First of all remember that we're almost certainly not going to see all that is promised for instance in WoD we were promised that Neatherstorm would become a zone. Well lets just say I have my doubts that Neatherstorm is ever going to be displayed.
First things first, Alleria and Turalyon, they are back for the action!
All right so the new continent is called the Broken Isles and we have a few zones to cover.
1. Val'Sharah: Once the home of druidism and the location where Malfurion was taught the ways of the druid by Cenarius back prior to the War of the Ancients. In this zone we'll encounter Xavius who will be doing what he loves to do mess with the Emerald Dreams so he will quite obviously be serving N'Zoth and trying to break him out from the Rift of Aln. So we will finally get a look inside the Emerald Dream. It is even said that we're going to go into the Emerald Dreams and dispense some justice and while this could be a reference to Xavius I hope it's a reference to N'Zoth.
2. Stormheim: This is the home of two Titan keepers that have been fighting a war with each others for thousands of years and we will travel to their homes Valor and Hellheim. Here we will learn the origin of the Valkyr and the Kvaldir as we ride "the massive ship of souls straight into the maws of Hell". Here we will also fight the Vrykuls god-king.
3. Azsuna: It is said that nowhere is the remnants of the past better displayed then here and even though it's never said in my mind this can only be ONE place, the ruins of Zin-Azshari! Here we will also encounter a dying breed of the blue dragonflight.
4. Highmountain: Here we will encounter a faction called the Highmountain Taurens who hold the relics of Khaz'goroth the titan who shaped and forged worlds. (Seems like my theory about the tauren predating the Old Gods got an extra leg to stand on. ^^) In addition here we will find the lair of the Eart-Warder, Neltharion where we will find some answers behind the Old Gods and them corrupting him into Deathwing.
5. Suramar: The childhood home of Tyrande, Malfurion and Illidan the location where we will find a new race of elves that's made of an old race of elves. Those elves have flourished here for 10 000 years through their abuse of their immense magical power. Sadly these elves have now also joined the ranks of the Burning Legion and since they guard a relic we are desperately going to need and we're going to have to slaughter their entire city and the demon guards they keep to get it.
6. Acherus: The Death Knights are back and ready to roll bitches. ^^
We then will have a sort of semi-zone called the Tomb of Sargeras which Gul'Dan has used as a gateway to numerous other Legion worlds. He actually has summoned such a large army that it outshines that which we saw in War of the Ancients and so far all the other expansions have looked like two girls fighting over the last Justin Bieber CD in comparison to WotA. We also find out that the battle of the Tomb of Sargeras will begin prior to the expansions launch and that people who've been playing over the past 5 - 10 years will be shocked over the outcome. (I'm thinking Gates of Ahn'Qiraj remake.) It's also said that after this war we will "wake up" to a Azeroth that's ablaze.
The questline of the demonhunters will start out with you seeing the past as a demon hunter sent out on a suicide mission by Illidan to find a now shattered world. That world was a jail created by Sargeras back when he was a good Titan and that jail hosted all the demons that Sargeras had slain. Now once Sargeras turned corrupt this world was the first place to be destroyed. One thing that the developers said was that we would travel to the vault of the wardens where we would find the true meaning of sacrifice and what it meant to be a demon hunter. But the most important piece of the lore that was said was that we would have to find the pillars of creation and seek help from the Titans. And where the Titans are bound our lord and savior Alexstrasza is not far behind. The Pillars of Creations are remnants of artifacts that the Titans used to shape modern Azeroth and we're going to need them in order to stop the Burning Legion at the Tomb of Sargeras.
Now for class and spec specific story. There are three questlines for every class depending on your spec and class At the end of these class quests we will get a legendary artifact item that suits your class. Blizzard claims that there are going to be 36 different artifacts. And the entire game follows a legendary quest of you attempting to claim you legendary item. Ret paladins will retrieve the Ashbringer, Prot warriors will take up the sword and shield of a fallen Vrykul King that was forged from the scales of Neltharion. Frost death knights will seek out the shards of Frostmourne and forge two one handed swords, Icebringer and Soulreaper. (I sure hope my blood DK gets the 2-handed version.) Mistweaver monks will attempt to find the Staff of Emperor Shaohao. Felo'Melorn the one handed dagger of Keal'Thas Sunstrider goes to the fire mages. The Eagle Spear from the Highmountain Taurens go to survival hunters. Enhancement shamans will get the Doomhammer a weapon that really needs no introduction. Feral druids will get fangs of the first nightsaber which isn't really a weapon but changes your appearance in cat form.
Then there's artifact power that you will recieve once you've forged your item that you will get from pretty much any activity you do. This power is used to buy traits that will improve you and your weapons as well as unlock new visuals for your weapons.
Then we also have class houses, this is a home for everyone of a specific class and you will be their leader. The reason for the classes joining together is because the Alliance and the Horde can't work together so we will say fuck this I'm out of here and form our own faction. (Hells yeah, Darion Morgraine prepare to be overthrown. ^^) Each classhouse will be hosted on different parts of the map, Shamans will overlook the Maelstrom, Paladins will be in Light's Hope Chapel and Warlocks will be in a Legion dominated world. These classhouses will be the personal playgrounds for those specific classes where you will only see other players of your class and they'll work as capitals.
Another feature we'll get is champions which is what Blizzard considers an improvement upon the Garrison followers system you'll far fewer of them but they will all play a grander role. Many of these will also be already famous characters such as Lady Liadrin for Paladins. These champions are intended to not do things instead of you but rather do things besides you and help you slay greater foes.
