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[Crash] Issue with game crashing about 15 minutes into map

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Level 6
Jul 21, 2020

So, I've been dealing with this issue of and on with my map I'm working on. (AOS) Basically almost every game, about 15 minutes in, the game freezes and then crashes. I've checking my handle count and it never goes above 9000. (lots of units on the map), and I've simulated a Memory leak crash and it behaves differently than that. Basically the game will run completely fine and then Bam! Freezes. About 5 seconds later, the Windows Error message pops up. It's been doing this for the past few patches and I just cant get to the bottom of what is causing the crashes. At this point, I've turned all of the triggers off except for the spawning trigger. (written in Lua) and it doesn't seem to change the outcome. I've been banging on this for weeks. Checking and re-checking every trigger for leaks, try to get more detailed results but no matter what I do it just crashes around the same mark. I've duplicated the map, redid the terrain, re-imported all of the custom models again, and who knows how many times I went through the triggers. Let me know if anyone wants to help me get to the bottom of this issue. If you are able to figure out the reason this is happening I may even fork out some dough as a token of my appreciation. I'm at that point where I really want to continue working on this but can't because I can't get past this crash.

Thanks! Let me know if you guys have any questions or want me to fork anything over to help with this.
Level 6
Jul 21, 2020
Okay, here you go. It's a little long. I turned it into its own class basically.

It's composed of three scripts, the class definition, the set up script, and the script that actually creates the units and sends them to their death.

Class Script
function init_SpawnClass()

    -- Create the table for the class definition
    spawn = {}

    -- Define the new() function
    spawn.new = function()
        local self = {}

        self.bases = {}

        function self.addBase(baseName, alliedStart, alliedEnd, alliedCondition, fedStart, fedEnd, fedCondition, destination)

            -- Add all of the info the base and add the base name to the base list
            self[baseName] = {allied = {startPoint = alliedStart, endPoint = alliedEnd, condition = alliedCondition}, fed = {startPoint = fedStart, endPoint = fedEnd, condition = fedCondition}, destination = destination, units = {}}
            table.insert( self.bases, baseName )

        function self.baseCount()
            return #self.bases

        function self.unitCount( baseName )
            return #self[baseName].units

        function self.unitInWave( baseName, unitIndex, waveNumber)
            local waves = self[baseName].units[unitIndex].waves

            for index, value in ipairs(waves) do
                if value == waveNumber then
                    return true

            return false

        function self.unitInLevel(baseName, unitIndex, levelNumber)
            local levelStart, levelEnd = self[baseName].units[unitIndex].level[1], self[baseName].units[unitIndex].level[2]

            if (levelNumber >= levelStart and levelNumber <= levelEnd) then
                return true

            return false

        function self.baseAlive(baseName)
            local alliedBaseAlive = IsUnitAliveBJ(self[baseName].allied.condition)
            local fedBaseAlive = IsUnitAliveBJ(self[baseName].fed.condition)

            --local alliedBaseAlive = true
            --local fedBaseAlive = true

            return alliedBaseAlive, fedBaseAlive

        function self.checkSpawnUnit(baseName, unitIndex, levelNumber, waveNumber)
            local alliedBaseAlive, fedBaseAlive = self.baseAlive(baseName)
            local unitInWave = self.unitInWave(baseName, unitIndex, waveNumber)
            local unitInLevel = self.unitInLevel(baseName, unitIndex, levelNumber)
            local numOfUnits = self[baseName].units[unitIndex].numOfUnits
            local unitType = self[baseName].units[unitIndex].unitType

            if unitInWave and unitInLevel then
                return alliedBaseAlive, fedBaseAlive, numOfUnits, unitType
                return false, false, numOfUnits, unitType

        function self.addUnit(baseName, unitType, numOfUnits, waves, levelStart, levelEnd)
            table.insert( self[baseName].units, {unitType=unitType, numOfUnits=numOfUnits, waves=waves, level={levelStart, levelEnd}} )

        function self.spawnUnits(baseName, levelNumber, waveNumber)

            local pStart
            local pDest
            local allied = false
            local fed = false
            local lcu
            local unitType
            local numOfUnits

            for unitI=1,self.unitCount(baseName) do
                allied, fed, numOfUnits, unitType = self.checkSpawnUnit(baseName, unitI, levelNumber, waveNumber)

                if allied then

                    for i=1,numOfUnits do
                        pStart = GetRandomLocInRect(self[baseName].allied.startPoint)
                        pDest = GetRandomLocInRect(self[baseName].allied.endPoint)

