw those that flew just beyond the army of dragons. The naaru had taken the field, so many that Velen didn't understand how creation could contain them. The power of these beings of Light filled Velen's heart with hope, swept away the lonely centuries, and left him in wonder that he could ever despair, that the dark, no matter how terrible, could ever truly reign.
And then a shadow fell.

It was vast and empty and swallowed all light that entered it. Velen knew it would be all consuming until, at last, it would turn and devour itself, endlessly gnawing on nothing in the Great Dark Beyond, removing all meaning from the universe, from the most heart-breaking sonata to the most arresting sunset. It was too terrible to see, to comprehend, and yet the army headed straight for it. And the light began to fade...

Which means that the leader will be Anduin.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Well that is presented as a possible future and might not actually happen. For instance in 5.4 they added a cinematic labelled "Soridormi dies" where we can clearly see Kairozdormu walking away from her corpse. This did not come to be however as Kairozdormu is dead and Soridormi is still alive. The point is you shouldn't assume the future to be carved in stone. It is possible however that this could be the future and if it is it sounds awesome. As long as it's not just Anduin bringing all races together but also one Horde character like Lor'Themar I'll be happy.
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
I think Blizzard should in the future reveal whats behind Azeroth(between Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms). But for expansion after WoD i would go with N'Zoth and the nagas. Oh and it would be great if they would do finally make a story for some characters. Like Alleria and Turalyon coming back. Calia Menethil has almost no story it feels like she doesnt even exist. And seriously the Horde suffered shitload in MoP. They need to make the Alliance suffer too abit. It seems too unfair that Horde is getting killed and Alliance just keeps rising and rising.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Seeing those lost characters would be awesome. Many people seem to want a Sylvanas expansion though I oppose that for two reasons 1, who would replace her and 2 the Horde has gotten enough shit as it is. I'd like to see one of the Alliance leaders go corrupt. But other than the next expansion I'd also like the last expansion to be against the Old Gods banded together all five of them, or four. (If Y'Shaarj wont come back.)
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
Seeing those lost characters would be awesome. Many people seem to want a Sylvanas expansion though I oppose that for two reasons 1, who would replace her and 2 the Horde has gotten enough shit as it is. I'd like to see one of the Alliance leaders go corrupt. But other than the next expansion I'd also like the last expansion to be against the Old Gods banded together all five of them, or four. (If Y'Shaarj wont come back.)
Well that could be possible, but i think that Sargeras will be the last boss. The Old Gods just dont feel like anything very strong. I mean look at the status of Old Gods forces in wowpedia. They are pretty right. They are mostly defeated, but on the other hand Burning Legion has destroyed so many planets before and as far as we know Azeroth is the only planet who has defeated the Burning Legion.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Well that could be possible, but i think that Sargeras will be the last boss. The Old Gods just dont feel like anything very strong.

Really? In Yogg-Saron's weakened form we needed 25 people and 4 Keepers, N'Zoth lent a portion of his power to Deathwing and we needed four aspects to defeat him. And as far as forces goes we have the four elemental armies, the mantid, the Qiraji, (possibly the Nerubian), the sha, the iron dwarves, vrykul and giants, the naga, the nightmare creatures, the faceless ones, the forgotten ones, several sea creatures (like giant squids and probably the manta), the twillight hammers clan, the dark iron dwarves, the neferset Tol'vir, the anubisath and more. And even though yes none of them are as powerful as they used to be you can't say that togheter they don't pose a threat. Not to mention we haven't even seen the army of the fifth Old God.

I mean look at the status of Old Gods forces in wowpedia. They are pretty right. They are mostly defeated,

I did and it confirms what I just said, quite impressive isn't it. ;)

but on the other hand Burning Legion has destroyed so many planets before and as far as we know Azeroth is the only planet who has defeated the Burning Legion.

