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[Trigger] Knockback system problem

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Level 11
Sep 12, 2008
Hey, im making a knockback system,
now my problem is this.. (I also had this problem in my fishing system)
i want to cheak if my unit is inside water, or not..
In knockback: Change effect
In Fishing: allow fishing..

Problem number 2:

I cant find a way to cheak if unit is on a mountain or not..
(Raised terrain basicly), i tried to use a unit acceleration system.. but i couldnt really use it.. since it was jass.. Z angles and stuff like that..

Thanks in advance.
Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
Okay there have been many knockback systems made that solve the problems you are just experiencing now. There is no reason that you need to create your own, and the fact that you're running into problems recreating the wheel is just a waste of everybody's time.

i want to cheak if my unit is inside water, or not..

You're using GUI, yet you can't find a value. Why not just use fuckin' JASS then? If you can't read through a drop-down menu then you might as well just convert to JASS and use somebody else' system.

  • Set onWater = (Terrain pathing at (Position of (Triggering unit)) of type Walkability is off)
That's about all the information I'll give you, I'm not going to go in depth and give you the exact solution (it would take me some time to figure out accurate answer) but you can play around with it on your own, as you seem to be so keen on doing these trivial things on your own.

I cant find a way to cheak if unit is on a mountain or not..

How does "raised terrain" qualify as a mountain?
Level 11
Sep 12, 2008
i tried the terrain pathing part allready.. doesnt work aswell..
and mountain, i used the system i found.. i dont need that anymore ;p

and why i dont use jass..
cuz i cant seem to learn it..
i tried alot of times.. its just not for me..
Level 11
Sep 12, 2008
it worked as "floating".. (i tried every single option..)
floatability = water/not water
buildability can be a second cheak
but i prefered it not to be.. i guess this can be closed..
and this was a really useless thread :/
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