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[Trigger] can anyone help because I needs 3 custom skills?

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Level 6
Apr 5, 2018
Two characters culturist and necromancer.
First Necromancer
Bone Spear (20 levels) (hero skill can pierce monsters)
Level 1- 180 damage (every level bigger damage)
Second Culturist
Muscle Buff (20 Levels) (+20% hit points in 350 AoE)
Level 1 - +3 armor in 350 AoE (every level more armor, but hit points every time +20%)
Knockback (10 Levels, ultimate) (Knockback enemies)
Level 1 - 20% chance to knockback (every level increase damage of the knockback and punch damage)
Please Help me! Good Idea if you give me trigger map with these skills. Thank you for all!
Level 6
Apr 5, 2018
Muscle Buff (based on roar) (need trigger to increase units hp by 20% in 350 AoE) Targeting type:Roar Buff
Muscle buff increase armor of nearby allies level 1-20 3/5/7/8/10/12/14/16/18/20/22/24/26/28/30/35/38/42/45/50
Muscle buff increase life points of nearby allies by 20%/20%/20% etc. Every level is 20% Muscle Buff is not permament, it is work only 15 seconds.
Necromancer bone spear works based on shockwave or I doesn't know, need pierce all monster in 1200 range, bone spear is piercing missile like in diablo 2 LOD (I can do bone spear based on shockwave)
Muscle Buff:based on roar +20% hit points and +X(based on lvl) armor in 350 AoE for 15 seconds, but I don't want permament +20% hp (need +20% for 15 seconds, after 15 seconds normal hp).
Knockback push distance 250/250 etc.
Knockback deal x3/x3,5/x4/x4,5/x5/x5,5/x6/x6,5/x7/x8
Knockback stun for 2,25/2,25 seconds etc.
Based on Bash
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