And yet it took an army of titans to defeat the Old Gods imagine five of em plus all their armies. It would be perfect all races and heroes of Azeroth and Draenor band togheter against the Old Gods. Imagine it the playable races, the furbolgs, the dragons, the ogres, the Earthen, the faerie dragons, the naaru, the high elves and all there is. Sylvanas saving the day by reviving the greatest legends of Azeroth such as Aegwynn, Malygos and Galakrond to fight against the Old Gods.

Besides if you don't know there's a theory that the aspects were designed to counter one specific Old God imagine Alexstrasza vs Yogg-Saron (Life vs Death), Ysera vs N'Zoth (Dreams vs Nightmares), Wrathion vs C'Thun (Balance vs Chaos), Kalecgos vs Y'Shaarj (Magic vs Reality? (He's a bit tough but I think if anything he would be reality as he manifests as your feelings. In a way he enforces reality.)) and Nozdormu vs the fifth Old God (Time vs whatever the hell the fifth one is.). Though this is only a theory and not the most likely one it would be a cool idea.
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Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
Well yeah the Old Gods actually are stronger, but there are so many stories which make the Old Gods look pretty weak compared to Burning Legion and thats obviously, because Old Gods cant do shit since they are imprisoned.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Well you do know that I said last expansion right? And Blizzard says that they've 6 more expansions planned so that's probably 12 years to go much can happen. And yes we've stories depicting both parties as the strongest but to be fair it took an army of Titans to defeat the Old Gods and even then N'Zoth was never defeated. I'm just assuming 1 titan < 1 army of titans even if it was one of the most powerful titans.

As for how they would break free, the gates of Ahn'Qiraj are still open so that one's easy. The sha are spread all over the place combine them with the Heart of Y'Shaarj and he could revive. N'Zoth could still be defeated between the final expansion and today so he's a little hard to guess but if we assume that he's still in the rift of Aln he could shatter the barrier. The fifth Old God is still imprisoned somewhere unknown and guarded by who knows what so it's a bit too early to guess. Yogg-Saron's the tough one but I guess the most likely answer is through the help of the other Old Gods.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Prepare for an expansion thats even more easier than WoD. Even less content. Expansion only half a year long and stupidest lore ever.

Don't forget that WoD was half the content period of MoP and cost twice as much at launch. On top of that it had a bigger subscriber drop than MoP which speaks volumes for the quality. :D
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
I do hope its the South Seas and Nazjatar expansion.

Been looking forward to see the Naga again and N'Zoth and everything else.
Still too it would be great to see finally Ogres for Horde and then Naga for Ally.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Well since WoD was terrible the next expansion might also suffer, because people already have lost faith in WoW.

Although that issue has existed since the release of Cataclysm. Even MoP had that problem although out of the three that have caused a subscription drop MoP was the only good one. It's sad that so many people weren't able to see through the pandarens.
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
Although that issue has existed since the release of Cataclysm. Even MoP had that problem although out of the three that have caused a subscription drop MoP was the only good one. It's sad that so many people weren't able to see through the pandarens.
That is the problem with people. They are like: Omg MoP sucks, because pandas are playable race like thats the only thing they ever saw. And well after MoP was released people first were like: Omg MoP is also gonna suck, but alot actually liked it. And thanks to MoP being a good expansion there was a huge hype for WoD since everyone thought WoW is getting better again, but now that WoD sucked alot the next expansion will suffer greatly, because of this.
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
That is the problem with people. They are like: Omg MoP sucks, because pandas are playable race like thats the only thing they ever saw. And well after MoP was released people first were like: Omg MoP is also gonna suck, but alot actually liked it. And thanks to MoP being a good expansion there was a huge hype for WoD since everyone thought WoW is getting better again, but now that WoD sucked alot the next expansion will suffer greatly, because of this.

