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Skill level needed to make abilities for my ORPG?

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Level 2
Oct 9, 2011
It'd be much appreciated to get some feedback on the skills for my ORPG. I have here the list of the Warrior skills. They are generic ORPG skills. +rep for cliche! Need to know about the skill level needed to create them, and if I'll need to learn Jass.

Skills General Info:
Passive- Skills that are always active, 2 may be active at a time.
Stance- Skill that can be toggled on and off. ONLY 1 may be active at a time.
Active- Skill that requires a key stroke to use. Various one time effects.

Warrior Skills:

Inhuman Strength: Gives a bonus to STR based on Level.

Level < 25
+1xLevel to STR
Level >=25
+1.25xLevel to STR
Level >=50
+1.5xLevel to STR
Level >=75
+2xLevel to STR

Hack At Thy Neck: Gives a small chance to do critical damage

Level < 25
3% chance, 1.25x DMG
Level >=25
6% chance, 1.35x DMG
Level >=50
9% chance, 1.45x DMG
Level >=75
12% chance, 1.55x DMG

Agile Warrior: Gives a bonus to AGI based on Level.

Level < 25
+.75xLevel to AGI
Level >=25
+1xLevel to AGI
Level >=50
+1.25xLevel to AGI
Level >=75
+1.5xLevel to AGI


Counter Stance: Gives % chance based on level to deal damage to attacker based on STR.

Level < 25
5% chance, 1x STR
Level >=25
12.5% chance, 1x STR
Level >=50
15% chance, 1.5x STR
Level >=75
17.5% chance, 1.75xSTR

Fury Stance: Gives bonus to attack speed, and damage, but a decrease in armor.

Level < 25
+5% ATK SPD, +5% DMG, -10% Armor
Level >=25
+7.5% ATK SPD, +7.5% DMG, -15% Armor
Level >=50
+10% ATK SPD, +10% DMG, -20% Armor
Level >=75
+12.5% ATK SPD, +12.5% DMG, -25% Armor

Indomitable Stance: Gives bonus to armor, health, but reduces movement, and damage.

Level < 25
+1xLevel to Armor, +25hp/Level, -25% M.SPD, -25% DMG
Level >=25
+1.25xLevel to Armor, +50hp/Level, -25% M.SPD, -25% DMG
Level >=50
+1.5xLevel to Armor, +75hp/Level, -25% M.SPD, -25% DMG
Level >=75
+2xLevel to Armor, +100hp/Level, -25% M.SPD, -25% DMG

Double Strike: Strikes enemy 2 times doing damage based on STR and ATK DMG.

Level 1
1st Strike Normal Damage +0.5xSTR, 2nd Strike Normal Damage +0.25xSTR
Level 2
1st Strike Double Damage +0.5xSTR, 2nd Strike Normal Damage +0.25xSTR
Level 3
1st Strike Triple Damage +0.5xSTR, 2nd Strike Double Damage +0.25xSTR
Level 4
1st Strike Triple Damage +0.75xSTR, 2nd Strike Double Damage +0.5xSTR

Crushing Blow: Does bonus damage based on STR, chance to inflict Crippled status.

Level 1
+1xSTR to DMG, 25% chance to inflict Cripple
Level 2
+1xSTR to DMG, 35% chance to inflict Cripple
Level 3
+1.25xSTR to DMG, 45% chance to inflict Cripple
Level 4
+1.25xSTR to DMG, 55% chance to inflict Cripple

Charge!: Dashes toward enemy and inflicts Stun. Higher Levels Make stun AOE

Level 1
.5 second Stun
Level 2
1 second Stun, 75 AOE
Level 3
1.5 second Stun, 100 AOE
Level 4
2 second Stun, 125 AOE

Cleave: Does damage to all enemies in forward arc based on level.