As for dungeons we will have Valor, a zone inspired be Valhalla where we will see the origin of the Valkyr, the maidens of light and not the servants of the Lich King that we saw in WotLK. We have Black Rook Hold that anyone familiar with War of the Ancients will remember as the home of lord Kur'Talos Ravencrest who ruled over Suramar among other locations. There will be the Vault of the Wardens where you'll start your hunt for Illidan, in case you don't know this is where Maiev kept Illidan locked in for 10 000 years. Dungeons have also been promised to be more plentiful than previous expansions and carry a larger meaning and give you a reason to enter them even after you enter the raid tier.
Now raids, first we have the Emerald Nightmare, this is very important because the game developers say that here we will end the corruption of the Emerald Dream. To end the corruption we need to destroy the corruption's heart which is the Rift of Aln where N'Zoth slumbers. Although it's never specifically said that N'Zoth will be there it seems pretty safe to assume so. Second we have Suramar Palace with Gul'Dan as the final boss and after this he'll be done, a fading memory, an ex-warlock, deceased, gone, non-existent, a rotting corpse, dead.
We also have a new honor system that's less balanced around gear and more balanced around your dedication to pvp giving you permanent PvP traits that only work in places like BG's and Arenas.
All right so feel free to debate or discuss anything about the next expansion World of WarCraft Legion.
Old Post:
With Warlords of Draenor progressing the question on my mind is what will the next expansion be? Yes I'm bringing this topic back and it wount be the last time I bring it up until either I or WoW is dead. Blizzard has stated that they have the next six or so expansions lined up and here I am to tell you my personal top 5 list of what I believe to be the future expansion.
1. The Emerald Dreams. This has to be the most awaited expansion of all time and it is the place I want to visit most of all. The main reason why we should go here is obviously because of the Rift of Aln which is located where the Maelstrom is located on Azeroth and it also houses the Old God N'Zoth. N'Zoth is the last of the known Old Gods that we have yet to defeat, he was not defeated by the Titans but instead most likely went into hiding. We do know for certain that Blizzard has plans for the Emerald Dreams as the Whispering Forest was introduced in Cata and it contain a spectacular scene. In the Whispering Forest you'll find a mushroom circle and occasionally Faerie Dragons show up casting some form of magic at the location. Faerie Dragons live mainly in the Emerald Dreams and their purpose is to police the Emerald Dreams from harmful or disturbing magic. If the ritual of the Faerie Dragons were to be disturbed no one knows what exactly could have happened. This zone was discovered shortly after the story of the novel Stormrage took place so it's possible that it would somehow be connected to the rift of Aln. The main reason used not to travel to the Emerald Dreams is because all of the zone as we've seen it so far has been a green forest. But honestly in WarCraft III we had only seen Northrend as frozen tundra and Outland was all a red wasteland yet they both became very successful continents so the only limit is Blizzards imagination.
2. The Great Seas. For a long while now we've had quite a lot of reasons to go to the islands located in the Great Seas such as Kul Tiras, Zandalar and Kezan. Kul Tiras is a zone that has been teased quite a lot of times but has somehow always stayed outside the game. Zandalar has been a long time coming as the Zandalari trolls have been our opponents since patch 4.1 and they just keep coming at us but we never strike back. This would also give us the perfect opportunity to fight Azshara and N'Zoth who would probably end up being the main antagonists of the game, not to mention we would finally find out what happened to Neptulon. It would also be great to see many other places we've heard of such as Tel Abim, The Broken Isles, Plunder Isle, the Darkspear island and Kezan. This would also be a great opportunity to meet the mother of Lady Vashj.
3. The Inner Kingdom. When WotLK was under development Blizzard planned on making the Nerubian Kingdom their first sub-terrain zone. This was later scratched however and we never got to see what's inside. The only time we've ever seen the inside of the Inner Kingdoms was during WarCraft III when Arthas traveled there and found a race of Old God alligned creatures called forgotten ones. These creatures have not since been touched and what function they serve is unknown. All we know now is that we helped some of the Nerubians untouched by Arthas reclaim their kingdom. We've also seen that these Nerubians have some clear connection to Yogg-Saron as you through archeology can find both the Puzzle-Box of Yogg-Saron and the Blessing of the Old God. One possible antagonist could be the daughter of Nezar'Azret or a reincarnated Yogg-Saron. Azjol-Nerub also covered all of Northrend so it would no doubt be big enough to host an expansion.
4. Old Azeroth. In the current storyline we as players are stuck on Draenor. Opening a portal between the two worlds and time-lines took Kairozdormu an immense amount of power, time and the luck of finding the Timeless Isle. Opening a portal to future Azeroth would be a lot more difficult than opening a portal between past Draenor and past Azeroth and obtain the help of Nozdormu, Soridormi or any other bronze dragon. The reason why I don't believe we can just open a portal to Azeroth as we know it is because the only bronze dragon that is on Draenor as far as we know is Chromie. It would obviously be a huge task for Chromie to alone open a portal that could transport everyone back to our time-line. Chromie was present during the 5.4 patch however so I wouldn't deem it impossible. The other possibility is if someone opened a portal from Azeroth. What an old Azeroth expansion would be all about can't be guaranteed though it might involve destroying the Dragon Soul to be restore the powers of the aspects.
5. Argus. For a long time now people have wanted to fight Sargeras and the most popular belief is that we'll fight him on Argus. I think it would be a fun idea if Azeroth saw the inevitable threat of the Burning Legion and all the major factions (the Alliance, the Horde, The Dragonflights etc.) declared war on the Burning Legion. This war would probably be led by Velen as we know of no one else who has been on Argus.
What do you think, do you think I am have some solid ideas or that I am a madman. Please post your thoughts on what will happen in the next expansion.
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