Don't worry, what will happen is: Argh WoD sucked, The Dark Prophet will also be shit, then when it will be released a lot will like it. Then the next expansion after that would suck. Blizz kept us with a Pattern: Vanilla:Good->TBC:Bad->WotLK:Good->Cataclysm:Bad->MoP:Good->WoD:Bad->Next Expansion:Good

Give the pandas for the alliance and add for the horde the new great faction: Murlocs!

Please no, murlocs are purely impossibility since they have not much intelligence enough to communicate with other races, and giving Pandaren to the Alliance will put the Horde Pandaren to them, causing a faction imbalance. Plus Neutral Pandaren is just fine as it is.
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
Don't worry, what will happen is: Argh WoD sucked, The Dark Prophet will also be shit, then when it will be released a lot will like it. Then the next expansion after that would suck. Blizz kept us with a Pattern: Vanilla:Good->TBC:Bad->WotLK:Good->Cataclysm:Bad->MoP:Good->WoD:Bad->Next Expansion:Good

Please no, murlocs are purely impossibility since they have not much intelligence enough to communicate with other races, and giving Pandaren to the Alliance will put the Horde Pandaren to them, causing a faction imbalance. Plus Neutral Pandaren is just fine as it is.
Oh wow nice notice. Never saw Blizzard did such pattern with the expansions.
Level 4
Jul 25, 2014
Okay, murlocs were a bad sample. But I still think that the alliance should get the pandas and the horde a new race. Since pandas are there horde lacks of its dignity and its old morale.
They should make an expansion where´s no new zones nor level cap increase. Just improve the things that are already in the game and add some new content.
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
Okay, murlocs were a bad sample. But I still think that the alliance should get the pandas and the horde a new race. Since pandas are there horde lacks of its dignity and its old morale.
They should make an expansion where´s no new zones nor level cap increase. Just improve the things that are already in the game and add some new content.

Okay, let me say this:
Orc-Not entirely monsters. Some are even more respectful and honorable than humans, examples are shamans and several clans.
Undead-While many of them turned into the shadow, there are also ones that haven't forgot the light and their kindness.
Troll-Outside, most of them use dark magics, and many of them and other tribes are cannibal or evil, but trolls are really friendly if you'd notice and they are just savage but many are still peaceful.
Tauren-Called the most honorable race of the Horde, I pretty much agree, no explanation needed.
Blood Elves-Don't forget they are just like humans, and they have adapted several human traits, but after their fall and use of demonic magics, there are still worshipers off the light.
Goblins-Though they are destructive and greedy, they are helpful, nice and friendly, and they are good at interacting with other races, and some are even part of the Alliance.

So yeah, then the Huojin are pretty rougher than the Tushui so they just fit for the Horde.

BTW They are Pandarens.
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
Okay, murlocs were a bad sample. But I still think that the alliance should get the pandas and the horde a new race. Since pandas are there horde lacks of its dignity and its old morale.
They should make an expansion where´s no new zones nor level cap increase. Just improve the things that are already in the game and add some new content.
But why would the Pandas join the Alliance? I mean they would have a bad time there too as they would in Horde. And maybe even worse since the Worgens would love to have a fat panda meal. Oh and most people see Alliance as the good faction and Horde as evil, but it can be totally opposite.
Humans- Racist and almost never trust other races and alot are part of the twilight hammer clan/cult and not only that. Alot of them use warlock powers.
Dwarves- Some drunk midgets and alot of them serve Ragnaros.
Gnomes- its actually funny how many gnomes ive seen who are part of the twilight hammer clan/cult.
Night Elves- Well they arent so bad, but if i remember right some of them abandoned their people and joined Ragnaros and alot tried to summon Sargeras and the legion into Azeroth in the war of the ancients.
Draenei- Okay they are like the only race who doesnt seem to have done nothing evil.
Worgen- As i said earlier they would love to eat a fat panda and they are enemies to humans. They can be very dangerous to other Alliance races. They are like the calm version of fel orcs.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Furbolgs as a REAL neutral race or hozen for horde an jinyus for alliance