Level 1
Does +10 DMG/Level
Level 2
Does +12.5 DMG/Level
Level 3
Does +15 DMG/Level
Level 4
Does +20 DMG/Level

Epic Skill, Rivers of Flowing Blood: Strikes enemy then gives bonus to STR for a very short time based on DMG

Level 1
Strikes enemy. Bonus to STR = DMG for 1 second
Level 2
Strikes enemy. Bonus to STR = DMG for 1.5 seconds
Level 3
Strikes enemy. Bonus to STR = DMG for 2 seconds
Level 4
Strikes enemy. Bonus to STR = DMG for 2.5 seconds
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
First question: Do you need it MUI (For any quantity of units) or MPI (Only 1 unit per player)?.

BTW, I'm not an expert, but I can give you some toughs about your skills and how to do them.

It'd be much appreciated to get some feedback on the skills for my ORPG. I have here the list of the Warrior skills. They are generic ORPG skills. +rep for cliche! Need to know about the skill level needed to create them, and if I'll need to learn Jass.

Skills General Info:
Passive- Skills that are always active, 2 may be active at a time.
Stance- Skill that can be toggled on and off. ONLY 1 may be active at a time.
Active- Skill that requires a key stroke to use. Various one time effects.

Warrior Skills:

Inhuman Strength: Gives a bonus to STR based on Level.

Level < 25
+1xLevel to STR
Level >=25
+1.25xLevel to STR
Level >=50
+1.5xLevel to STR
Level >=75
+2xLevel to STR

This is easy but. 1xLevel of Unit? Level of Skill?

Hack At Thy Neck: Gives a small chance to do critical damage

Level < 25
3% chance, 1.25x DMG
Level >=25
6% chance, 1.35x DMG
Level >=50
9% chance, 1.45x DMG
Level >=75
12% chance, 1.55x DMG

Even easier than the first, but you will need to use a Damage Detection System. All of them detect the 'Damage Dealt, the Damage_Source, and Damaged_Unit', also provides the event 'Damage is dealt' (Not exactly like that, each DSS has it's own) Weep's GUI Friendly Damage Detection System is the most easy and basic around here, look for it in the Spell section.

Event - GDD_Event becomes equal to 0.00
Condition - Level of Hack at Thy Neck for GDD_Damage Source is...
Action - If /then / Else
(1) If - Level of GDD_DamageSource less than 25 AND (Just add another condition) Random Integer between 1 and 100 is less than or equal to 3..
THEN - Cause GDD_DamageSource to deal GDD_Damage x1.25 yo GDD_Damaged Unit..
Else - If / Then / Else
- Create the red floating text that displays damage dealt.
(2) If Level of GDD_DamageSource less than 50 AND Random Integer between 1 and 100 is less than or equal to 6..
- Go on adding the rest.

Agile Warrior: Gives a bonus to AGI based on Level.

Level < 25
+.75xLevel to AGI
Level >=25
+1xLevel to AGI
Level >=50
+1.25xLevel to AGI
Level >=75
+1.5xLevel to AGI

Same than the first. ¿Level of What?.


Counter Stance: Gives % chance based on level to deal damage to attacker based on STR.

Level < 25
5% chance, 1x STR
Level >=25
12.5% chance, 1x STR
Level >=50
15% chance, 1.5x STR
Level >=75
17.5% chance, 1.75xSTR

What do you think? :p Same than for critical strike, but this time you are the DamagedUnit. Just set the conditions and 'Cause GDD_DamagedUNit to deal Real(Str of GDD_DamagedUnit) to GDD_DamageSource.. bla bla..

Fury Stance: Gives bonus to attack speed, and damage, but a decrease in armor.

Level < 25
+5% ATK SPD, +5% DMG, -10% Armor
Level >=25
+7.5% ATK SPD, +7.5% DMG, -15% Armor
Level >=50
+10% ATK SPD, +10% DMG, -20% Armor
Level >=75
+12.5% ATK SPD, +12.5% DMG, -25% Armor

I think Avatar does something like that... if it doesn't...

Decrease Amor Amount is hard to do in a simple way, since (as far as I Know) there are no skills that decrease armor by %, only by fixed values. The rest is easy.

There's an aura (I can't remember now the name) that increases Attack Speed and Damage. Create a custom ability based on that aura, set the range to... 10 (just affects your unit) Give it 4 levels, set the ATK SPD and DMG values to what you want. With the trigger you can add and set the ability level to whatever you want.. Is not hard.