                        lcu = CreateUnitAtLoc(Player(GetRandomInt(18, 20)), FourCC(unitType), pStart, bj_UNIT_FACING)
                        SetUnitUserData(lcu, self[baseName].destination)
                        IssuePointOrderLoc(lcu, "attack", pDest)


                if fed then

                    for i=1,numOfUnits do
                        pStart = GetRandomLocInRect(self[baseName].fed.startPoint)
                        pDest = GetRandomLocInRect(self[baseName].fed.endPoint)

                        lcu = CreateUnitAtLoc(Player(GetRandomInt(21, 23)), FourCC(unitType), pStart, bj_UNIT_FACING)
                        SetUnitUserData(lcu, self[baseName].destination)
                        IssuePointOrderLoc(lcu, "attack", pDest)



        return self

Set up Script (This basically sets up all of the bases, tell which base what to spawn, what spawn level to start spawn and where to send creeps) This runs once at map initialization.
function spawnSetup()

    -- Set up variables
    spawnTimer = CreateTimer()
    baseSpawn = spawn.new()
    spawnWave = 1
    spawnBaseI = 0

    cycleInterval = 5.00
    baseInterval = 0.4
    waveInterval = 20.00

    -- addBase(baseName, alliedStart, alliedEnd, alliedCondition, fedStart, fedEnd, fedCondition, destination)