If we're going to have a real neutral faction I would like that to be a dragonsworn faction that is loyal to the the dragonflights and bringing balance to Azeroth. I would like them to be the already playable races but that they all start with one starting zone like the death knights. It would make sense to since the cataclysm the dragonflights probably have more dragonsworn than ever before.
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
Oh i would love a class that can turn you into a dragon. Kinda like Worgens can turn into humans. But im still hoping for a necromancer class. I would also love to see some more evil races playable like maybe some demons or nagas, but mainly i think WoW is lackin classes right now. Ive played every class and im really bored of them so im really hoping for a good class to come. And i hope its hero class, because im tired of leveling from level 1.
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
I would love to be a necromancer as well.I don't understand why they haven't put it in yet.Maybe cause there isn't a race in the alliance who really can use necromancy without being shun upon?(That's my unprofessional opinion since i'm not familiar with the alliance races)
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
I would love to be a necromancer as well.I don't understand why they haven't put it in yet.Maybe cause there isn't a race in the alliance who really can use necromancy without being shun upon?(That's my unprofessional opinion since i'm not familiar with the alliance races)
Yeah thats a problem. The undead seem to be the only one able to use necromancy. In Alliance the ones who are the closest to using necromancy i think are Worgens or maybe even Humans even though i think necromancers are undead only.
Don't worry, what will happen is: Argh WoD sucked, The Dark Prophet will also be shit, then when it will be released a lot will like it. Then the next expansion after that would suck. Blizz kept us with a Pattern: Vanilla:Good->TBC:Bad->WotLK:Good->Cataclysm:Bad->MoP:Good->WoD:Bad->Next Expansion:Good
The only problem with that is that TBC is considered by many the best expansion (as in the most hardcore in difficulty).

Here are my predictions for tomorrow:

- South Sea & Kul'Tiras. So much established lore; they would be dumb not to do this.
- No new playable races; however, a new hero class. Not sure what exactly though. It won't be a Demon-Hunter, tho. Too much similarities with Warlocks and Rogues. My crystal ball tells me it might be a bard class, which is more or less the only fantasy trope we don't have in WoW yet. So it would be a no-brainer.
- F2P announcement
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
The only problem with that is that TBC is considered by many the best expansion (as in the most hardcore in difficulty).
It was not actually a good expansion. its the nostalgia just talking. BC was pretty bad. When BC came out the dark portal opening event was pretty cool and entering outland was really cool, but it really wasnt. People were mostly camping the dark portal in the Blasted land side so basically on pvp server it was pretty impossible to get there. Outland leveling was pretty crap. Zangarmarsh, Terrokar Forest and Hellfire Peninsula were complete garbage. Shadowmoon and Blades Edge were meh. Only Nagrand and Netherstorm were good. Zul'Aman and Black Temple were a joke. Battle for mount hyjal was a trashfest. SWP was one of the only good raids actually. Dungeons were okay. And the lore was pretty weird too. Like why the fuck did Illidan randomly attack Shattarath when he was preparing for Kil'Jaedens attack. Oh and the worst thing: Had to change our epics for some shitty quest greens. Oh and remember the capturing of the stadium and stuff? That shit was also completley impossible in a pvp server, but i mean hey Outland is still better than the cata zones or Boring Tundra in Northrend.
It was not actually a good expansion. its the nostalgia just talking. BC was pretty bad. When BC came out the dark portal opening event was pretty cool and entering outland was really cool, but it really wasnt. People were mostly camping the dark portal in the Blasted land side so basically on pvp server it was pretty impossible to get there. Outland leveling was pretty crap. Zangarmarsh, Terrokar Forest and Hellfire Peninsula were complete garbage. Shadowmoon and Blades Edge were meh. Only Nagrand and Netherstorm were good. Zul'Aman and Black Temple were a joke. Battle for mount hyjal was a trashfest. SWP was one of the only good raids actually. Dungeons were okay. And the lore was pretty weird too. Like why the fuck did Illidan randomly attack Shattarath when he was preparing for Kil'Jaedens attack. Oh and the worst thing: Had to change our epics for some shitty quest greens. Oh and remember the capturing of the stadium and stuff? That shit was also completley impossible in a pvp server, but i mean hey Outland is still better than the cata zones or Boring Tundra in Northrend.
But, but, but ... 40 MAN RAIDS! :(