To reduce the armor, you can just use 'Item Armor Bonus' or something like that, press SHIFT-DOBLECLICK on the 'Armor Bonus' value, and set a negative value to whatever you want.

Indomitable Stance: Gives bonus to armor, health, but reduces movement, and damage.

Level < 25
+1xLevel to Armor, +25hp/Level, -25% M.SPD, -25% DMG
Level >=25
+1.25xLevel to Armor, +50hp/Level, -25% M.SPD, -25% DMG
Level >=50
+1.5xLevel to Armor, +75hp/Level, -25% M.SPD, -25% DMG
Level >=75
+2xLevel to Armor, +100hp/Level, -25% M.SPD, -25% DMG

Same than before. Manipulating armor and damage is hard. You can set the Max HP values with 'Unit - set Life / Mana' and do your formula based on level. For movement speed, you'll have to give the unit 'Bonus Speed' ability with a negative value, and remove it after the stance changes.

Double Strike: Strikes enemy 2 times doing damage based on STR and ATK DMG.

Level 1
1st Strike Normal Damage +0.5xSTR, 2nd Strike Normal Damage +0.25xSTR
Level 2
1st Strike Double Damage +0.5xSTR, 2nd Strike Normal Damage +0.25xSTR
Level 3
1st Strike Triple Damage +0.5xSTR, 2nd Strike Double Damage +0.25xSTR
Level 4
1st Strike Triple Damage +0.75xSTR, 2nd Strike Double Damage +0.5xSTR

So far, you should already know how to do this :p Just use 'Unit cause GDD_DamageSource to deal (GDD_Damage + (0.75 x Str)) etc..

Crushing Blow: Does bonus damage based on STR, chance to inflict Crippled status.

Level 1
+1xSTR to DMG, 25% chance to inflict Cripple
Level 2
+1xSTR to DMG, 35% chance to inflict Cripple
Level 3
+1.25xSTR to DMG, 45% chance to inflict Cripple
Level 4
+1.25xSTR to DMG, 55% chance to inflict Cripple

You definitely have to know how to do this after reading all the past skills :p The chance to inflict cripple just do it with 'If Then else with random integer, like the first skills. You may need a Dummy Unit to cast cripple (A unit that does nothing but cast skills) If the chance is done, create the Dummy, add the dummy the ability, order the dummy to cast the skill, and remove the dummy.

Charge!: Dashes toward enemy and inflicts Stun. Higher Levels Make stun AOE

Level 1
.5 second Stun
Level 2
1 second Stun, 75 AOE
Level 3
1.5 second Stun, 100 AOE
Level 4
2 second Stun, 125 AOE
Stun is easy, but the dash part is hard. You'll need some scripts and special effects for that. I'm too noob for that :D

Cleave: Does damage to all enemies in forward arc based on level.

Level 1
Does +10 DMG/Level
Level 2
Does +12.5 DMG/Level
Level 3
Does +15 DMG/Level
Level 4
Does +20 DMG/Level
Same than before. Shouldn't be hard, but will require scripts.

Epic Skill, Rivers of Flowing Blood: Strikes enemy then gives bonus to STR for a very short time based on DMG

Level 1
Strikes enemy. Bonus to STR = DMG for 1 second
Level 2
Strikes enemy. Bonus to STR = DMG for 1.5 seconds
Level 3
Strikes enemy. Bonus to STR = DMG for 2 seconds
Level 4
Strikes enemy. Bonus to STR = DMG for 2.5 seconds

DMG... You really want to crease str by 600 (If that's the damage dealt)? :p Giving str bonus for that amount of time will only help the hero to get a small hp bonus, and maybe 1 extra hit with bonus damage. Anyway for this you handle timers (i don't know how exactly). But the damage part, just 'Set STR of Unit to (Current Str of Unit + Damage), then wait the duration, then Set STR of Unit to (Current Str of Unit - Damage).
Level 8
Jan 8, 2010
for Fury Stance:
the aura that give % bonus to attack speed is Endurance Aura, you might want to do that, and use Command Aura for the % bonus to damage. but you have to use the SpellBook method for it. you can check this tutorial. i can't find the tutorial i used to understand the spellbook method, but it should suffice. you can also use Devotion Aura for the negative armor. like Spartipilio said, using a % decrease/increase in armor is difficult, but it is not possible. i know i found a post somewhere here discussing changing an armor by %. and you can also just set the range of the auras to 0 and place only Self on the Targets Allowed to make it target only the hero.