    baseSpawn.addBase("arcane", gg_rct_Left_Arcane, gg_rct_Right_Start_Bottom, gg_unit_h003_0015, gg_rct_Right_Arcane, gg_rct_Left_Start_Top, gg_unit_h003_0007, 3)
    baseSpawn.addBase("arcaneCreep", gg_rct_Left_Arcane, gg_rct_Left_Elemental_Start, gg_unit_h003_0015, gg_rct_Right_Arcane, gg_rct_Right_Elemental_Start, gg_unit_h003_0007, 7)
    baseSpawn.addBase("arcaneHero", gg_rct_Arcane_Hero_Left, gg_rct_Right_Start_Bottom, gg_unit_hars_0017, gg_rct_Arcane_Hero_Right, gg_rct_Left_Start_Top, gg_unit_hars_0158, 3)
    baseSpawn.addBase("arcaneTop", gg_rct_Arcane_Left_Top, gg_rct_Right_Start_Bottom, gg_unit_hars_0355, gg_rct_Arcane_Right_Top, gg_rct_Left_Start_Top, gg_unit_hars_0293, 3)
    baseSpawn.addBase("arcaneBottom", gg_rct_Arcane_Left_Bottom, gg_rct_Right_Start_Bottom, gg_unit_hars_0292, gg_rct_Arcane_Right_Bottom, gg_rct_Left_Start_Top, gg_unit_hars_0303, 3)
    baseSpawn.addBase("blacksmith", gg_rct_Blacksmith_Left, gg_rct_Right_Everything, gg_unit_n00K_0802, gg_rct_Blacksmith_Right, gg_rct_Left_Everything, gg_unit_n00K_0477, 2)
    baseSpawn.addBase("blacksmithCreep", gg_rct_Blacksmith_Left, gg_rct_Zombie_End_Left, gg_unit_n00K_0802, gg_rct_Blacksmith_Right, gg_rct_Zombie_End_Right, gg_unit_n00K_0477, 10)
    baseSpawn.addBase("castle", gg_rct_Left_Hero, gg_rct_Right_Everything, gg_unit_h00E_0033, gg_rct_Right_Hero, gg_rct_Left_Everything, gg_unit_h00E_0081, 2)
    baseSpawn.addBase("cityElves", gg_rct_City_Elves_Left, gg_rct_Right_Everything, gg_unit_hvlt_0207, gg_rct_City_Elves_Right, gg_rct_Left_Everything, gg_unit_hvlt_0406, 2)
    baseSpawn.addBase("cityFront", gg_rct_Front_Town_Left, gg_rct_Right_Everything, gg_unit_n00B_0364, gg_rct_Front_City_Right, gg_rct_Left_Everything, gg_unit_n00B_0399, 2)
    baseSpawn.addBase("citySide", gg_rct_Left_City, gg_rct_Right_Everything, gg_unit_n00B_0102, gg_rct_Right_City, gg_rct_Left_Everything, gg_unit_n00B_0038, 2)
    baseSpawn.addBase("furbolg", gg_rct_Furbolg_Left, gg_rct_Right_Start_Top, gg_unit_n00D_0003, gg_rct_Furbolg_Right, gg_rct_Left_Start_Bottom, gg_unit_n00D_0091, 1)
    baseSpawn.addBase("highElves", gg_rct_Left_High_Elves, gg_rct_Right_Start_Top, gg_unit_nheb_0109, gg_rct_Right_High_Elves, gg_rct_Left_Start_Bottom, gg_unit_nheb_0036, 1)
    baseSpawn.addBase("highElvesCreep", gg_rct_Left_High_Elves, gg_rct_Aspect_of_Forest_Left, gg_unit_nheb_0109, gg_rct_Right_High_Elves, gg_rct_Aspect_of_Forest_Right, gg_unit_nheb_0036, 9)
    baseSpawn.addBase("merc", gg_rct_Camp_Bottom, gg_rct_Right_Start_Bottom, gg_unit_n001_0048, gg_rct_Camp_Top, gg_rct_Left_Start_Top, gg_unit_n001_0049, 3)
    baseSpawn.addBase("mine", gg_rct_Left_Workshop, gg_rct_Right_Start_Bottom, gg_unit_h006_0074, gg_rct_Right_Workshop, gg_rct_Left_Start_Top, gg_unit_h006_0055, 3)
    baseSpawn.addBase("naga", gg_rct_Naga_Left, gg_rct_Right_Start_Top, gg_unit_nntt_0135, gg_rct_Naga_Right, gg_rct_Left_Start_Bottom, gg_unit_nntt_0132, 1)
    baseSpawn.addBase("nagaCreep", gg_rct_Naga_Left, gg_rct_Murloc_Left, gg_unit_nntt_0135, gg_rct_Naga_Right, gg_rct_Murloc_Right, gg_unit_nntt_0132, 8)
    baseSpawn.addBase("nightElves", gg_rct_Left_Tree, gg_rct_Right_Start_Top, gg_unit_e003_0058, gg_rct_Right_Tree, gg_rct_Left_Start_Bottom, gg_unit_e003_0014, 1)
    baseSpawn.addBase("orc", gg_rct_Left_Orc, gg_rct_Right_Start_Top, gg_unit_o001_0075, gg_rct_Right_Orc, gg_rct_Left_Start_Bottom, gg_unit_o001_0078, 1)
    baseSpawn.addBase("shipyard", gg_rct_Left_Shipyard, gg_rct_Right_Start_Top, gg_unit_eshy_0120, gg_rct_Right_Shipyard, gg_rct_Left_Start_Bottom, gg_unit_eshy_0047, 1)
    baseSpawn.addBase("hshipyard", gg_rct_Human_Shipyard_Left, gg_rct_Right_Start_Bottom, gg_unit_hshy_0011, gg_rct_Human_Shipyard_Right, gg_rct_Left_Start_Top, gg_unit_hshy_0212, 3)
    baseSpawn.addBase("town", gg_rct_Left_Forward_Camp, gg_rct_Right_Start_Bottom, gg_unit_h00F_0029, gg_rct_Right_Forward, gg_rct_Left_Start_Top, gg_unit_h00F_0066, 3)
    baseSpawn.addBase("undead", gg_rct_Undead_Left, gg_rct_Right_Everything, gg_unit_u001_0262, gg_rct_Undead_Right, gg_rct_Left_Everything, gg_unit_u001_0264, 2)