Anyway, I'd like to add another prediction for a possible south-sea expansion:

Removal of the Garrisons and instead have Ships as moving un-instanced Garrisons. Fixes all the problems with Garrisons elegantly; matches the theme of the expansion and is also pretty damn cool...
... which is probably why this won't come. >_>
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
But, but, but ... 40 MAN RAIDS! :(

Anyway, I'd like to add another prediction for a possible south-sea expansion:

Removal of the Garrisons and instead have Ships as moving un-instanced Garrisons. Fixes all the problems with Garrisons elegantly; matches the theme of the expansion and is also pretty damn cool...
... which is probably why this won't come. >_>
Werent 40 man raids removed in BC?
I believe any Burning Legion expansion will have them invading through Stromgarde. There's the letter found on the thief about the Argus Wake and it makes sense since both the Horde and Alliance have claims to the Kingdom through Galen (Grrr) and Dannath. It's also an almost useless and unused area so it add something to it.
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
I watched Wowcrendor video about WoW and i think i know why they made WoD so short. I guess after they saw how shit 6.1 they basically abandoned WoD and started working more on the upcoming expansion. They basically made one more shitty patch so people have something to do, but after that they basically completley abandoned WoD. I think if they really want the game to become more social they need to never use garrisons again, but in the new expansion they should also remove flying in the new zones and make like few new professions that cant be done solo and make quests what are impossible to do alone. I mean for example pandaria world bosses. They actually made WoW more social and made players team up for quests and same they should do with the new expansion. And its so stupid to read the comments. MoP is so underrated expansion. It has much better lore than most expansions. Vanilla didnt really understand the lore. It was kinda random. Just defeat all in blackrock mountain, naxxramas and the ah'qiraj. BC lore was random. WotLK has amazing lore. Cata lore was meh. Pandaria lore was amazing. I really like the mogu, zandalari and sha lore, but pandas have interesting lore too. And WoD lore was terrible since alternate reality lore is always confusing and boring. But yeah MoP was really amazing. Only thing i didnt really like is pandas being playable race. They should have just left them neutral and non playable, but i have no problem with leveling and heirlooms. I never use heirlooms and that already makes leveling fun. Problem with alot of players is: leveling is so easy, but the problem is most of them use heirlooms too. If you want harder leveling do the ironman challange, but with maybe your own rules and dont use those bloody heirlooms, but WoD leveling was shit even without heirlooms. They made everyones health lower thus you can kill monsters faster.
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@Zaramorus: A lot of player's issues with the game extend farther than just a lack of content (people were moaning even after 6.2 was released). Perhaps Blizzard picked up on this and realized that they would have to cut this xpac short and make big changes for the next expansion.

WoD lore seemed pretty good in the start, leveling was great, and they've made many great changes. Raids were apparently great, and the dungeons were quite unique as well. In the first few months, I actually had a great time. But each person has their reasons for getting bored/stopping--for me it was that they removed far more from classes and added next to nothing to compensate. Some classes, e.g. warrior, were completely gutted.

Even garrisons were pretty cool for a while, but it became an anti-social shelter over time, and addons simplified it down to a chore. (To be fair, half the interest from garrisons sprouts from managing things yourself. When it is all done for you, of course it will lose its charm.. so the downfall of garrisons is partially the fault of the playerbase)

I'm both excited and nervous about the announcement. Perhaps because this is the first expansion that I'm really not sure whether I'll play. For every other xpac (even MoP), I felt inclined to give it a shot. But if they don't make sufficient changes to classes, I probably won't bother with the xpac.

