Hello everyone,
I have a quite hard question. I'm making a FPS map. I would like to create a 3D perspective. Indeed, that would create a more intensive gameplay. For exemple, I would like to make a unit going under and on a bridge. Is this possible ?
For the bridge, I'm working on that at this moment.
Watch this thread:
I'm working on such a system, it'll take some time to figure out how to create parallelogramic regions.
But when this is done I'll create a system that would be capable of defining a "fake" region to be the same size as the bridge which gives you the ability to change units who enter from the cliff side to look as if they are flying. According to the z-height of the terrain, making it look as if the unit is walking on top of the bridge, while they can not go outside the "fake" region so that they won't be abled to walk off the sides of the bridge.
Which then makes it possible for other units to simultaniously walk underneath the bridge since they did not enter the "fake" region from the cliffside but from the cliff path underneath it.
Once this system is done I'll give a fully detailed explenation on how it should be used. I'll try to explain it as simplified as possible so that both GUI and Jass users are abled to use it inside their maps.
Caution: this system WILL take a long time before it is realised. And respectively I might fail due to impossible calculations.
Please be patient and if you are, it might never be released :S. I'll try my best though since I need it too.
Either ways, if your bridges are not diagonal, thus vertical or horizontal it won't be such a big deal to accomplish this.
But in my particular case (diagonal) I would have to re-invent regions through a co-ordinate system.
For the 3D perspective, I assume you want to use trackables in order to trace mouse movement so that it's possible to "look" with your weapon?
And of course a first person camera needs to be created, including a movement system which is operable through the usage of arrow keys I suppose?
Not only that, but you would also need to create fade filters in order to draw the weapon on the screen, and then to animate it replace those fade filters respectively in a periodic timer.
It would be impossible to create this game for online gameplay due to the usage of mouse trackables for each player.
And I strongly suggest to take it down a notch and try to figure out a game which might be easier to create.
Unless of course you want to dive into heavy scripting and really understand what you are trying to accomplish here.
In this case, try using Reinventing the Craft...
After all, I haven't seen any successfull first person shooters in warcraft 3
Just saying...