    -- addUnit(baseName, unitType, numOfUnits, {waves}, levelStart, levelEnd)

    -- Arcane Spawn
    baseSpawn.addUnit("arcane", "h00C", 2, {5,6,7,8,9}, 3, 12)  -- Sorcress
    baseSpawn.addUnit("arcane", "hgry", 1, {2,3,4,5,6,8,10}, 10, 12)  -- Gryphon Rider

    -- Arcane Creep Spawn
    baseSpawn.addUnit("arcaneCreep", "narg", 2, {1,2,3,4}, 2, 12)  -- Battle Golem
    baseSpawn.addUnit("arcaneCreep", "hwt2", 1, {1,2,3,4}, 3, 12)  -- Water Elemental (Level 2)
    baseSpawn.addUnit("arcaneCreep", "hwt3", 1, {1,2,3,4}, 4, 12)  -- Water Elemental (Level 3)
    baseSpawn.addUnit("arcaneCreep", "h00K", 1, {1,2,3,4,5,10}, 6, 12)  -- Magi Defender

    -- Arcane Hero Sapwn
    baseSpawn.addUnit("arcaneHero", "n00A", 1, {5,6}, 7, 12)  -- Supreme Wizard
    baseSpawn.addUnit("arcaneHero", "nsgg", 1, {4,6}, 9, 12)  -- Seige Golem

    -- Arcane Top Spawn
    baseSpawn.addUnit("arcaneTop", "narg", 4, {4,5,6}, 2, 12)  -- Battle Golem
    baseSpawn.addUnit("arcaneTop", "hwt2", 1, {4,5,6}, 4, 12)  -- Water Elemental (Level 2)
    baseSpawn.addUnit("arcaneTop", "hwt3", 1, {5,6}, 8, 12)  -- Water Elemental (Level 3)

    -- Arcane Bottom Spawn
    baseSpawn.addUnit("arcaneBottom", "narg", 4, {1,2,3}, 2, 12)  -- Battle Golem
    baseSpawn.addUnit("arcaneBottom", "hwt2", 1, {1,2,3}, 4, 12)  -- Water Elemental (Level 2)
    baseSpawn.addUnit("arcaneBottom", "hwt3", 1, {2,3}, 8, 12)  -- Water Elemental (Level 3)

    -- Blacksmith Spawn
    baseSpawn.addUnit("blacksmith", "h011", 1, {1,2,3,4,5}, 3, 12)  -- Castle Footman
    baseSpawn.addUnit("blacksmith", "h00L", 1, {1,2,3,4}, 4, 12)  -- Knight
    baseSpawn.addUnit("blacksmith", "h00L", 1, {1,2,3,4}, 5, 12)  -- Knight
    baseSpawn.addUnit("blacksmith", "h012", 1, {1,2,3}, 6, 12)  -- Scarlet Commander
    baseSpawn.addUnit("blacksmith", "hmtt", 1, {1,5}, 6, 12)  -- Seige Engine
    baseSpawn.addUnit("blacksmith", "hmtm", 1, {3,8}, 7, 12)  -- Cannon
    baseSpawn.addUnit("blacksmith", "h00D", 1, {2}, 10, 12)  -- Commander of the Guard

    -- Blacksmith Creep Spawn
    baseSpawn.addUnit("blacksmithCreep", "h007", 4, {1,2,3,4}, 1, 6)  -- Militia
    baseSpawn.addUnit("blacksmithCreep", "nhea", 1, {1,2,3,4}, 3, 12)  -- Archer
    baseSpawn.addUnit("blacksmithCreep", "hspt", 1, {1,2,3,4}, 4, 12)  -- Tower Guard
    baseSpawn.addUnit("blacksmithCreep", "h012", 2, {1,2,3,4,5}, 7, 12)  -- Scarlet Commander
    baseSpawn.addUnit("blacksmithCreep", "hcth", 2, {1,2,3,4,5}, 9, 12)  -- Captian

