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can anyone help because I needs 3 custom skills?

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Level 6
Apr 5, 2018
Two characters culturist and necromancer.
First Necromancer
Bone Spear (20 levels) (hero skill can pierce monsters)
Level 1- 180 damage (every level bigger damage)
Second Culturist
Muscle Buff (20 Levels) (+20% hit points in 350 AoE)
Level 1 - +3 armor in 350 AoE (every level more armor, but hit points every time +20%)
Knockback (10 Levels, ultimate) (Knockback enemies)
Level 1 - 20% chance to knockback (every level increase damage of the knockback and punch damage)
Please Help me! Good Idea if you give me trigger map with these skills. Thank you for all!


Warcraft Moderator
Level 67
Aug 10, 2018
Two characters culturist and necromancer.
First Necromancer
Bone Spear (20 levels) (hero skill can pierce monsters)
Level 1- 180 damage (every level bigger damage)
Second Culturist
Muscle Buff (20 Levels) (+20% hit points in 350 AoE)
Level 1 - +3 armor in 350 AoE (every level more armor, but hit points every time +20%)
Knockback (10 Levels, ultimate) (Knockback enemies)
Level 1 - 20% chance to knockback (every level increase damage of the knockback and punch damage)
Please Help me! Good Idea if you give me trigger map with these skills. Thank you for all!
Also, please go into detail! I understand what you want for the most part but it's still confusing. If English is difficult for you then try to compare it to other abilities us Warcraft players will know. Or compare it to DotA heroes if you know any xD

Explain it like an ability tooltip from DotA and give every little detail:

Knockback - Attacks have a 20% chance to knockback the enemy unit and deal bonus damage.
Targeting Type: Passive
Push Distance: 200/400/600
Bonus Damage: 25/50/75
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Level 6
Apr 5, 2018
Muscle Buff (based on roar) (need trigger to increase units hp by 20% in 350 AoE) Targeting type:Roar Buff
Muscle buff increase armor of nearby allies level 1-20 3/5/7/8/10/12/14/16/18/20/22/24/26/28/30/35/38/42/45/50
Muscle buff increase life points of nearby allies by 20%/20%/20% etc. Every level is 20% Muscle Buff is not permament, it is work only 15 seconds.
Necromancer bone spear works based on shockwave or I doesn't know, need pierce all monster in 1200 range, bone spear is piercing missile like in diablo 2 LOD (I can do bone spear based on shockwave)
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Level 6
Apr 5, 2018
Muscle Buff:based on roar +20% hit points and +X(based on lvl) armor in 350 AoE for 15 seconds, but I don't want permament +20% hp (need +20% for 15 seconds, after 15 seconds normal hp).
Knockback push distance 250/250 etc.
Knockback deal x3/x3,5/x4/x4,5/x5/x5,5/x6/x6,5/x7/x8
Knockback stun for 2,25/2,25 seconds etc.
Based on Bash
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Level 4
Sep 2, 2016
Base Muscle Buff button ability on Channel.
Muscle Buff +20% HP is a WoW "Commanding Shout". Find how to make it. Base it on vitality item ability "AIlf"(ctrl+d).
Armor bonus base on AoE armor buff "AIda"(ctrl+d) ability. Or use single unit item armor ability "AId1"(ctrl+d) if you want buffs to stack.

Knockback is Dota Barathrum 3rd skill passive basically. Find how to make it. It can be based on Mountain King Bash "AHbh"(ctrl+d).
Use timers and Units Grups to track the buffed units and unbuff them after timers expire. You can track knockback movement vector with unit's facing angle and "unit has buff" condition.

Easy. Just like everything will take time.
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Level 26
Sep 26, 2009
Muscle Buff:
Muscle Buff can be based on druid's Roar ability, as that ability has the option to give a temporary flat armor bonus.
The issue is % bonus health, because as far as I know there is no ability that gives temporary % health bonus (there are only flat bonuses).
You can add % bonus health to a unit via triggers, but this is a rabbit's hole - while it seems easy at first, you have to handle a lot of edge cases (hero levels up so his base health increases, the buff can be dispelled, casting the Roar spell on a unit that already has this buff, ... just to name a few edge cases). If you really want % health bonus, it may be worth it checking the resource section on this site for a health bonus system.

Bone Spear:
Can be based on Dread Lord's Carrion Swarm ability (that is similar to Shockwave, but does deform terrain). One thing to note - both shockwave and carrion swarm are spells so they ignore armor, but I am not sure if your Bone Spear should ignore armor or not.

There are a lot of knock-back systems on this site. You can pick one and integrate it into your map
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