19:04, 18th Feb 2013
Magtheridon96: Approved.
Useful, sufficient and efficient.
Magtheridon96: Approved.
Useful, sufficient and efficient.
library Jump requires CTL, IsTerrainWalkable optional GetUnitCollision, Table
* Jumping v. by Maker
* -Does not pause units
* -Allows jumping in place
* -Real life physics equation for the jump arc
* -Supports collision with destructables and units
* function IsPointJumpable takes real x, real y returns boolean
* -Tells if the point is walkable
* static method start takes unit un, real x1, real y1, real maxZ, real time, real gravity returns thistype
* - un = unit that jumps
* - x1, y1 = coordinates to jump to
* - maxZ = height of the arc
* - time = duration of the jump
* - gravity = well, duh
* method setUnitCollisionHeight takes real h returns nothing
* - Overrides the global U_COL_Z variable for the jump instance
* If set to 0, the jumping unit won't collide with units
* while being in air
* method setDestructableCollisionDistance takes real d returns nothing
* - Overrides the global D_COL_D variable for the jump instance
* If set to 0, the jumping unit won't collide with destructables
* while being in air
* You can catch the ending of the jump and register it for a trigger like this:
* call TriggerRegisterVariableEvent(trigger, "EVENT_JUMP_FINISH", EQUAL, 1)
* Import this library and required CTL and IsTerrainWalkable libraries from resources folder.
* I recommend also importing GetUnitCollision and Table libraries from resources folder.
* Credits
* CTL, GetUniCollision : Nestharus
* IsTerrainWalkable : anitarf and Vexorian
* Table : Bribe
// Tolerance distance for pathability
private constant real TOL = 1
// Minimum flying heigh for colliding with units. If set to 0 then won't collide with units.
private constant real U_COL_Z = 96
// Collision distance with units. Uses this if GetUnitCollision library is not used
private constant real U_COL_D = 96
// Collision distance with destructables. If set to 0 then won't collide with destructables.
private constant real D_COL_D = 96
// Maximum collision radius of units in the map. 196 for tier 3 Town Halls etc.
private constant real MAX_RAD = 196
// Moves the unit to nearest pathable point when landing
private constant boolean PATHING_LAND = false
// Is the turn speed locked when jumping
private constant boolean LOCK_FACING = true
private rect rct = Rect(0,0,0,0)
private group enu = CreateGroup()
private location loc = Location(0,0)
unit EVENT_JUMP_UNIT = null
private real flh = 0
private boolean b = false
private function GetLocZ takes real x, real y returns real
call MoveLocation(loc, x, y)
return GetLocationZ(loc)
private function DestructableFilter takes nothing returns boolean
if GetDestructableLife(GetFilterDestructable()) > 0 and GetDestructableOccluderHeight(GetFilterDestructable()) > flh then
set b = true
return false
function IsPointJumpable takes real x, real y returns boolean
if not IsTerrainPathable(x, y, PATHING_TYPE_WALKABILITY) then
return IsTerrainWalkable(x, y)
return false
struct Jump extends array
private static unit array u // Jumping unit
private static real array z0 // Location Z at jump origin point
private static real array sx // The x component of speed
private static real array sy // The y component of speed
private static real array t // Elapsed jump time
private static real array dt // How much "time" is passed during each loop
private static real array g // Gravity
private static real array sinZ // Z angle
private static real array endX // Targeted x
private static real array endY // Targeted y
private static real array tEnd // Jump end time
private static real array dfh // Default flying height
private static real array col // Collision size of the unit
private static real array colUZ // Minimum height to collide with other units
private static real array colDD // Minimum distance to collide with destructables
private static real array pw // Propulsion window of the unit
private static real array ts // Turn speed of the unit