    -- Castle Spawn
    baseSpawn.addUnit("castle", "h00S", 1, {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}, 8, 12)  -- Commander

    -- City Elves
    baseSpawn.addUnit("cityElves", "nhea", 1, {1,2,3,4,5,6}, 1, 3)  -- Archer
    baseSpawn.addUnit("cityElves", "hspt", 1, {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}, 2, 3)  -- Tower Guard
    baseSpawn.addUnit("cityElves", "hspt", 2, {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}, 4, 5)  -- Tower Guard
    baseSpawn.addUnit("cityElves", "nchp", 1, {1,2,3,4}, 3, 12)  -- Mystic
    baseSpawn.addUnit("cityElves", "hspt", 3, {1,2,3,4,5,6}, 6, 12)  -- Tower Guard
    baseSpawn.addUnit("cityElves", "nhea", 1, {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}, 4, 12)  -- Archer
    baseSpawn.addUnit("cityElves", "nchp", 1, {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}, 7, 12)  -- Mystic

    -- City Front Spawn
    baseSpawn.addUnit("cityFront", "h007", 2, {2,3,4,5,6,7}, 1, 2)  -- Militia
    baseSpawn.addUnit("cityFront", "h007", 3, {2,3,4,5,6,7}, 3, 5)  -- Militia
    baseSpawn.addUnit("cityFront", "hfoo", 3, {2,3,4,5,6,7}, 4, 12)  -- Footman
    baseSpawn.addUnit("cityFront", "hcth", 2, {2,3,4,5,6}, 6, 12)  -- Captian

    -- City Side Spawn
    baseSpawn.addUnit("citySide", "h007", 1, {6,7,8,9,10}, 1, 2)  -- Militia
    baseSpawn.addUnit("citySide", "hfoo", 2, {6,7,8,9,10}, 2, 12)  -- Footman
    baseSpawn.addUnit("citySide", "h007", 2, {6,7,8,9,10}, 3, 12)  -- Militia

    -- -- Furbolg Spawn
    -- baseSpawn.addUnit("furbolg", "n00E", 2, {1,3,4,5,6,7,8}, 1, 4)  -- Furbolg
    -- baseSpawn.addUnit("furbolg", "n00G", 1, {1,3,5,7,9}, 3, 12)  -- Furbolg Shaman
    -- baseSpawn.addUnit("furbolg", "n00E", 2, {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}, 4, 12)  -- Furbolg

    -- High Elves
    baseSpawn.addUnit("highElves", "earc", 2, {1,2,3,4,5}, 1, 12)  -- Ranger
    baseSpawn.addUnit("highElves", "e000", 1, {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}, 2, 12)  -- Elite Ranger
    baseSpawn.addUnit("highElves", "hhes", 4, {1,2,3,4}, 4, 12)  -- Swordsman
    baseSpawn.addUnit("highElves", "nemi", 1, {1,2,3,4,5,6}, 5, 12)  -- Emmisary

    -- High Elves Creep
    baseSpawn.addUnit("highElvesCreep", "hhes", 2, {1,2,3,4}, 1, 12)  -- Swordsman
    baseSpawn.addUnit("highElvesCreep", "nhea", 1, {1,2,3,4,5}, 2, 12)  -- Archer
    baseSpawn.addUnit("highElvesCreep", "nemi", 1, {1,2,3,4}, 4, 12)  -- Emmisary
    baseSpawn.addUnit("highElvesCreep", "h010", 2, {1,2,3,4,5}, 5, 12)  -- Elven Guardian

