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Piercing Damage

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Level 2
Jan 24, 2008
Hello. Is it possible to give a unit Piercing Damage? I shall define:
Piercing Damage (as presented in this thread) is damage that ignores Armor. It is not the same thing as normal Damage however. For example:
If I have 200 Dmg, and you have 50 Armor, when I attack you, you take 150 damage.
Now suppose I have 200 Dmg and 5 Piercing Damage. If you have 50 Armor, when I attack you, you take 155 damage.
But, if I have 200 Dmg and 5 Piercing Damage, and you have 0 Armor, when I attack you, you take 200 Dmg. Because, there is no Armor to pierce. Does it make sense?

I would like to make a skill called "Piercing Damage." With each level the skill goes up, the hero gains +1 Piercing Damage. Is it possible? Thanks.
Level 15
Jan 16, 2008
Of course it is possible. All you have to do is set some triggers.
whatever you need
whatever you need
Unit - order (unit1) to damage (unit2) for (n) damage and attack type of (pure)-> pure damage bypasses armor! also, this order will not interrupt that unit's orders, yet the killing unit will get credits for the kill.
i hope this is helpful to you
Level 7
Aug 5, 2005
First of all: armor reduces damage as a percent, not just subtractive.

Second: There's an item called Orb of Corruption that reduces armor of units your unit attacks. Perhaps you could find a way to turn its effect into an ability.
Level 2
Jan 24, 2008
"First of all: armor reduces damage as a percent, not just subtractive."
Oh, is that so (not sarcastic)? I'm pretty sure you're wrong about that. So in my example above, if I do 200 dmg to you, and you have 50 armor, you're saying you WON'T necessarily take 150 dmg? It's some percent formula?

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Makes no sense as armor in WC3 is a % reduction, so 50 armor may be near 99% damage reduction or as low as only 20% or less depending on game play constants.

The only way for you to do what you want is to emulate it by writing a complex trigger system that uses your own calculations for damage.

Also you can get trigger created damage to ignore armor, armor types and reductions by setting it correctly.
Level 15
Jan 16, 2008
The formula for reduction is a square root of something(it hardly hits 100% reduction), and what is your point? Pure damage acts as if armor reduction is 0%...
It was my mistake to call it pure damage, i was referring to the spirit link damage(it bypasses armor).
There is also a part missing in the upper action. The 'pure' damage will bypass armor reduction, but not the armor type.
In order to ignore the armor type, select the attack type - chaos(it has no bonuses or reductions towards other types).
Once again, i'm sorry...
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Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
umm no
"OMG am I desperate ???"
Searing arrows ignore armor
put it in a disabled spell book (so players cant turn it off)
make no mana requirement for it
That is the only way I know (also you can use a damage detection system etc but not suggested)
Level 7
Nov 13, 2006
I suggest you do this way.
Create dummies for each level of the ability and with the damage set to how much you want to damage plus and NO projectile. (make it ranged)
and then setup the spell and the following trigger

Event: A unit attacks a unit
Condition: Attacking unit has (buff) (i suggest you make this spell as an aura to check buff)
If , Then , Else:

If - Attacked unit has armor greater or equal to 1
Level of ability (your ability) equals 1
Then - Create 1 (dummy for level 1) for (owner of attacking unit) at (position of attacking unit)
Unit order to attack [Attacked Unit]
Unit give generic expiration timer (your time here)

Else - Do nothing

you do this for each level of the spell and if you want you can rafine it

if you don't get it tell me and i will create a demo map

PS:for the dummy use chaos damage ;)
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