method setUnitCollisionHeight takes real h returns nothing
set colUZ[this] = h
method setDestructableCollisionDistance takes real d returns nothing
set colDD[this] = d
implement CTL
local real x
local real y
local real z
local real fh
local unit un
implement CTLExpire
set x = GetUnitX(u[this]) + sx[this]
set y = GetUnitY(u[this]) + sy[this]
set z = GetLocZ(x, y) - z0[this]
set t[this] = t[this] + dt[this]
set fh = sinZ[this] * t[this] - g[this] * t[this] * t[this] / 2. - z + dfh[this]
if t[this] < tEnd[this] then
set b = false
if colDD[this] > 0 then
call SetRect(rct, x-colDD[this], y-colDD[this], x+colDD[this], y+colDD[this])
call EnumDestructablesInRect(rct, function DestructableFilter, null)
if fh < colUZ[this] and not b then
set flh = fh
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(enu, x, y, MAX_RAD, null)
call GroupRemoveUnit(enu, u[this])
set un = FirstOfGroup(enu)
exitwhen un == null or b
if IsUnitInRange(un, u[this], col[this]+1) and not IsUnitType(un, UNIT_TYPE_DEAD) and not IsUnitType(un, UNIT_TYPE_FLYING) then
set b = true
set un = null
set sx[this] = 0
set sy[this] = 0
set endX[this] = GetUnitX(u[this])
set endY[this] = GetUnitY(u[this])
call GroupClear(enu)
call GroupRemoveUnit(enu, un)
if not b then
call SetUnitX(u[this], x)
call SetUnitY(u[this], y)
elseif not b then
call SetUnitX(u[this], x)
call SetUnitY(u[this], y)
set sx[this] = 0
set sy[this] = 0
set endX[this] = GetUnitX(u[this])
set endY[this] = GetUnitY(u[this])
call SetUnitFlyHeight(u[this], fh, 0)
static if PATHING_LAND then
call SetUnitPosition(u[this], endX[this], endY[this])
call SetUnitX(u[this], endX[this])
call SetUnitY(u[this], endY[this])
static if LOCK_FACING then
call SetUnitTurnSpeed(u[this], ts[this])
call SetUnitPropWindow(u[this], pw[this])
call SetUnitFlyHeight(u[this], dfh[this], 0)
set EVENT_JUMP_UNIT = u[this]
set EVENT_JUMP_UNIT = null
set u[this] = null
call destroy()
implement CTLNull
implement CTLEnd
static method start takes unit un, real x1, real y1, real maxZ, real time, real gravity returns thistype
local thistype this = create()
local real x0 = GetUnitX(un)
local real y0 = GetUnitY(un)
local real angle = Atan2(y1-y0, x1-x0)
local real dist = SquareRoot((x1-x0)*(x1-x0) + (y1-y0)*(y1-y0))
local real speed = dist/time * 0.031250000
local real z1 = GetLocZ(x1, y1)
set u[this] = un
set t[this] = 0
set endX[this] = x1
set endY[this] = y1
set g[this] = gravity
set z0[this] = GetLocZ(x0, y0)
set sx[this] = Cos(angle) * speed
set sy[this] = Sin(angle) * speed
set dfh[this] = GetUnitDefaultFlyHeight(un)
static if LIBRARY_GetUnitCollision then
set col[this] = GetUnitCollision(un)
set col[this] = U_COL_D
set colDD[this] = D_COL_D
set colUZ[this] = U_COL_Z
if z0[this] < z1 then
set maxZ = maxZ + z1 - z0[this]
set sinZ[this] = SquareRoot(maxZ*2*gravity)
set tEnd[this] = (sinZ[this]+SquareRoot(sinZ[this]*sinZ[this]-2*gravity*(z1-z0[this]))) / gravity
set dt[this] = 0.03125000*(tEnd[this]-t[this]) / time
static if LOCK_FACING then
set ts[this] = GetUnitTurnSpeed(un)
call SetUnitTurnSpeed(un, 0)
set pw[this] = GetUnitPropWindow(un)
call SetUnitPropWindow(un, 0)
if UnitAddAbility(un, 'Arav') and UnitRemoveAbility(un, 'Arav') then
return this
IsTerrainWalkable - Vexorian, Anitarf CTL, GetUnitCollision - Nestharus |
v1.0.0.1 @ 22.02.2013 -Now uses (optional) GetUnitCollisionSize library for more accurate collision detection with units. v1.0.0.2 @ 24.02.2013 -Now resets the prop window of units correctly. v1.0.0.3 @ 24.02.2013 -Now sets the flying height of units that have default flying height greater than 0 correctly. v1.0.0.4 @ 03.03.2013 -Now resets the propulsion window of the jumper correctly -Changed from IsUnitInRangeXY to IsUnitInRange for better collision detection for unitsv1.0.1.4 @ 04.06.2013 -Added two new methods to be able to override the global collision settings for a jump instance v1.0.1.5 @ 08.06.2013 - if LIBRARY_GetUnitCollision then ->static if LIBRARY_GetUnitCollision then v1.0.1.6 @ 11.07.2013 -Now resets turn speed correctly |