Need some pointers on how to make my ability via triggers.
I want to make an ability called "Frenzy", that shall nullify target unit's armor (armor equals 0) and add the same amount of dmg to his usual dmg as is his armor at the moment - and all this just for the duration of the ability.
Ex.: A unit casts "Frenzy" on itself - unit has 5-10 dmg and 5 armor - for the duration of the spell units armor becomes 0 and it's damage becomes 5-10 +5 or 10-15.
1) Is this possible to make?
2) Give me some guidance on how to start making the trigger?
(especially the part with the armor, except this I think I can manage everything else)
I want to make an ability called "Frenzy", that shall nullify target unit's armor (armor equals 0) and add the same amount of dmg to his usual dmg as is his armor at the moment - and all this just for the duration of the ability.
Ex.: A unit casts "Frenzy" on itself - unit has 5-10 dmg and 5 armor - for the duration of the spell units armor becomes 0 and it's damage becomes 5-10 +5 or 10-15.
1) Is this possible to make?
2) Give me some guidance on how to start making the trigger?
(especially the part with the armor, except this I think I can manage everything else)