JNGP Weird Problem

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Level 5
Mar 6, 2015
hello i have struggled with this problem for years and thats why im using GUI but there must be a solution for this ...
the problem is : for example i downloaded a vJASS Spell and i run it with JNGP everything works fine and the map is running and i can test the spell but if i move a unit create a new trigger or anything that changes the map from its default form i cant run it anymore i get 10k script errors ( Unregistered Native Function ) and the map stops from running sometimes i get CTD , i thought that might be a Lock or something that Spell creators made to prevent abusing their Resource but now i have trouble with running my own map, same problem my map is completely GUI and it can be run with default WE
im using the latest JNGP and 0.A.2.B JassHelper
what should i do to make it work the JNGP is an Epic device but it seems its not working for me


Thanks in Advance
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