Despite all the hate on WoD as of late--I really thought it made some great strides (mythic content, timewalking, great leveling/questlines, group finder). And there are still probably at least 4 million players who are enjoying themselves. If they make the right changes, the next xpac could be incredible. If it is just new content, I don't see it going very far.
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
@Zaramorus: A lot of player's issues with the game extend farther than just a lack of content (people were moaning even after 6.2 was released). Perhaps Blizzard picked up on this and realized that they would have to cut this xpac short and make big changes for the next expansion.

WoD lore seemed pretty good in the start, leveling was great, and they've made many great changes. Raids were apparently great, and the dungeons were quite unique as well. In the first few months, I actually had a great time. But each person has their reasons for getting bored/stopping--for me it was that they removed far more from classes and added next to nothing to compensate. Some classes, e.g. warrior, were completely gutted.

Even garrisons were pretty cool for a while, but it became an anti-social shelter over time, and addons simplified it down to a chore. (To be fair, half the interest from garrisons sprouts from managing things yourself. When it is all done for you, of course it will lose its charm.. so the downfall of garrisons is partially the fault of the playerbase)

I'm both excited and nervous about the announcement. Perhaps because this is the first expansion that I'm really not sure whether I'll play. For every other xpac (even MoP), I felt inclined to give it a shot. But if they don't make sufficient changes to classes, I probably won't bother with the xpac.

Despite all the hate on WoD as of late--I really thought it made some great strides (mythic content, timewalking, great leveling/questlines, group finder). And there are still probably at least 4 million players who are enjoying themselves. If they make the right changes, the next xpac could be incredible. If it is just new content, I don't see it going very far.
Well i really liked the idea of garrisons, but the thing it made the game very un-social and herbalism and mining becoming useless was the problem. For leveling itself was awesome. The quests were interesting and the zones looked over the top. But yeah i really hate they made WoD so short. Is the expansion gonna start like we go back to Azeroth and see the nagas occupied it and Wrathion comes to us like hey guys sorry for killing of that one guys garrison. We gotta defeat the nagas. Like the thing they left Wrathion on Draenor bugs me alot. And there is actually one thing i dont understand. Why does the legion tryhard to take Azeroth? Like have they destroyed every other planet in the universe that they only target Azeroth?
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Like have they destroyed every other planet in the universe that they only target Azeroth?

Chris Metzen said during a BlizzCon Q & A (can't remember which one) that after their first initial loss the Legion took their defeat pretty personal so that's probably their reason.
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
It's pretty much 6 hours before the big reveal, peeps. Let's strengthen our minds and our power of speculation.

Recently, this appeared on twitter: https://twitter.com/TheCrafticus/status/629162029400502272

_______ __ ___ _____

This gave us a hint of the expansion's name

and: https://twitter.com/Muffinus/status/629163384177451008

So he's missing a word, what is it? So yeah let's think about it, there's a few hours and I can't wait.

(7)(of)(the)(9) with the mystery missing word

It couldn't be Legacee of the Voooiiidd or Heeroes of the Ssttoorrm

Maybe we'll get Council of the Guardians wut or Mystery of the Forgotten Kingdom, but your thoughts?
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
Well it could be like I said earlier a Burning Legion expansion based on what I said above.
I doubt it would be a Burning Legion expansion since we just dealt with the Legion. They are currently licking their wounds. I mean only way is that Wrathions prophecy will come true. Burning Legion attacks Azeroth and then the nagas rise from the waters, but i kinda doubt that would be happening, but it would be pretty cool see Burning Legion and Old Gods Forces fight unless they ally, but i hope not. Its kinda boring if there is only one evil faction. Im not really sure about the void tho. Dont know if they work for Old Gods or not.
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