    -- Merc Spawn
    baseSpawn.addUnit("merc", "n002", 2, {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}, 1, 12)  -- Merc
    baseSpawn.addUnit("merc", "n003", 2, {4,5,6,7,8,9,10}, 2, 12)  -- Merc Archer
    baseSpawn.addUnit("merc", "n002", 2, {7,8,9,10}, 3, 12)  -- Merc
    baseSpawn.addUnit("merc", "n008", 3, {7,8,9,10}, 4, 12)  -- Enforcer
    baseSpawn.addUnit("merc", "nass", 1, {6,7,8,9,10}, 5, 12)  -- Assasin
    baseSpawn.addUnit("merc", "n004", 1, {7,8,9,10}, 1, 12)  -- Wizard Warrior
    baseSpawn.addUnit("merc", "n005", 1, {7,8,9,10}, 6, 12)  -- Bandit Lord

    -- Mine Spawn
    baseSpawn.addUnit("mine", "h001", 1, {2,3,4,5,6}, 2, 12)  -- Morter Team
    baseSpawn.addUnit("mine", "h008", 2, {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}, 3, 12)  -- Rifleman
    baseSpawn.addUnit("mine", "h013", 1, {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}, 4, 12)  -- Rifleman Long
    baseSpawn.addUnit("mine", "ncg2", 2, {1,2,3,4,5}, 4, 12)  -- Clockwerk Goblin
    baseSpawn.addUnit("mine", "n00F", 1, {2,3,4,5,6,7}, 5, 12)  -- Automaton

    -- Naga Spawn
    baseSpawn.addUnit("naga", "nmyr", 1, {3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}, 1, 12)  -- Naga Myrmidon
    baseSpawn.addUnit("naga", "nnsw", 1, {4,5,6,7,8,9,10}, 2, 12)  -- Naga Siren
    baseSpawn.addUnit("naga", "nnrg", 1, {5,6,8,9,10}, 5, 12)  -- Naga Royal Guard
    baseSpawn.addUnit("naga", "nhyc", 1, {1,3,5,7,8,9}, 9, 12)  -- Dragon Turtle

    -- Naga Creep Spawn
    baseSpawn.addUnit("nagaCreep", "nmyr", 2, {1,2,3,4}, 2, 12)  -- Naga Myrmidon
    baseSpawn.addUnit("nagaCreep", "nnsw", 1, {2,3,4,5}, 4, 12)  -- Naga Siren
    baseSpawn.addUnit("nagaCreep", "nsnp", 1, {2,3,4,5}, 6, 12)  -- Snap Dragon

    -- Night Elves Spawn
    baseSpawn.addUnit("nightElves", "nwat", 1, {3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, 2, 12)  -- Sentry
    baseSpawn.addUnit("nightElves", "edry", 1, {1,4,5,7,9}, 3, 12)  -- Dryad
    baseSpawn.addUnit("nightElves", "edoc", 2, {1,3,5,7,9}, 4, 12)  -- Druid of the Claw
    baseSpawn.addUnit("nightElves", "e005", 1, {2,4,6,8}, 5, 12)  -- Mountain Giant
    baseSpawn.addUnit("nightElves", "nwnr", 1, {5}, 11, 12)  -- Ent
    -- Orc Spawn
    baseSpawn.addUnit("orc", "o002", 2, {3,5,6,7,8,9,10}, 1, 12)  -- Grunt
    baseSpawn.addUnit("orc", "o002", 2, {5,6,7,8,9}, 3, 12)  -- Grunt
    baseSpawn.addUnit("orc", "nftr", 1, {4,5,7,8,9,10}, 2, 12)  -- Spearman
    baseSpawn.addUnit("orc", "nogr", 3, {2,4,6,8,10}, 4, 12)  -- Ogre
    baseSpawn.addUnit("orc", "nw2w", 1, {1,3,5,7,9}, 3, 12)  -- Warlock
    baseSpawn.addUnit("orc", "owad", 1, {1,6,9}, 6, 12)  -- Orc Warchief
    -- baseSpawn.addUnit("orc", "ocat", 1, {1,5}, 6, 12)  -- Demolisher