on Indomitable Stance:
setting unit's life to Unit - Set Life/Mana doesn't increase it's values to the max value, but instead sets it to a value less than or equal to the unit's max value (..or i haven't knew that :p). btw, increasing its max hp with a per level basis will be hard, because you will have to create many Item Life Bonus-based abilities. and no, you can't add two same-named abilities on the same unit and expect it to have an increase in life. e.g. add 2 Item Life Bonus with 50 bonus hitpoints won't increase the unit's life to 100, but only 50. the solution is add 2 different named abilities based from that ability (Item Life Bonus A and Item Life Bonus B) to have a 100 increase. with that in mind, using a skill with +hp per level skill will include many Item Life Bonus. but you can do it :D

on Charge!:
looks just like Barathrum's Charge ability. look for a spellpack on Barathrum's spells (i don't know if there is one here) but you should find the base spell for your Charge!

on Rivers of Flowing Blood:
just a very few seconds? o_O
an idea might be, when the unit casts a skill (or hits an enemy, whichever you like) create a dummy unit and order to cast a dummy buff to your character with a duration equal to the duration of the bonus to STR. save first the STR of the character to a variable, and use Spartipilo's suggestion on "Set STR of Unit..", but don't use waits. then start a periodic timer trigger every 0.5 seconds that checks if the character has the dummy buff. if it doesn't have the dummy buff, return the unit's strength to the value in the saved variable. and you should also account for the change in STR when the unit level up during the duration.
Level 2
Oct 9, 2011
When a skill is xLevel its referring to the level of the hero using it. 1-99. As far as MUI or MPI, def MPI. And thanks for all the info! Alot more then I expected when I posted this :)
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
Hehe... @ronojales - I said 'Wait' as a 'Time-Gap' between actions, not really the 'Wait' action, which I hate :p I said something about timers somewhere :p.

@fullmetal1288: If the skills refers to the level of the hero and not the ability...
1) When your hero learns the skill, you have to set a 'Real' variable called 'STR bonus[Player Number]' or something like that.

When Unit Learns Skill:
(1) Set '1Str_Bonus[Player Number] = Level of (Unit) x 1'
(2) Unit - Add 'Str_Bonus[Player Number]' to (Unit) Str.

When Unit Levels Up:
(1) Set '2Str_Bonus[Player Number] = (Level of (Unit) x 1) - (1Str_Bonus[Player Number])
(2) Unit - Add '2Str_Bonus[Player Number]' to (Unit) Str.

As you see... this doesn't happen automatically (though there must be a way to). You have to 'Fake' the effect of the Str bonus. If you don't subtract the first str bonus before adding the second one, you'll have a stackable str bonus... that will give 1, 1+2, 1+2+3, 1+2+3+4, etc.

Also, I think there's a way to make the formula work using (Mod) or (Modulo) function to remove the If/then/else to set the level... But i'm not that good on Math, Maker (The user) is :p He taught me that.

- Same goes for AGI bonus.

[Warning] It must be something like that, haven't tested though.
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
I don't know how you add the skills to the unit... but should be something like this.

Make "StanceBoolean = False" required to learn a stance skill. If the unit Learns the Stance Skill, set "StanceBool" to true. If the Unit tries to learn a Stance Skill already having one (means, having "StanceBool = True") display a message "You can Only have 1 stance skill at the same time" Something like that (I think you'll have to make the StanceBool an array and use [Player Number].

For active passive abilities, you can use an Integer (Actually, can be used too for the stance thing, anyway...) When a unit learns a passive skill, set "PassiveSkill = Passive Skill + 1". The condition to learn a passive skill would be "Passive Skill <= 2" means, Less than Or Equal to 2. If PassiveSkill is already 2, then display message "You can only have 2 passive skill at the same time":
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