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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This is my 1st work in Hive Workshop. This skin I just simple created. So, comment it will you like! Also I will improve the skin if got something unacceptable!

Jaina, Human, Hero, Blood, Mage

Blood Mage (Texture)

21:18, 20th Mar 2009 Dan van Ohllus: I agree with what Denu said in the comments:




21:18, 20th Mar 2009
Dan van Ohllus:
I agree with what Denu said in the comments:
Denu said:
It looks like you went crazy with a red brush. The skin lacks definition and is just way to blurry. Right now it just looks like a red mess. But that is something to be expected of a first attempt. You should put in more colors like that orange you got going. You should also fully define your concept by looking at references and the like. I can't really think of much else to say other than to keep at it.
Level 14
Jul 11, 2006
It looks like you went crazy with a red brush. The skin lacks definition and is just way to blurry. Right now it just looks like a red mess. But that is something to be expected of a first attempt. You should put in more colors like that orange you got going. You should also fully define your concept by looking at references and the like. I can't really think of much else to say other than to keep at it.



Level 6
Feb 20, 2009
Nice work on your first skin, 10/10 I think its almost perfect.
The legs do look a little blurry though but I don't know if thats just me or its the design.
Level 34
May 1, 2008
Hm... lower part of the cloak looks somewhat like CnP... almost every part of the skin looks blurry, except that one. Actually, there are also other things that are suspicious, but I won't mention them now. I was gonna give you 3/5, but since everything is blurry (and some parts are suspicious), I give you 2/5. But keep working on the skin, something that might solve your bluriness in the future is "Sharpen Filter", feel free to use if you got that. Which tool are you using?
Level 8
Mar 15, 2007
I try to make it clearly. But which part should I fix?

You should fix all of it.:grin:The skin is a very nice idea, but it is just too blurry and undefined. Add some more contrast to areas such as the chest, legs and hands and it should look good. As of right now, I give it a 3/5. With some more work, I could see this becoming a 5/5 skin.
Level 16
Oct 31, 2008
Hm... lower part of the cloak looks somewhat like CnP... almost every part of the skin looks blurry, except that one. Actually, there are also other things that are suspicious, but I won't mention them now. I was gonna give you 3/5, but since everything is blurry (and some parts are suspicious), I give you 2/5. But keep working on the skin, something that might solve your bluriness in the future is "Sharpen Filter", feel free to use if you got that. Which tool are you using?

To FrIkY:
I'm just using Photoshop CS4. All of this I can't edit it clearly but I got exam just now. I don't have time these days. So, wait until I finish the exam I will start the work.

To SerenityInFire:
I try to fix all of it. But, I need a tutorial of it. I'm just started all of this. I need trainer =D

To nielsjorgen:
Thanks, I will make it until the end =D
Level 16
Oct 31, 2008
Actually, this skin is my first skin projects. So, now i had stopped now. Now i busying creating map now. No time to update this projects. Apologize for this.

Also, the approvement from moderators accepted.
When that time I using the Photoshop to create this skin are a beginner. Now I had improved with some graphic design skill. So, now I had the skill of skinning now. But, I was no time do it since this few month. I know this projects is never update when rejected.

If got time I sure will update it to the best skin ever.
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