    -- Human Shipyard Spawn
    baseSpawn.addUnit("hshipyard", "hdes", 1, {2,4,6}, 1, 2)         -- Human Frigate
    baseSpawn.addUnit("hshipyard", "hdes", 1, {2,4,8,10}, 3, 4)       -- Human Frigate
    baseSpawn.addUnit("hshipyard", "hdes", 1, {2,4,6,8,10}, 5, 12)    -- Human Frigate
    baseSpawn.addUnit("hshipyard", "hbsh", 1, {3,8}, 5, 12)        -- Human Battleship

    -- Night Elf Shipyard Spawn
    baseSpawn.addUnit("shipyard", "edes", 1, {1,2}, 1, 2)         -- Night Elf Frigate
    baseSpawn.addUnit("shipyard", "edes", 1, {1,2,4,6}, 3, 4)     -- Night Elf Frigate
    baseSpawn.addUnit("shipyard", "edes", 1, {1,2,4,6,8,10}, 5, 12)  -- Night Elf Frigate
    baseSpawn.addUnit("shipyard", "ebsh", 1, {3,7}, 5, 12)        -- Night Elf Battleship

    -- Town Spawn
    baseSpawn.addUnit("town", "h007", 3, {1,2,3,4,5}, 1, 5)  -- Militia
    baseSpawn.addUnit("town", "h007", 2, {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}, 3, 12)  -- Militia
    baseSpawn.addUnit("town", "hcth", 1, {1,2,3,4}, 2, 12)  -- Captian
    baseSpawn.addUnit("town", "n00X", 2, {1,2,3,4,6,8}, 3, 12)  -- Arbalist
    baseSpawn.addUnit("town", "hfoo", 5, {1,2,5,6,8}, 5, 12)  -- Footman
    baseSpawn.addUnit("town", "h00L", 2, {1,3,7,9}, 4, 12)  -- Knight

    -- Undead Spawn
    baseSpawn.addUnit("undead", "ugho", 4, {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, 1, 12)  -- Ghoul
    baseSpawn.addUnit("undead", "uskm", 2, {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}, 2, 12)  -- Skeleton Mage
    baseSpawn.addUnit("undead", "unec", 1, {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}, 3, 12)  -- Necromancer
    baseSpawn.addUnit("undead", "nerw", 1, {1,6}, 4, 12)  -- Warlock
    baseSpawn.addUnit("undead", "nfgl", 1, {2,5,8}, 5, 12)  -- Giant Skeleton

    --DisplayTextToForce(GetPlayersAll() , "Spawn Setup")
    StartTimerBJ(spawnTimer, false, 10)

This actually spawns the units and runs in a loop
function spawnRun()

    trg_spawnRun = CreateTrigger()
    TriggerRegisterTimerExpireEventBJ(trg_spawnRun, spawnTimer)
    TriggerAddAction(trg_spawnRun, function ()

        -- Iterate everything up
        spawnBaseI = spawnBaseI + 1

        if (spawnBaseI > baseSpawn.baseCount() ) then
            spawnBaseI = 0
            spawnWave = spawnWave + 1

            if spawnWave > 10 then
                spawnWave = 1
                StartTimerBJ(spawnTimer, false, cycleInterval)
                StartTimerBJ(spawnTimer, false, waveInterval)

            return true
            StartTimerBJ(spawnTimer, false, baseInterval)

        -- Find the Base to Spawn Next
        local baseName = baseSpawn.bases[spawnBaseI]

        -- Spawn the Units at the selected Base
        baseSpawn.spawnUnits(baseName, udg_INTcreepLevel, spawnWave)
Level 9
Mar 26, 2017
I don't see anything wrong with these triggers, but I may have missed something as this is fairly complex.

You might be able to check at what point this crashes. If not at a particular point, you could break down these functions further (for instance, deactivating some bases).
Level 6
Jul 21, 2020
Okay, I think I figured it out. The things that are weird is I don't understand why it's fixed. Switching out the Furbolg units with Kobold units. When the furbolgs are back in the pool it crashes again. I guess I found a bug with Furbolg's mass spawning. ugh, on the plus side, I think I'm past it now.
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