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Damage Type

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Level 2
Nov 19, 2014
i have changed all constants in my map and made something like fire water grass and these stuff
in my map PIERCE attack=FIRE attack
SPELL attack =Grass attack
Medium armor = Water armor
So, if a unit with pierce attack type attacked a unit with medium armor he will deal only 20% of the damage. That works fine and great
But i cant figure out how to change spells like "Immolation" damage type??
lets say i want my immolation damage type to be pierce.. how i can do that?
if the spell is triggered i can use order the unit to damage .... with attack type ....
but i don't think triggering every single spell is a smart way to do it.
Also, i am not that good at doing it. i am not even sure how to trigger immolation.
Any ideas on how to change spells damage type?
Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
afaik you cannot, so you either be happy with the way it is, or you trigger all spells with different than default damage type. Immolation isnt the hardest spell to replicate, but I know that you didnt say it is the only :D
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
Triggering all spells is not that hard to do.
You just need one system/way to do it for every type of spell.

Lets say for every immolation type of spell you need one system.
For every heal aura you use the same but then heal instead of damage.

I dont know how many spells you already have but it is worth to try to trigger it all.

For Immolation, you put every unit in an array and for every... seconds of gametime, you deal damage to nearby units.

I could make it for you. It is not that hard.
Level 2
Nov 19, 2014
Thanks everyone.
Regarding the triggers, i only have 3 spells in the map i am just starting, i changed the spell attack type to normal that deal 100% to everything
since i only have 6 different attack types i can make spells the 7th one with 100% to all

i'll still try to trigger it and if i did i might ask you how my trigger is.
Thanks a lot :)
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
I am making an Effect Over Time System (there is already an older version in the spell section but it is really bad) so you can trigger stuff like drain life (with or without channeling) and change damage type. Or make something like immolation with different attack-type and damage-type.

I will upload it within a few days.
Could be worth a try.
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